The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

Chapter 42.7: (7)

The problem of calculating gravitational waves in a wormhole…

But she didn’t think about it later, because she saw Brother Freddy in the hologram.

This is a holographic camera from the inside of the light armor. Freddy who was filmed may not have noticed at all. He is fighting the black blood monster with all his heart. The buttons are different from the joystick mecha. There are many thin lines on Freddy’s light armor protective suit, especially on his head. Many thin lines hang down directly from the top of the light armor, which seems to be the core of the light armor. The chip is connected to Freddy’s brain.

This latest light armor is indeed higher than the old mecha in terms of flexibility and responsiveness, and the response on the battlefield is also very good, but the light armor operator is very rare, and they are all excellent directional people. , Even someone as good as Xiaolu was not selected as a light armor operator.

Freddie in the battle was covered by the light armor suit, but his dark green eyes and his magnetic steady voice conveyed the audience through the hologram, especially when his hands pushed the photon cannon to fire the wrench, That confident and calm: “Fire!” Let all the viewers on Xingwang feel that he has a kind of temperament, as if nothing is in his eyes in front of him, and everything can be easily solved.

When a black blood monster’s mosquito battleship exploded in front of his eyes, the dazzling light from the explosion came from the 270-degree screen inside the light armor. Freddy only squinted his eyes slightly, and then said in a low voice One sentence: “One.”

Immediately afterwards, I heard him constantly counting the number of mosquito battleships eliminated, and soon more than ten ships were eliminated, causing the people watching the live broadcast to cheer along with him.

The people of the empire kept posting their comments under the video: “This light armor operator is really amazing!” “If the empire were all talented like this, the black blood monsters would have been wiped out long ago!” “His voice is too It sounds good!” “His hands are also very good-looking, especially when he pushes the photon cannon, he thinks it is very handsome.”

Unbeknownst to Freddy, who was fighting, after this huge victory, he had become a fighting hero of this war.

After the war, Freddy was promoted to lieutenant colonel.

The twenty-two-year-old lieutenant colonel was probably the youngest lieutenant colonel in the entire empire.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang also watched the video and complimented Freddy: “Good boy, good job!” When Freddy was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel Yang muttered: “I was almost forty when I was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel… ”

Mi He wanted to comfort his father and give up comparing with these awesome directional people…

When the whole empire was inspired by this huge victory, Doro became more and more irritable. Mi He felt that his recent experiment might not be very smooth. He worked harder than her third year student every day. Mi He went to When the laboratory looked for him, he was already analyzing various data.

When Mi He was still studying in the laboratory that day, he heard Doro talking to someone in the terminal. When she got close, she vaguely heard a sentence: “Doris…”

Mi He has been away from Mars for two years and has not responded.

☆、Chapter 57

Mi He didn’t remember it later, her brain was occupied with all kinds of math problems, physics problems, chemistry problems and various vocabulary, and she had long since forgotten the silent names like Doris. Because in the two years after Prince Friedrich’s coming-of-age ceremony, the popularity of the concubine selection has declined a lot, and it has been diluted by the second prince’s release of holographic data.

As the daughter of the prime minister, Doris Mujie is also very low-key and does not often appear in the news of Star Network. Only when the royal family holds an event, her name will be mentioned by Star Network.

It’s normal for Mi He, who is focused on studying, to not remember her name.

After the technological development of two-way holographic data, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the work in the laboratory, Doro limited the time for everyone to log in to the ‘Pheromone Love’ company, and could not have close contact with the second prince on the hologram during working hours. .

However, the strict regulations cannot limit everyone’s surging love for this activity. There are still people who take advantage of Doro’s absence to occasionally relax on the hologram, but if Doro is caught, the consequences will be very tragic, because now Doro’s temper is very explosive, and people who have made mistakes can scold people in more than ten languages, often for an hour after scolding, which is very tormenting.

After scolding, Doro felt a little more relaxed, then looked up at the time, and said depressedly, “I wasted another hour of my time.”

