The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

Chapter 27

Because of the existence of Xiaolu, Hannah felt a lot more at ease with Mi He, and Mr. Collins also came to see him off. He said a few words to Xiaolu before he said a few words, and Xiaolu waved his hand impatiently, “Okay. Okay, don’t talk about it, I won’t beat anyone casually when I get to school.”

He muttered: “As long as those people don’t see me entangled, I hate those boring people the most.”

Mi He thought to himself, under the appearance of Brother Xiaolu that makes any expression so pleasing to the eyes, it is difficult for him not to recruit those crazy bees and butterflies. Even the first time she saw him, she was crazy for a long time, not to mention Those young impulsive cadets.

Mr Collins said: “In short, it’s not allowed to hit people for no reason, and you have to control the intensity. Those are ordinary people.”

When Mi He heard this sentence, he thought that Alex Military University was not a top-level university that almost only top students of Orienteering could get into? There is the cradle of the high-ranking generals of the empire, and the top university in the pyramid that is beyond the reach of ordinary people. How can there be ordinary human beings?

At this time, Mr. Collins instructed Freddy, “If you have anything to tell Xiaolu, don’t be polite.” After thinking for a while, he said, “Take care of yourself. After all, school is not like being at home.”

Freddy nodded and said, “I will.”

Then the voice urging boarding sounded, and Xiaolu said again: “Okay, don’t send it off, we’re leaving.”

Mi He also said goodbye to Hannah and Mr. Collins for the last time, and she boarded the spaceship while Hannah watched.

After getting on the boat, Hannah and Mr. Collins could still be seen standing below watching them, and Mi He was also looking at Hannah from the window, a little reluctant.

Xiaolu came over and touched Mi He’s head, “Is this the first time you have left your family?”

Mi He said, “My mother won’t be able to be with me every day in the future, it’s a little sad.”

Xiaolu said nonchalantly, “No one in this world can guarantee that they will be together forever, not even relatives. Life, after all, is a journey that only belongs to you.”

Xiaolu also said to Freddy who was standing beside him, “Are you right?”

Freddy’s eyes looked at the pair of oil bottle brothers and sisters from behind the glasses, a little surprised that the two of them could still chat about such a boring topic? It seems that the two should get along well in their new family.

No, he has no interest in this kind of nutritious topic at all. He just glanced back and didn’t even make a sound. He lowered his head and opened a book in his hand to continue reading.

These days, everyone is reading materials and books on the terminal. Few people read paper books. Mi He glanced at the book Freddy was reading curiously, and found that it turned out to be an English book?

No, that’s not English, it’s German! !

She glanced at the cover again, Arthur, uncle, Schopenhauer?

Someone actually read the German version of Schopenhauer’s book in the 300th year of the star calendar? Is she right?

This is not the ancient earth, this is the three hundred years of the ephemeris after five hundred years, the language here is the common language of the empire, the Dutch language, the Alix language, and the ancient Latin is also used in the remote star field. However, this Frye Di was actually reading Schopenhauer with a German book in hand?

Mi He was particularly surprised, and the look in Freddy’s eyes changed.

If an ordinary teenager was holding this book, she would have thought that this person might be pretending to be coercive, but seeing Freddy staring at the book with good eyes and flipping the book regularly, she could clearly understand it. !

Mi He pretended not to understand and asked, “What book is Brother Freddy reading?”

Freddy looked up at her and replied, “The World as Will and Representation”

Just as she was about to speak again, Xiaolu said to Mi He, “Isn’t it a very strange title? He was able to find this ancient earth book in the imperial library, and it was even a remote language of ancient earth. Not many people will use it.”

Mi He said: “Brother Freddy can understand it very well.”

Xiaolu said casually: “What’s this, he can speak more than ten languages.” He gave her another sideways look, “Am I not that good?” Then he plucked Mihe’s hair and made trouble with Mihe. In a group, the sadness of Mi He and Hannah’s parting has also dissipated.

Freddy put away the book and said to the two brothers and sisters, “Don’t make trouble, it’s about to take off, all sit down.”

After he finished speaking, the two quarrelling people separated automatically. Mi He’s hairstyle was messed up and the hairpin fell off. She pointed to the path and said, “You told my mother to take care of me!”

Xiaolu said confidently: “Of course I have to take care of you, come, I will make up for you?”

I was so angry with Mi He, “It’s amazing to study well!” Then he ignored Xiaolu.

But it’s different for Freddy. Although she can’t speak German, Freddy, who can read German, makes her feel that he is very close to the earth five hundred years ago, which makes her feel a little closer to him. feel.

“Brother Freddy, have some snacks!” She took out the snacks Hannah brought her to share with him.

“no thank you.”

