The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

Chapter 12

Since Mihe started to grow rice, Muchen also started to grow rice at the command of Mr. Colonel, and they were learning to write observation diaries together.

Muchen was actually quite unhappy. He felt that he didn’t want to study molecular life sciences in the future, and he didn’t want to be engaged in agriculture to watch robots farm, so he was a little reluctant.

Later, the lieutenant colonel talked about the preciousness of the few seeds he got. Maybe he was the first person in the universe to eat this precious rice. Now he can plant them by himself. Isn’t it a cool experience? ?

This explanation really moved the little boy Muchen, who thought that he would send such a great news to Xingwang, and make Mars’s friends envy him.

Then when Mi He and Muchen were in class, the conversation between the two would have something like this: “Have your seedlings come out?”


“How many leaves have you grown?”

“The fourth piece.”

“According to Dad’s record, we will divide the seedlings and transplant them soon.”

Mi He also nodded solemnly, but thought in his heart: There are only a dozen or so seedlings in total, don’t say it as grandly as group transplanting.

But the two of them agreed to go home and plant rice seedlings after the language get out of class for one day. After planting, they went to each other’s house to see each other’s results.

Muchen saw that her seedlings were growing very well, the leaves looked green and energetic, and it was rare to praise her: “Your seedlings are well taken care of!”

Mi He was also a little proud, thinking that he might have inherited Hannah’s genes.

In the evening, I took the growth record to show Hannah, but I couldn’t find her in the laboratory. I was walking back, and just around the corner, I suddenly saw Mr. Colonel from a laboratory equipment storage room that was not usually used. When he walked out, although he had pretended that nothing had happened, Mi He always felt that something was wrong.

So Mi He didn’t say anything. She was small anyway, and the Colonel didn’t see her, so he hurriedly turned to the other side.

As a result, after less than two minutes, Hannah came out of the room again.

When she came out, she even tidied up the collar of her clothes with her hand. With such an obvious movement, Mi He was able to taste it immediately. These two people are…

But Mi He didn’t dare to say it, for fear that her father would find out that she was sad, so she would forget that she didn’t see it.

But it didn’t take long for this to be guessed again.

The reason is that there is another embryo of Hannah and Mr. Colonel in the laboratory!

Even if Mi He wanted to pretend he didn’t know about this, someone would tell Lieutenant Colonel Yang sooner or later. Sure enough, Lieutenant Colonel Yang had been depressed these days. But he didn’t come up with anything like rushing out to find Hannah’s theory, adult men and women are in a relationship, no one can be too serious, right?

The colonel’s wife obviously knew about it. When Mi He went to her house to study with Muchen, she was a little afraid that the colonel’s wife would give her a face, or simply satirize her a few words to vent her anger. As a result, Mi He saw the colonel. Madam, she found that she was still smiling, the reserved and elegant smile on her face did not fade, and the curvature of the smile did not slip even once.

The Colonel’s wife didn’t seem to have anything to do with it. What happened normally, and what happened now, made Mi He feel that the Colonel’s wife was really awesome.

Moreover, when Mi He usually sees the colonel and his wife together, it seems that nothing happened to them, which really makes Mi He admire, and also gives her a preliminary understanding of the marriage between directional people in this era.

Orientation people have high IQs and are rationally oriented. Their thinking patterns and marriage methods may be really different from those of ancient earth people. But Mi He didn’t like this feeling very much. He couldn’t tell, he always felt it was colder.

The follow-up to this incident is that, not long after, that embryo also died.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang regained his vitality.

On the contrary, Hannah was in a bad mood for several days.

Mi He also didn’t see how the embryo was disposed of, because she was obsessed with another matter and Gugu died.

It died naturally. The normal lifespan of an ancient earth broiler chicken is about seven or eight years at the most, but Gugu only lived for more than three years. Hannah explained that this is also part of its genetic defect.

After Gugu dies, as the final contribution of the research subject, it will be eaten as food.

Because the sponsors of this research are asking to restore the genes of the ancient earth chicken, people want to eat the chicken with the same taste as the ancient earth chicken. Hannah, as a researcher, naturally has to eat one by one experiment before knowing her experiment. How is the result.

Hannah hands over the cooking to the robots, and Kardashian bakes them.

When Gugu’s huge body was shaved and thrown into the oven, Mi He didn’t continue to look at it, and she didn’t want to eat it, even though she hadn’t eaten chicken for almost all her life, she still didn’t want to eat it, Because she was thinking that this might be the last farewell to the big double-headed **** who had been with her for a long time.

Muchen didn’t eat either, Mi He asked him why, he raised his chin and said, “I don’t like eating mutant monsters with two heads.”

But Mi He still said to him, “Thank you, Brother Chenchen.”

Mu Chen said superfluously: “I’m not for you, what are you thankful for?” After saying that, she ignored her and walked home. After a few steps, she turned around and said to her: “You won’t cry, right? Bar?”

Mi He smiled, “Well, no.”

Muchen said: “I hate girls who cry the most. Whether it’s a directional person or an ordinary person, girls hate crying the most.”

Mi He was really amused by him this time.

It feels so good to have childhood friends!

The next day, the childhood friend returned to normal and began to roll his eyes and despise her.

The boat of friendship is really unreliable!

After the Colonel’s affairs with Hannah and Gugu’s affairs were over, Mi He was seven years old in a new year, and the founding day was coming again soon.

She and Lieutenant Colonel Yang were still watching the celebration from the capital Mars in front of the holographic TV. Last year, Lieutenant Colonel Yang changed to the latest holographic TV after he issued the bonus. This time, the holographic projection of the emperor’s family was really clear.

Their projections are like real people walking past in front of Mi He. This new type of holographic TV can also collect holographic data of the audience in front of the TV, and put a layer of holographic projected light waves on the outside of the audience. In this case, the audience stretches out their fingers. You can touch the people and things that are broadcast on TV.

Mi He and Lieutenant Colonel Yang also tried this function. When Mi He saw the golden crown of the emperor, she reached out and touched the crown. The moment she stretched out her fingers, her fingers seemed to be fused with the crown. She really I felt the firm touch of the crown.

Really amazing.

Then when Prince Friedrich came over, Mi He looked at this extremely handsome face, and she reached out to touch him again, although her fingers melted together as soon as they touched his gorgeous robe, But she vaguely felt that her fingers touched the temperature, although this was an illusion, because the manual said that the audience could not feel the temperature.

The eleven-year-old Prince Friedrich has grown into a teenager. The genes of the first royal family may be the best genes in the universe. The people in their family are all beautiful and extraordinary. They are only eleven years old. Friedrich The prince was already over 1.7 meters tall. selected the most handsome prince of the imperial family in the past three hundred years. Prince Friedrich beat all the princes who had been handsome at the age of eleven, including his own father who was not as beautiful as him at the age of eleven. .

The pale golden hair in the holographic projection is like the clearest morning light in the morning light, especially his green eyes that look like emeralds, so beautiful that people can’t take their eyes away when they look at them, because emeralds themselves are the most beautiful in the world. Pretty green.

Prince Frederick like this, with every move and every move, seems to carry the arrogance and nobility that the royal family has accumulated for more than 300 years, so that girls in the whole universe are swaying with their hearts.

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