The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 52: Curing Lex’s Cancer (R-18)

Midnight waited for me in the lobby of the Umbrella Tower. She watched as I sat next to her on the lobby’s couch. My head rested on her lap as I took a deep breath. “I am beat” I said loudly as I looked up at her.

“Well I don’t know why, you wasted the most romantic day in the world” she pouted slightly as she spoke.

“I know you wanted to do it when I got back, but there was so much I had to do” I leant up slightly and kissed her on the cheek. “And anyway my birthday is coming up in a week so I can treat and surprise you then.” Midnight kept her pout and nodded slightly I smirked slightly. “Well I think I could potentially spoil you now to make up for it but” I put my index finger close to my lips. “You must keep it a secret from the others though” Midnight nodded frantically as I kissed her on the cheek. I got up and gestured for her to hold my hand which she did immediately. “Well then my fare lady shall we take this to the office?”

“Most certainly my dear” she had a predatory smile ‘ow my sweet dear you have no idea what is about to happen’. We entered the elevator and just as the doors closed Midnight pounced. She lifted me up and pinned me to the elevator wall so she could kiss and lick my face. She began to unbutton my white shirt and black suit jacket. 

“Red Queen prepare the office Midnight Protocol” I barely got out as Midnight tried to spoke me speaking with her kisses.

“Certainly Sir, Midnight Protocol had been engaged”

Midnight looked at me with confusion and slight intrigue. “What is Midnight Protocol?” She said to me as she let me down but kept me close to the wall.

The door to the elevator opened up and revealed a completely padded white room lit with lights imbedded into the padded walls. “The Midnight Protocol turns the office into a completely soundproof, reinforced fuck room.” Midnight dragged me into the office and I took off my clothes as she did the same. Small mechanical arms emerged from the walls and took the clothes.

“I hope you’re ready my dear, you’ve been a very naughty boy making me wait so long?” I began to laugh as the elevator door closed and the padding covered them.

“No Midnight I hope you are ready, right boys?”. Eight heads emerged from different parts of my body. I felt their hands form to pull themselves from me and it felt delightfully. It was honestly confusing having my concussions split nine ways but it just meant I could experience Midnight’s beauty from nine different angles.

I licked my lips on all my bodies and just stared at Midnight “I hope you are ready” I spoke and all nine bodies spoke at the same time. “We’re going to stuff every crevices and use every inch of your sexy goddess like body”.


I waited in the elevator for a few seconds adjusting my tie of my red three piece suit. My cane rested in my right hand as the doors to the elevator opened up. I saw a bald white man who looked quite sickly and a woman with short brown hair who was dressed in some kind of chauffeur clothing. A smile crept on my face as I limped towards the pair my cane hitting the ground as I walked signalled approach.

“Mr Luthor I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long?” I smiled widely as my tail swished side to side. I extended my hand and the woman was the one to shake it. I took a slight sniff and smiled “ohh Mr Luthor I didn’t know you had an Amazon in your company”. The sniff was a throw off as I used my upgraded Predatory Eyes to see what she truly was. I wondered what the difference between my Eyes of Good and Evil and the Predatory Eyes was. The Eyes of Good and Evil gave me a view of what they did and the upgraded Predatory Eyes let me see what they were.

Name: Mercy Graves
Species: Half Human / Half Amazon
Age: 34

Current Status: Pregnant (2 weeks) Cause: Lex Luthor

Current Mood: mad at Luke Valentine

Stomach Contents: Bread, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cheese, Beef Patty, Potato Fries, Coca-Cola

Upgrade Predatory Eyes to see more

Lex and Mercy glanced at me and I tapped my nose “you smell similar to Wonder Women, also I would cut back on the junk food the stuff isn’t healthy”. I smiled again and I could see the visible frustration on Mercy’s face rise every moment. “Now if you would follow me, we can head to a more private location”. Mercy helped the struggling Luthor up and handed him a solid black cane to help steady himself. We walked to the elevator and I instructed Red Queen to take us to the thirty eighth floor.

“You seem to have a very sophisticated Artificial Intelligence running your building’s system Mr Valentine’s” Luthor said with a hint of sarcasm. “It reminds me of one I made a few years ago” he seemed to be remembering something.

“Well I’m sorry Mr Luthor, Red Queen is indeed an A.I but that isn’t what it stands for, Red Queen is the first Actual Intelligence system in the world. She can think for herself and she makes all Artificial Intelligence look like a kindergartener’s toy” I boasted proudly. 

“You exaggerate my abilities boss” the red little girl hologram of Red Queen appeared in the elevator. 

“Well I didn’t I just spoke the truth, on a different topic has floor thirty eight been properly prepared?” 

“Yes sir, floor thirty eight is ready” I nodded slightly and the hologram disappeared as the elevator stopped and the doors opened up. Labs were busy with my Plaga controlled employees. “If you would follow me Mr Luthor” I gestured forward as I took the first step out. 