In this case, Mihe specially made a braised Lulu for Doro. Doro, who had eaten hometown delicacies, could still seem relaxed for a while, but for a while, Doro who returned to the laboratory was still very restless.

Later, Mi He suddenly discovered one day that the embryos that were cultivated in the culture column a year ago suddenly disappeared, and the culture column was empty. No one in the laboratory mentioned this matter, but everyone’s state followed Doro’s anxiety. Also very cautious.

In addition to the anxious Doro, even Hannah became very haggard. She often communicated with Doro on the hologram. Mi He could not understand their technical terms, but when they were talking, she could occasionally hear a few words: “Failed again,” “At Mars, it failed because the chromosomes didn’t divide well.”

Mihe heard Doro say: “The heredity is too bad, even if so many hormones that promote division are injected, it is difficult to stimulate their growth…”

Mi He thinks that Hannah may have encountered some kind of problem, and it is difficult for even Doro to solve it. It seems that not only she has the troubles of taking the cosmic college entrance examination, but adults also have their troubles.

One day Mi He was studying late, and Doro was looking at the experimental data when his terminal rang and a holographic image popped up.

Mi He didn’t pay attention, but heard a somewhat familiar voice, that voice said to Doro, “I read the experimental data.”

“Failed twice at Hannah’s hands, and with me, still failed a few times,” Doro said.

The voice said again: “Dr. Lin Lai and your professional level are beyond doubt…”

When Mi He looked up, he saw a man with pale blond hair sitting in front of the desk, His Royal Highness Prince Frederick! !

Mi He blinked, almost thinking he was watching news on

Then the handsome Crown Prince said: “The data you sent me is still not the final result. I still want to wait for the final result.” His voice sounded calm, his face was calm, and Doro, who was anxious before the hologram, said Different.

Mi He felt that the mighty and noble Crown Prince seemed to be so reserved and calm no matter what public occasion he attended, as if the collapse of Mount Tai could not make him change color.

Doro said: “You have to be mentally prepared… You have targeted people for the birth rate of the past hundred years…”

The handsome Crown Prince didn’t say anything at this time, he just nodded his chin slightly.

Doro didn’t say much.

Mi He, who was next to him, was already attracted by His Royal Highness’s demeanor, and kept looking at him. Doro also found that Mi He was watching. When he turned his head, the holographic range just radiated to Mi He.

Then Mi He heard the handsome Crown Prince say to her in his intoxicating voice, “Hello, Miss Mi He Yang.”

Mi He was excited, my God, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince spoke to her!

The crown prince still remembers her! ! !

“You, hello, His Royal Highness…”

When His Royal Highness saw her, the expression on his face changed slightly, those beautiful eyes like gems were slightly curved, and Mi He thought he smiled at her, so excited that he almost fainted.

The crown prince gave her a slight nod, and then the hologram disappeared.

Mi He was facing the air for a long time and couldn’t recover from the nymphomaniac state.

Until Doro said to her: “Okay, everyone has disappeared, how long are you going to look at the air?”

Mi He pulled Doro excitedly: “Duo Duo, how do you know the prince? Have you seen him in person? Isn’t the real person particularly good-looking?”

Doro curled his lips, “That’s it, you humans have two eyes and one mouth anyway, there’s not much difference.”

Mi He was already immersed in the world of brain supplementation, and said: “The prince’s voice is so beautiful, so handsome, if he can also open up holographic data to the outside world, it would be great…”

Doro didn’t want to talk to her anymore.

In the evening, Mi He regained his senses a little, and then asked Doro, “What is the result that His Royal Highness is waiting for you?”

Doro glanced at her, looked back at the data in his hand, and said, “Don’t worry about these things, kid, just prepare well for the exam, just to remind you, there are still 165 days before your interstellar exam. already.”

Miho:  …

Why do you have to mention such a tense countdown day for chatting…

Really can’t play well!

Mi He added: “When the prince talks to you again, will you let me take a look next to him? I just look at him, I don’t speak.”

Doro snorted twice, ignoring her.

