The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 6: A unfortunate accident

Pov some random S.H.I.E.L.D goon outside 

I yawned hard ‘Damn I don’t know why the boss had to come here in person’ I scratched my back. Black widow had brought some unconscious kid into the building. “Hey Bob, stop daydreaming we need to be combat ready” my best friend elbowed me.

“Why John we are in the middle of Manhattan no one in their right mind would attack this place, that’s the reason I wanted to be stationed here” John huffed.

“Well when I joined S.H.I.E.L.D I expected to do something exciting and action packed maybe even meet so hot girls or something” I laughed loudly.

“Yeah right, the only hot woman here is Black widow, why don’t you ask her for a date” John mad a frown.

“No way man I heard she eats men for breakfast” perhaps he was right we would never stand a chance of dating her, we would have better chance beating Hydra by ourselves. Just then I noticed something crawling across the roof of the opposite building.

“Hey John did you see that” I pointed to the opposite roof.

“See what all I see are pigeons more pigeons and guess what more pigeons” his sarcasm was very obvious. ‘Well It’s probably just a pigeon’ I yawned again it’s going to be a long day.

Pov Luke Valentine

I slouched in the metal chair and looked into Nick Furry eye. “So can you please tell me why I’ve been kidnapped?” Nick did a hearty laugh.

“This isn’t a kidnapping, this was just a misunderstanding” I was confused.

“Your bimbo assassin in a skin-tight latex knocked me unconscious and had me locked in a sealed room, and you have the balls to call this a misunderstanding” I could see Black widow's face become furious.

“If you’re looking for an early death you little shit, keep it up” Black widow shouted over the intercom. Nick pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Happy now” I just nodded happily. “Did you know when we came to collect you, your stinger tail thing put seven of my men in intensive care and another four have broken bones” he sounded slightly angry. 

“Well as I said before if she learnt how to ask questions first before beating people up, we wouldn’t be in this predicament”

“Well when we ran your prints”

“The face didn’t match the person” Nick nodded slightly.

“So then we decided to run bloods, same result but we also discovered something interesting in your blood”

“Let me guess you want my permission to do experiments on me to figure out what is does” Nick was slightly surprised.

“No, no that’s the thing that only happens in movies, we want to offer you a deal”

“I’m not interested in any deals I run my own company” Nick smiled ‘looks like he took the bait’ I thought. 

“What kind of company” he asked. I described that my company was an upcoming pharmaceutical company and that I wasn’t interested in anything Shield could offer. “Well legally we can’t keep you but if you change your mind, please feel free to use this number” Nick handed me a small piece of paper with a number written on it. I was escorted out by two other Shield employees. Black widow scowled at me and I stuck my middle finger up at her.

Pov Nick Fury

“So what did you think of him Natasha” I turned to face the pissed off assassin. 

“He is definitely something but are you sure letting him go was the right decision” 

“The higher ups are interested in him which makes things complicated, we’ll place some surveillance on him” ‘I honestly don’t know what the higher ups were thinking we’re lucky he didn’t plan on suing us’.

Pov Luke Valentine 

I had to stop by the butcher’s again to place a repeating order every week or so the butchers would deliver some whole animal carcasses. This order was also given to about six other butchers. 

Congratulations host on completing the final tutorial mission. Your rewards have been given.
Host has also completed several hidden objectives unlocking four new category's of items.
Super shady Facilities 
Super shady Equipment 
Legal Fronts 
Normal Equipment 

Following categories of items have been permanently locked: None 

“System can I open my tutorial completion pack please” 

Opening tutorial completion pack
Congratulations Host on acquiring the following

1 Medium sized super shady lab
1 Legal Front (Laundromats)
1 knowledge of your choice at Expert level 
1 random low tier mutation pack
2 vials of experimental T virus 
G-virus research notes

I entered the warehouse “system please give me my beginner body training manual and weights please.” Just then a small booklet and some weights appeared in front of me. I started to read the book it was just describing ways of warming up before exercise and some light exercises. I started to work out for an hour before I stopped. My entire body reeked of sweat. I added a shower to my mounting number of improvements for the warehouse.

“System open my random low tier mutation pack please”

Certainly Host
Spinning roulette wheel 
Congratulations host on the following 

Permanent mutations: Lickers tongue X2, predatory eyes

Temp mutations: tumour wings, muscle growth 

Permanent mutation: Lickers tongue LV2
The host tongue can stretch up too three meters. The hosts tongue also now becomes pointed at the end like a spear the tongue is also toughened enough that normal bladed objects can’t pierce or cut it. The tongue can also be used as a projectile that’s force is compared to that of a small hand gun.

