The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 42: It’s not what you know it’s what you can prove

I initiated the Umbrella cover up operation as I knew Leon and the rest of those idiots would try and attack me. Everything digital was transferred to a special server only Red Queen has access to. The Umbrella B.O.W’s were securely hidden, Ada had to take the day off for personal reasons. I thought it was a good idea for her to sort her issues out, I told her if she needed anything to just ring me. Leon was fast to act probably because S.H.I.E.L.D bullied someone in power for the warrant l. The warrant only gave them access to Umbrella’s servers and premises, they couldn’t take pictures or take items.

Rebecca Chambers was also part of the team and was here to receive her free EXO skeleton. I left Red Queen to supervise the EXO skeleton operation as I glared at Leon. He was surprised at the sight that awaited him on Umbrella Island. His jaw was ajar as he saw three thousand heavily armed men wait for him and Chris. Some piloted Goliath suits those in the suits were smaller than the five T-103 waiting beside them. Even if Leon could take me hostage all my men wouldn’t hesitate to open fire. He could get any information out of them anyway since I had them under my complete control. 

“My men and I are more than willing to comply with your warrant, but I warn you if anything goes missing or if you take this to far.” I smiled “I will make sure S.H.I.E.L.D and the A.U.T.F suffer the consequences.” They looked at me in shock ‘idiots did you really think I didn’t have Red Queen track what happened to you after the failed assault’. 

“What are those things” Chris pointed to the T-103 all five took three steps forward. The ground trembled as their heavy reinforced steel boots hit the ground. They had a monstrous aura and they all glared at Chris. Four of them were a pale white with a blue trench coat and stood at seven feet. The middle one had darker skin and wore a yellow trench coat this one stood at nine feet tall. Their eyes lacked pupils and irises so their milky white sclera was all Leon and Chris could stare at. 

“Meet the Umbrella Security Service Enforces” I said proudly as they and my men saluted me. “The Umbrella Corporation decided that we needed to protect our assets from unwanted attention” I smiled slyly. Two men came towards Leon and Chris and asked them in emotionless voices to lift up their arms. I wondered what was going through their heads as they were cleared for weapons and any spy shit.

Maybe Host they just realised how fucked they are, you have a literal army waiting for your command. They on the other hand have a ragtag bunch of agents. 

I chuckled in agreement and I turned to look Leon in the eyes “so how’s Jill and the rest of you guys doing?”. My smile must have made something snap inside Chris as the next thing I knew his fist was square in my jaw. My men trailed their guns on the pair as I hit the floor.

“You mother fucker we know it was you, you son of a bitch, where is she!” Chris was very loud as my Enforcers moved into a position to protect me. 

“Hold it!” I raised my hand as I got back onto my feet, I shook myself off and chuckled. “You have one hell of a right hook on you Chris but I must say I have no idea what you’re on about.” I smiled and instructed my men to lower their guns. “Did you record that Red Queen” I mumbled under my breath as my Enforcers loomed over the pair.

“Yes boss the evidence has been recorded and is ready to transmit”

“Don’t do it just yet I need them to search this place” I refocused on Chris who was about to start a fist fight with the Enforcer in the Yellow coat. “I’ll give you this little piece of advice Chris, It’s not what you know it’s what you can prove, show me the evidence of my wrongdoings”. I out stretched my arms in a flamboyant manner I saw Leon whisper something to Chris.

Pov Ada

I couldn’t help but shed a tear when I saw Natasha lying there in the hospital bed. Her eyes weakly flickered open, even tho we left on the worst of terms she was still once my closest friend. A familiar bald black man entered the room and glared at me. “Happy with your fuck buddy's work?” I ignored his words.

“What happened to her?” I wiped the tear away from my left eye as her gaze fell upon me.

“Your fuck buddy sent a freaking monster after Jill Valentine and Natasha was injured in the process”. Fury’s words cut me deep ‘there is no way Luke was capable of such a thing killing men sent to harm you is one thing but this is different’. I pushed the thought aside and glared at Nick.

“He isn’t a fuck buddy and he couldn’t be responsible for this, this is just another one of your schemes isn’t it. You lost your job and you want him to be the scapegoat instead of actually trying to figure out who caused that attack.” Nick looked at me furiously and slammed a dossier into my chest. I opened it and found all sorts of documents, sheets and pictures. 

“He was responsible for the attack, you want to know why, his blood contains pure samples of the same chemical that we pulled from infected corpses. Your buddy Luke is a monster and we suspect he’s planning another bigger attack.” I threw the dossier on the floor and slapped Fury my blood felt like it was about to boil.

“Luke Valentine is a good man who developed a cure for cancer, he’s a loving husband and devoted father. Sure he’s got his faults but if you’re asking me if I believe he’s capable of these atrocities your sorely mistaken.” I turned to walk away when I heard Natasha raspy breathing.

“Ada…do you…honestly think a…cure for…cancer…..would make monsters like….them.” Natasha wheezed slightly and started to sit up.

“Natasha Luke Valentine is a man who is going to change the world.” Fury intercepted me and pointed a gun at me.

“Ask yourself Ada how could this man have a purer form of the thing that turns people into monsters running through his veins and not be tied to it? Maybe he isn’t responsible for the attacks maybe he’s being forced to do this” Fury shrugged his shoulders slightly. “But the way I see it the shit is in his veins and he is our only suspect.” 

I felt an uncomfortable rage build up inside of me and I clenched my teeth. ‘I didn’t know that, but he wouldn’t do that to innocent people.’ I steeled my resolve from what I saw of Luke’s character he’s kind and honest. He had only been ruthless when dealing with people that tried to harm him or his family. “You’re trying to create a monster out of a man who doesn’t deserve it Fury” I turned to Natasha. “Why you still work for this asshole Natasha I will never know”.

“Ada…please….if he gets….away with…….this millions might..die,….please as a…friend help us.” 

“Natasha our friendship ended long ago, I have a family now, something S.H.I.E.L.D could never give me.” A tear rolled down my eye as I left the room, I received a message from Luke he wanted to take me, Midnight the children and Viper to Paris for Valentines day. ‘No matter what they say about you, I won’t believe them. They have no proof nothing just accusations’. Ever since I received that Injection from Luke my feelings for him had deepened. I rubbed my belly I was going to bare his child, but if they were right and he was this monster they painted. I shook my head in disgust at the thought, this was just another one of Fury’s mind games.

‘Maybe I should conduct my own investigation, then when I discover proof of his innocence Fury will shut his fat trap.’

Pov Red Queen

I watched silently as Rebecca was lowered into the EXO skeleton. Albert was overlooking the procedure with a menacing glare. “The EXO skeleton is a self sustaining piece of machinery with an easy to equip design”. I saw Albert look it over as Rebecca took a few shaky steps. “Don’t worry your EXO skeleton doesn’t have anything untoward in it, but I wouldn’t suggest dismantling it as we won’t repair it.” They left quickly and I received a message from Ada about her returning to the Tower. 

Pov Luke Valentine

I watched as Leon and Chris left Umbrella island and smiled the system had decided to award me with a special mutation.

Permanent Mutation: Acid gland LV1
The host can now produce a highly acidic liquid in their body. This liquid is stored in the organ and can be shot out through a opening in the mouth. The liquid can melt steel in a matter of minutes and flesh in a matter of seconds. The gland can be upgraded to increase acidity and quantity of the acid.

I would like to thank everyone for reading my story I will be fixing several things in the story. Please check out the Glossary as I will be adding more items to it. Also I’m putting LV by mutations now to differentiate them from their previous states. The next chapter will be out in a week maybe a little more.

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