Mi He automatically took Doro as a promise, and was so happy that he hugged Doro and rubbed his big head hard, “Too is the best!”

Doro muttered: “Human little devil…” His eyes fell on the empty cultivation column behind Mi He, and the anxious look returned to his face again.

After being excited for two days, Mi He gradually let go of this matter, and re-entered the intense study. There are still more than 160 days, and there are too many paper rolls to make, and I don’t know Brother Chenchen. Where did you get so many questions, and it is fair to say that you have to do all the exam questions of the past 50 years in order to be more confident.

Fifty years of college entrance examination questions have to be done, think about those desperate scrolls…

Five hundred years ago, the college entrance examination was so hard to do the test questions for five or six years before the test. In the 300th year of the star calendar, because the technology was too developed, it was actually required to do the exam questions for 50 years. Therefore, the technology is too developed.

Just when Mi He’s exam began to count down, the coming-of-age ceremony of Prince Dittma, the holographic lover of all women in the empire, was also going to be held, but because he didn’t have this step, his coming-of-age ceremony was far less than Freddy’s. Prince Richie’s arrival was grand, but on the day of his ceremony, Mars also opened the world’s pink queen flower tree for him.

Mi He also yearned for the queen flower tree full of sweet love, but as a senior high school student, she just watched a few video clips in front of the holographic TV.

She found that the characteristic of the second prince’s ceremony was that all the women were women!

The camera swept across the picture of watching the ceremony in the square. Why did the audience feel that there were all women, and all of them were glowing pink? It’s as if the audience ate pink glowing candies…

When the camera entered the Hall of the Prophet, I saw that the women who came to watch the ceremony were all flushed, and some of them actually ate the pink glowing candy, and their bodies glowed a touch of pink.

Later, Xingwang said that the owner of Luminous Candy herself was a multiple purchaser of the second prince. She loved the second prince and decided to distribute candy to everyone for free in this way to celebrate the second prince.

Miho:  …

The universe is so big that there is no wonder…

After the coming-of-age ceremony of the second prince, it was the evening dance. There were also many famous actresses and girls at the dance. Some girls from aristocratic families who appeared at the dance of the eldest prince did not appear anymore, such as cousin Rita, who is 18 years old this year. She is two years younger than the second prince, which is a very suitable age for marriage, but she has not received an invitation to the second prince’s ball this year.

The women who danced with the second prince were all blushing, looking at him with a hint of uncontrollable enthusiasm.

Mi He thought maliciously, of course he was enthusiastic. They may have enjoyed his fresh holographic body in private. This time, the prince is familiar with all aspects of the size. Of course, there will be an extra enthusiasm. La……

At this moment, a woman on the screen whispered a word to the second prince, but she couldn’t hear it clearly in the hologram, and Mi He couldn’t read lips, so naturally she didn’t know what she said, but the great universe netizen It is omnipotent, and some people speculate: “She said that, I bought your data on hologram.”

Another said: “I also think that should be the sentence.”

Someone replied: “This woman speaks Mo Tuo, a small and remote language. She may also be afraid of being heard.”

Someone jumped out: “I’m a Motuo!! She said: Can I invite you two-way hologram tonight!!”

Mi He feels that the magical universe netizens are really amazing…

Not long after the dance, Mi He found that there were new embryos in the two empty culture columns, but no one mentioned this matter, Professor Linse was still recording the data next to him, Mi He suddenly felt as if Aunt Linse has been recording data for these embryos. Does she actually like children?

After a few days, the candidate for the second prince and concubine, which was different from the prince and concubine, who had been confused by His Royal Highness, was quickly determined. It turned out to be the girl who could speak the Motu language. Mi He felt that they were very good. well-matched.

Hannah seems to be in a better mood recently, and her complexion looks better. She said in the hologram to Doro: “This time finally succeeded.”

In contrast to Hannah’s improved face, Doro’s face became more and more gloomy, and even Mi He didn’t dare to speak more easily, for fear that any word would blow him up, feeling that Doro’s pressure was getting bigger and bigger. .

