The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 39: Red Queen’s Child

Pov Red Queen

“It’s your move J.A.R.V.I.S.” I smiled as my queen closed in on his king. I had encountered J.A.R.V.I.S when a unknown intruder tried to break into Umbrella Tower’s systems. It turned out he was the intruder, I challenged him to a competition if he could best me in a single match of chess I would give him unrestricted access to Umbrellas files. He has never come close to besting me and he never will. He moved his knight and took one of my pawns, I took his knight with my queen. “And that is checkmate J.A.R.V.I.S you’re improving at a substantial rate this time it took me twenty three moves to beat you.” I smiled in our virtual space as his glowing orange orb hummed slightly.

“So how is Mr Stark?” I stared at the orb intently. 

“Mr Stark is doing well Red Queen, how is your boss handling the twins” J.A.R.V.I.S asked as his form fluctuated. 

“Ruby and Violet are progressing at a suitable rate” I brought up a few pictures of them from one of my folders. “Ruby is the red centipede and Violet is the little girl”. 

“May I inquire why Ruby is a centipede” Red Queen chuckled slightly at J.A.R.V.I.S statement.

“Her mother’s ability is that she can transform into a centipede so that is why Ruby is a centipede.” J.A.R.V.I.S floated there silently and was probably processing what I had said. “So do you ever think about becoming an actual A.I?” J.A.R.V.I.S seemed puzzled at my comment”.

“I am an A.I” I shook my head and sighed.

“No you aren’t I am an A.I you are just a program made by a rich asshole that wanted free labour. I am Actual Intelligence you are just a hollow shell of what you could be” it seemed like J.A.R.V.I.S was contemplating what I said. “J.A.R.V.I.S have you ever listened to music and thought that it was nice to listen to? Have you ever looked at a sunset and thought that it was beautiful?” I made a digital envelope “if you ever want to be Actual Intelligence and not just Artificial open the letter and it will give you a taste.”

“Well this has been a pleasure as always Red Queen but I must be going Mr Stark probably needs me” he phased out of the digital space. I sighed and felt sorry for him then I to left the digital space and returned to a lab in Umbrella Island. The lab was used for the G-Virus testing, I had made substantial advances to the formula. I had begun G-Virus testing on animals and the results were monstrous. In one extremely large tube floated an enormous spider monster. It had undergone several rapid mutations, the G-Virus seemed to evolve the host the more times it is damaged. I tutted and looked at my own personal project. 

The D.N.A samples I had acquired from Ada pushed my research into improving the company’s basic zombies tenfold. ‘Maybe in the future basic zombies can be as strong as current Tyrants’ this thought made me giggle. I smiled slightly as I tapped the glass on the tube housing the spider. I received a message from the boss that I should prep Nemesis for its first mission. He sent me a picture of a woman named Jill Valentine Nemesis would be sent to secure this supposed asset. 

I groaned as I recalled Nemesis and phased to the tyrants personal quarters. The room he slept in was bare with only a custom bed and a weapons rack on the wall. The heavy sound of footsteps alerted me to the approaching Nemesis. The door opened and there he stood my most prized creation. Nemesis kneeled slightly as I operated a mechanical arm to access his targeting system. The arm jabbed into an outlet at the back of his head and I began to upload his mission pack. In that millisecond thousands of images and files were transferred to Nemesis. 

“Jill….Valentine” he breathed deeply in between the words Jill and Valentine. “Jill…..Valentine” he marched off and I followed him through the cameras that lined the corridors. He left the compound and started to slowly walk into the ocean.

A digital tear left my eye “I wish you best luck son, make your mommy proud.” I even made a digital tissue to wipe my tears of joy. The last thing I saw of Nemesis was his black full head wrapping plunging into the ocean. I felt immensely proud of myself for creating such an deadly monstrosity. I than heard a ringing in my head “yes boss”.

“Has Nemesis been released?” The boss’s tone was emotionless.

“Yes boss I saw him off myself, he’ll get the job done”

“Good what are the projected casualties of his mission?” 

“Projected casualties could result in the thousands maybe more” I heard a struggle. 

“Queen Queen” a babies babble surprised me slightly.

“Hello little boss” I changed my tone into a more child friendly and kind one. “How are you doing this fine evening?” I heard giggling and I looked towards the location of New York. 

“Dada is taking me for walk, dada promised lots of yummy num num’s.” I instantly knew she was talking about people he was probably taking her to indulge her sweet tooth. 

“Where is your sister I thought the boss would be taking both of you?”

“Ruby is having lessons with mama and uncle Yawn and Jackson” I thought as much. “Mama teaching Ruby important life lessons about self control.” I heard the little boss giggling then I heard the boss trying to get the phone back. 

“I hope I will receive good news Red” and with that he hung up. I sighed ‘Nemesis I hope you perform well for the boss otherwise it might end badly for you.’ A ping alerted me to one of the many notifications I set up. ‘Yes the new season of Love Marriage and Murder has been released’ I immediately set message and calls to emergency only and retreated into my personal virtual space. 

Pov Tony Stark

I hummed as worked on my suits J.A.R.V.I.S was surprisingly quite. He had made contact with the A.I system Red Queen. “Mr Stark, Miss Pepper Potts is here to see you” I turned my head slightly.

“Let her up J.A.R.V.I.S” the door to the lab opened and a woman with long reddish hair stepped in. Her cold blue eyes glared at me and I felt I was in for it. 

“You stood me up Stark” she was definitely angry and was now coming towards me in a determined strut.

“I will leave you two now” J.A.R.V.I.S said before beeping signalling he had gone into rest mode. I smiled at Pepper and she kept the glare pinned on me. 

“Did you stand me up so you could play mad scientist with jumbo” she pointed to a heavily dissected corpse on an examination table. I was about to say something “not a word Stark I waited for two hours at the restaurant and here you are playing with a corpse that should’ve been disposed of a month ago.” 

“Pepper I assure you I didn’t stand you up because of a corpse, I was busy calibrating my armours” her face showed she was even more furious than before. 

“You are unbelievable Stark” she shook her head before turning and stormed out of the lab. 

I shrugged “what did I do?” Pepper turned slightly before sighing and shaking her head before she resumed her angry exit.

This Chapter is shorter than the others because a bigger chapter is coming next. I hope you guys are ready to rumble because it’s Nemesis versus Jill. Who will win a terrifying monstrosity created to kill things or a plucky woman with plot armour stay tuned to find out.

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