The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 5: meeting a Widow

Spider-Man was helplessly pinned in front of me. ‘There seems to be special items that can be unlocked’ I pondered for a moment, ‘I would like to get on that reporters' good side’. “You must have a lot of questions Spider-Man like why is there a six-meter-long centipede currently on top of you”

“Who are you” he said weakly. 

“That doesn’t matter Spider-Man but because I respect the work you do I’m going to allow you to ask me three questions” I whistled at Midnight and she reluctantly removed her antennae from Spider-Man's back. As Spider-Man got back up he did a slight cough and a bit of blood splattered on the floor.

“What is that thing?” he croaked weakly, pointing to Midnight.

“That my good man is my pet Midnight. She became like that when I tested an experimental cure on her”

“What do you mean cure?” He sat down on a nearby chair and took some deep breaths.

“Well I’m the founder and CEO of the Umbrella Corporation. The experimental cure I was working on was meant to cure cancer.” Midnight tilted her head slightly.

‘It was?’ She asked telepathically.

‘No it wasn’t, but I’m not going to tell him I was making a dangerous serum to turn things into a B.O.W’ I answered back telepathically. 

“You have one question left” ‘I really should have guessed what he would say next’

“So If you don’t mind me asking why do you look like that?” I clenched my fist slightly.

“My powers make my appearance stay the same, now with those questions out of the way I never want to see you on my property again otherwise the police will be involved.” Spider-Man didn’t hesitate and quickly scampered off out of the skylight.

Congratulations host of completing Multi choice mission.
New story line opened. New special Spiderman expansion items available in shop.

Congratulations host on completing tutorial mission 4.
RE point shop is now available.
Ten items will be available in each tier. Items are refreshed every 24h. Items can be put on a hold list that will keep the from being refreshed but that item keeps its spot. So if you had 10 items and put 1 on hold only 9 items will be refreshed. It costs 200 RE points to refresh items early.
Does host want to open shop.

‘Yes please system’

Resident Evil point shop.   RE point balance: 2300

1st tier 23:59 till refresh 
Dead Las Plagas corpse    Cost: 3000 RE points
Riot gun      Cost: 500 RE points
Beginner language understanding  Cost: 100 RE points
Random temp mutation   Cost: 200 RE points
Low level training building   Cost: 1000 RE points
Beginner body training manual   Cost: 250 RE points
Set of weights    Cost: 50 RE points
1 box of shotgun ammunition   Cost: 100 RE points
1 random Spiderman mutation   Cost: 300 RE points
Statue of good   Cost: 2000 RE points

“System please purchase the beginner language understanding, the random temp mutation, the low level training building, the beginner body training manual, the set of weights and the one random Spiderman mutation please”

Confirming host purchases remaining RE balance is 400.
Knowledge automatically assimilated. Does host want to use random temp mutation and Spiderman mutation.

‘Yes please’

Spinning roulette wheel
Congratulations host on acquiring Spidey sense and B.O.W assimilation.

Spidey sense was self explanatory but I really wanted to see what this B.O.W assimilation was about.

Temp mutation: B.O.W assimilation LV1
The host can temporarily assimilate B.O.W the host will take on some of their characteristics and their strengths and disadvantages will be added to yours. Host can also use their skills. Host can also use his own temp and permanent mutations as well. This can be upgraded to increase the number of B.O.W’s and increase the time limit and reduce cool down.

Max number of B.O.W: 1
Duration: 3 minutes 
Cooldown: 1 hour

“System why is this mutation so much more powerful then the others”

Simple answer host, this is a epic level mutation the odds of getting it were 97878997:1 that is why it’s more powerful. It’s like in a game five star heroes have much stronger starting stats then a 1 star hero because they are harder to get.

“Please open my stat window please”

Luke Valentine
Age 19

Temp mutations:  Muscle growth LV1, Bone darts LV1, B.O.W assimilation LV1
Permanent mutations: Trident stinger LV1, Predatory eyes LV1, Enhanced teeth LV1, Spidey sense LV1.

Advanced: Biology, Biotechnology 
Beginner: Language understanding 

I placed my hand on Midnight and tried to activate the mutation. My bone’s started to crack and my flesh began to tear. ‘GOD DAMN SYSTEM, YOU COULD HAVE TOLD ME IT WAS PAINFUL!’ I could feel myself turning into a liquid like state and I started to merge with Midnight. ‘Seems like all the pain of the transformation goes to me’ I could feel myself becoming more monstrous. When I opened my eyes my lower body was of a centipede it was black with tints of purple and blue. 

