The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 40: Jill vs Nemesis

“Jill….Valentine” was all Nemesis could say as he emerged from the ocean. Its primary goal was to secure asset 43/gh otherwise know as Jill Valentine. The water heavily dripped off Nemesis black power restriction gear. “Jill….Valentine” Nemesis spoke again as it took its first heavy footsteps onto New York soil. It had marched from Umbrella Island straight to the New York city harbour. It had two secondary missions as well the first was to find the location of the A.U.T.F base. The second was to kill a man named Leon Scott Kennedy. Leon’s and Jill’s places of residence were part of the information packet he had received. 

The evening sun was dropping casting a purple twilight in the sky. A pair of drunk sailors were singing on a boat Nemesis didn’t pay them any attention. Nemesis marched onwards garnering several confused looks from several people. But then Nemesis encountered a problem he didn’t come with built in GPS and he hadn’t looked at a map before hand. Nemesis looked around and spotted a corner shop he had to crouch to enter the small door way. The cashier didn’t look up from his newspaper when Nemesis entered. A map was easy to acquire but what to do with the cashier. 

Nemesis didn’t have money and might need the map later on so he did the most logical thing in his mind. He examined the shop and picked up a bag of rice. As he approached the cashier he threw the bag of rice. The bag of rice smashed into the cashier’s head and Nemesis heard a loud snap. Nemesis also took and destroyed the surveillance cameras tape. The map was easy for Nemesis to understand and with a neutral tone murmured “Jill….Valentine”.

It wasn’t a long walk for Nemesis to reach Jill’s apartment complex. He had to duck under the doorframe to enter there. Several tv’s were blaring as he marched up the stairs his heavy foot fall made the stairs creak with strain. Apartment number forty seven was where Nemesis had to reach he was looking forward to his first hunt. Nemesis knew that his mother had stationed weapon caches all over his hunting ground. The weapons could only be wielded by him but as a bit of sport one weapon was placed that could help his prey. His mother called it the Ferromagnetic Infantry-use Next Generation Railgun. 

Nemesis had reached the door with the silver numbers forty seven. Countless combat scenarios ran through Nemesis head as he breathed in heavily. Nemesis raised his fist high into the air than brought it down. With a gentle knock on the door he said “Pizza…for…a…Jill…Valentine” he heard footsteps approaching the door.

(Flashback minutes ago)

Jill had just got her black silk nightie on and had a glass of red wine in her hand. The evening was going slow she had come home early from the A.U.T.F . Boring reality television shows played the current one on the television was a show about dating. Brain rotting is what Jill could have described it as, but the evening was still young. She had started to run a bath and decided to treat herself with scented candles and bath oils. Jill was about to take her thigh holster off when she heard a loud knocking at her door. 

“Pizza…for…a…Jill…Valentine” Jill scratched her head slightly she didn’t remember ordering pizza. Jill unholstered her Desert Eagle .50 with a custom fourteen round magazine and cautiously approached the door.

Jill looked through the peephole and was greeted by the sight of a towering black figure. She slowly cocked her gun and took a step back.

(Flashback end)

Nemesis waited but when he heard Jill taking a step back he sprung into action. His left fist smashed straight through the front door and his hand clamped onto Jill’s neck. Jill shrieked as Nemesis dragged her through the hole he had created in her door and hurled her into the corridor. “Who the fuck are you?” Jill asked as she started to shoot at her mysterious attacker. 

“Jill…Valentine!” Nemesis growled as he tore the remaining door of its hinges and broke it in two. Jill ducked as one of the door pieces was hurled like a frisbee at her. The thrown door piece scraped the walls as it smashed into the window at the end of the corridor. She continued to fire at her attacker until she ran out of bullets at that moment she made a decision. Nemesis felt a blunt metal object hit his visor he looked at the object and saw it was Jill’s gun. 

Nemesis returned in kind by hurling the second door piece at her. Jill rolled out of the way and the piece impaled the wall next to the window. “What is with all this noise!?” a resident of the apartment next to Jill’s appeared. The man looked pissed and he scratched his bald white head furiously.

