The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

Chapter 26

Knowing that Mihe was leaving, Hannah took Mihe to buy a lot of gifts to bring back to Earth, including some popular plant seeds in Mars requested by Mihe, as well as some little girl clothes and toys for Mihe. , and of course bought some books and notebooks, Hannah’s original words are: “Although we all use personal terminals to store data, paper books and notebooks will still stimulate the most primitive love of writing in human beings.

Miho:  …

Well, you are a scholar, what you say is right.

When shopping for clothes, Hannah took the clothes and showed her the size, and while trying to say: “This year, you are so tall at 12 years old, you will still grow taller in winter, this dress will be small by then. ? I shouldn’t be able to wear it when I’m 13…”

After speaking, Hannah suddenly realized that she would no longer be by Mi He’s side every day in the future, and she would not be able to participate in her growth and her joys and sorrows.

Hannah suddenly felt a little sad.

This is when she decides to stay in Mars when she really realizes what it means to Mi He and her.

She paused, then took another piece of clothing with her movement, and said, “I should have bought the 13-year-old’s clothes too.”

Mi He was also a little sad. Mars was just getting acquainted with everyone and was about to leave, and she was going to part with Hannah. She advised herself to think more about Lieutenant Colonel Yang, Duoduo, and Muchen who were on Earth. When it came to them, Brother Chenchen refused her even the holographic video these days, Mi He was a little depressed.

Thinking of Lieutenant Colonel Yang knowing that she was going back to Earth last night, he was so happy that he showed his white teeth and said, “Honey, Dad misses you to death, shall I go to Mars to pick you up?”

Of course Mi He knew that this was impossible. Lieutenant Colonel Yang could not leave the earth without an order. The last time he drove Mi He and Hannah to the Saturn space station, he specially applied to Colonel Mueller.

When she thought of her relatives and friends far away on earth, her parting mood softened a lot.

Knowing that she was leaving, Mr. Collins did her and Hannah a big favor, saying, “Xiaolu is going to the military academy on the planet Alexa, and I happen to have a friend’s commercial spaceship going there. It’s no less than Mi He, and going to the Alexa planet happens to pass through the Saturn space station.”

Because of the war with the Black Blood Monster, the universe is not as safe as usual, and even those interstellar pirates have become arrogant. If Mi He returns to Earth in a spaceship, Hannah is really worried. Mr. Collins The help was especially appreciated by Hannah.

Mi He also thanked Mr. Collins very much. Mr. Collins patted Mi He’s head and said, “Xia Mi He is so good, how could uncle let you be so dangerous in a spaceship?”

Then he said, “When you are on vacation, and come to Mars to play, I will ask Xiaolu to pick you up.”

Mi He felt warm in his heart. He felt that Mr. Collins was really good, and he once again waxed in his heart for his father. There was really no chance for him!

In addition to buying things for herself, Mi He also bought them for Lieutenant Colonel Yang, Doro, and Muchen. Hannah also brought some gifts to the former colleagues of the research group. Pay attention to this, but after being with Mi He for a long time, Hannah’s heart has softened a lot.

Lin Lai’s family knew that Mi He was leaving, so they gave them gifts. Grandpa bought Mi He a cotton skirt, grandma gave a card, aunt gave virtual online courses, and uncle gave junior high school workbooks…

Mi He really wanted to tell her uncle and aunt that her workbooks and online classes were enough, so don’t be so polite!

Cousin Rita also kindly gave away the privately kept junior high school study materials, which were all the key points and study ideas she recorded on her personal terminal device, which were the exclusive secrets of a scholar.

Hannah was quite happy and said to Mi He, “You have to read the information given by your cousin and study hard.”

Mi He wondered if he could say goodbye well? Forget about your grades, okay?

However, in the face of everyone’s enthusiasm, Mi He could only say “OK”, and Cousin Rita patted her on the shoulder and said, “You have to work hard to get to Mars in the high school entrance examination. Covering you, my words still work.”

Mi He bent her lips, and her big brown eyes were shining with tears. She hugged Rita’s soft body and shouted, “Sister Rita, I will miss you!”

Rita obviously didn’t expect Mi He to hug her, and was a little touched by surprise, but she said, “I won’t miss you, stupid Mi He.” Farewell to sadness or something is too inappropriate for her identity.

Later, it was Hannah who stopped everyone from sending off like a normal person who was not calm. Hannah said, “Mihe will come again next summer vacation. Don’t waste your time like this.”

Mi He just carried a bunch of gifts from everyone, followed Hannah to the aircraft, and the aircraft returned to the same route as before. When they arrived at the platform where the spaceship was about to depart, Hannah and Mi He handed over their luggage to the robot to carry away. .

Hannah patted Mihe’s head again and said, “If you have something to tell me in time, don’t keep it in your heart when you encounter unhappy things.” After speaking, she felt wrong again, “After I left, no one was there. I can control you, I’m afraid you will smash the base.”

Mi He immediately clarified and made a positive statement: “How could it be? I will definitely study hard when I go back!”

Hannah said, “Yes, I will monitor your grades, don’t relax!”

Mi He nodded, thinking in her heart that her academic performance is almost enough. She is someone who is determined to open a small restaurant, and her academic performance is a cloud… Only by comforting herself can she stop thinking about the horrible things she will study in junior high school in the future. Physical Chemistry.

Who can tell her why the physical difficulty of Orienteering in junior high school is similar to that of college physics in her previous life? What the **** are people doing! ! ! ! In an era when robots are used to calculate the price of even buying things, why do you want to learn such a difficult thing to abuse yourself?

Having said all this gossip, Hannah suddenly stopped talking.

Mi He looked up at her.

She saw the wet light in Hannah’s eyes.

Before Mi He could see clearly, Hannah hugged her.

This is one of the few hugs that Mi He has taken the initiative to embrace by Hannah, and her hand also embraces Hannah.

“Mom, don’t be sad, I will come to see you often.”

What Hannah thought was that when it was time to part, it was the child Mi He who would comfort her. Who is this child’s character like? She and Colonel Yang are not the kind of people who can take care of other people’s moods?

Hannah now still remembers when Mi He was six or seven months old, when Mi He reached out to hold her for the first time, Mi He as a baby was fragrant and soft, his eyes were big and clear, and his eyes were full of Expectations and Mu Ru for her.

After so many years, Mi He has grown into a little girl and is so tall, but her eyes are still so clear.

Hannah finally whispered, “I won’t be by your side in the future, so take good care of yourself.”

Mi He nodded.

I was also afraid that my tears would flow out.

After being afraid of tears, Hannah said that it was not in line with the way of communication with targeted people.

When parting, don’t be too sad.

Mi He didn’t say anything else, because Xiaolu was here, and he was saying hello to Hannah. Xiaolu’s attitude towards his future aunt was very good. In addition to his extraordinary beauty, Hannah was also very kind to him, not so polite. said: “Take care of Mi He, she may have a jump reaction.”

Xiaolu said, “Mi He is my sister, I will take good care of her.”

Hannah was very satisfied, and even looked forward to her marriage to Mr. Collins. The expectations for a new life dilute some of the melancholy that he has to part with Mi He.

The dark-haired boy with glasses stood beside Xiaolu, and Mi He shouted at him, “Brother Freddy!”

The black-haired boy Freddy raised his eyes, his green eyes looked at Mi He through his glasses, “Hello, Miss Mi He.”

His clear voice rang in Mi He’s ear.

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