The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 7: Presidential meeting

I was placed into the same room I was in previously when Shield decided to show me hospitality. Two men sat in front of me one had short black hair and was clean shaven the other was a African American with a massive unkept Ginger beard and ginger dreadlocks. The African American had green eyes whilst the other man had blue eyes.

“Thank you for coming in Mr Valentine” I chuckled slightly at the African Americans comment.

“I didn’t really have any choice your goons dragged me off the side of the pavement in the shadiest way possible” The white man shuffled some papers.

“What can you tell us about a project Tyrant?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about” I shrugged my shoulders innocently. The black man wasn’t buying it.

“Okay wise guy what about a Dr named James Marcus you know him?” I shrugged my shoulders again.

“I think you have the wrong man here guys I don’t know anyone by that name” suddenly the door slammed open and in came another man. The new man had his brown hair buzz cut. 

“That is a load of shit you little shit” he pulled a picture out of his breast pocket. “Look at it!” he grabbed my face and shoved it in front of my eyes.

“Agent Michael you are breaching your orders get out of here now!” the black man shouted as the other man grabbed his hands freeing me from his grip. My stinger was chained to a nearby wall so I was fairly defenceless. I looked at the picture the man who had barged in startled crying.

“His name was Lewis you prick and he was my husband tell me what you’ve done to him” 

“Agent Michel leave now otherwise we will have to force you out” the man was dragged out by two other men, he cursed at me repeatedly I could here him down the hallway.

“What was that about?” The black man turned to me.

“We had an agent go missing he was that man’s husband, all we found was a fresh pool of blood some bone fragments and some torn clothes. So I think you should consider helping us with this inquiry” 

“So why does this concern me, do you think I did something to him”

“No it’s because he disappeared whilst surveying your warehouse you know the one with this logo on it”

“So let me get this straight you guys broke into my warehouse, yet you think it’s my fault that one of your goons met a unknown fate” I crossed my arms and stared at the pair.

“Well when the blood and bone fragments come back you’ll be in a world of trouble” just then there was a knock on the door. A strange man in a suit entered the two men in the room stood up and saluted “Mr President what brings you here sir” ‘I was think when he would show up’

“I came here for him” the man pointed at me and two more men entered they were probably the secret service they unchained my stinger and started to guide me out. 

The black man got up and tried to block my escape “but sir he is a suspect in a ongoing case we have blood and bone shards in his warehouse”

The President turned to face the black man and handed him a piece of paper. “Your evidence is useless the blood is to contaminated to get a positive match the bone shard actually came from a cow and the shredded clothes aren’t the clothes your man was wearing” I was escorted out and was placed into a limousine.

“I didn’t think I would end up meeting the president to day, what do you want” my tone turned more serious. The president didn’t say anything as the limousine started to gain speed. Ten minutes later the limousine stopped and the president exited first. We were outside of a hospital.

“You say your working on a cure for all cancers is that right?” 

“Yes but why would you be interested in it?” As we entered the hospital I noticed the sheer lack of people. A smile started to form on my face just before a woman came charging towards the president. She had brown hair tied up into a ponytail and had brown eyes.

“Is this him, is this him?” The woman started to cry. “Are you the doctor who says he can cure our little girl” I glared daggers at the president.

“I will try my best First Lady can you please show me the patient” the woman and the president guide me to the highest floor of the hospital. Given the fact that is was like ten floors above and that the elevator was broken it was a nightmare and I was exhausted afterwards. I was guided into a room at the end of the hallway. Two men in black suits armed with MP5s guarded the door. They stepped aside and I entered, inside was a little girl with only small clumps of brown still attached to her head. Her blue eyes were glazed over and started at me blankly.

“Are you another doctor?” The girl croaked the heart monitor beside her showed she had a weak pulse.

“Yes I’ll be your last doctor” I turned towards the president. “Please pass me a pen and some paper” the president snapped his fingers and one of the armed guards handed me a pen and notepad. “Get me these things” I wrote down a small list of items on the notepad and handed it back. “Is there a laboratory or something like that in this hospital”. The president stepped forward.

“Yes we had one made on this floor if you would follow me” He guided me towards a large room full of science equipment. ‘Holy shit this is better than the stuff in my lab’ I thought about it again well they were trying to cure the current president’s daughter. ‘System I need the Sonnentreppe flower”

You currently have two Sonnentreppe flowers that are awaiting delivery.

I made sure no one was watching ‘please give me one’ the flower appeared in front of me. Just then men started bringing in the ingredients needed to make T-JCCC203. I started by crushing and extracting the essence from the flower and placed it in a vial. I then started to add the ingredients. It took me a hour to make the serum which was a murky blue in colour.

Highly experimental T-JCCC203 serum
This serum can cure any kind of cancer but there could be unforeseen side effects.

I inspected the description just then someone burst into the room. “Dr Valentine Grace is flatlining what ever you’re going to do you need to do it now” I rushed into the girls room her bed was surrounded by other people.

“Mr president we tried our best but she is going to survive the night you needed to say your goodbyes. The First Lady had streams of tear running down her face. As I entered the room all eyes turned to me.

“Is it ready please tell me it’s read, please save my baby” The First Lady started to shake me violently.

“Please stop shaking me I don’t want to drop the vial” after saying this the president pulled his wife away. The man who was speaking before stepped in front of me.

“Sir this child can’t help her, the doctors in this room are some of the best in the world and we can’t cure her so what can he do?” His colleagues nodded along. “This miracle cure he is saying has not been tested and we don’t want to get your hopes crushed”. My stinger shot out and pinned him to the wall. He started choking from my pincer like blades squeezing his neck.

“Don’t underestimate me just because of my appearance” Everyone took a step back as my tone was full of malice. 

“What are her chances” the president tried to defuse the situation.

“If the serum is as effective as I hope it is she will be completely cured and as fit as a fiddle if not I probably bought you another three weeks with her” I let the rude man go and he tumbled on the floor gasping for air. I transferred the serum into a syringe ‘here goes nothing’ I thought to myself. I immediately injected the serum into her it’s murky black black contents could be seen travelling up her veins. 

She suddenly started convulsing violently, her arms flailing about. “Hold her down” I yelled and it took me and four of the doctors to secure her properly. After three minutes the convulsions stopped. Her hair had started to grow wildly and her sickly complexion had completely disappeared.

“Mum Dad” she tried to sit up taking long deep breaths. The First Lady ran over to her daughter.

“Baby you’re alright” she turned to face me tears flowing down her face. “Thank you thank you thank you”

“I just need to talk to the Dr Valentine honey I won’t be long” the president pulled me out of the room. “You have my deepest thanks anything you need just ask”

“Well I would like to know the reason you decided to tell your wife that I was a doctor when I’m not?” The president did a nervous chuckle.

“Well you see even with I daughters state my wife wasn’t going to accept a miracle cure from some random person so I told her you were a doctor that I hired to try to make a cure” he handed me a certificate. “My wife did extensive background checks on you so I had to call in a lot a favours to actually make you a doctor” I did a small huff.

“Well I need to get going” I jotted down my phone number onto the presidents hand. “Call this number if your daughter displays any symptoms at all even if it’s just something little like growing a extra eye somewhere” the presidents face looked extremely worried as I left.

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