The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

Chapter 42.8: (8)

. ”

Mi He: “Oh my god, the crown prince is… really jealous of Yingcai, alas.” She sighed.

It is also a little sad to think that in a few years, I may not be able to see the handsome crown prince.

But Mi He doesn’t have much time to grieve other people’s grief, because the interstellar exam is about to start, and she has become busier.

In a blink of an eye, the countdown days became zero, and the interstellar exam was finally ushered in.

On the day of the exam, Hannah and Lieutenant Colonel Yang accompanied her. Hannah specially rushed to Earth from Mars. She and Lieutenant Colonel Yang have not seen each other for six years. Time has given them changes, but both of them are living well. .

Lieutenant Colonel Yang saw that Hannah was no longer obsessed with the past, and said with a smile: “I have become more feminine.”

Hannah didn’t like to hear it, saying: “In this age when gender has become a neutral judgment, both male and female are equal in the face of work and opportunities, so the word ‘feminine’ to describe me, and Inaccurate.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang listened to these ‘Hannah-like’ words, and immediately surrendered with both hands, saying, “I was wrong, I was wrong, you really haven’t changed.”

Hannah laughed at this moment, and she reached out to Lieutenant Colonel Yang and said, “Long time no see, Gary.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang’s full name: Gary Young.

They have known each other for more than ten years, and even Mi He, the child who combines genes from both sides, is 18 years old. Hannah began to call Lieutenant Colonel Yang’s name instead of his position.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang held Hannah’s hand for a while, and then smiled heartily. When he smiled, it made people think that Mi He was really his daughter, and then his bear-like strong body hugged Hannah. , After so many years, maybe their relationship can finally become a little closer than before, not a lover, not a relative, but it can also be a good friend.

Then, under such a friendly atmosphere, the two accompanied Mi He to the most important cosmic college entrance examination in his life.

Originally, Doro wanted to accompany her, but Mi He refused. It was just an exam. There was no need to be so laborious, right?

Later, Doro said faintly: “The academic director of Shepherd Galaxy is my former student.”

Mi He immediately wanted to offer Doro: “Too, I really can’t live without you!”

Doro proudly raised his big oval head and said, “You little human slicker!”

It wasn’t until the four of them boarded the spaceship that Mi He remembered and asked Doro, “When did you teach that student?”

Doro thought for a while, and said, “I was only in my fifties at the time, just in my prime…”

Mi He: ==

Sure enough, many students did not live as long as him…

However, Mi He is still very happy that everyone can accompany her to meet this exam, especially since she has never traveled far with Lieutenant Colonel Yang, so when they are on the spacecraft, other parents are very nervous to give their children Talking about some precautions for the exam, Lieutenant Colonel Yang and Mi He stood on the 270-degree viewing platform and looked at the magical and magnificent cosmic scenery outside the window.

Hannah had prepared a whole lot of precautions for the exam, but Lieutenant Colonel Yang had covered it all up.

Later, Hannah glared at Lieutenant Colonel Yang several times before she pulled Mi He back and gave her some notes on the exam. Lieutenant Colonel Yang next to him didn’t know where he had offended Hannah again, so he felt his head and listened to the test with Mi He. thing, although he was at a loss.

Doro, who was next to him, always interrupted and said, “Why is it so different from my exam time?”

Hannah rolled his eyes silently. As a student, of course he didn’t dare to say to the teacher: Your exam was over two hundred years ago. The emperor has changed people twice, not to mention the exam system.

In short, Mi He was accompanied by the three of them to the ninth planet of the Shepherd Galaxy, the unified examination site of several nearby galaxies.

After getting off the spaceship, Mi He saw the locals of the Shepherd Galaxy. She had seen them when she was in Mars. Most of them were three or four meters tall, with long hands and feet, and their big round heads were nearly one meter. So big, although they are tall, their characters are very peaceful and friendly.

This reminded Mi He of the sad look with his big head down when the child in the Shepherd Galaxy beside him ate the black glowing candy when Mars was participating in the Crown Prince’s celebration. Every time she thought of that picture, she couldn’t help but want to laugh.

However, they did not see the children of the Shepherd Galaxy where they took the exam. There were tall adult Shepherd Galaxy people everywhere. Facing the sudden influx of a large number of exam crowds, they methodically directed the landing of the spacecraft and the evacuation of the crowd.

Mi He and the others were walking out with the flow of people, when she suddenly saw many people wearing prosthetics in the crowd.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang took Mi He’s hand, afraid that she would get lost, and said to her, “Those are Soros people, if you see such people, keep away from them.”