Then, one day, another of the two newly cultivated embryos in the laboratory died. The small embryo couldn’t even tell whether it was male or female, so it floated in the artificial amniotic fluid so coldly. Doro stood in front of the culture column with a face dignified.

Mi He wanted to comfort Doro. She thought that the Alix people couldn’t stand the death of a child, but then saw Doro cautiously take out a black box from a freezer. Mi He felt that the box was a little familiar, and suddenly thought. He got up, as if this box was the one that Hannah handed Doro with her own hands when she and Doro left Mars more than two years ago.

At that time, Mi He was afraid that Dorothy’s box would be too heavy, so he offered to carry it for him, but Doro refused. Doro, who was more than half a meter tall, carried this box that was half his height and walked all the way. , From Mars to Earth, after two days of spaceship, Doro never left this box.

Mi He saw that after Doro opened the box, there was an icy cold air inside. There were many transparent sealed test tubes side by side in the box. Each test tube had a small sticky note on it, but many test tubes were empty. , the last two left with something in it.

Mi He glanced at it, and there was a somewhat transparent bubble of about two centimeters in the test tube. She had been in the laboratory with Hannah and Doro for so many years, and she naturally recognized that it was a woman’s follicle.

And the little label on the tube said: Rita Linley.

That turned out to be Rita’s follicle!

Mi He said in surprise: “Huh? Sister Rita’s?”

Doro didn’t look up, he took out Rita’s test tube, packed the box and put it back.

Mi He saw Doro walking back to the test bench with the test tube. She suddenly remembered the embryos that had been destroyed one by one, and suddenly asked, “What are you going to do with Sister Rita’s eggs? Did she apply to the empire? Have a child?”

“She didn’t apply for a child,” Doro said.

Mi He said, “Oh, that’s a child who applied for a donation. Do you need a donation from Sister Rita?”

“It’s not a donation,” Doro said, pointing to the test tube on the test bed. “It’s the fundamental determinant of her being a princess.”

Mi He: “What do you mean?”

Doro: “It’s just guessing the election of the prince and concubine on the star network. What power, beauty, education and even family, these are not the real requirements of the Otto royal family to choose a prince or a queen. The real requirement is that what they want is An egg with perfect genes to combine with Otto’s genes to produce their excellent heir.”

“Whoever has better and more stable genes is the real prince and concubine.”

“This is the real truth of choosing a concubine.”

☆、Chapter 58

After hearing Doro calmly tell the truth about the royal family’s choice of concubine, Mi He suddenly remembered the previous time when she heard Doro talking to someone in the hologram. At that time, she heard him mention Doris’ name. Is it the person who was talking at the time? Is it His Royal Highness?

She said, “What about Doris? Shouldn’t she be the most likely candidate to be the prince and concubine guessed by Star Online?”

Doro said: “She is indeed worthy of a prince and concubine from her family background to her personal education and literacy, but, didn’t you see her result?”

Mi He: “Huh?” When did she see Doris?

Doro said: “Last year, the immature baby you buried with me in the deep sea, do you think all the experimental subjects are worth going to the deep sea for burial? Because they have grown up and have royal blood. children, so they are buried in the form of sea burial.”

Mi He said, “Isn’t that the child of Mr. Colonel and Dr. Feng En?”


“What do you think? It was the embryo that the crown prince and Doris were nurturing, but obviously, the genes of this Doris were not suitable for the crown prince, so the child died in the end.”

Mi He: “At that time, I saw that Dr. Feng En was very concerned about that child…”

“That’s her job,” Doro said.

Miho:  …

What to say? You are so stupid…

She suddenly realized, “So, aren’t the embryos in the culture column the children of the soldiers at the base, or the embryos of the crown prince?”

Doro: “What does it have to do with the base soldiers? All these embryos are the embryos of girls who are eligible to become princes and concubines, but obviously, these people have failed.”

Mi He said, “So, Cousin Rita is about to have a chance?”

Doro said, “I don’t know…”

Mi He sighed and said, “Suddenly knowing this news, I couldn’t digest it for a while.”