Mercy was hesitant as several of my security members stepped forward with weapons by their sides. I raised my hand “they’re with me no need to search them”. The guards nodded and returned to their posts their uniforms made them look like they were prepared for chemical warfare. We entered a large laboratory with all sorts of medical apparatus not being used. As we entered the glass wall darkened until nothing outside was visible. A projector descended from the ceiling and showed several pictures were shown. 

“Mr Luthor I know my cure for cancer hasn’t worked on you, and I’m deeply sorry for that” I bowed my head slightly. “Due to the unique origins of your cancer, thanks to it being induced by Kryptonite my original formula could kill it.” I saw Lex look unbothered by the situation. “Mr Luthor what do you know about my company?” 

“The Umbrella Corporation started a month ago by you Luke Valentine, you’ve had several run ins with S.H.I.E.L.D because of your supposed links to Hydra.” Mercy chimed in and I slowly clapped.

“As I would expect from the assistant to one of the smartest men on the planet, but what you might not know is what I am. My abilities are unique as it can cause innumerable mutations and is the reason for my child like appearance. It also made me better than any human or super human on the planet. The attack yesterday was caused by me, or rather by the newly formed terrorist group Tricell.” Both Mercy and Lex looked shocked at my statement. “I dream of a better world Lex, a world free of illness, a perfect world. Humans as a species won’t survive the next evolutionary extinction event, not without help.”

“And those zombies were your idea of help?” Lex said with a hint of anger.

“No those were merely those who couldn’t adapt, you saw the strange woman that went toe to toe with several superheroes, and the man calling himself Doctor Animo. They were both were once human, but they transcended thanks to me” I gestured grandly. “In an evolutionary arms race the weak always perish, and I would like your help Lex”.

“And what would you have me do?” Lex said with a bit of hesitation.

“I know you have ties to the black market, I know you have contacts that could really need weapons like mine”

“You say you want to help humanity but you make weapons to kill us?” Mercy said with disgust.

“I know what I did was unforgivable but it is for the greater good, with the money from these arms sales I can research and improve my gift.” I placed a vial of black liquid onto the table “thanks to this latest test I was able to create this, I call it Uroburos this is what will cure you Lex”. I loaded the vial of Uroburos into a syringe gun “if you choose to accept this and survive the process you will far surpass any mortal and become a god among men.”

“If I survive?” Lex asked with confusion.

“Yes whilst Uroburos may be superior to my other creations it is much more deadly and lethal. If you survive the world would be you oyster and if you don’t, well you don’t want to think about it”

“What are his chances of surviving this thing?” Mercy asked as she unholstered her discreet firearm.

“Well the chances are one in a billion, but for a man that is definitely dying I don’t think that matters.” I readied the syringe gun and looked at Lex who was contemplating what I had said. “So Mr Luthor do you want to try and ascend or waste away and die a slow death?” Luthor coughed heavily and nodded I smiled as I took an empty syringe and stabbed it into his arm. “I need a sample of the unaltered subject so we can compare it to any future success, so we can screen those who are compatible and who aren’t.”

Lex nodded hesitantly as I took the blood sample “now you may feel some pain, discomfort maybe even a burning sensation”. I stabbed the Uroburos filled syringe gun into Lex’s arm and I watched the black liquid flow into him.

Are you sure this is a good idea Host, Lex Luthor doesn’t have the greatest track record when it comes to not betraying allies.

‘Well have a little faith system he’s seen what I’m capable of, I’m sure even his ego knows better’. Luthor began to scream as black tendrils erupted from his skin. I watched on silent as my tail pinned Mercy to the wall. She had tried to shot me like an idiot. The tendrils stabbed into Luthor’s skin as he twisted and writhed in agony on the lab floor. It finally ended whenthe black tendrils slithered into his eyes and he stopped moving and breathing for a second.

“Well it looks like bonding was successful” I smiled as Luthor suddenly began breathing again and got back to his feet. I released Mercy and took a quick glance at Lex. Lex’s eyes had changed from his regular green to a reddish orange with a slit pupil. “How do you feel Mr Luthor?” I said with a smile as I took the empty syringe gun and syringe filled with his blood away.

“I feel incredible, powerful, like a”

“God” I interrupted with a smile.

“Yes, but the cancer?”

“It’s gone Mr Luthor, welcome to the next stage of humanity, you can obviously have tests ran if you don’t believe me.” He nodded and sat back in his chair after he brushed himself off.

“Now what do you want from me Mr Valentine?” He said with a straight face like the veteran businessman he was.

“As I said Mr Luthor I need your contact’s, I need test subjects I need to make Tricell a horrible terrorist group and Umbrella Corporation a company completely separate from these activities”

“That can be done, but what is in it for me”

“Access to my resources, not being killed by god knows what I cook up, your enemies are my enemies” I said with a wide smile. “And as you can see from the previous attack my resources are well worth it alone and much more”. Lex nodded slightly and stuck his hand out which I shook immediately.

“You have yourself a deal Mr Valentine, I hope this endeavour bares bountiful fruit”

“Ow it will Mr Luthor and with your help it will bare much, much sooner”

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