The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 9: Committing some light murder

I started gazing at the world around me trying to take in as much as possible before returning. “Ha spend most my life in a hospital bed does change your view of the outdoors” as I slowed down my pace to a casual pace I started to thin about my current objective. ‘Where would be the best place to commit an act of bioterrorism’ just then I saw someone very odd African American who wore a bright blue skin tight suit with a silver A on the shoulders. His eyes were obscured by his blue shades.

“Come see me A-Train this Friday defend my title as fastest man on the planet from Shockwave at the NYC stadium” ‘Who the fuck is this joker a black version of Flash’ I thought to myself as a massive crowd pushed past me screaming for this man’s autograph.

No host he is a superhero named A-Train from a comic book and Tv show called the Boys.

‘Wait isn't that the messed up show with that Nazi bitch Storefront?’

Yes Host and her name is Stormfront.

‘Stormfront, Storefront same thing but she is definitely still a Nazi in this world’

Yes Host after Captain America disappeared the US tried everything to make the super soldier serum but failed. So when the US was engaged with operation Paperclip Compound-V was the next best thing but because of its unstable and sometimes lethal nature the government is still working on the super soldier project. They brought over Frederick Vought and his wife Klara Risinger Aka Stormfront for the research he possessed. Also another piece of interesting information the deaths of Batman’s parents was orchestrated by Vought International when they threatened to go public about the companies dark founding.

‘Hum so there must be a lot of people at that stadium’ A plan started to formulate in my mind as my walk became more of a jog.

Pov Homelander 

I soared high above New York and peered down onto the ants below. ‘I don’t know why Madelyn wanted to speak to me at the Sevens tower.’ I saw the tower it was the joint tallest building in New York the Avengers tower was also the same height. ‘That fucker Stark keeps building his tower higher when we make our building higher.’ I landed at entrance and immediately got swarmed by the ants.

“Homelander Homelander a few questions please” I turned around to address the mob of reporters. ‘Smile smile and be the hero’.

“I have important business to attend to so I can only answer a few questions” I pointed to one of the reporters.

“Is it true the that you stopped a Hydra plot to overthrow the president with the help of The Avengers?” I gritted my teeth and smiled.

“Yes it is true I did help the Avengers with tracking down some Hydra goons” I then pointed to another reporter.

“Mr Homelander the viewers at home want to know do you think A-Train can defend his title as fastest man on the planet from Shockwave this Friday?”

“I do think he will be able to hold onto his title he has put in a lot of work and effort for it” I walked away from the crowd quickly. ‘God damn parasites always leaching onto anything’ I decided to take the elevator to the top floor. Madelyn sat waiting for me “why did you want to see me” 

“Do you remember that asian spy Ada Wong?”

“I think so she’s the one that wore that sexy red dress at the company Christmas party a few years ago”

“Yes more important she repeatedly refused your advances” She laughed slightly. “Well we purchased some information from her” She casually handed me a file. “You know the Presidents daughter is terminally ill right”

“Yes you told me to visit her in your words it would help my image if I visited a bunch of terminally ill kids”

“Well she’s was cured by that man” I looked through the file.

“Ha you’re saying a kid cured her”

“He’s nineteen his name is Luke Valentine and we need someone to collect him”

“Why don’t you get some random goon to jump him”

“The fact that he has some kind of stinger tails thing increases risk” 

“Well I’m not going to collect him it’s far beneath me and is a waste of my time”

“Fine I’ll send some thugs but if bites us in the ass it’s your fault”

Pov Luke Valentine 

I was casually jogging back when I saw a mysterious black van driving slowly behind me. ‘Come on do people try any more with trying not to be obvious’ I quickly entered an alleyway and could hear the van stop and two men got out. ‘Well I gave you a chance to walk away but you ignored it ow well” I could feel one of them was in decapitation range. I swung round and used the pincer blades of my stinger as an axe. 

