The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 46: Valentine’s Day Massacre Part 2

The gas had quickly dissipated as three distinct roars sounded throughout New York City. The sounds of screams echoed out as the living dead attacked the living. The sun shone down of the scene of hell below, fires raged as the amassing hordes charged forward. The screams of civilians echoed out as they tried to seek shelter in shops and other buildings. They were refused entry by the scared and snivelling humans wanting to preserve themselves.

One such horde had amassed a couple thousand and was now beginning its assault on a police station. The police had made makeshift barricades blocking the windows and doors. The undead outside started smashing their hands and heads into the doors and windows trying to break in. A rattling of gunfire sounds out as the police fired out of the gaps in the barricades. “Everyone aim for their heads!” yelled one of the officers.

“Shit there every where, we’re all going to die!” screamed one of the officers as he turned the gun on himself. This discouraged some of the officers but made some of them angrier. Some of the zombies were able to plunge their arms through the gaps of the barricades. Their arms flayed around wildly trying to grasp at any of the humans near them. Something began pounding on the door rattling its hinges. Three times these blows fell on the door, the hinges were nearly completely destroyed. 

“We need to hold that door otherwise we’re all dead!” several of the officers braced themselves against the door. Whilst some of their colleagues aimed their assault rifles and shotguns at the door. More blows rained down onto the door and finally a hand punched through it. The hand also punched through one of the officers. The hand was quickly withdrawn and the blows resumed as the officer that was now missing most of his guts crumpled to the floor. Two officers raced towards him but they were too slow as a familiar hand smashed through the door and his head. Blood and brains plastered the floor and the nearby officers legs. The door couldn’t withstand the continuous blows of this zombie and the police began to fall back.

The police had formed a last stand area with shoddily constructed barricades. The front most officers wielded the most powerful guns the station had and they nervously gulped. The first few zombies that entered their sight were dispatched easily with a chorus of gunfire. But then it stood before them. A zombie towered above the rest, it was extremely muscular and veiny. Large yellow eyes glared at the quivering officers and a mouth of razor sharp teeth grinned at them. The zombies arms had spikes jutting out of the sides covered in fresh blood. The zombie lacked any hair but had sharp pointed ears.

“Shoot that fucker!” screamed one of the officers and the rest followed his instruction. The bullets they fired were blocked by a large piece of metal. The zombie hurled this metal piece like a frisbee decapitating some of the unlucky officers too slow to duck. The officers tried to return fire but the zombie was immensely quick for its size. It cleared the ten feet to the barricades in a few seconds and smashed through them just as fast. One unlucky officer was picked up by this zombie and tossed behind it only to be eaten and mauled by the zombies waiting behind it. Gunfire and screams echoed out as this zombie tore its way through the officers.

Pov Leon Scott Kennedy

Another zombies brains splattered the outside pavement as I continued to open fire through the top floor windows of the A.U.T.F headquarters. ‘Shit there is no end to them!’ I cursed in my head as I was handed an assault rifle by Chris. “What’s our current situation Chris?” Chris’s face looked to the side slightly.

“It’s not great Leon we only have twenty people here including me, you, Albert and Rebecca. Ammo wise we have enough to take on a small army but at the rate we’re using it, it won’t last long.” Chris took aim with his pistol and domed another three zombies. “Leon if this attack is as big as we thought Natasha could be in serious danger at the hospital” I nodded as I shot another zombie.

 We both went to Wesker and Rebecca, Rebecca was helping distribute ammunition to the other A.U.T.F members and Wesker was on the radio. “Maria we are under attack from zombies we need immediate assistance!” The radio crackled and a familiar female voice answered.

“No can do Wesker we can’t send reinforcements the US military and the National Guard are wading in. Apparently we can’t be trusted in these situations anymore and your unit technically doesn’t exist. I’m sorry Wesker you’ll have to hold out” Wesker slammed the radio against the table.

“Fuck!” He angrily screamed as he looked at us “we’re boned S.H.I.E.L.D isn’t coming to help us”.

“Wesker we aren’t here for an update on reinforcements we need you to accompany us to the hospital where Natasha is” Wesker nodded slightly and grabbed his bulletproof vest and a suppressed shotgun. 