“Mr Norburt get” it was too late Nemesis had impaled the man’s head with a tentacle. Norburt’s body was lifted high into the air by the tentacle, his blood started to drip onto the floor. Nemesis than hurled the corpse at Jill with tremendous speed. It made a sickening squelching noise as it collided with the door piece that was imbedded into the wall. The corpse or what was left of it flopped onto the floor and started leaking everywhere. 

Nemesis started to slowly and menacingly walk towards Jill. Her bullets didn’t even scratch her attacker’s outfit so she made the only logical choice. She ran quickly and with urgency towards the window Nemesis saw this and figuratively smiled. He saw her desperately trying to pull the first door piece out of the window. Jill pulled and pulled at the only thing blocking her window escape. The foot steps of her attacker were drawing closer and closer ‘fuck, fuck, move you piece of shit’. 

With a final heave the door piece dislodged itself from the window and Jill clambered through cutting herself on the broken glass. Jill’s blood dripped of her shallow cuts and her lace nightie had received considerable damage. Jill quickly ran down the fire escape and rubbed her arms slightly. It was cold outside and she wasn’t exactly dressed for the weather. Nemesis watched through the window and waited for his target to make it to the street below. The wind had begun to pick up and it battered both Jill and Nemesis. Jill had finally made it down the fire escape and made it halfway down the street when Nemesis finally decided to act. 

With ease it jumped from the fourth floor of the apartment complex. Nemesis did a superhero landing on the pavement below and smooshed a couple below his feet. Nemesis decided that it should use some of the toys its mother had provided it with. His mother had a flamethrower placed in a van right outside Jill’s apartment. Nemesis tore the doors off the van and took the flamethrower. A large fuel can was like a backpack but it was made of an extremely strong metal. Unless his prey hit that fuel tank with an RPG it would receive a dent. Jill on the other hand had ran down the street and was now calling Leon from a pay phone. 

“Leon I don’t have a lot of time just bring everyone to this address” she told Leon of an address. “And make sure everyone brings the big guns that bastard sent some monster after me.” Jill saw Nemesis charging towards the pay phone.

“Jill wait! Hello Jill you still there!” Leon asked frantically but it was no use she had already left. Nemesis put the phone back and ended the call before he restarted the pursuit. 

“Jill…Valentine!…Jill…Valentine!” Nemesis roared as he started closing in on the running woman. Nemesis could have easily caught the woman but it wanted to explore more of the outside. It had been coupled up on that island since its birth and it was refreshing to see some new scenery. Nemesis saw Jill turn a corner and jogged after her. Several people watched on as Jill and Nemesis continued their game of cat and mouse. Nemesis suddenly felt something hit him. A car had hit him but he did budge from his spot. The driver was clearly on his phone as when he exited the car to scream at Nemesis his phone was still in his hand.

Jill wanted to intervene but she knew it was too late for the man and even if she did what could she have done. She watched on as Nemesis casually lifted the man up in the air by the neck in front of bystanders. The driver hit Nemesis’s arms as Nemesis started to choke him out. Nemesis saw Jill’s look of horror and smiled internally again. The last thing the driver saw was his head staring at his own body. Nemesis had ripped the man’s head clean off and now used the head like a baseball hurling it at Jill

The head smashed into the lamppost next to Jill and in an explosion of blood, brain and skull fragments Jill saw Nemesis drop the body. The bystanders screamed and ran, some of them tried to dial the police. Those who tried were impaled by Nemesis’s tentacle and were then subsequently thrown at Jill. She dodged them and continued running with Nemesis in pursuit. She took a left and a right then another left and entered a large football stadium. Inside was her team waiting for her Chris whistled when he saw the black silk nightie. “Wow what happened did the freak catch you having a bath or something?” Jill shot him an angry look. 

Chris, Black Widow, Leon and Albert were armed to the teeth. “What can you tell us about this thing chasing you Jill?” Albert asked.

