The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 51: Valentines Day Massacre Part 7 (Finale)

Superman began raining blows upon the female creature he was fighting. The creature just smiled as she seemed unfazed by the man of steel’s barrage. Superman threw up a guard as the creature sent a heavy right hook at his head. The creature began to counter attack with powerful right and left hooks. 

“DIE FUCKING BOY SCOUT!” The creature screamed as it grabbed Superman’s head. Its right knee drove into Superman’s face as they began to descend from the sky. Superman corrected his trajectory and landed on his feet as the creature crashed into him. The creature rallied itself back onto its feet as it stared daggers into the man of steel. The eye in the centre of its chest glanced around looking for any openings.

A small gust blew the creature’s tendril hair slightly and caught many fine dust particles in the crater they had formed. “You will die inferior being, you can’t stop the next evolution of this pathetic species” it cackled. Superman stood firm and readied himself for the creature’s next attack. The creature lunged at him swinging a wild haymaker at his head. He caught this blow with one hand and replied with a blow of his own to its stomach. The creature recoiled and tried to maintain a small distance. 

“I’ll give you credit, you are much stronger than those idiots I faced before, but” the creature shot forward again. “I’m Scylla and the boss has given me a mission!” Scylla screamed sending its tendril hair at the man of steel. The hair hit him with tremendous force and sent him flying backwards into the side of an office building.  Scylla cracked her knuckles as she prepared herself and shot forward again. Her hair formed a drill and she began to spin rapidly. Scylla felt her hair drill hit something really hard “die!” she screamed spinning even faster. 

Superman’s strong hands clamped onto the tendril hair drill. He began to spin her faster and faster taking out a multitude of walls around them before finally hurling her upwards. A cloud of rubble and dust fell on Superman as Scylla flew higher and higher, crashing into the upper floors of the building. The building began to collapse as Scylla broke through the ceiling. The man of steel flew upwards through the holes Scylla had created. 

Scylla corrected her position in the air so she was now facing the ground and most importantly Superman. “EAT THIS BOY SCOUT!” Scylla’s chest eye began to glow a bright green. The eye shot out a bright green beam of energy that Superman easily avoided. A loud boom could be heard as the energy beam hit the collapsing building. The building was atomised and so was several of the nearby buildings. Superman seemed to slow down slightly and had a worried expression.

“What’s wrong Superman don’t like my Kyptonite blasts” Scylla taunted indicating with her hand for him to come at her as she began to fall. “Here take another!” Another green energy beam shot towards Superman. This one hit a green barrier instead of hitting the man of steel. A small amount of fury boiled in Scylla’s piss yellow eyes. “I thought I warned you!” Scylla screeched as her fist plunged into the green barrier. The Green Lantern forced the barrier forward giving his comrade time to recover.

“You need to leave Superman this isn’t a fight you can win” Scylla just growled as she continued to pummel the barrier. “Hurry I’m not going to be able to hold her back forever” Superman nodded and flew away just as another shape flew towards the monster.

The high speed shape slammed into Scylla sending her higher into the air. “That is enough monster!” Scylla glared at her new opponent. Her opponent had waist length black hair, blue eyes, this opponent had a somewhat beauty about her. It was fairly easy for Scylla to determine the identity of her new opponent from the tiara with a red star on it and the stupid star spangled bottom bathing suit of a costume. The suit did little to hide the athletic physique of its occupant. 

“I was wondering when you would show up Wonder Woman?” Scylla laughed as she launched her fleshy tendril hair her.

“Do not utter my name creature” Wonder Woman retorted before pulling a sword out of nowhere and hacking at the tendrils Scylla had launched at her. 

Scylla soon began to loose altitude and started to plummet towards the earth again. A familiar hammer smashed her back into the air again and Scylla grimaced. The blonde haired hammer wielding idiot was back for round two.

“Have at thee fiend!” It yelled loudly and proudly as it landed another strike on Scylla with the hammer. Scylla was about to right herself when Wonder Woman seemingly teleported behind her and hit her with a powerful overhead slash with her sword. Her skin was damaged by the strike but the force still catapulted her towards the ground again. 

‘Stupid assholes have they never heard of a fair fight before’ Scylla cursed in her mind. She hit the ground again with tremendous force and was nearly squashed by an enormous green anvil. Thankfully her quick reflexes allowed her to backflip out of the way. 

