The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 41: Transformation

Pov Red Queen

I was testing the dispenser units Luke had me make when I heard heavy footfall coming. Nemesis arrived carrying an unconscious woman over his shoulder. His face was exposed and I sighed ‘it looks like I need to have the fabrication labs make another suit.’ The woman was a brunette and had two limbs broken. I did expect this to happen as I hadn’t specified that we needed her in perfect condition. I activated the switch command in the lab and selected the correct equipment. The room changed and a surgical table appeared in the centre. Several machines hung from the ceiling and I got ready for surgery. 

I used the mechanical arms to tie the woman’s restraints. Nemesis looked at the woman and grunted slightly rubbing his face. I used a mechanical limb to tear the woman’s heavily damaged nightie off exposing her fragile body. “Puny unaltered organics so fragile and so easy to break” I digitally spat. The I analysed the combat data from Nemesis his targets barely even scratched him. I doubted her chances of survival for the operation but the boss wanted me to break her and rebuild her. I smiled slightly as I stabbed the woman with a long syringe attached to a mechanical limb. Her crimson blood filled the syringe ‘at least if she does die we can use her genetic material for my experiments.’

“Lets see what we have here” I used the X-ray machine to see the damage the woman took. “Well it looks like the right leg and left arm need total reconstruction, several organ failures. Honestly how is she still alive it’s like some force is keeping her alive. Maybe this is that plot armour” I shook my head “no I’ve been watching to much anime”. I was honestly surprised she was still alive hell she was even breathing by herself. I wanted to inject her with the G-Virus or the Super Roids boss had invented. But he wanted her to remain human and to improve her as a future Umbrella Corporation asset. 

“Nemesis go have the rest of the night off, I need complete concentration” Nemesis nodded and quickly left. The woman didn’t have a bad face ‘maybe the boss wants another woman added to his collection’. I shrugged my digital shoulders as I began the operation.

Pov 3rd person Location Hospital

The beeps of the heartbeat monitor bleeped rhythmically. Leon sat by the bed of Natasha and stared at his colleague. A tube stuck out of her mouth the tube led to a machine that was breathing for her. Leon was deep in thought when the door to the hospital room opened up. Nick Fury and Maria Hill entered with solum looks on their faces. “Have you found the freak that did this to Natasha” they both shook their heads.

Leon gritted his teeth and slammed his fist into the wall. Everyone in the room knew the monster belonged to Luke. “What about Jill you found her body?” Fury looked at Leon was pity.

“We suspect that Jill was captured for what reason we don’t know” Leon hit the wall again and again. Chris and Albert entered with glum looks, “Can you tell us anything about Luke’s new monster?” Nick asked.

“It’s strong, fast and is as ugly as fuck” Chris spat as he lent in the doorway. “That thing manhandled us and threw us around like children” Nick could see the hope dying in Chris’s eyes. “I hope she’s dead, I hope she is, I hate to think what he could be doing to her right now.” Maria handed Leon a tablet and he read it, a twist of anger formed on his face.

“You want me to replace Natasha!” Leon was fuming at Nick think this was his idea before Maria interjected.

“Leon this was my call, that thing broke most of Natasha’s ribs and punctured both her lungs. She’s lucky to be alive and with a possible attack in motion we need the A.U.T.F to stop it. As of this moment you are acting commander of the A.U.T.F until Natasha resumes her post god willing.” Albert and Chris both looked at each other and back at Leon he was showing visible signs of anger. 

Leon stormed past them “Albert, Chris with me and Maria get me a warrant for Umbrella Tower and Umbrella Island.” Chris and Albert followed Leon probably to keep him from doing something stupid. 

Pov Red Queen

I sighed heavily as I finished fitting the last of the P30 pump parts onto Jill’s chest. ‘The boss is an incredibly smart individual he invented a drug that can massively improve the human body whilst putting them into a state of complete compliance.” I giggled if boss was going to do what I thought he was going to good I would need to make popcorn. The P30 drug was made to enhance the body making it faster and stronger but there were side effects. One was that Jill’s hair changed from brunette to a blonde. Also the device need to be replenished every twelve hours because of the fast metabolism rate of the subject. 

Jill was currently being psychologically tortured by my specially designed Ultra Realistic Simulation Nexus. ‘Seeing humans break is so funny” I giggled as I checked on how she was holding up. She was being ripped apart by zombies ‘I say another few hours and her psyche will be completely shattered.’ She screamed as she died again having her guts eaten. The boss mentioned he would like to use the U.R.S.N to train soldiers or maybe even make a game. The device is a small set of goggles that I transmit data to, they hijack the subjects brain waves and can make anything happen to them bar physical harm. 

The devices could make the subject forget ever being in the simulation even their prior deaths, kind of like that movie Matrix. I watched as the simulation reset Jill was back in her apartment. This time I decided to add a special hostile, the door knocked and Jill went to answer it. I had scanned Jill’s memories and found out all sorts of information like how she had a certain love for someone. Chris was that love’s name and I had the perfect situation made. A wicked smile formed on my lips as Jill opened the door and a zombie Chris charged her.

I left the lovebirds to it and started on my next mission developing something to use against Homelander. The boss needed him out of the way when we attack on Valentines day. My plan was to just make him snort some special cocaine and knock him out. The cocaine I developed was highly addictive and super powerful if normal people snorted this they probably would die. The boss said developing and selling drugs wasn’t going to be our business. I guessed he was talking about the illegal kind and not the medical kind.

“Red Queen has Jill’s augmentation been successful?” Luke’s voice rang in my head. 

“Yes boss she survived the operation and I’m just destroying her psyche now” I phased into his office in Umbrella Tower. Luke stood before me cradling his daughter Violet in his arms. “Boss may I ask you a question?” He nodded as he placed Violet on the floor. 

“Sure go for it? He said with a big smile as Violet started running around. 

“Does Ada know about your involvement in the attacks or anything about Umbrellas true motives?”

“No and she never will, I want to keep her in the dark for as long as possible, if worst comes to worst I want my family having complete plausible deniability.” I nodded and Violet tried grabbing at me. Her hand phased through me and she seemed upset. I then noticed blood on her lips and on Luke’s.

“Good hunt boss?” He chuckled at my statement and wiped the blood out of the corner of his lips.

“Yes, nothing too big just a few dealers, maybe a few witnesses as well” he wiped the blood off Violet’s lips. He sat at his desk and stared out towards the city below. “This will be the largest terror attack on US soil since nine eleven.” His reflection showed me an evil grin “this is going to cement Umbrella in the world Red Queen, in two days and a few hours the city of New York will be a desolate shell.”

“I look forward to the sight boss, we have three thousand men, five tyrants and countless armoured and flying vehicles ready for the day. G-Virus zombies will distract the superheroes whilst we help the people. With your plan Vought will lose face and our reputation will grow, truly evil boss.” My praise made him smile and he laughed maniacally Violet joined in as well. I took a video of the two of them and sent it to Midnight with the message Evil CEO and Evil CEO in training laughing maniacally. She promptly messaged back with a smiling emoji and a love heart.

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