The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 38: Tyrants are forever

A few days had passed since my girls were born, I was visiting Umbrella Island. The Umbrella Security Service had undergone a massive boost in numbers thanks to our marketing campaign. Viper supplied me with all the recruits we would need for the time being. I was in one of my companies newly built Ravens a aircraft I basically stole from Call of Duty Advanced warfare but they were called Warbirds in that. The internal struggle inside Hydra after I offed Strucker was very annoying. I had given Viper plenty of the Plaga infected soldiers and weapons to regain control. I even had Yawn, Jackson and Midnight help out. 

I was alerted by one of my men that we were about to land. I chuckled my next order of business was to secure the power of the Umbrella Corporation and to build a reputable facade. The cancer treatment was fully grown and was ready to be turned into the cure the world desperately needed. The system had given me a mission as well I smiled when I brought it up.

Story Line Mission: The downfall of Vought part 1
Vought is a nuisance and rival to your company’s growth lets deal with them.

Mission: Commit a B.O.W attack that will make people lose faith in their fabled heroes. 

Reward: Continuation of this storyline mission, 10,000 RE points.

A wicked smile crept on my face Valentines Day was three days away. ‘I wonder how Leon and Black Widow are doing’ I chuckled ‘more importantly I wish I could see Nick Fury right now.’

Pov Leon Scott Kennedy

I was sipping some coffee when I heard my phone ring.  I looked at the caller ID and answered “Hello Natasha what is happening”.

“I need you to come in we might have a potential problem” it sounded serious.

“Sure I’ll come in, have you alerted the rest of the team?” She said yes and I got my favourite jacket on. It was a brown sheepskin leather bomber jacket I bought it a while back. 

I entered the A.U.T.F headquarters and was immediately greeted by Jill and Natasha. Jill was wearing blue hoodie and grey trousers Natasha was wearing her usual superhero costume. I always wondered how many of those costumes she had. Since I had never seen her in any other work clothes “so what is the problem?”

“We think that freak is planning another attack” my jaw dropped slightly. I was one of the first responders to Luke’s first attack and saw the carnage that it had caused. 

“The attack will probably be on Valentine’s day for that big parade, Natasha if the attack is like the arena one we could be looking at hundreds of thousands maybe even millions of casualties.” I shook my head “if he is planning an attack he’s going to use Hydra as the front”. I snapped my fingers and marched to the board and I put a small picture of an island. “I’ve found out that Luke has recently acquired an island twenty five miles off the coast of New York City. Seems like a perfect location to make and store the gas weapon.”

Jill, Natasha and Wesker all looked at the island and nodded. “That was a former Hydra base, I remember because me and the Avengers stopped Hydra destroying NYC with a nuke.” Just then I heard something wheeling towards us, it was Rebecca in her wheelchair. Wesker immediately went behind the xhair and began to push it. I could see the viable anger on Rebecca’s face. After the failed raid Rebecca was restricted to that wheelchair.

She tossed a envelope at me and angrily hit the arms of her chair. “This bastard is mocking me” I opened the envelope and was furious myself.

“What the hell is this shit, Dear Miss Chambers we know that you were injured in the line of duty in a misguided hate attack on the Umbrella Corporation, but we do not hold that against you. We would like to offer you one of our EXO skeletons to help you walk again. If you are interested in this proposition please ring the number down below, yours sincerely Luke Valentine CEO of the Umbrella Corporation.” I saw everyones faces harden as I read the letter I handed it her back. “You should go for it, get this EXO skeleton” I saw her face warp in anger at my statement. I also received several looks from the others. “Hear me out this guy is offering you something that could help you walk again. So take it and it will be all the sweeter when we slap the cuffs on him.” 

I shrugged and rubbed her shoulder, Wesker intercepted me and gave me one hell of a look. “So how long have you two been an item” I saw Rebecca blush slightly. Jill, Natasha and even Chris just glanced at Wesker and Rebecca.

Pov Luke Valentine

Umbrella island looked like the stereotypical evil villain lair that a Bond villain would reside. It had its own charms though, a beach, anti-air turrets and most importantly a completely furnished laboratory. Red Queen greeted me with her hologram, I developed a mobile projection device so she could move around without the need of a preset projector. The device was like a spider with a glass top and eight mechanical legs.  A large humanoid shape stood behind her an enormous smile emerged on my face. “Mr Valentine I would like to introduce you to Nemesis the perfect weapon for our attack.”

The figure was clad in some black outfit and wore a mask over its face. “Standing at a height of eight feet and seven inches, with a special adaptive targeting interface it will complete any task with the utmost lethality.” A wicked grin appeared on Red Queen’s face as Nemesis grunted. 

“Have we tested it in actual combat?” Red Queen shook her head. “That’s alright I’m sure a little field test won’t hurt before the big day” a wicked smile stretched across my face ‘I wonder how Jill will react to her video games version best friend.’  I walked past the Nemesis “How comes the advancement of the other projects?”. Red Queen just guided me into the facility and we approached the lab. 

Inside was several zombies tied to medical tables, the zombies seemed to be red. “I call them Crimson Heads they are zombies that have undergone a mutation giving them increased speed, strength, agility and endurance”.

“So how are they mutated?” Red Queen sighed.

“Seemingly time affects if they mutate and only some of them can do it” she sighed again as I saw the Crimson heads glare at me. “But in the next room we have a more promising subject dubbed the Licker” the next lab housed a singular Licker. The Licker was crawling on the floor and leaped at the window when we approached. “This is a specimen that evolved as well, if a zombie has enough biomass and enough time this is the outcome. A Licker is greatly better than a Crimson Head and they appear to have some intelligence.” The Lickers brain was pretty much its entire head. 

“How many of these Lickers do we have currently?” I turned and stared at Red Queen.

“We have this one and another nine in cryogenic storage”

“Good when the day of the attacks come I want one of these in every truck that we’re rigging a bomb with.” Red Queen nodded “How comes project Tyrant as well?” Red Queen smiled.

“Nemesis here is the best we could produce his kin the T-103 are easier and cheaper to produce but they have their downside as well. Nemesis can follow complex commands and plan the T-103’s can’t.” She showed me several pictures of X-rays, CT scans and even blueprints. 

“So Nemesis is the cream of the crop, how many T-103’s do we have currently?”

“Well we have five at the moment but you have to know sir they are the most costly units to make, and they take weeks to make as well” I wiggled my index finger.

“Shush I understand it is either quality or quantity so lets focus on quality, we can let the weak zombies be the chaff and the Tyrants be the wheat.” I licked my lips and started to walk away bur Red Queen wasn’t done.

“Sir their equipment isn’t cheap either, they need special power limiters to stop rapid and uncontrolled mutations” I sighed.

“Queen you are one of my most important assets and you will have all the funding you need, so go crazy” I saw her smile one last time before her hologram disappeared. I looked at Nemesis and ordered him to follow me, which he did. We walked down a corridor and out to a nice open area we used as a shooting range. Several immensely large armaments laid ready to use a small note from Queen told me she had set this up so I could see Nemesis in action. The selection of weapons was astounding from rocket launchers and RPG’s to a Mini-gun a flamethrower. “Well it seems your mother made you plenty of deadly toys to play with”.

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