The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 36: Twin Terrors

It was a long eighteen days with a lot of expansion and chaos. I got Ada and Viper pregnant after they drugged me and I went feral. I smacked all of their heads with a rolled up paper when I came to my senses. It was six days away from Valentine’s Day and coincidentally fourteen days from my birthday. Red Queen alerted me she found Krauser and that Nemesis was ready for deployment. The Goliath Exo suit was fully prepared and was ready for testing which made me extra happy. Viper also gifted me a small former Hydra base on a island near America. I promptly made this island the Umbrella Security Service main base.

Yawn and Jackson were now both low quality grade three B.O.W’s. Their relationship blossomed when they were upgraded. The system also made me pay for a special injection that I had to give Viper every three days since she wasn’t technically a B.O.W and couldn’t naturally produce the virus for the baby. “It’s time boss the party to is about to start” Yawn stood before me. Yawn’s human form had dark skin with subtle snake features like scales on the back of his hands. His emerald green eyes were sharp and reptilian, his forked tongue licked his lips. He stood about six feet eight inches tall with a fairly muscular physique. His black hair was braided slightly as it reached his shoulders. 

His muscles were barely contained in his dark green three piece suit with black undershirt. The suit had small black snake patterns running along it. Yawn finished this outfit with a pair of silver snake fang shaped cufflinks and black wingtip shoes. I wore red fancy trousers and a red jacket over a darker red waistcoat and a white shirt. I wore a red and white tie that had the Umbrella Corporation logo patterned on it. A pair of cufflinks also in the shape of my company’s logo, a blood red pair of loafers and a small earring in my right ear also shaped like my logo. I wore my glasses but changed their appearance to a dark red. My cane hit the ground as I adjusted my tie slightly, my tail swayed nervously as I took a deep breath. 

I had wished to bring Ada or Midnight was heavily pregnant and almost ready to give birth and Ada was taking care of her. I had given Viper a dominant Plaga to control her underlinings I had infected with lesser Plaga. I had discovered you could make the lesser Plaga only be controlled by a specific Dominant Plaga, that would make it easier for combat use.

You look amazing Host and just think a short month ago you scrapped yourself off of the hospital sidewalk.

I heard the system laughing at me but I ignored it and turned to face Yawn. 

Age: 3           Species: Human/Snake (Adder)
Quality: Low     Grade: 3
Class: Striker B.O.W

Mutations: Gigantic size, Death Spore Virus Venom, Near Impervious Skin, Thermal Vision, Hyper evolved sense of smell, Super Strength, Titanium Fangs, Human level Intelligence. 

Traits: Cold Blooded

Skills: Unhinging Jaw, Slow digestion, Quick digestion, Size control, Transformation, Partial Transformation, Super Tyrant Transformation, Temporary Super Tyrant Transformation.

Mutation: Death Spore Virus Venom
After Yawn survived Strucker’s Death Spore Virus after he devoured Strucker his body was able to corporate the virus into his venom. The Death Spore Virus Venom is extremely fast acting and nearly always kills its victim. Even superhuman’s fall victim to this venom survival is 0.00000001% only those who have an immune system or a virus stronger can survive. The venom needed to kill is just a minuscule drop.

Trait: Cold Blood
Yawn is literally cold blooded because of his physiology but now he is metaphorically cold blooded. Yawn will not feel pity or mercy to those he deems lesser than himself. He will also have no problem killing anyone even children.

“How do I look Yawn?” I turned to him.

“You look good boss” he sighed “I just wish Jackson was here, I bet a bunch of these lowly humans will want to pester me”. I chuckled as we both entered the party we were attending. The President had wanted me to unveil my cancer cure here to boost his approval rating since his term was almost ending. The party was extremely lavish I was immediately put into a foul mood when I noticed two people. Marcus Gallo the punk that sent men to kidnap my wife I snickered and wondered what he thought happened to his men. If he thought they were eaten by my wife he must be physic. The next man wore a costume, the eternal dickwad Homelander. I really wanted to punch him in his pearly white smille.

