The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

Chapter 11

After starting primary school courses, Mi He began to understand the difference between orientation and ordinary people that Muchen said before.

Because the primary school curriculum for oriented people is a perverted teaching that requires learning four subjects even in language.

Just like in the ancient earth, an ordinary elementary school student wants to learn Chinese, English, Japanese, and German at the same time, which is absolutely full of collapse for this elementary school student. Of course, this level of learning may be nothing to those very few geniuses, but it is absolutely devastating to ordinary people.

Orienteering’s elementary school curriculum begins with the simultaneous learning of Imperial Common, Alix, Old Earth Latin, and Dutch. Ancient Earth Latin is relatively better for Mi He. After all, he could speak English in his last life. Although Latin is different from English, Mi He is familiar with letters that look similar.

As for the common language of the empire, they are now speaking in the common language of the empire, which is not too difficult for Mi He, but the more difficult ones are Alix and Daqi. He still remembers that when she first met Doro, Doro used a strange language to reprimand those scientific research doctors, using the Alix language. People, so many professional languages ​​are spoken in Alex language. As a natural orientation person at the top of the pyramid, it is natural to learn Alex language.

The most difficult is the Dutch language. The Dutch people have a very fast reproductive capacity, so the number of people has expanded rapidly. It is the second largest language in the galaxy in addition to the common language of the empire, and ancient Latin is actually not very popular, but in some In remote planets, human beings can still speak ancient Latin, so as human beings, they still have to learn.

Mi Heguang felt that it was easy to mess up the letters of the four languages, especially the Daqi language. He felt that the letters and the roots were basically the same, and they were all in circles, which made Mi He very collapsed.

She also asked Mu Chen: “Brother Chenchen, don’t you think that Daqiyu all look the same? They are all in circles, how to distinguish them?”

Mu Chen gave her a contemptuous glance and said, “Didn’t you find that the forks in the circle are different? Didn’t the virtual teacher talk about it during the Xing Online class?”

Mi He: Forks are different…


Her fiery elementary school life began with the chaos of four galactic languages.

Later, Mi He also watched the elementary school curriculum for ordinary human children, which was completely different from the elementary school curriculum for targeted people. It felt like the difference between an undergraduate student and a doctoral student.

Mi He gave Hannah an opinion on this point, and Hannah replied: “If you admit that you are really not as good as targeting people, you really want to be an ordinary person at the bottom of the pyramid all your life, and you can also learn ordinary people. course.”

After hearing this, Mi He still refused to admit defeat. He felt that there were only four languages ​​​​in four languages.

As a result, after the language class is over, it is followed by the mathematics class. Normal primary school students learn addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and they are done with simple arithmetic problems and application problems. This is a course that takes six years to learn. However, the orientation People and children are finished in one semester.

Mi He feels that his college foundation can only be maintained until he graduates from primary school?

For this reason, Mi He deliberately re-did the IQ test. This time, she did it seriously and scored 135, which made Mi He regain her confidence. She thought that in her previous life, those with an IQ of 135 were all super academics. I heard that Ain Stan’s brain slice has an IQ of over 140, and her 135 is already awesome.

Although she is not as good as Orienteering, she feels that she is also the smart one among ordinary people, and she has a lot of self-confidence in learning.

After a few days, Mi He went to see the two-headed chicken again, and found that the eggs that Gugu laid had grown quite large, but the chicks it laid were not as big as it, especially the chicks that were born later, one by one. Small, the chickens of Gugu’s grandchildren seem to be close to the size of ancient earth meat-eating chickens.

However, it is said that the new problem is that the chickens of the great-grandchildren of Gugu may be smaller, and Hannah’s genetic adjustment may make the chickens too small again.

Mi He was still having fun, wondering if this is the rooster version of “Rejuvenation”? If the great-grandchildren regenerate chickens, are they only as big as the chicks? Can’t give birth in the end?

When Mi He entered the laboratory, he saw Mr. Colonel sitting next to Hannah wearing a white coat, also doing experimental analysis like a researcher, and he looked very professional, and his methods were not amateur at first glance.

Mi He shouted, “Uncle Colonel.”

The Colonel turned back and looked at Mi He with a pleasant look, “Come and see your chick.”

Mi He nodded, and she asked casually, “Why is the Colonel’s uncle wearing a white coat?”

Hannah said at this time: “Mr. Mueller is not only a colonel officer, but also a Ph.D. in molecular life sciences. I asked him to help me with one of my experiments.”

Mi He has become accustomed to the general anti-human ability to target people, but she also showed an expression of admiration: “Uncle Colonel is amazing!”

Mr. Mueller said to her: “It won’t be long before Mihe can eat the results of our experiment.”

Mi He looked at Hannah, Hannah showed a rare smile, and seemed to be happy with the victory, “You will know soon.”

It didn’t take long for Mi He to know what the result of this experiment was.

Hannah has successfully improved the rice gene that looks like millet strips and tastes like wood slag. Although it has not been restored to the small and delicious level of ancient earth rice, the restored rice has become It is as big as the Thai basmati rice of Ancient Earth, and the taste is sweet. Although it is a bit sticky, it is really the taste of rice! ! ! !

Mi He licked the bowl, even simply cooking porridge made her want to cry.

It has been six years, and she is only six years old before she eats slightly normal food.

A few days later, Hannah’s paper on improving the genes of rice in the universe was published on the “Life” forum of Xingwang, which caused a huge response. For a time, Hannah Linley’s fame became louder.

Yuan Longping, a distant rice producer, even specially came to several agricultural scientists to discuss the possibility of large-scale cultivation of this improved rice. When they saw the rice that Hannah was growing, they were all very happy. With the ear and Hannah set the seed.

Not long after the scientists left, Hannah’s rice also matured. She was harvesting rice in the laboratory. Mihe watched her stoop to pick wheat ears carefully. Hannah accidentally touched the ground. The grains of wheat, Mi He squatted on the ground to help pick up, in fact, there were not a few grains in total.

Mi He looked at the dozen or so seeds in his hand and said to Hannah, “Mom, can you give me these seeds? I also want to grow delicious rice.”

Hannah thought about it, although the seeds are very precious, but if they can arouse the children’s interest in this area, these seeds are not bad. On the contrary, it is a good thing, so I agree.

“But you have to treat them well. You know how precious these seeds are. Mom asks you to record the growth of the seeds every day and report them to me regularly, okay?”

Mi He nodded, and when he got home, he let the robot remove the microcirculation flowerpot that used to grow white lotus. soft soil.

Mi He carefully inserted a few seeds into the soil at equal distances, turned on the switch of the circulating flower pot again, and began to plant new expectations.

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