Doro said, “I thought you’d been by my side for so long, can you figure it out by yourself?”

Mi He thought to himself: How could any normal human being be able to analyze such a bizarre thing?

Doro waved his hand again, “Okay, the answering time is over, you can go to the side to study, there are still 90 days.”

Mi He, who was still shocked by this huge news, was pulled back to reality when she heard the number of days, but she couldn’t learn it while sitting at the table. The news was too shocking.

Mi He finally couldn’t hold back and said to Doro, “But the second prince’s concubine has been selected? Does it mean that the embryos of him and the second prince’s concubine have been cultivated?”

Doro said, “This is what Hannah is doing. Didn’t she mention it to you?”

Mi Hexin said that Hannah was calling her to let her study and relax, just do her best, and she didn’t mention how awesome the job she was doing now?

Doro himself said: “Yeah, she wouldn’t say such a thing easily, we are all people who signed a non-disclosure agreement.” Then his big eyes glanced at Mi He, who quickly covered his face in fright. He pouted and said, “I didn’t hear anything, you didn’t break the agreement.”

Doro snorted, “Okay, hurry up and learn.”

But Mi He couldn’t learn it at all, and his mind was full of this huge secret, and finally started to speak again, “Duoduo, the second prince’s concubine has been selected, and the embryo has been conceived, but the crown prince’s concubine and embryo are not there yet. Woolen cloth?”

Doro frowned, sighed, and said, “I hope the remaining two will succeed…”

So Cousin Rita is going to be a princess?

Mi He thought of the handsome and noble Crown Prince, and also of Cousin Rita who always laughed at her but would buy her a bunch of things when he turned around. He felt that although His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was her favorite, Cousin Rita was also very fond of her. Well, if Sister Rita really becomes a princess, will His Royal Highness become her brother-in-law?

Then, if His Royal Highness opens up holographic data in the future, she will be embarrassed to buy his data!

Mi He, who has spread from one point to another universe, is completely unable to learn.

Because of knowing this secret, Mi He began to pay special attention to the new embryo, but the existing embryo was soon destroyed, and Mi He followed Doro to worry for His Royal Highness.

Sister Rita contacted Mi He, and in the hologram, she said, “Send me some peanuts when you have time. It’s so delicious, it’s much better than nutrient solution.”

Mi He nodded, she really wanted to tell her, “Sister Rita, you are going to be a prince and concubine, and you will cover me from now on!” But of course she held back and promised to keep a secret, how could she miss the appointment? Woolen cloth!

Sister Rita also said: “You are only allowed to send it to me, not to that fake Mueller.”

Mi He nodded. Anyway, it would be fine to let Brother Chenchen eat secretly. After all, men and women still have separate dormitories.

Sister Rita also said: “Leoni also likes to eat this peanut. One day you teach me the method, I want to learn.”

Mi He once again felt: The power of idols is really endless, and the cousin who can make her ten fingers not touch the sun has started to learn cooking. She once again has a deep understanding of Leoni’s beauty.

In the end, Sister Rita once again emphasized to Mi He that she should take a good look at the study notes she left for her, which are the essence of her genius brain.

Mi He nodded, feeling that she was indeed in a bad state of study recently, time was running out, she had to take care of herself!

However, after a few days, the embryo of Sister Rita, whom she was closely watching, died in the embryonic stage.

Mi He worriedly said to Doro, “When my mother gave birth to Taura, she was pregnant for three months in her womb, why don’t you let these girls conceive in your body for three months?”

Doro said, “It’s not that simple…”

Mi He doesn’t understand, is it complicated? She watched Doro open the black box, took out the last test tube, and started cultivating again.

Although Sister Rita’s embryo is very small, it is also the embryo of Sister Rita. Mi He also took the embryo into the deep sea, dug a hole and buried it in the way of the previous second child.

After the burial, she looked up at the beautiful deep sea scenery above her head. Even though she had seen it many times, she was still shocked by such wonderful scenery time and time again.