“It’s got super strength, a bullet proof outfit and weird tentacles that it can shoot from its hands”. Jill was handed a bulletproof vest and a M60 machine gun. She just got the bulletproof vest on when an object cane crashing into the stadium’s ground. A column of red and orange flame shot towards the group. A towering figure emerged from the dust cloud and shot a column of flame into the sky.


“Ah I thing someones got a crush” Chris joked as he fired his M60 machine gun at the figure. Nemesis came into the view of everyone and towered over them. “Hey freak did your mum make that outfit cause if she did she mustn’t love you much, you look like a bin bag.” Chris unloaded everything into Nemesis but it didn’t even put a hole in his suit. Chris’s outburst made him the prime target for Nemesis as Nemesis now pointed his flamethrower at him. 

“I think you’ve got its attention now Redfield” joked Leon as he fired his assault rifle at Nemesis. The bullets just slipped off Nemesis’s outfit and looked at Leon.

“Kill…Leon…Scott…Kennedy!” Nemesis roared and charged Leon. Something exploded right in Nemesis’s face and sent him flying backwards.

“Hey hands off buddy that one’s mine” Natasha said as she reloaded her RPG. Her words earned her looks from not only Leon but also Jill, Chris and Albert. “What your one of my men Leon did you think I meant something else?”

“Kill…Bimbo…Assassin!” Black Widow looked both shocked and annoyed.

“Yep this one is definitely one of Luke’s monsters on he has had the balls to call me a bimbo assassin!”  Natasha spat as Nemesis got back up its targets could now see its fucked up face. Nemesis only had one eye and a fleshy amalgamation was where its other eye should’ve been. A column of flame shot towards Natasha she had to ditch the RPG to roll out of the way. Both Leon and Jill fired at the big fuel tank on Nemesis’s back hoping for video game logic to work. The bullets didn’t pierce the tank and Nemesis redirected the flame towards them. The flame scorched some of Jill’s nightie and some of Leon’s hair. 

Albert closed in on Nemesis and fired his shotgun at the creatures face. Nemesis flinched as the rounds hit his face and made a audible grunt as he swatted Albert away. Natasha tried to go for her RPG but one of Nemesis’s tentacles wrapped around it and brought it to him. Nemesis bent the RPG and twisted it into a bow shape. Chris, Jill and Leon opened fire on Nemesis earning his attention. They had to jump out the way as Nemesis charged towards them and did a long sweeping motion with the flamethrower. 

Albert jumped onto Nemesis’s back and lodged a grenade onto the flamethrowers fuel tank. The grenade went off but all it did was cause tank to spring a leak. Nemesis growled as he ditched his flamethrower and charged towards Albert. Jill, Leon, Natasha and Chris tried to draw its attention by shooting it. Nemesis didn’t pay them any attention and just grabbed Albert by the throat. Jill could see Nemesis looking at her as he began choking Albert. “Hey ugly you have a face only a mother could love only if she was blind.” 

Chris just looked at Jill with distain “I don’t think insulting the thing that’s kicking our asses is a good idea Jill”. Nemesis drop Albert and kicked him away before glaring at Jill. Nemesis charged her whilst the others shot at him. Leon tried to get in the way Nemesis just bitch slapped him away. Natasha was next she was easily as she tried to jump at him, he spartan kicked her into Chris. Chris was unable to push the unconscious Natasha off him before Nemesis knocked him out. Jill tried running away but Nemesis wrapped one of his tentacles around her left leg and pulled her towards him. 

“Jill…Valentine!” Nemesis just loomed over her for a second before picking her up. Jill spat in his face and began punching and hitting his arms.

“Come on you fucker do it already kill me” she spat again in Nemesis’s face. Police sirens sounded in the background and Nemesis knew his mission was to bring her in alive. But they never specified what condition she had to be in. Jill saw the menacing smile form on Nemesis’s lips and she was worried. Nemesis grabbed hold of Jill’s left arm and crushed it with his immense strength. Jill screamed in pain “you mother fucker” she head butted him but it had little effect on the Tyrant. Her right leg was the next to be broken she passed out shortly afterwards and pissed herself.

“Mission…complete” Nemesis hurled the unconscious woman onto his shoulder and began running. 

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