The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 4: Birth of the Umbrella Corporation

I scanned every website I could find that did custom signs until I finally found it. A website that delivers to super shady buildings. Three days I waited, I spent most of it studying the research notes. “Hello we have a delivery for a Mr Valentine” ‘Ooh it’s finally here’ as I exited the warehouse I saw my sign.

“Yes I’m Mr Valentine” I had to tell them about why I had the appearance of a child. “Do you also do fitting”. The men just nodded.

“Fitting is included” it took the men three hours to put up my new sign. I also registered the Umbrella Corporation as an actual company.

Congratulations host on completing: Tutorial mission 2.
Rewards: 1 vial of experimental T virus

A small vial appeared in the closest vial rack. I went over to inspect it the vial wasn’t anything special but inside the vial was a murky black liquid. “Time to see this baby’s description”

Experimental T virus 
A vial of incomplete T virus, can be injected into 1 person or be administered in a gas form.
Infected people will die instantly and will not turn into a B.O.W
Tutorial mission 3: Create a function T virus.
An unfinished product is a worthless product, your job is to make a functional product.
Reward: 1 Sonnentreppe flower Delivery a day  +200 RE points

“What did they combine with the Progenitor virus to make the T virus” I racked my brain trying to remember “that’s it they created it by combining the progenitor virus with leech DNA, now where is the nearest pet store.” I started to search for pet stores online. 

As I limped down the street I felt happy well as happy as I could be with my damaged leg. Just then I accidentally bumped into a familiar woman.

New side mission
Kill Ada Wong
Reward: 1000 RE points +100 Infamy
Ask Ada Wong for directions 
Reward: Continuation of this mission line

“Ouch watch where you’re walking” I don’t know if it was my appearance or my dangerous looking stinger tail but she stopped mid-sentence. 

“I apologise for bumping into you I wasn’t watching where I was going, could I ask you were the Friends of Pets pet shop is please?” she was utterly dumbfounded. “Please don’t stare at my stinger it’s already uncomfortable thinking people are staring at it” she seemed to snap back to reality.

“Where are your parents little man, why aren’t you with them?” I clenched my fists killing her seemed more and more like a good Idea.

“It’s my power it makes me look like this, I’m actually nineteen” she didn’t seem to believe me.

“Sure little man the place you’re looking for is just around the next corner” ‘system is it too late to kill her?’

Yes host it is too late to kill her the side mission has already been completed.

“Thank you Ms?” Ada looked at me strangely ‘really are manners such a rarity in this world’


“Well thank you Ms Wong for your help toodles” I quickened my pace.

Ha ha ha Toodles host is that the best you’ve got, have you never talked to a woman before? Ha ha ha.

‘Great my comedian of a system has to pour salt onto a wound’ I already knew the directions to the pet shop but because of my system I had to act like an idiot. It was a quick walk to the pet shop and as I entered I was hit with an orchestral of noise.  The man at the counter was an old man with short wire like hair. “Hello little man, may I help you with anything?”

“Yes I was wondering if you sell live leaches I have a pet that has very particular eating habits” 

“I think we do sell them, let me look in the back” the man left me alone in the shop. ‘Let's see what pretty creatures we have here’ there were spiders, reptiles, dogs, cats and birds of all colours shapes and sizes. What caught my eye was a black giant centipede. “We do have some leaches, how many do you want”

“About 10, may I inquire about this little beauty here” the man looked at me strangely.

“Are you interested in her, I would like to sell her not many people want something that looks like that, she will cost you about forty dollars”

“You’ve got yourself a deal, how much do I owe you” the man’s eyes gleamed.

“The centipede and the ten leaches will cost you lets say forty-six dollars” I paid for the leaches and the new centipede. The man was super nice he let me keep her tank that had a water dispenser and he gave me a week's worth of food. The leaches were in a small container on top of the tank.

“I think I’ll call you Midnight how’s that” Midnight did a small shrill shriek. “I guess you like your name” my stinger swayed side to side happily frightening some passer-by’s. Opening my warehouse's door was quite difficult to open with hands but thankfully my stinger acted as an addition limb. I set Midnights’ tank on the closest table and the small container near my workstation. 

I fed Midnight some food and quickly got to work separating the experimental T virus into ten equal parts. “Here’s to science Midnight” I started extracting the leach DNA now how many parts DNA and how many parts Viruses. I tried and tried to get the right mix I followed the more promising notes steps. Nine attempts failed with the system saying harsh things like failure and are you trying, one actually did a small explosion. This was my final attempt ‘okay lets add three and a half parts virus, one part DNA, two and a half parts iodine solution and three parts Iozine hydrochloride’.

I put all the components into a vial in the vortex mixer. ‘This is for all the biscuits’ the mixer made a whirling sound. “Come on, come on” the mixer made a small ding as I pulled the vial out of the mixer, the colour of the solution had drastically changed from a murky black into a violet blue.

Congratulations host on creating a low grade T virus. Rewards for tutorial mission 3 will be delivered tomorrow.