“Give up villain” cried the hammer wielding twit before throwing his hammer at her again. The hammer cracked with lightning that struck the surroundings as it flew towards her. Scylla couldn’t dodge in time and her right arm and part of her right shoulder were blow away. Wonder Woman followed this up by dashing forwards at incredible speeds and delivering a powerful downward slash with her sword. 

‘Damn it if I don’t do something I’m going to loose’ was the only thought on her mind as her right should and arm began to regenerate much to the surprise of the heroes. 

“HULK SMASH MONSTER WOMAN” was all Scylla heard as two giant green fists began to pummel her with blows. The angry green giant grabbed her by the leg and started to fling her around like a rag doll. Left then right then left again before finally being whipped into the ground right of him twice in a row. 

“Unhand me beast!” Scylla screeched as her chest eye blasted the green giant with a powerful green energy beam. Scylla was dropped to the floor and the green giant was sent flying. 

“Are you alright Hulk?” Thor asked his friend who just screamed unintelligently from inside the building he flew into. A pissed off one tone of veiny green muscle shot forward with its arms flailing around.

“Stay down beast!” Scylla called again blasting the Hulk again with the green energy beam. The Hulk powered on through it and wrapped his large hands around Scylla’s face.

“MONSTER LADY HURT HULK, HULK HURT MONSTER LADY BACK!!!!” Was all the Hulk could say before he returned to unintelligent screams as he slammed Scylla’s head into the ground over and over. The ground quaked and the windows of all the surroundings just shattered.

“Shouldn’t we stop him?” Questioned the Green Lantern whilst recoiling from the visual of the Hulk trying his hardest to turn Scylla’s head into mush.

“No he’ll calm down eventually, best leave him be” Thor replied as he blocked the green costumed hero’s path with his hammer. 

“I agree with Lantern we need to interrogate the creature for useful intel on who committed this atrocity. And it will be hard to do so if the creature doesn’t have a head.” Wonder Woman interjected moving the hammer out of the way with her sword.

“I don’t think that will be necessary” came a voice behind the trio. The trio turned and was faced by a man wearing what seemed to be a black leather trench coat. The man wore black leather boots, black leather gloves and his head was covered in a black military peaked cap. The cap bore a strange silver insignia of a double helix clutched by a pair of wings. The figure’s face was hidden behind a gas mask made of black fabric with red lenses where the eyes were. 

The trio leaped backwards and Scylla shot towards the figure before bowing in all fours in front of it. “I’m sorry master that I caused you so much trouble that you needed to come here personally”. Scylla smashed her head into the floor several times.

(Flashback 10 minutes Pov Luke Valentine)

I watched patiently through the eyes of Scylla as she engaged Superman. My plan was coming along fairly well, my forces had finally contained the zombies to a smaller area. Stars and Stripes was able to guide the Helicarrier into the water near the city much to my chagrin. She had also dealt with the zombies on the Helicarrier which from what I heard of the radio was pretty much everyone on the damn thing. I pulled out my phone and clicked on the Red Queen app she had installed on it. 

“Yes Boss?” The digital little girl that was Red Queen asked me.

“Send the cargo to my location it’s time for Doctor Animo’s grand unveiling” the digital terror looked at me with a look of confusion and glee.

“Certainly Sir the cargo is on its way” I smiled as I turned my phone off. A rumbling sound came underneath me as a drill soon broke the surface. Mechanical arms dragged me into the capsule that followed the drill. I began to transform my body as I was stripped and new clothes were placed on me. I went from four foot two, to six foot eight my stinger tail shrunk into nothingness and my hair receded to a shorter length and its colouring changed to brown.

“Testing, testing” I spoke changing my voice, “testing, argh this one sounds good” I settled on a deep voice with a heavy German accent. ‘Those idiots will probably think I’m some kind of Nazi or something’ I giggled at the thought. 

(Back to the present Pov Luke Valentine)

Thor, Wonder Woman and the Green Lantern glared at me as I walked towards the bowing Scylla. “Fret not Scylla my arrival has nothing to do with your failure” I put a lot into of emphasis on the failure part. Scylla looked down in shame and I turned my gaze to the heroes. “I must thank you heroes for your quick and speedy response to my organisation’s test” I laughed slightly as I pulled out a small tablet. I pretended to type on it before promptly destroying it. “I now have all the data I need for stage two” I turned away from the heroes and I began to walk away.

“Halt vile villain!” Thor shouted.

