The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 44: Daredevil dead?

Pov Jackson

After I ordered the pilot to drop off Jumbo, I ordered him to fly us over the work place of this Daredevil. I suited up in my standard black spec ops uniform. The uniform was completely bulletproof and comfortable to wear. The mask had several features like night vision, thermal vision and a special lens that would darken when exposed to bright light to stop operatives from being blinded. The boss made me bring a stupid silenced pistol because it’s better to be safe than sorry.

I probably wasn’t going to use it but it stopped the boss winging at me. Something about how I couldn’t fuck up this mission. I steadied my breathing as I leaped from the Raven, I landed on the roof of the law office with little noise. ‘The boss said this guy was highly skilled and had well adapted hearing’ I chuckled softly. Red Queen had included a special sound based weapon called Deaf Grenades. The mask I was wearing had countermeasures to stop the Deaf Grenades effecting me.

My suit was specially designed for me as it prevented smells. It could also adapt with my hyper evolved camouflage making me nearly invisible. Gaining access to the inside of the building was easily as slowly and carefully cut a hole in the largest window for me to fit through. From what I could sense no one was in, I ordered the pilot to return to base as I pulled out my knife. I assumed a position above the entrance and waited keeping my noise to a minimum.

It must have been an hour before I heard the door slowly open. A man and a woman entered my target and his secretary. A small smile crept on my face ‘I can finally move from this spot’ I was glad as I had started to develop a cramp and needed to piss. The woman was about to turn the light on when I stuck. My knife impaled her chest, I missed her heart by an inch. My target responded swiftly hurling his white cane at me.

I ducked and was met by a knee to my face which drove me back by about two steps. The mask was undamaged I was glad as I didn’t want Red Queen having a go at me about breaking her toys. A kick connected with my chest and sent me into the door. ‘Fuck I hate fighting in this bipedal form!’ I cursed in my mind. My target was now dragging his secretary to safety my knife still in her chest. I knew she had about ten minutes before she bled out, I gave him the curtesy of calling for help. 

If he had something to defend he would slip up or even sacrifice himself to take an attack meant for her. He positioned the woman by the window I used to gain entry and took up a combat stance. I recognised it slightly and pulled out my karambit I held it in a traditional manner and readied myself. ‘I do have seven minutes to spend carving you up’ I slowly approached. His opening move was to grab a thick book and threw it at me. I easily dodged to the left and did a short lower right to upper left slash with my karambit.

My blade was intercepted by another book this one was titled tax code law. My face under the mask shifted slightly ‘don’t most people have these on their phones’. The blade impaled the book but I quickly withdrew it before he could use the book to disarm me. The man’s reflexes were extremely well refined, parrying and blocking my blows whilst also launching a few of his own attacks. I launched a more ferocious assault and because of the woman behind him he could dodge at all. He knew this and I most certainly knew this and I could see his brain was working overtime keeping up with my strikes.

I launched my tongue at his face which he instinctively blocked with the book he was holding. I pulled it away from him and tossed the damage book into a corner. I was having some fun slowly toying with my prey, I launched my tongue again this time he caught it and started to beat it with another book. I squealed slightly as I retracted it and stopped my assault to rub my injured appendage. My blood began to boil slightly as I hurled my karambit at him.

 This made him dodge and I was able to get a good slash at his face, splitting his glasses in two. He coiled back as I lunched a flying knee to his face. I wish I hadn’t cause he caught it and in a moment of kung fu crap he hurled me into a bookcase. I did a forward flip to get back up and this was met with him blitzing me. His counter attack blows were fast and sharp catching me completely off guard. Several landed but their damage was mitigating thanks to my armour. I had finally had enough and used the Deaf Grenade and watched him whither on the floor in pain. He clutched his ears and gritted his teeth and his secretary looked on in horror as I kicked him in the head. 

I did it again and again until he fell into unconscious I heard sirens approaching and sighed. “Well it seems like I need to be going then” my voice was mechanical and robotic thanks to the masks built in voice changer. The woman tried to squirm away like a scene from a horror movie. I gripped my knife tightly as I pulled it out slowly. I saw her eyes go wide as I slipped the blade through her ribs and into her heart. A quick twist of the knife ended her breathing and I saw the life wither away in her eyes. 

I loomed over Daredevil and sighed once again “I would like to end you here and now but the boss wants you to be publicly displayed.” I shook my head as I bundled the unconscious blind man onto my shoulders.

Twenty minutes later

I slowly tied the final nots on the bindings that I used on Daredevil to tie him to a cross that my boss had placed on his very church. I had to personally acquire his costume as well as dress him and prepare the necessary evidence to legitimise the identity. A pained groan alerted me to the awakening of Daredevil. He tried to move and even tried to speak but the toxin Red Queen gave me to inject him with stopped all movement and speech. “Why the boss needed you like this I don’t know and honestly I should ask for a pay rise.” I huffed and scratched my head and chucked “I should actually first ask for a paycheque”. 

I pulled out a hammer and long thick nails, “time to crucify the devil then” I giggled as I braced the first nail against his left foot. I cocked the hammer back as far as I could muster it and struck the nail with tremendous force. It took three blows for each nail to properly nail him to the cross. His pained grunts and low screams of anguish were a testament to either the toxin or his own will power. “Now this is no spear of Longinus but this will have to do” I slowly shoved my longest knife into his right side. 

It punctured his right lung and his heart I heard a soft gurgle and made sure to twist the knife extra well to ensure death. I then had to paint a sign in his own blood which was extra annoying. The sign read today the devil was slain by a holy warrior of god. The boss wanted the police to think some crazy religious nut-job did this. I wiped the blood off my knife on a piece of his suit and began to leave the scene. A full moon began to rise and my artwork was exposed I labelled it Persecution of the Devil. I used my camouflage and started to move away from the church at a quick place.

My mouth was dry and my tongue hurt but it didn’t matter when I got home I was going to take a nice long soak. I could already feel the warm water wash over me as my footfall scared several homeless people. I felt my phone vibrate and I had to duck into a corner to answer it. “Yes this is Jackson speaking” a muffled tone answered me.

“Yes Jackson has the laundry been done?” I heard him groan and a distinct voice whispering to him. 

“Yes the washing in on the drying rack as we speak, Is Miss Viper with you boss?” A woman answered and moaned in pleasure.

“Sorry Jackson but the boss is preoccupied at the moment, ow yes right there!” a loud squeal echoed out and I made sure my phone wasn’t on speaker.

“Well tell the boss his laundry is done and that I’m taking the rest of the night off” Viper moaned me a quick reply then hung up. I shook my head honestly the boss has a strange taste in women. I shrugged my shoulders but who was I to judge my husband was a quite literal snake. ‘I wonder what Yawn is making for dinner, I hope it’s not that meatloaf’ I shivered at the thought. There are only three things I feared in this world, a pissed off boss, his twins when they were hungry and Yawns meatloaf.

I shivered again before re camouflaging and walking off hopefully not to meatloaf.

Little Artwork for Jackson Spec Ops outfit.

Jackson Spec Ops Outfit

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