Don’t worry Host the feeling is mutual, there are a surprising amount of people that want to do the same thing.

‘Yawn alert Jackson to follow and kill the man not wearing the costume’

‘The man wearing the stupid fedora boss?”

‘Yes’ I smiled as Homelander approached me I stuck my hand out for him to shake, he didn’t. “Well if it isn’t Homelander the eighth best hero in America” I could see fury building up inside him as he tried to maintain his stupid smile.

“Eighth best I thought I was much higher than that” ‘When I get my hands on you, you little shit they won’t be able to find anything not even a finger nail!’. 

“No first is Stars and Stripes then it would be Superman, Batman I think you might be below The Atom”. I could see his composure starting to break when I said a man whose only superpower was being rich was better than him. Just than a man approached me and I looked him down. The man had two women on his arms giggling he looked familiar.

“Bruce tell us the story again” ‘Bruce as in Bruce Wayne the rich playboy and I think he’s Superman” my DC knowledge was limited.

“Ah Homelander I thought I recognised you” Bruce smiled as extended his hand Homelander shook it and smilled. Bruce looked at me than at Yawn “Hey little guy, you here with your dad?”

I smiled and restrained myself from trying to murder him, Yawn wasn’t so forgiving “Boss do you want me to teach pretty boy here some manners”. Bruce seemed shocked at Yawn’s statement and I used this as a opportunity it recomposes myself.

“No Yawn I’m sure Mr Wayne here misunderstood our situation as it is our first time meeting”. I extended my hand to Bruce “I’m Luke Valentine CEO of the Umbrella Corporation and this is my bodyguard Yawn” I saw Bruce look at Yawn quite confused. 

“Your name is Yawn, is that a code name or”

Yawn promptly interrupted Bruce “No it’s my actual name, and it’s best you treat that name with respect” Yawn cracked his neck. I hobbled in between them and smiled as Yawn was just about to unhinge his jaw.

“I hope that answers your question Mr Wayne now if you don’t mind us we must also socialise with the other guests.” I dragged Yawn away and we started to socialise with the other guest’s much to Yawn’s chagrin. A few women tried to ask him for a dance or if he was dating, he just told them he was married. I too was bombarded by questions especially about my appearance and my company. But then the main stars arrived the President of the United States of America, accompanied by his wife, daughter and Stars and Stripe.

“I’m glad so many people could make it to my little get together” a few people laughed slightly. “I’m also glad the man who cured my daughter of her cancer could make it” he gestured towards me. This made several important people eye me curiously. “I’m not going to bore you with a long winded speech so here is what I’m going, I’m running for office again and I hope I have your support”. There was a round of applause before he spoke again “and now I would like Doctor Luke Valentine to announce his company’s life changing product to you all.”

I stepped towards the microphone and breathed in deeply it felt like a thousand eyes were glued on me. “Hello everyone I am Luke Valentine, Doctor, CEO of the Umbrella Corporation and the man who killed cancer”. I garnered several responses for awe to disbelief “yes you heard me I cured cancer, not just one type either but every kind. When the cure is released and mass produced caner will be more obsolete then Bows and Arrows. If you don’t believe me just meet subject zero” I pointed towards the President’s daughter. “This man’s daughter is the first to be cured” I turned my gaze to the President slightly. “But I’m not the true hero here the President is without his help, cooperation and funding I’m not sure this miracle could have been created. What I’m trying to say is I will support this man in his campaign because he is a man that will do what is need for the people not only of America but also the world.” Several cameras flashed as I shook the President’s hand and we both smiled.

The party went into full swing with drinking and a singer. Star and Stripe approached me “so did you really cure cancer?” I looked at her quite vexed.

“I would never say I cured it if I didn’t” my tail swished angrily and I took a deep breath. “So why does the USA ranked number one hero want to speak with little old me?, I’m sure you aren’t here to call me a liar” before she could answer my phone started to vibrate in my jackets top pocket. When I took it out the hologram for Red Queen appeared.