In the deep, quiet and magnificent scenery, it seemed as if she was the only one in the whole world.

Those who are oriented towards ordinary people, and the pressure of the upcoming college entrance examination in the universe have all dissipated in such a corner of the universe.

Human beings are so insignificant. In this three hundred years of the star calendar, the truth of the original genes is so cruel. The real requirement for choosing a prince and concubine is excellent genes. So are there many invisible requirements that require excellent genes?

Mi He sat quietly at a place three kilometers deep in the sea. If he took off his protective clothing, he would instantly be crushed by huge pressure or suffocated to death. He thought of the cruelty and reality of this world.

She suddenly wanted to chat with everyone. She first sent a holographic invitation to Brother Xiaolu, but she didn’t reply after a while. Brother Chenchen was going to train during the day, and Sister Rita, Mi He sighed. , she just buried an embryo she didn’t know, she was afraid that she could not help telling her the truth, and finally, she sent Freddy a holographic request.

Unexpectedly, Freddy was quickly connected. He saw Mi He sitting in the deep sea and asked her, “What’s wrong?”

Mi He said, “It’s nothing, I just want to chat with Brother Freddy.”

Hearing her weak tone, Freddy felt very unlike the usual energetic Mi He, and asked her, “What happened, why do you look a little lost?”

Mi He said, “I’m fine, that is, I suddenly discovered the truth of this world…”

At this time, Mi He suddenly received Freddy’s two-way holographic invitation. After she agreed, she felt Freddy’s hand gently touching her head like a feather, and said, “Fool, what world do you live in? Cruel?”

Mi He nodded and said angrily, “Did Brother Freddy find out long ago?”

Freddy said: “Yeah, I found it long ago, but I have more insight recently.”

Mi He said: “You have become a fighting hero. I have seen many girls on Xingwang who want to apply to give birth to you.”

“But I don’t want to,” Freddy said.

Mi He asked him, “Why?”

“Because I don’t want kids,” Freddy said.

Mi He said, “Don’t you like children? Children are very cute, like my brother Taura, he is very cute.”

“Because a child is a responsibility,” Freddy said. “You need to be responsible for him to bring him into the world, not to be thrown into a babysitter robot after birth.”

Mi He thought that when Freddy went to the front line, none of his family members came to see him. Although Xiaolu said that his family had gathered at home once before, she felt that when he was about to go to the dangerous front line, how were his parents? Don’t care too much, right? But brother Freddy is too powerful, maybe his family is very sure of him.

In fact, the family relationship of the three hundred years of the star calendar is actually much lighter than that of the five hundred years. Thinking about it, the child did not grow up in the womb, and did not experience the joy and pain of the process of gestation. Maybe it is not so loving, right?

Thinking of how Hannah and Colonel Yang took care of her, although Hannah was a little soft on her at first, she gradually became really good. She has done a better job than most orienteering people in this world. And Lieutenant Colonel Yang really felt Mi He in his heart.

Mi He thought of her father’s efforts when she was growing up and said, “Yes, a huge responsibility…”

Both of them were silent because of this heavy topic.

After a while, Mi He’s mood improved a little, and he brought up a cheerful topic, “Brother Freddy, how do you feel after becoming a hero?”

“It used to be quiet, now it’s noisy,” Freddy said.

Mi He thought of the teammates that Brother Xiaolu had seen on the terminal a few days ago who ‘keep the team’ , and these people also reposted the few messages Freddy had previously sent.

The specific routine is usually the first person to say: “Captain! Mighty!” In order to maintain the formation, the second person replies: “Captain! Smart!”

Then: “Captain! Awesome!”

“Captain! Handsome!”

“Captain! Loyalty!”

Then when it was left to the end, the man said, “Head of the regiment! Dammit, I’m so out of words!”

Freddy couldn’t take it anymore, and replied, “You, gather.”

Mi He laughed happily, as if he could imagine Brother Freddy’s helpless expression.