“HULK SMASH GERMAN MAN!” Both Hulk and Thor shot towards me. Normal any villain would immediately surrender but I was different.

New Mission: Resident Evil Boss

Every Resident Evil game has a final boss monster or at least one boss monster that is truly monstrous. Become that boss monster and beat the heroes.

Heroes Beaten: 0/5

Reward: 100,000 RE Points, Access to the 2nd tier of the RE point store, 1 free random expansion and 1 random recipe.

I smiled as my hand touched Scylla and I activated my *B.O.W Assimilation* I grew even taller. My fingers punctured the gloves and my brown hair grew longer and more flesh like. I caught both of the heroes and flung them to the side. “You idiots never listen, my name is Doctor Animo leader of The New Era”. Wonder Woman shot forward and swiped at me with her sword. 

*Muscle Growth* my right arm grew to monstrous proportions as I piled all the strength of the mutation to increase the muscle mass of my right arm by six hundred and twenty five times. “Right Giganti” I slammed my new giant right hand into the ground. A massive shockwave sent countless pieces of debris flying everywhere. Buildings collapsed one after another and the heroes flew backwards. Green Lantern caught Wonder Woman with a giant green hand. Donk I felt something hit my head BOOOM! a small explosion rocked me for a moment before I quickly recovered. A black shape ran towards me and attempted to drop kick me. I side stepped and transferred all the power of Muscle growth into my left arm which I then tried to squash the figure with. 

Wonder Woman came to the figure’s rescue and blocked the blow with a shield that magically manifested out of nowhere. She was uninjured by the confrontation though as her legs were forced into the broken remnants of what used to be the road. The figure she saved was no other than Batman who through smoke bombs at my face. Next thing I knew I was smacked with a giant green hammer and sent into the air.

*Tumour Wings* two meaty wings burst from my back destroying the back of my trench coat. I transferred half the power of Muscle Growth to both of the wings and they grew much larger. “Come get me Heroes” I taunted before take off high into the sky. And as I expected Green Lantern, Thor and Wonder Woman who freed herself pursed me high into the air leaving Batman and a pissed off Hulk in the middle of the destruction. Two more shapes approached us in the sky. A red and gold mech suit accompanied by a black and silver mech suit flew to join the trio. 

Eyes grew from my wings and they began to glow green. “I know pro heroes love yelling out the names of their super moves so here have this CRISIS SPREAD ECLIPSE!” The eyes on my wings shot their energy blasts towards the heroes. The green streaks of energy exploded in mid air releasing even more green energy blasts. Thousands rained down causing an eerie green glow to envelop the city.

“We need to stop those things hitting the city!” Yelled Green Lantern as he projected a massive green force field.

“No doubt about that Lantern of Green” I heard Thor say as he began to spin his hammer on his wrist probably to charge some kind of lightning attack. “Tony, War Machine we need to bring this fiend down” he yelled like I wasn’t listening. 

Wonder Woman, War Machine and Iron Man zoomed at me as the two others were going to try and save the city. “Ah it seems you still think you can beat me” I laughed slightly and withdrew the power of Muscle Growth from my wings. “Here eat this THUNDER CLAP!” as I yelled this my arms grew bigger and when they collided a massive ear splitting boom accompanied by a powerful shock wave travelled out. This sent the heroes and the energy blasts flying in random directions. 

The heroes couldn’t orient themselves in time and all of them were hit by at least one of the energy blasts. The blasts were packed with enough strength to even put Superman on his ass. I watched the unconscious heroes plummet to the earth and the few energy blasts hit parts of the city. I watched as entire blocks were erased from existence before the system warned me I had a minute of time left on my B.O.W assimilation mutation. 

Stars and Stripes had finally made it to the party and she saw me and I glared at her. “I would love to stay and chat but I have places to go and a species to evolve” I transferred the power to my wings once again and like a super sonic bullet flew away.

(A few hours later)

I accompanied my soldiers doing the final sweeps of the city, cleaning up any zombies that might have remained. The carnage was so enjoyable because of my little stint as Doctor Animo half the city was destroyed and hundreds of thousands had lost their lives. 

You have done an impeccable job host, I never would have thought this was possible.

‘You know system I didn’t think it was possible either’ I had watched the heroes I had pulverised be loaded onto ambulances. The two heroes Iron Man and War Machine had been put in critical condition since they were just humans in fancy suits. Wonder Woman had a multitude of broken ribs, Thor had suffered an extreme concussion and had a broken arm. Green Lantern broke both his legs and probably needed a CT scan to make sure he hadn’t a bleed on the brain.