Mi He thought of the way Hannah said: “Because the star Soros is too remote, he also returned to the examination room of the Shepherd galaxy to take the test. When you arrive at the test site, you should not stare at the Soros people. If you stare at a person for a long time Soros, they will think you want to fight and will challenge you.”

When Mi He heard this, he felt that the Soros people were very dangerous…

At this time, Lieutenant Colonel Yang rarely agreed with Hannah. He nodded and said, “Yes, the Soros people are a little dangerous, they are very aggressive.”

According to Mihe’s understanding, what do the Soros people say? Four hundred years ago, before the development of human technology to make human organs, mechanical organs were very popular. The fifth world war destroyed hundreds of millions of people’s organs. After that, a lot of people were implanted with mechanical organs and turned into half-humans and half-machines. At that time, the robotics technology was not very mature, so most of the people who changed mechanical organs at that time paid high prices. Maintenance costs and become poor, reduced to the bottom of society.

Moreover, their half-human, half-machine form also makes them very discriminated against by humans. Think about the fact that even ordinary humans who do not lack arms and legs should be one level lower in this social class, not to mention these half-human, half-machine humans. .

Later, when Mars the Great led mankind out of the solar system, these half-human, half-mechanical humans did not go with the directional man and settled on a remote planet of Soros. Later, people began to call those half-human, half-machine humans. People are Soros people.

After more than 300 years of development, these Soros people are not ashamed of mechanization, and they are proud of it. Mi He feels that this is like the beauty of primitive tribes with tattoos or piercings. Anyway, the Soros people Live pretty well.

But perhaps because of the compatibility of the cold machines, Soros is generally known to be more aggressive, so generally if you encounter a half-human, half-machine Soros outside, everyone will not take the initiative to provoke them.

Mi He felt that the exam location was chosen to be full of tall and strong Shepherd Galaxy. Is it because the people in the Shepherd Galaxy are so tall that they can knock these Soros down with a slap?

At this moment, a spaceship was suddenly about to land in the sky. The spaceship looked so broken that Mi He could hear the creaking sound when it landed. Everyone was attracted by this dilapidated spaceship. force.

Then Mi He saw the words sprayed in ancient Latin on the spacecraft: “Real Man”.

Mi He: ==

What kind of **** is this name?

At this time, the spaceship finally landed before falling apart, and then the door of the spaceship that was about to fall was torn open with a bang, and then a person came out.

The one who stepped out of the cabin first was a mechanical leg, and then saw a girl with green hair and a black one-eye patch on her face. As she strode out, the spring under the mechanical leg jolted up and down. Yes, it made her take a big step.

Then a tall Shepherd galaxy walked over and registered her name. Mi He heard the green-haired girl say carelessly, “My name is Anitan Sauron.”

☆、Chapter 60

However, given that the Soros people are dangerous, the people around them didn’t stare at the green-haired girl for a long time. After she registered, she lit her spring feet and merged into the crowd of people who took the exam. , Mi He couldn’t see the girl’s special green head in the crowd.

Mi He and the others were led to a gate with the crowd, and the accompanying parents could no longer move forward. Mi He had to say goodbye to his parents and Doro here. Lieutenant Colonel Yang couldn’t help giving her a bear hug. At the last moment, he also said to Mi He, “Honey, no matter what, Dad loves you.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang wanted to play again, but was dragged aside by Hannah. Hannah calmly said to Mi He, “With your grades, it is possible to be admitted to the Star Union University. In my opinion, you can To this point, I have been very persevering, and I am proud of you.”

When Mi He heard Hannah’s last sentence, “I’m proud of you,” she was suddenly moved, and shouted, “Mom…” and hugged Hannah. Hannah patted her head again. Said: “Relax, you are my Hannah Linley’s daughter, you can do it.”

Doro cleared his throat next to him and told Mi He the truth, “If you really didn’t pass the test, you should test my doctoral student…”

Mi He laughed, and when Duoduo met her, she was always so unprincipled. She hugged Doro again, rubbed his big head, and then, under their gaze, rushed into the crowd majestically.

After entering the first wall, everyone was divided according to the school to be applied for. Mi He suddenly felt that there were more directional people around him. Even though there are no labels written on the faces of directional people and ordinary human beings, the subtle superiority of directional people is easy to distinguish.

When queuing up to verify the genetic code, Mi He also saw the green-haired Soros girl just now. Mi He hadn’t noticed her at first, but her mechanical legs made a rattling sound when she walked. Many people around were looking at her, and Mi He also saw her.

She was surprised to see this girl in the examination room of the Star Alliance University, because although there were very few ordinary people in the whole examination room, there was only a green-haired girl from Soros, and Mi He also saw a directional person whispering. Said to another target person: “Stupid.” She didn’t know whether the word was referring to the few ordinary people in the room or the green-haired girl.