Low grade T virus
A vial of low grade T virus that can be injected into 1 person or be administered in a gas form.
People that have been infected have a 95% chance of dying. People killed by this T virus have a 50% chance of becoming a low quality 1st grade B.O.W, 30% chance of becoming a mid quality 1st grade B.O.W and a 20% chance of becoming a high quality 1st grade B.O.W.
People not killed by this T virus have a 40% chance of becoming a low quality 1st grade B.O.W, 35% chance of becoming a mid quality 1st grade B.O.W, 20% of becoming a high quality 1st grade B.O.W and a 5% chance of becoming a low quality 2nd grade B.O.W

“Jesus system how big of a status window does this thing need” I continued to examine the vial but then disaster struck. I tripped over one of my untied laces, the vile flew out of my hand it did about three spins in the air before shattering on top of Midnight’s tank. “NO!” The violet blue liquid started to seep through the crevices of the tank’s lid. 

Midnight started to slurp up the liquid ‘shit shit shit’ I rushed over to her tank. Midnight started to grow bigger and bigger, the tank shattered from her sudden growth spurt. She kept growing and growing bigger and bigger her small shrill shrieks became booming monstrous shrieks. Her transformation was complete her once black body now had tints of blue and purple.

Her antennae became long and whip like with small blades of bone. Her mandibles were elongated and scissor like and her forcipuels looked strong and deadly. 

Congratulations host on creating your first B.O.W 2000 RE points have been given as a reward.

‘System does Midnight have a status window.’

Age: 4 years    Species: Centipede     
Quality: High       Grade: 2

Mutations: Human level Intelligence, Death keeper venom, Enhanced strength, speed, endurance, Iron exoskeleton.

Traits: Male slayer

Skills: Venom Spit 

“System show me descriptions for Death keeper venom, Iron exoskeleton and Male slayer please”

Mutation: Death keeper venom 
Death keeper venom is one of the deadliest venoms known to man. A few drops can kill a normal man. No antidote is know to exist. Death is slow and painful the longest recorded time is currently 4 weeks 6 days 22 hours and 31 minutes. The shortest time stands at 1 week 2 days 12 hours and 54 minutes. Most people that have been exposed to this poison commit suicide. 

Mutation: Iron exoskeleton 
Midnight’s exoskeleton is as hard as iron and can withstand most small caliber firearms. There are still openings in the joints.

Trait Male slayer
Damage dealt to male opponents is increased by 50%. But damage dealt to female opponents is decreased by 50%.

“What happened to Midnight System” Midnight towered high above me honestly I was terrified.

Don’t worry host all creatures created through things given by the system can’t harm you.

“Midnight can you understand me”

‘Yes master’ I could hear a different voice in my head. ‘God damn telepathy’ 

“I need you to stay in this warehouse for the time being, it’s too dangerous for other people to see you”. Midnight just nodded “looks like I need to find something bigger for you to eat” I also need one of those warning signs I could see it now Beware of the centipede.

Tutorial mission 4: Testing your first B.O.W
Every product needs testing even those made by genius’s.
Reward: Access to the the 1st tier of the RE point shop.

“System is there any heroes nearby”

Yes Spiderman is swinging around nearby 

“Midnight It’s time you meet some new people, I need you to get the attention of a man in a bright red and blue suit”

‘Consider it done master’ Midnight scuttled up a wall and out of the open skylight. ‘I hope you are ready Spiderman’

Pov Spiderman

“MJ I can’t speak right now I’m currently preoccupied” I was swinging from web to web.

“How preoccupied could you be to forget our anniversary” I was scanning the rooftops when I saw something really strange. A large shadow was lurking on a low warehouse roof it seemed to scuttle back into an open window. ‘What was that?’

“Peter Peter earth to Peter are you listening to me? Hello” I quickly snapped back to reality.

“Yes I am MJ, something has just come up Jonah wants me for something bye”

“Peter Parker don’t you dare han” ‘I’m really going to get it when I come back’. I landed on top of the warehouse roof ‘I think I need to buy some flowers on my way back. I gazed into the skylight and saw something moving in the shadows. I opened the skylight and entered, I landed on the dusty floor random machines and appliances were everywhere. 

Just then I heard something knock over in the far corner. I drew closer and closer to the shadows. Just then something shot out at me. I barely managed to dodge in time towering in front was a giant black insect. “I know New York has a bug problem but even I didn’t know it was this bad” the bug charged at me obviously pissed at my remark.

“Hey come on that was a good one” I dodged again and again avoiding its whip like antenna. It was carefully not to damage anything. I shot some webs pining one of its antennas to the ground. “Come on bug brain, even cockroaches are more terrifying than you.” The bug did a tremendous screech and ripped the webbing off with sheer strength.

It charged at me again using its antenna to cut off any potential to dodge. I swear I could hear my ribs cracking as it charged into me. It started to coil around me getting tighter and tighter. Just then the door to the warehouse opened and someone emerged.

Pov Luke Valentine 

I had to make sure my entrance looked legit Midnight had accomplished her mission. Bound by her coils laid a man in a bright red and blue spandex. “KID RUN!” I could hear him croak.

“Who are you and why are you in my warehouse?” My response seemed to shock him. “Midnight give this thing some breathing space” Midnight reluctantly uncoiled around Spiderman, but still held him down with one on her antennae.

New multi choice mission detected 

Option 1: Kill Spiderman
Reward: +50 Infamy +200 RE points

Option 2: Hand Spiderman into the police 
Reward: +10000 John Johan Jameson respect

Option 3: Release Spiderman 
Reward: 100 RE points +1 low tier random mutation pack.

Option 4: Have a conversation with Spiderman
Reward: New story line opened and special items unlocked in the RE point shop.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.