Those who had lost someone weeped like idiots trying to touch or see their loved one's body one last time. One such moron was Peter Parker who was weeping over the mutilated corpse of his aunt. I paid him little mind as the old lady was put in a body bag and carried away. The official estimates of those killed was roughly five hundred thousand and still climbing. 

Stars and Stripes was weeping over the assortment of corpses of those unfortunate to be hit by my stray blasts. But one thing was certain the superheroes of Vought hadn’t done a thing to help the people. A-Train was scrapped up with a shovel and was dumped into a bodybag. I had left Scylla in the impeccable care of Nemesis and Red Queen. But the biggest gain of the day was all the lovely rewards I had gotten.

Rewards distributed: 

The downfall of Vought part 1 mission complete: Rewards: 10,000 RE points, Continuation of this storyline.

Resident Evil Boss mission complete: Rewards: 100,000 RE Points, Access to the 2nd tier of the RE point store, 1 free random expansion and 1 random recipe.

Expansion claimed: Prototype 

Prototype Items will become available in the store.

New Recipe Unlocked: Low Grade Uroboros Virus

I grinned as I was now super rich with the completion of the missions. ‘System show me the store please’

Resident Evil point shop   RE point balance: 117,350

1st tier 12:36 until refresh

1: Sold
2: Statue of Good    Cost: 2,000 RE points
3: Mid Grade T-Virus Recipe   Cost: 10,000 RE points
4: Web shooting mutation (Spiderman Expansion)   Cost: 500 RE points
5: Shock Baton   Cost: 100 RE points
6: 12 Magnum Ammo   Cost: 2,000 RE points 
7: Sold
8: Disposable Combat Knife   Cost: 100 RE points
9: Gene Splicing Kit   Cost: 50,000 RE points
10: Mid grade G-Virus Recipe   Cost: 25,000 RE points

2nd tier 23:34 until refresh

1: 1 vial of Low Grade Uroboros Virus   Cost: 100,000 RE points
2: Albert Wesker DNA   Cost: 10,000 RE points
3: Verdugo   Cost: 75,000 RE points
4: Advanced Cooking Knowledge   Cost: 1,000 RE points
5: Redlight Virus (Prototype Expansion)   Cost: 100,000 RE points

‘System buy me the Mid Grade T-Virus Recipe, Gene Splicing Kit, Mid grade G-Virus Recipe, the Twelve Magnum Ammo and the Advanced Cooking Knowledge please. And put the Redlight Virus, Verdugo and Albert’s DNA on hold please’.

Certainly Host I hope you enjoy your purchases

I quickly entered a trailer we had set up as a command post and acquired the splicing kit and began reading the instructions. 

Host please choose one of the following organisms to use for the gene splicing.

Tiger: Cost: 500 RE points
Crocodile: Cost: 500 RE points 
Lion: Cost: 1000 RE points
…… ? Others

I scrolled through the options and picked the most interesting one.

Are you sure you want that one Host?

I nodded and the system sounded quite sceptical.

Alright Host you have selected the organism Germ
Cost: Free

A small needle like gun syringe appeared in my hand. It was silver with a glass capsule on the opposite end of the needle. The capsule was filled with a green mixture and I smiled before rolling up the sleeve of my red suit. I felt a cold wave roll over me as the liquid disappeared into my arm. The cold wave soon subsided and was followed by a burning hot wave as I felt every one of my atoms being changed. Even with the increased pain tolerance thanks to the Controller Plaga it still hurt like a bitch. After the pain subsided I brought up my own stat page.

Luke Valentine     Race:Human/Germ/Plaga/B.O.W/?
Age: 19    Titles: Unbiased Killer, Father of B.O.W’s

Race Mutations: Body Division (1/9)

Temporary Mutations: B.O.W Assimilation LV1, Bone Darts LV4, Tumour Wings LV1, Muscle Growth LV4.

Permanent Mutations: Trident Stinger LV2, Body Morph LV1, Acid Gland LV1, Enhanced Teeth LV3, Spidy Sense LV2, Lickers Tongue LV2, Predatory Eyes LV3

Genius: Coding, Hacking 
Expert: Mechanical Engineering 
Advanced: Biology, Biotechnology, Cooking
Beginner:  Language Understanding

Skills: Eyes of Good and Evil

Traits: Cannibalistic Gain, Blood Lust

Items: Controller Plaga, Special Glasses, Broken Butterfly Magnum, 15 Magnum bullets, Special Cane from Midnight.