However, there are quite a lot of verification procedures in the examination room, and everyone has no mind to care about others. After verifying the genetic code, everyone must hand in their own terminals and personal belongings. This terminal equipment that has been with them since birth is probably in In a person’s life, there are only a few fixed moments when one must leave one’s side, and the Interstellar Exam is one of them.

Receiving the terminal in their hands were some two-meter-tall children from the Shepherd Galaxy. They bowed their waists as soft as candy, and used their frog web-like hands to lightly touch the things in Mi He’s hands. stuck to the hand.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang was afraid that Mi He would be nervous, so he stuffed a small bag of glowing candy into her schoolbag.

The child from Shepherd Galaxy saw the bag of candy, and blinked with **** eyes. Mi He thought it was a little cute, but she didn’t dare to reach out to him, because if she had too much contact with these invigilators before the exam, she would be afraid. Considered cheating, Hannah reminded her of this precaution.

After Mi He handed in everything on her body, she was scanned again to make sure that there was no information fluctuation on her body, and then she was let into the examination room.

However, when Mi He was being scanned, the green-haired girl’s small bag made a heavy metallic sound when it was thrown on the table. When she opened her small bag, she found that it was full of various weapons. The frog feet of the Shepherd Galaxy Children glued these weapons together. At that time, everyone in this examination room could see the weapons clearly. They brought several daggers, and even whips and strange-shaped hidden weapons.

For a moment, Mi He almost thought that he would also take a martial arts exam at the Xinglian University…

After the girl handed over the weapons, she suddenly bent down and played with her mechanical legs. Mi He also calculated that she had put weapons in her legs, but only after hearing a click, she removed the girl’s mechanical legs on the spot. With a bang, he threw it on the desk.

The Shepherd galaxy child who was collecting things was also stunned. His round black eyes blinked twice. It was probably the first time he had met someone with a thigh. He seemed a little helpless, and his palms like frogs touched his black round eyes. Big brain, don’t know what to do.

At this time, the tall Shepherd galaxy next to him came over and picked up the mechanical leg, made a special mark, and then received the leg in a grid.

Then everyone saw the green-haired girl who was missing a leg and jumped into the front of the scanner with her only remaining leg. This time, she entered the examination room smoothly.

After entering the final exam room, everyone sat in front of a white semi-circular holographic cabin, with holographic devices on their wrists and heads.

The exam was conducted in a hologram. Mi He’s world suddenly fell into pure white. After opening her eyes again, she found that she seemed to be standing in a large square box of pure white, and then the exam questions appeared on the opposite wall. .

In the whole process of answering the question, you don’t even need a pen or a page of paper, you just need to bring a brain.

It was so quiet that he could even hear his own breathing and heartbeat, making Mi He feel that the three-hundred-year-old college entrance examination was really a one-person test, and in this environment, only relying on himself would be useful.

She restrained her mind and quickly entered the exam.

Every time a subject is finished, someone will send a nutritional supplement. Hannah once explained that this nutritional supplement is very important and has an anti-fatigue effect, and each one must be eaten.

And after every two subjects, the holographic device on the head will cause the brain to enter a state of deep sleep, all candidates will enter a short deep sleep state under stimulation, and then wake up again after half an hour Proceed with the exam.

I didn’t come out of the examination room until after I had finished more than ten subjects.

After Mi He answered the last question and took off the holographic device, she was still a little uncomfortable. She felt that there was still a white patch in front of her. After a while, she felt better.

When retrieving his terminal, Mi He took out a piece of candy and handed it to the curious Shepherd Galaxy child. The child hesitated for a while, but secretly stuck a piece with his webbed, and then he was nervous to Mi He Blink, presumably to say thank you.

Mi He smiled at him. After taking out the candy, she also ate a piece. After a while, her whole body began to glow green. The candidates around were looking at this glowing ordinary human candidate. She cast a disdainful look at her, probably thinking: Look, there is an ordinary human fool who even eats glowing candy to remind everyone that she is just an ordinary human.

But Mi He didn’t care about the eyes of these people at this time. After she walked out of the examination room, she looked at the bright artificial blue sky and felt that even the air was very sweet. The taste of freedom came to my face, and I wanted to let out a loud cry. The Orienteering Exam, which has tortured her for more than ten years, is finally over!

At this moment, someone suddenly knocked her from behind.

When Mi He turned around, she saw the green-haired girl with the mechanical legs. At this time, she had put the mechanical legs back on her body. She said to Mi He, “Hey, what are you eating?”

