The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 45: Valentine’s Day Massacre Part 1

I awoke to complete darkness it was surprisingly warm and sweaty darkness. I realised quickly that this darkness was caused probably by Midnight cuddling me. I tried moving and my suspicions were confirmed by the iron grip that held me. I let out a muffled shout and felt something start chewing head. If I had to hazard a guess what was chewing my head it would have to be Ruby.

Thankfully my tail was free and was able to loosen the immense hold Midnight had on me. As I slipped from her grip, I carefully removed my daughter from my head. Ruby was completely asleep and was sleep biting her mandibles slashing the air as she bit whatever in her sleep. Valentine’s day was today and all my careful planning was bearing fruit. Viper was stationed on Umbrella Island to protect her from the T-virus. Ada was going to be stationed at the top floor of the Umbrella Tower. 

Midnight was going to be left here at the house to keep her from reviling too much. The ten Lickers were stationed at the ten T-virus bombs I had ordered Red Queen to station where they could cause the most damage. Several G-virus mutants would also be dispatched to cause more havoc. Yawn and Jackson were currently enjoying Valentine’s Day in Hawaii. I slowly slipped out of the bedroom and was confronted by Violet. At six days of age she had completely mastered the art of running around and was now the size a a two year old toddler. 

Her blood red eyes distantly gazed at me as she stood incredibly still. “Violet why are you out of bed?” She pointed to a large mass of white fluff in her and Ruby’s room. Zero had over taken her room, I did order Zero to guard her but this was ridiculous. “Alright do you want to help me make breakfast for your mother?” She nodded I picked her up and began the descent to the kitchen.

(Some time later)

Heavy footfall alerted me of Midnight waking up she probably smelled my cooking. With the help of Violet I had painstakingly created a massive breakfast. It had pancakes, syrup, bacon, eggs, sausages and even waffles. 

Don’t you think this is overkill host?

The system was as clueless as ever to human holidays and occasions. ‘Of course not System this is my first Valentine’s not in a hospital, and it’s my first with my wife and kids’. As I finished my mental message Midnight with Ruby on her shoulders came down the stairs. Midnight wore a large dark blue dressing gown and had a weary look on her face as she let Ruby clamberer down her. I was finishing placing everything on five plates. After Midnight and Ruby came Ada already in work clothes. 

“Sometimes smells good?” Ada said as she helped Violet and Ruby into their high chairs. Midnight walked towards me and stood behind me as I wiped the counter.

“It does smell nice but I would much rather devour you darling” she leant down and nibbled my ear. “If you catch my drift?” Midnight gripped my waist and her hands began to go lower. I flicked her in the forehead and picked up two of the plates.

“Later, for now you can devour this breakfast” I handed her one of the plates and handed the second to Ada. Midnight pouted slightly as she took the plate back to the table. I picked up two more plates and placed them in front of Violet and Ruby both stared at them intently. I was the last to be seated with my plate Ada and Midnight both looked at me I could tell the later was going to be eventful.

(Much Later)

I was resting on Umbrella island and watching on the TV the Valentine’s Day festivities going into full swing.

Look at all those people Host, they’re going about their day but they have no idea about the horror coming.

I heard the system laugh as I sipped my fruit juice, the system was right in a matter of minutes my dispersal units would go off. I would be committing an act of terrorism hundreds of times worse than nine eleven. Jill loomed behind me completely out of it, her pupils were dilated. She had been critical to my plan of removing Homelander. She had spiked some of his milk with the super cocaine  Red Queen had developed. He was currently high as a kite flying around the globe at super speed with no communication device.

I looked back at my watch and began to count down “ten… nine…”

Pov 3rd Person Location NYC 

A slow ticking from the ten trucks scattered around the city were being drowned out by the noise of the parades. The ten lickers waited patiently for the trucks rear doors to open. Two men and one woman also waited with syringes filled with the potent G-virus. The three of them were infected with the Las Plagas parasites. The parasites would die and shrivel up when the G-virus was administered to them. 

They stared at their respected timepieces and began to count down (all three in unison) “three… two.. one.” The dispersal units activated and clouds of violet blue gas started to flood the streets. The rear door to the trucks opened up and the Lickers shot out and pounced on the nearest humans. The two men and the women all injected themselves with the G-virus and started screaming. Their skin on their right arm began to tear as muscles began to expand rapidly. The right arm began to grow and a large orange eye grew and looked around frantically.

The people not initially killed the T-virus gas were quickly running away. Most were killed by the reanimated corpses of the deceased. Screams echoed out loudly way above the Parade’s music as the ravenous dead stormed forward.


Pov Luke Valentine 

I twiddled my thumbs as I watched on from the news outlets. My zombies were tearing people apart and that made me smile. I could only control the ones infected by the G-virus and the Lickers as controlling all million zombies would take away my ability to move. I started to get changed into a similar outfit to what Jackson wore. Mine on the other hand had the Umbrella logo on both shoulders and had grey trim.

My phone began to ring and vibrate it was Ada “Ada I’ve just caught the news stay put in the tower I’m coming, get all the employees up into the upper floors and seal the building.” I marched and alerted Red Queen, Ada agreed and told me to hurry.

Don’t you feel bad Host for lying to Ada and making her think she’s in danger when she isn’t?

I chuckled ‘of course I do system but you have to lie in this world to push it forward’ I soon stood before my army. Four thousand men and five Tyrants a small wispy smile formed on my face ‘The battle now begins’.

Sorry this chapter was slightly shorter than normal but I wanted to build a bit of tension and not get into the combat just yet. Also thank you everyone who has read my story, commented, gave a review and wrote a review. Getting into the Trending section is what I always hoped for and to get number one for a while was incredible.

Trending Number 1

See you all for chapter forty six, the fighting begins.

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