A.U.T.F Headquarters Pov 3rd person

Leon, Chris, Fury, Natasha and Albert gagged as the rotting stench of corpses. They had finally made it back to the A.U.T.F headquarters but it was a massacre. Dead agents laid everywhere most with giant slash marks. A wave of panic rushed over Albert as he rushed forward looking for Rebecca. 
Fury sat Natasha down as they began to look for any survivors. Leon kept his gun out and ready for any creatures that might attack him. They found the corpse of a muscular creature without any skin and it began to move. Leon was about to shoot it when a strange muffled voice cane from underneath it.
“Help get this thing off of me” Albert was relieved and with the help of Chris and Leon they rolled the creature onto its side. Underneath the creature was a slightly injured and very angry Rebecca Chambers.
She explained to them what had happened and Chris punched a nearby wall. “Fuck, he planned this all along” Leon tried to console the raging man. “Everyone’s fucking dead because of him”.
“Well it gets worst Chris, We found Jill” Maria Hill was behind them. She showed them a tablet “we believe she has been brainwashed by him, she snuck onto the Helicarrier stole some highly encrypted files, deleted ever piece of data we had and then tried to crash the Helicarrier whilst it was under siege from zombies”.
Maria just shook her head “we also think she stole something, but we can’t tell what for certain” the group just looked at each other in distain. 
“What could he possibly gain from doing something like this” Leon asked.
“Who fucking knows, he’s probably crazy” Chris replied.
“Well tomorrow he’s holding a press conference to address the public” everyone was filled with rage.
Pov Luke Valentine a day later

I was dressed in a pristine black suit with a red tie, I changed my glasses to a big black frame ones. My hands were gloved in black leather and I wore my new choker. Ada, Viper and Midnight had modified my old choker it reminded black leather with silver studs. But now it had a small tag on it that was all high tech. It would show holograms and most importantly it said I belonged to them.
I had made them three rings all unique with special features. I remember their faces as I gave them to them. My cane tapped the ground as I waited for the press conference to begin. The conference took place in front of the Umbrella Tower. A large crowd had gathered including national news agencies. 
Midnight loomed over me, her dark purple hair draped my shoulders and I gazed up into her beautiful purple eyes. The president had turned up to give an address to the nation and he was just about finished. “Knock em dead honey” Midnight said to me with a smile.
The president finished his speech and introduced me onto the podium. Camera’s flashed as I took to the podium and a nervous feeling washed over me.
I wish you the best of luck host

‘Thanks system’ I looked directly at the crowd of people eager to hear what I was about to say. “As the CEO of the Umbrella Corporation I would like to say I’m sorry” I bowed slightly and a tidal wave of camera flashes hit me. “I am sorry that my Company failed, the motto of my company is When it begins to rain we will be the umbrella to the world. The Umbrella Corporation was made to help and improve the lives of the people of the world and we failed.
We saved some lives but not every life and for that I beg you for your forgiveness, we weren’t quick enough to respond to this emergency and we were ill prepared. I would like to thank the heroes and their rapid response to the attack, I wish some heroes had actually show up so the casualties wouldn’t be as high” I shot a glance to Vought Tower it was noticeable and I wanted it to be. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for!” I heard yelled from the crowd.
“Yeah you saved our lives!” I heard another shout.
A small fake tear left my eye “thank you but the real praise should go to those brave Umbrella Security Service men and women that gave their lives.” I bowed once more and left the podium but then Superman and other members of the Justice League appeared.
I heard the crowd murmur and then Superman spoke “I would also like to extend my gratitude to the Umbrella Security Service for responding quickly and decisively to the news of the attack, and for evacuating the civilians to a safe place, if it wasn’t for them and you the casualties would have been much higher”. Superman floated towards me and extended his hand and I shook it. “You are a credit to the nation and you should be proud” the cameras flashed even more capturing this historic occasion.
‘What a bunch of idiots’ I chuckled at the thought.
And there you have it, this is the end of the first Arc of my story. I hoped you enjoyed it and I can’t wait to write the next chapter. Damn it feels good for this story to be back after 2 months of waiting. Well I hoped you enjoyed this massive chapter, please comment, rate and write a review all of it helps.

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