Mi He took out another piece of glowing candy from the bag and handed it to the green-haired girl, “Do you want it?”

After the green-haired girl took it, she opened the package and ate it. Soon her body glowed green. She happily turned around several times, as if admiring her green glow. Attract those kingfishers…”

Then she asked Mi He, “Can I exchange with you?”

Mi He just wanted to say: I can give you everything you want, and the green-haired girl took out a large package of jerky and handed it to her, saying, “This is the dry food I prepared, I didn’t eat it, I gave it all. You.” After speaking, he took the small packet of candy from Mi He’s hand.

After the green-haired girl happily walked away with her spring feet, Mi He saw the jerky in the meat that read: “Gopher meat.”

Mi He felt that it was very dangerous to look at this name…

When she got on the spaceship back to Earth, after she opened the jerky, the shape of the jerky almost startled her, because the jerky looked especially like dried mouse meat, and Lieutenant Colonel Yang next to him also said, “How does this look like? What about the mice before they mutated?”

When Mi He heard this, her stomach felt a little uncomfortable. She thought that she was lucky to see what it was first, but also thought that the Soros people were really awesome. Although people were very hungry, they would eat everything, but it was okay to eat dried rat meat as a snack. She still couldn’t accept this kind of thing.

After returning to the Earth base, Mi He fell into a deep sleep. After waking up, he opened the terminal and popped out a lot of news.

Brother Chenchen said: “I gave you a few questions, and you took the wormhole gravitational wave test. Did you do it right?”

Cousin Rita said, “I took the test again this year on the key points in my profile. Have you read it?”

Brother Xiaolu sent it before the test: “Make me something delicious after the test!”

But without receiving information from brother Freddy, Mi He was still thinking that maybe brother Freddy was too busy as a fighting hero.

As a result, I saw Freddy’s news on the star network that night, “In the past two hours, the black blood monster made a surprise attack on the Southwest Battlestar. During the battle, the light armor hero Freddy In order to protect Battlestar, Collins was surrounded and struck by the Black Blood Monster, the light armor shield was broken, and his life was at stake…”

It shocked Mi He. After reading this message twice, she was sure that the Freddie Collins mentioned in the news was really the gentle brother Freddie. She hurriedly sent a holographic request to Freddie, but she didn’t. people answer.

After a while, the terminal of Xiaolu was connected. His voice was calm, and he no longer had the usual smile. He said: “People are fine, there is no life-threatening, but the liver and kidneys are injured, and there is no transplant on the spot. Cloning organs can only be temporarily replaced with mechanical organs.”

Xiaolu paused: “As a result, he lost the qualification to be a light armor operator.”

Mi He said: “Then how is he now?”

Xiaolu said, “I just finished changing my organs, and I’m still sleeping.”

Mi He asked again, “Brother Xiaolu, are you alright?”

Xiaolu said, “I’m fine, you don’t have to worry.” After saying this, someone was calling his name, and he quickly cut off the communication.

Although he knew that Freddy’s life was not in danger, Mi He was still worried for him, and even the joy of finishing the exam was diluted.

Doro also persuaded Mi He: “It’s just installed with the internal organs of the machine. After a while, the cloned internal organs are grown, and then transplanted into his body.”

But Mihe felt that even if a normal healthy person was shot several times, it would be very dangerous.

But there was still no news from Freddy, and Mi He didn’t dare to send messages to the busy Xiaolu any more. In the past few days, when there was no news from Freddy, another light armor operator named Airy took his place. He has become a shining existence on the battlefield and a new fighting hero on the star network.

Freddy’s name suddenly dimmed a lot, and Mi He was even more worried for him.

Two days later, one evening, Doro suddenly received a message from the terminal, and Mi He heard Doro yelling irritably: “What’s the use of coming to me? I’m not a professional cloning scientist?”

Doro added: “Even if I did research on cloning technology, it was fifty years ago!”

The other party said something Mi He didn’t hear, and then saw Doro calling Lieutenant Colonel Yang and the others, and drove the submarine to the surface.

Soon they returned to the base. At this time, Mi He saw a medical cabin pushed by Lieutenant Colonel Yang and the others. When he walked over, he saw the person lying in the medical cabin, who was the brother Freddy she was worried about.

Mi He shouted, “Brother Freddy?”

At this moment, the cabin door of the medical cabin opened automatically, Freddy opened his eyes, and his dark green eyes immediately saw Mi He standing by the cabin.

☆、Chapter 61

Mi He saw that Freddy, who had just woken up from dormancy, moved his lips, but he couldn’t hear his voice, and Doro beside him was already saying: “Okay, don’t move around, hurry up and continue to enter the depths. hibernation.”