Xiaolu next to him said, “Why are you so biased, you only give it to him and not me? I want to eat it too!” She reached out to grab Mi He’s snacks, but fortunately she quickly grabbed it back, “If you don’t give it, I won’t give it to Brother Xiaolu. .” Then the two of them got into trouble again.

After playing for a while, the two of them finally got tired of playing. They sat on their chairs and ate snacks. Xiaolu said while eating, “That’s not enough to eat, and I don’t want to eat unpalatable nutritional supplements.”

Mi He said: “Mars’ nutritional supplements are already very good, and there are flavors to choose from. The nutritional supplements I took when I was on Earth were terrible. The protein of the nutritional supplements was made from a mutant earthworm. I just started I thought the pink nutrient solution was a fruit flavor…”

Xiaolu didn’t have a good appetite after listening to it, “Pink mutant earthworms don’t sound delicious.”

Freddy listened to Mi He talking about her life on earth, but instead became interested, and turned his eyes from the page to Mi He, “What is the earth like?”

Mi He told them about her life on earth, the giant flowers and butterflies on the surface, the watermelon like nesting dolls, the mutant fish in the deep sea, and the life of riding a chicken and walking a dog at the base. Mi He is very tasty.

Xiaolu also listened with interest, “So the two-headed chicken that is in short supply in the market recently was researched by your earth base?”

Mi He said: “It was researched by my mother and Professor Doro together. Mom and Professor are very good.”

Freddy closed the book and said, “Professor Doro is indeed very knowledgeable, and Professor Lin Lai’s contribution to molecular life science is not small. The double-headed chicken is indeed more delicious than the previous Tutu bird. According to the ancient earth people who have been frozen and recovered, the taste of double-headed chicken is very close to the taste of ancient earth chicken.”

Xiaolu suddenly said excitedly: “Yes, this ship is used to transport two-headed chickens to other planets. Let me go and see what it looks like alive?”

Mi He remembered seeing the robot carrying flour when he got on the boat, and Xiaolu explained: “Stupid, double-headed chickens are a hot commodity now. On the surface, they sell flour, but it is more profitable to bring some double-headed chickens to sell in private. Money.”

With a pretty face, Xiaolu only asked a crew member, and the crew member was dazed and led Xiaolu to see the double-headed chicken. The door of the cabin where the double-headed chicken was placed was opened, and Mi He and Xiaolu heard it. The clucking of a double-headed chicken, when a chicken calls out, can resonate with countless chickens, and the sounds inside are intertwined.

Xiaolu curiously went in and looked around. He chatted with the female crew member while watching. The female crewmember had been laughing from ear to ear since she saw Xiaolu, and then when Xiaolu came out, he was still holding one in his hand. The live chicken came out very proud.

Xiaolu said excitedly: “Come on, let’s cook this chicken!”

Mi He obviously didn’t believe that a young master like Xiaolu could cook. He even said plausibly, “Look for a housework robot for cooking. There must be some on this kind of spaceship.”

The result is that this cargo spaceship has no housekeeping robots at all, and the two-headed chicken is walking around on the ground of their cabin. It seems to be in a new place, and it has been clucking. For a while, Freddy Xiaolu’s eyes have already flowed to Xiaolu several times. Xiaolu and Freddy grew up together, how could they not know what he meant? This means that he is not pleasing to the eye…

Later, Mi He saw that these two people really didn’t seem to be able to do it, so he had to take the initiative to say: “I saw my mother handle a two-headed chicken when I was on Earth. Let me try it?”

Although Xiaolu was skeptical of Mi He, the three of them were obviously the most promising.

What Mi He thought was that since she hadn’t touched a knife to cook for so many years, she almost forgot the feeling of picking up a knife.

Later, with his invincible beauty, Xiaolu borrowed it into the kitchen.

When Mi He was about to leave with the chicken, Freddy suddenly said to Xiaolu, “She is too young, don’t bully her too much.” Mi He thief was moved by what he said, and felt that Freddy could understand Earth German well. A young man, and a kind and considerate person.

Xiaolu had to follow Mi He into the kitchen. Although Mi He took the task, she did not show much skill. Instead, she instructed Xiaolu to kill chickens and let blood, which startled Xiaolu, but Mi He affirmed: “Mother is That’s what he did.” He also had to take out the dagger he carried with him, and with just one click, he chopped off two chicken necks from the root, and then he held the chicken body and waited for the chicken to bleed.

At this time, the boiling water had been boiled, and Mi He began to shed the chicken’s feathers, and then awkwardly disassembled the chicken with a knife.

Mi He went back to the cabin to take out her luggage, and took out a small bag from it, which contained peppers, peppercorns and hemp peppers she had grown by herself.

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