The mans bone was completely shredded as my blades sliced through his neck. As his head hit the floor his blood started to fountain onto my nice clean clothes. I glared at the second man as he turned and tried to run. ‘Time to get some target practice’ I activated my *bone dart* temp mutation and a small hole opened on my wrist. And I could feel something moving in my arm before I carefully aimed at the now running man. A long dart of bone hurdled out of the hole and struck the man in his right calf he let out an ear splitting screech.

I casually walked over and gazed into his now fearful eyes “Who do you work for?” 

“I don’t know I was just paid to jump you please I have a daughter” I flicked my stinger and it sliced the now crying mans neck.

“I’m sure your daughter doesn’t need a dirtbag like you as her father” his crimson blood splattered my face. I could hear the sirens drawing ever closer. ‘Damn it’s time to go’ I gazed at my now bloody face and clothes. ‘Fuck I’m going to get spotted immediately’ I quickly looked around the alley and spotted my escape plan. ‘Once I find who sent those thugs I swear to god I will rip them apart for making me trek through a sewer’

I carefully opened the manhole and slipped down it the stench made me retch.

Congratulations Host on killing 2 thugs the reward of 50 RE points have been given.

“Really system is that it”

Well Host those goons didn’t have powers or were that dangerous to you the RE points you get from killing people is determined by their status in this world and danger to you.

I continued walking through the sewer ‘I’m definitely killing the person that hired those thugs this place smells like shit’ I wasn’t sure if I was trekking through some anyway.

Somewhere in New York City

I casually sipped my coffee and sat quietly in my squad car. “How are you enjoying your first day Leon” My partner had just entered the car. He was a tall African American with bright blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean.

“It’s surprising quite Smith not much happening” I casually replied. 

“Attention all units in the downtown area we have a code 0110 in an alleyway on nineteenth and west” the call came in over the radio.

“A code 0110 is a murder isn’t!” I asked Smith.

“Yeah it is and the alleyway is just two blocks from hear”. I turned on the siren and started to drive to the alleyway. As we pulled up we saw a line of yellow tape and a small crowd of people had gathered outside the alleyway. As we exited the car we were greeted by another officer. “Hey John were do you need us?”

The officer looked at us his brown eyes glared at me. “We need the area cleared of civilians so our guys can start processing the scene” 

“Come on people back please back” I started to guide some of the on lookers back towards the opposite side of the street. I glanced towards Smith and he glanced back at me. A few reporters started to rush towards me.

“What can you tell us about the dead people in that alley?”.

“I don’t know anything please can you get a bit further away so our guys can work please” the reporters didn’t seem to listen but more and more police started to turn up. Then two detectives and some forensic investigators decided to turn up fashionably late.

Pov John Munch 

A police officer came towards me and my partner “I’m Detective Munch and this is Detective Tutuola where are the bodies” The police officer pointed towards the alleyway. As we walked into the alleyway we were greeted by a scene tech.

“Who have we got” Tutuola asked.

“Well the man missing his head is a Patrick Semore age 32 he’s your run of the mill thug did five years for car jacking and some minor theft, and his friend with the slit throat we haven’t been able to identify yet” I wandered over to the man with the slit throat and lifted up his right hand. On the hand was a tattoo of a snake coiled around a heart with the initials A.G.

“I think I know who this is” Tutuola and the tech looked at me.

“Who is he?” My partner asked.

“He’s Mathew Samar he’s 37 and did a year for Possession with intent to distribute”

“How can you be sure he is that guy?” the tech asked.

I lifted up his right hand “because I would recognise that tattoo the initials stand for Angelina Gracehart his daughter”

The detectives for those who have never had the pleasure of watching Law and Order are John Munch and Odafin Tutuola the best detective duo on the show anyone who says otherwise can fight me. And if you’re wondering why I put them in its because Im the author and I can do what I want also I wanted to involve the show because it’s seriously underrated by the youth of my country watch the show it’s great.

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