The upper body was humanoid but was covered in a black exoskeleton. Midnight’s mandibles became a second set of bladed arms. ‘Well I definitely look terrifying’ I inspected my new body. 

‘Does this form please you master’

‘Yes it does I feel so much stronger’ I clenched my right fist. My stomach rumbled louder and louder.

Side effect hunger for human flesh.
This is one of the aforementioned side effects you will have episodes of uncontrollable appetite for human flesh Assimilated state will not end until the end of this mission 
Option 1: Eat a human
Reward: 100 RE points

Option 2: Reframe from eat a human 
Reward: Nothing (but hey at least you had the will power to resist your urges)

Time left: 10 Minutes 

My mouth began to water and my stomach began to growl. ‘Holy shit system you said there would be side effects but this is too much’. My hunger got worse and worse hunt, kill consume these words began to burn in my ears. The inside of my mouth began to convulse. Ten minutes past at a gruelling pace ‘thank god that it’s finally over. I unfused with Midnight and keeled over in pain.

“Looks like that nightmare is over” I looked over to Midnight “I’m just going out to get us some food is that okay” Midnight just nodded. My clothes thankfully weren’t destroyed and were in a pile where I was stood before. I quickly got dressed and exited the warehouse. I quickly limped away down a busy street, I didn't know how I was going to find enough food for Midnight. I took a left then a right then another right until I finally reached my destination ‘even in this world Big Benson Butchers still exist’. 

As I entered the butchers I noticed something odd about the cashier, he was surprisingly nervous. I started at him curiously he mouthed something and I looked at the big freezer behind him. Its polished surface showed a man had a gun pointed at him. I nodded at the man “yeah do you sell like whole animal carcasses” the man and the man with the gun looked surprised. That was my moment as quick as lightning my stinger had reached over the counter and knocked the gun out of the man’s hand. The gun slid out of his reach and I hoisted him up into the air as he clutched my stingers bladed pincers. 

The doorbell rang behind me rang out and I turned around to face a familiar woman. She had reddish hair and blue eyes, she might not have been in her normal suit but I could instantly recognize her as Black widow. She looked at me then looked at the man suspended in the air. “I know this looks bad but there is a very reasonable explanation for this” but she was having none of it. Her fist connected with my face before I could react so much that Spidey sense.

My vision went black as my head hit the floor. I woke up in a strange white room cuffed to a table. “Hello” I called out on the opposite side of the room was a mirror probably one way. ‘Midnight can you find my location please’ Midnights reply came instantly.

‘Yes master I will be there in ten minutes’ a smile crept on my face.

‘Okay make sure you aren’t seen’ the only door to the room opened up and in came Black widow in her usual superhero clothes. “Excuse me where am I this is unlawful imprisonment and you assaulted me, I have every right to sue you and shield” I could see that Nick Furry was behind the one-way mirror.

“Shield isn’t here little man” ‘I’m starting to hate being called little boy’ I did a small cough.

“So your boss isn’t behind that one-way mirror” this seemed to unnerve Black widow a bit.

“So say he is here what does he look like hum” a small smile crept on my face ‘time to put you in your place’.

“Your boss is about six foot one, he has a black eyepatch over his left eye, he is bald, he has a short black beard and I’m trying not to be racist here but he is also black”. I then took a deep breath “I also know that to his left is agent Coulson”. Just then Nick Furry entered and ordered Black widow out. 

“So you can see through the mirror what other things can you do”?

“I’m not saying anything to you, you have seven minutes and twenty-five no four seconds to release me otherwise a lawsuit is the least of your problems”. This piqued his interest.

“Is that a threat”

“No it’s a warning” I did a slight chuckle.

Final tutorial mission: Get out of the hidden S.H.I.E.L.D compound.
S.H.I.E.L.D has taken you prisoner and probably won’t release you get out by any means.

Rewards: 1 Tutorial completion Pack

Please note host that there are hidden rewards for doing certain things. That you may or may not have the chance to get again.

I would like to thank UppishTheReaper for giving me Inspiration for a new ability of the MC. I wasn’t going to have the MC become a permanent centipede centaur but your comment gave me a great idea. And to the comment made by Demain_csomic_winters about the Technovore idea thank you It won’t be implemented just yet but it will when the Umbrella Corporation gets its own private army. And to any other readers please comment on any ideas or suggestions you might have or even if I made any mistakes or if I forgot something I don’t know everything about the universe involved in this story. 

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