“We’ll have to travel light and avoid the areas of those parades, they’ll be crawling with zombies” Wesker pulled out a map of New York City. He began drawing on it with a marker “Times Square is a definite no go zone, unless we’re bringing a couple hundred men and heavy firepower.” 

Pov Luke Valentine

I was waiting inside a Raven with nine other soldiers. I brought the Broken Butterfly Magnum, the newly developed RW1 pistol and SN6 submachine gun. The Raven I was on was the leading one and I peered at the city below thanks to the cameras mounted on the underside of the Raven. Fires and carnage had taken hold and I smiled.

Congratulations Host on dooming the city you have earned a new title: Father of B.O.W’s

Title: Father of B.O.W’s
The host will now gain RE points when a Low quality grade 2 or higher B.O.W is created by anyone else. You also gain RE points and rewards when B.O.W’s kill those with powers. 

I smiled at least now when Red Queen created those  T-103 I would at least get points for them. We had reached Umbrella Tower’s Helipad where me and the nine other solider’s got off. Ada and the rest of the employees rushed towards us. Ada hugged me “I knew you’d come” I patted her on the back.

“Attention Umbrella employees we will now begin the evacuation please remain calm and follow my the Security Service instructions” I command and the people began to line up. The nine men followed me into the tower as the first load of people began to board the Raven.

“Attention all Umbrella Security Forces begin operation London Bridge is falling down” as I said this the T-103 and the Goliath Exo suits were released. I had to wait for the rest of the soldiers to be unloaded at the Umbrella tower. “Red Queen release the security measures please”. Red Queen followed my order without question and the metal shutters on the windows and door raised up. “Secure the area, Ravens provide air support and rescue civilians, that goes for ground forces as well  try and escort them here for pick up.” Me and the army behind me began securing the perimeter around the tower. 

It pained me slightly having to kill perfectly fine B.O.W’s but I steeled my resolve as I used the SN6 to mow down eight zombies. My soldiers began to slowly advance with the help of the Goliath Exo’s. “Red Queen send the package to S.H.I.E.L.D and tell it to complete mission objective Purging Heist.”

“Certainly boss the package has already been sent and will arrive at the Helicarrier in three minutes” I nodded in glee as I blew the brains out of another zombie. Several people began exiting the buildings around us as we pushed forward. I instructed them to head to the Umbrella Tower with a description of what it looks like for evacuation. Several zombies were Mid Quality Grade One B.O.W’s in normal circumstances I would have captured them but in such a public and open space I needed to end them. This attack also had several benefits I could wipe out the A.U.T.F without any backlash. Another benefit was getting rid of evidence on me and another benefit was to cripple the heroes. 

A strange blur ran away from a horde of zombies and a very, very large zombie. I scratched my chin as this blur was booted towards us and it slammed into a car. What I could make of what was left of the blur was it was some black guy. ‘Wait is this Black Flash ergh A-Train’ I had to hold in my giggles as a pop up formed before me.

B.O.W Goliath stage three killed A-Train 

5,000 RE points awarded to Host

I was slightly shocked as I rubbed my eyes ‘did the system just say a Goliath infected reached stage three’.  I really wanted to capture it but before I could the Goliath zombie was lasered in half by two red beams. ‘Wait that couldn’t be Homelander Red Queen assured me he would be useless for days.’ I slowly turned around a floating muscular man in bright blue spandex greeted me. A S symbol was on his chest and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“I’m so glad you’re here Superman I don’t know what we would’ve done against that thing” I wandered over to the splattered corpse of A-Train. His head was amazingly still in tact, I closed his eyes and whispered a small prayer. “Please say you’re here with backup cause we’re stretched thin rescuing everyone we can?”

Superman nodded “the rest of the league are here, is there anywhere we can move rescued people?”

“Yes we have secured the area around our Umbrella Tower but if you could leave some heroes there I’m sure the rescued civilians will feel safer.” He nodded and flew off, I wiped a bead of sweat from my brow. I wasn’t a massive DC fan but I knew the major players of that universe. “All Umbrella Security Service Soldiers carry on with the plan and help any heroes you can we need to help as many people as we can.” I made sure lots of the rescued civilians running past me heard this.

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