“Boss you need to get to Metropolitan General Hospital, Midnight has gone in to labour!”

I turned “Yawn we need to leave” he seemed more than eager to leave. The President saw me leaving and approached me. Before he could say anything I whispered “My wife has gone into labour” to him. We quickly exited the party my black armoured SUV was waiting for us. It had my company logo on both driver and driver passenger doors. Four similar SUV’s were parked in a convoy formation guarded by my personal guards. My personal guards were controlled by a submissive Plaga but they were also hopped up on the same thing that created Tyrants. They wore a complete black combat suit along with bulletproof vest with the Umbrella Corporation logo on the centre, a black and grey trench coat with the logo on the breast pocket. They wore special Exo skeletons I had designed and made myself. The Exo’s were black in colouring with grey being the colouring for the arms.

The Exo’s were extremely lightweight and slim but strong as well. They were to actually limit the strength given by the Tyrant formula I injected the men with. The Exo’s had a deployable eight inch titanium serrated blade that started at the suits right wrist. The Exo suits also had a deployable fully ballistic resistant riot shield that had the Umbrella Corporation logo on the front, this was located on the left wrist and was the size of most others. They wore a complete ballistic resistant black combat helmet. They also wore a custom black gas mask with red eye lenses. Their uniforms also tailored special anti bite guard on their left arm that would rotate slightly to avoid the riot shields. Each guard also wore black elbow and knee pads that were ballistic resistant as well.

“We need to get to Metropolitan General Hospital and floor it we’re in a SUV more heavily armoured than a tank.” The men holstered their SN6’s and entered the SUV’s like drones. It wasn’t long before we reached the hospital and heard screaming. Yawn was the first to exit then me then the rest of the men. Several people ran out screaming and I gritted my teeth nervously. I Pulled out my Broken Butterfly Magnum and my men pulled out their SN6’s and Yawn just cracked his knuckles.

“It’s finally time I got to beat something up!” He shouted before he charged in headfirst. I followed him and my men followed me the hospital was completely empty. Even those who were probably bedridden were gone. 

“You have permission to shoot and kill anything that is deemed hostile.” I turned to face Yawn “I want this place swept and my Wife and babies found. We started to advance to the stairs so we could find the maternity ward. I brought twenty men with me not including myself and Yawn so I instructed them to investigate in groups of five, one group for every floor.  We found them on the fifth floor and that is when I started to lose contact with my men.

“Argh shoot it shoot it!”

“Fall back, fall back this fucker is too strong!”

What ever was killing my men was quick approaching I turned to see Midnight holding a small little child. The child had pale skin and violet coloured hair and her blood red eyes matched mine. Midnight looked at me weakly “those fuckers abandoned us when her older sister was born” she chuckled slightly. 

Ada dragged me to one side of the room “we need to have a word, your daughter is a fucking red centipede.” Her face was full of confusion but I promised to explain it too her later. 

Then I heard rapid gunfire before a chorus of screams came from the door. I tried to point my Magnum at the door but before anything the door just popped open slightly. A small deep crimson red coloured centipede started to drag the corpse of one of my guards in. The centipede was about three feet long and then made an ear piercing shriek. The baby in Midnight’s arms struggled and broke free from her mother’s embrace and tumbled to the floor. I was about to check her when she just shook herself off and crawled towards the corpse.

The red centipede spewed up some kind of acid and it started to melt the clothes of the corpse but didn’t damage the corpse itself. My daughter on the floor placed her lips against the corpse and I heard a sickening crunch.

Well they really do take after their mother don’t they Host.

“Meet your babies honey meet Ruby and Violet” Midnight laughed slightly as me and Ada both looked at each other in worry.

“Well I’m not passing on a free meal” Yawn said and he reached out for the corpse. The red centipede bit Yawn’s hand and flung him into the wall beside me before shrieking triumphantly. The baby girl seemed to make a tutting sound as she smiled with a mouthful of blood and flesh. 

‘Dada’ a familiar voice spoke in my mind and I glamorously fainted.

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