The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 8: Having a some what normal day

‘Master were are you’ Midnight sounded nervous.

‘I’m alright Midnight remain hidden for now I’ll contact you if I need you’ I started walking away. ‘I need to get a hidden lab for my shady experiments and stuff’ I checked my phone for any property's that were suitable for my needs. I checked a familiar site it was the site I bought my warehouse from. “Hello this is Mr Valentine I was wondering if I could speak to a Mrs Barclay”

“Hello Mr Valentine how are you, are you buying another property from us again” 

“Yes I am, I was wondering if property A34JH was still for sale”

“Yes it is do you want to see the property or do you want the keys delivered”

“Delivered please how much do I owe you”

“The price is set at 300,000 dollars”

“I will pay 500,000 dollars because of your great customer service”

“Thank you I will be at the property shortly to deliver the keys.” I traveled quickly towards my new property and as she said she was waiting outside. “Ah Mr Valentine here are the keys to your new property I hope your very happy with it” she handed me the keys then left. As I entered I was surprised at the cleanliness of the place. System can this area be used as a front.

Affirmative Host activating this building to be front (Laundromat)

Just then five massive lorries pulled up and a small army of men that all looked the same started to unload washing machines and other equipment into the new building. ‘Is this your doing system?’

Yes how else were you going explain this to the neighbouring shops new what are you going to call your new laundromat.

“I think I’m going to call this place the Clean World laundromat” just then a sign was pulled from one of the lorries. “Well ain't that convenient” ‘can I have a secret entrance in the laundromat to go to the shady lab’

Yes Host you just need to equip the shady item onto the front then I will place the hidden entrance in a suitable place how hidden the entrance is depends on the tier

0 RE points will get you a obvious hidden entrance 
100 RE points will get you a slightly hidden entrance
250 RE points will get you a well hidden entrance 
500  RE points will get you a really well hidden entrance
1000 RE points will get you a undetected hidden entrance

“Use my remaining RE points to get the really well hidden entrance” Just then I felt my head vibrate a little.

The entrance to your super shady lab is installed and your lab is located far underneath your property.

As I entered my new property the system was feeding me directions to my new hidden entrance. It guided me towards the back office that was locked behind a massive metal door. My hidden entrance was hidden behind a wall and it led to a small elevator. The elevator music was in one word shit “System is there any way to change this terrible elevator music”

Yes host for 10,000 RE points you can pick your own elevator music.

“You’re a con artist you know that” As I exited the elevator my eyes were met by a bright light. The underground lab was very well equipped with large chemical mixing vats and large containment vessels. “Now this is what I call a lab system” I noticed a large door at the opposite side of the massive lab. “What does that door lead to system”

That is the hidden entrance to the New York sewer system Host.

‘Midnight we have a new base of operations bring the stuff over’ I waited for her reply.

‘Yes master I will be there shortly’ I honestly didn’t know what to do now. I remembered that I had the weights and started some light exercises. ‘If I exercise for the next ten years or something I’ll have a six pack’

‘Hey Midnight what would you think if I had a six pack’ I couldn’t hear any reply. ‘Hello Midnight what would you think’

Host she is currently doing a Centipede version of blushing.

‘I don’t have any thoughts on the subject master’ Midnight definitely sounded weird. 

‘I’m going to get some food okay’ I got up and took the elevator back up to the laundromat. I decided to take a short walk but my plans were ruined by a familiar sight. “Hello again Ms Wong” Ada Wong was sat waiting on a chair.

“Hello again little guy” Her cheeky smile made me grinned my teeth a little.

“Have you come to get your clothes cleaned” I said with a wide smile.

“No I came to see if a rumour was true” she lent against a wall.

“What rumours would they be then” my stinger swayed side to side like a cobra ready to strike.

“Well lets see a little birdie told me you cured the president’s daughter from her incurable cancer”

“And what if I did” My stinger swayed faster and faster.

Ada placed a large briefcase on the counter “my employers would like to offer you a sizeable payment for the recipe and the rights to produce it”

“And if I don’t want to sell it?” I stared daggers into Ada’s.

“My employers aren’t the people you can just say no to”

The right arm of my shirt began to tear open as I activated my *Muscle growth* skill to triple the arms muscle mass then triple it again. Ada Wongs face looked frightened as the massive arm rested on the counter. “I have my ways to convince them” I walked past her. “And another thing Ms Wong don’t get involved in this matter think of it as me paying back the favour” I quickly exited the Laundromat and started to go for a run. The icy cold wind stabbed my exposed arm as I gained speed.

Pov Ada Wong

I quickly got my phone as I saw the little boy run off. “Hello It’s me he didn’t take the deal, but there is something I need to tell you”

“I don’t care what you need to tell me, I told you to get that recipe at all costs hell sleep with him if you have too!” then he just hung up on me. ‘Well it’s your funeral then you piece of shit’ I started to walk out of the laundromat.

‘He did have a fine ass tho I hope he can survive Marcuses goons’ I took in a deep breath of the cold New York air. ‘Looks like it’s going to be fun if I stay little while longer’.

Pov Luke Valentine 

I sneezed slightly as I carried on with my run. ‘Someone must be talking about me that or I’m catching a cold’ I sneezed again ‘cold it is then’. As I kept running I got side eyed looks from random strangers. ‘Come on is it really that strange to a small child going for a run’.

Host why didn’t you sell the cure to them they couldn’t have reproduced it any way, you could’ve used it to get into the pants of that hot Chinese spy.

‘Really system you think sleeping with a hot dangerous woman is a good idea?

I thought it was every mans dream to fuck a hot woman or man in some cases.

‘But I’m not like most men system anyway I have a rule don’t fuck people who work or are going to work for you like secretaries’ I thought of my statement. ‘Especially secretaries they know more secrets about their bosses then the government’.

You should write a book Host maybe its title should be “Luke Valentines 101 ways not to get laid”

‘Fuck you system’

Fuck you too smart ass, but anyway how are you going to deal with that hot piece of ass that probably is going to ignore your warning and try to steal the cure anyway.

‘I don’t know system maybe she runs into Midnight and she learns the error of her ways’ I did a hearty laugh that the system joined in with.

New mission deal with Ada Wong 
This is a special mission that rewards vary from what actions you take.
Time limit: unknown 
Rewards: unknown 

‘Looks like she didn’t take my advice’ I started to walk back ‘Midnight I have a task to ask of you follow and observe this person’ I sent her a mental image of Ada.

‘Who is she Master your girlfriend or something?’ she sounded jealous.

‘No Midnight she is a person of interest she could be useful’

‘What can she do that I can’t?’

Go into a public space without scaring the shit out of people, look hot in a bikini, pretty much anything else that doesn’t involve eating people.

‘System that’s a bit harsh isn’t it anyway won’t she be able to hear you.

Host doesn’t need to fear when we communicate no one else can hear what we say. Look hey Midnight I think that woman might fuck your master what are you going to do about it.

I waited for a reply but Midnight only response was ‘Hello master why didn’t answer my question’ ‘thank god she can’t hear the system’

‘She has certain skills that we need Midnight’

‘And what skills could they be?’ 

‘You know spying and all that stuff anyway enough back chat do your mission and there maybe a reward in it for you.’

‘Ow goodie I hope it’s something good’

Please comment on what you think Midnights reward should be.

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