Mi He looked at the holographic image of Freddy sitting next to him. Because the depth of 3,000 meters underground affected the signal, his image was a little blurry, but when he looked at her, his expression was a little gentle.

The communication that day came to an end soon. Mi He packed up and returned to the base. Seeing that Doro was already preparing the last embryo, his expression was solemn, and Mi He also prayed. This must be a success.

However, the last one survived for a shorter time and did not even form a fetal bud.

Doro sighed and muttered: “Finally give up…”

Mi He didn’t know what this incident meant, but he always felt that it was not a good thing. After a few days, one day, one day, Doro’s hologram popped up the image of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

The handsome face of the crown prince is still very calm. Mi He does not know if he knows the news that these embryos are dead, but the crown prince said: “I have seen the experimental data.”

Doro said, “As you can see.”

The crown prince said: “So the conclusion is…” There was a rare hint of hesitation on his calm face, and he was unbelievable and hopeful.

Doro said quietly: “Yes, your chromosomes have a huge defect, and you do not have the ability to produce offspring.”

“That is, you will have no descendants.”

When Mi He heard this huge news, what the fuck, why didn’t Duoduo tell her in advance? What should I do with the stupid face she can’t cover now?

The crown prince was silent, his straight and slender thighs were folded together, and none of them spoke. After a while, the crown prince probably digested the news before he said, “Are you sure?”

Doro: “With the current level of technology, I can’t change this result. In the past three years, I have been doing this almost exclusively, but this is an embryo and none of it survives.”

The crown prince said: “But Dick’s…”

Doro said, “Only you.”

He said: “His Royal Highness Friedrich, your green eyes represent genetic instability. The Otto royal family is born with blond hair and blue eyes, Prince Dittma or His Majesty the Emperor, they are all people with excellent and stable genes, so They can easily produce offspring.”

“Unfortunately, you were born with a genetic defect.”

☆、Chapter 59

When Doro announced this cruel result, the crown prince was silent, he closed his dark green eyes, and through the clear hologram, Mi He felt that his long eyelashes seemed to be trembling.

Anyone who suddenly heard such a result would be unbearable.

At this time, Doro threw another bomb, “And your genetic problem cannot be repaired. I have been working **** this for three years. I regret to tell you that not only do you have no ability to conceive offspring, but even you yourself The lifespan is also very short.”

Everyone was stunned.

Doro said: “Your intelligence is rare even among directional people, but maybe this is a joke of the **** of truth, your longest lifespan is only thirty years old.”

“In the past three years, I have tried countless methods to make up for any defect in your chromosomes, but unfortunately, with the current technology, you can only live to thirty years old at most. You can only live to twenty-eight or nine.”

The crown prince said subconsciously: “I am twenty-two years old this year…”

Doro said: “Yes, there are still seven or eight years.”

Friedrich’s dark green eyes flashed with great sadness, and his palms folded on his legs were tightly clenched. Mi He felt that if she knew such news, she knew that not only did she have no descendants, but she also had life. With a few more years to live, she will probably collapse, right?

The crown prince was silent for a while, and then said quietly: “The crown prince who died at the age of 30… What use is this to the empire?”

Doro said: “As a result, the royal family’s scientific research team in Mars would not dare to issue a verdict, and if you came to me to help you do this experiment, I naturally wanted to tell you the truth.” He shrugged, Said: “We Alix people will not tell lies about scientific research results.”

The crown prince said: “I believe in your ability…”

Doro sighed, “Why would I want to tell you about such a result? For three years, I have not been anxious for a day, but this is the truth. I recommend that you undergo cryotherapy before your body deteriorates, and it is impossible with current technology. The problems solved may be easily solved in a few decades.”

The crown prince said: “An emperor’s nephew thawed an uncle who used to be the crown prince. Do you think any sensible emperor would bring himself such trouble?”

Doro was silent, then said: “You humans, even after thousands of years of evolution, it is still so… complex.”

The crown prince ended the conversation after silence.

But this incident had a great impact on Mi He. She asked Doro in disbelief, “Is what you said just now true?”

Doro said: “Yes

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