Permanent mutation: Predatory eyes LV2
Hosts eyes have increased eyesight and can now see in the dark, to prevent blindness from any sudden bright lights a special film will be deployed whilst host is using the night vision.

Temp mutation: Tumour wings LV1
The Host grows a pair of fleshy wings there not the most aerodynamic but they can keep you in the air.
Your maximum altitude is 500ft
Duration: 3 minutes 
Cooldown: 6 hours

Temp mutation: Muscle growth LV2
The host can triple muscle mass in two body parts
Duration: 2 minutes 30 seconds 
Cooldown: 1 day

“System I also want the mechanical engineering at expert level”. I also decided to order a shower to be fitted with next day delivery. “Now system how do I use these building things.”

Host just needs to be at the area desired and activate the building function. Please note host it is best to own the land and it’s better to use it on a already standing building, because it’s hard to explain why a building has just magically appeared over night.

With the system’s advice, I scoured the retail websites for a laundromat for sale. ‘Why is it so difficult to find a stupid laundromat in fucking Manhattan’ I scratched my head. I decided to quit the search for the moment I had a much better idea ‘if there was a bio terrorist attack I’m sure some buildings would be for sale’

“System I need the vials of experimental T virus” I still had the necessary supplies to make the low tier T virus. The hard part would be a dispersal method, thankfully I had the expert mechanical engineering knowledge so make a device would be easy. I quickly got changed into some new clothes and got ready to leave. “Midnight guard those vials with your life, eat anyone who tries to steal them”.

Pov Random S.H.I.E.L.D agent 

I honestly did know why director Fury wanted me to watch this kid. I pinched the bridge of my nose just then my target exited the warehouse. “Home nest this is Mother Cuckoo the parent is leaving the nest” ‘God I’m going to kill Michael for coming up with this stupid code name’.

“This is Home nest Mother Cuckoo we see the target you are clear to engage operation Nest invasion” I waited until the child was out of sight before I entered the warehouse. Something wasn’t right, the door wasn’t even locked. I slightly crept through the warehouse.

“Home nest this is Mother Cuckoo, I’m in the nest”

“Good work Mother Cuckoo the parent is nowhere near the nest, be careful in there”. As I walked, I saw all manner of machines, most of them were coated in a thick blanket of dust. I walked over to a table covered in books, files, and papers.

“Home nest this is Mother Cuckoo, I think I’ve got something here” I started to examine the closet file.

“Mother Cuckoo this is Home nest what have you found”

“Files, books and papers the file I’ve got in my hands is titled Project Tyrant by a Dr James Marcus”

“Good work Mother Cuckoo, is there anything else” I scanned the warehouse and noticed a glint in the darkness. I walked over to it and spotted two vials. I picked one up and examined it.

“Yeah there are two vials. They've got some kind of black liquid in them, do I take one”

“Yes we need to know if they are dangerous take the file with you as well”

“Copy that Home nest” Just then something wet fell on my shoulders. I had seen enough horror movies to know what was going to happen.

Pov 3rd person

Midnight dropped down and tried to smoosh the man underneath her. The man was able to roll out of the way. Midnight landed on the floor and swiped at him with her bladed antennae. One had drawn blood and sent a small splatter of blood streaking across the floor. “Mother Cuckoo what’s happening are you alright”

“Shit shit shit there’s some kind of monster in this warehouse” the man frantically tried to dodge the whip like antenna but with his wounded leg it was near impossible. Then finally one of the antenna pieced the man’s lung. He started to cough up blood as the centipede loomed closer and closer. Its mandibles inches away from his face. He could smell its rancid breath “Have you never heard of a breath mint you fucker”. Midnight disregard the man’s comment and proceed to bite the man’s head off. She was careful enough to remove the vial that thankfully hadn’t smashed from the mans coat before she proceeded to devour the man’s lifeless body.

Pov Luke Valentine 

I had finished shopping when Midnight contacted me. ‘Master we have a problem someone broke into the warehouse’

‘Have you dealt with them’ I looked around and saw two men walking towards me. 

‘Yes I ate him’

‘Good take the vials and the research notes and get out of the warehouse. Lay low in the sewers or something like that.’ The two men grabbed hold of me.

“Please come with us Mr Valentine”

“What’s going on, who are you” they showed me some ID. “What does Shield want me for now”. Their grip’s tightened.

“Our boss just wants to have a conversation with you that’s all” the most stereotypical black SUV waited to pick me and the men up. They put a black bag over my head.

“Wow don’t you guys have any new or original. Is the government to broke to buy anything other then the same black SUV that every drug kingpin or shady organisation uses”

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