Freddy looked at Doro, and Doro said, “I’m going to cultivate your internal organs now, and try to cultivate your cloned internal organs as soon as possible.” He looked at Freddy’s weak appearance, and sighed, saying: “You… take a good rest, don’t worry, I will ensure your health.”

Freddy’s lips moved, and he silently said thank you in Alexa.

Mi He was really sad when she saw such a weak brother Freddie, but at this time she didn’t want to show too much sadness, she said next to her: “Don’t worry, brother Freddy, it’s a lot, you’ll be fine. of.”

Doro muttered beside him: “I’m not a medical cabin, I’m just a scientist…” But the medical cabin was closed at this time, and Freddy entered a deep sleep state again under the action of dormant oxygen.

Mi He looked at Freddy in the medical cabin and sighed, feeling that it’s not easy to be a hero, that is to fight for glory with one’s life, but now he has been replaced by someone else. Mi He is really sad for Freddy. .

Dorothy entered the laboratory with a box containing Freddy’s cell tissue, and said to Mi He, “You don’t have to look at him, when his physical function is almost recovered, the medical cabin will automatically agitate him, now He needs to go into deep sleep to repair his body.”

Mi He nodded, still sitting next to the medical cabin with the book and guarding Freddy.

But after waiting for two days, there was no sign of him waking up, but Xiaolu rushed over.

He probably just came back from the battlefield, the mecha protective suit on his body has not been changed, and he looks like a dusty, black and red mixture of blood on his face.

But he didn’t care about this at all, and seeing Mi He first asked, “How is he?”

Mi He naturally knew that what he was asking was Freddy, and hurriedly took him to the medical cabin, saying, “Now he is in a state of deep dormancy, and his cloned internal organs are already being cultivated.”

It wasn’t until Xiaolu saw Freddy lying asleep in the medical cabin that he relaxed. Mi He quickly brought him water and food, but Xiaolu said, “Bring me two nutritional supplements.” He hurriedly went to get two of the refreshing nutrients that Lieutenant Colonel Yang had eaten, and Xiaolu poured it into his mouth without looking at it.

After Xiaolu finished drinking, he wiped his mouth and continued to stay by Freddy’s side until it was very late, and Freddy showed no sign of waking up. Brother, brother Xiaolu, take a rest.”

Xiaolu shook his head and said very self-blame: “If only I could stop him at the time, why should I be a light armor operator? Just let me come… Why don’t I stop him? Even if he is No matter how persistent he is, he cannot be allowed to be willful…”

Mi He said, “It seems difficult to change what Brother Freddy decides?”

Xiaolu murmured: “Yeah, what he decides will be recognized. From childhood to adulthood, he has been like this, so excellent, all the responsibilities are carried by him, and he will solve all problems. , since I met him when I was four years old, he has always been the object of my look up…”

Mi He also felt sad when she heard Freddy in Brother Xiaolu’s mouth. The brother Freddy she saw was such a person, silent, powerful, and unexpectedly gentle.

Mi He said, “Brother Xiaolu, don’t blame yourself. Brother Freddy will be fine. Wipe the blood on your face. You won’t be worried when he wakes up and sees you.”

Xiaolu sighed and wiped his face, but he didn’t leave Freddy’s medical cabin for half a step. No matter how Mi He persuaded him, it was useless. Later, even Lieutenant Colonel Yang said, “Me and Mi He will help you guard. , rest for a while, men are not here to hold on at this time.”

However, Xiaolu only shook his head and continued to eat two refreshing supplements, staying close to each other.

Two days later, Freddy was finally activated by the medical cabin. When the cabin door opened, his complexion was better than when Mi He first saw him. Mi He hurriedly poured a glass of warm water, and Xiaolu was beside him. Holding Freddie, Mi He fed him with a water cup. She didn’t dare to let Brother Xiaolu feed him, because she saw Brother Xiaolu’s hands shaking a little.

But the first thing Freddie said was, “Why are you here?”

Xiaolu said, “I don’t trust you.”

Freddy asked him again, “Is the war over?”

Xiaolu did not speak.

Freddy asked him, “Is it over?”

Xiaolu said: “No, but when I left, I was already cleaning the battlefield.”

Freddy said: “According to my judgment, since their main force has rushed out of the wormhole, a large-scale counterattack will not be far away. How can you leave the battleship and leave the battlefield without authorization at this time?”

Xiaolu did not speak.

Freddy said, “You, go back now.”

Xiaolu said, “I won’t leave you.”

Freddy said, “I don’t need you here.”

Xiaolu didn’t speak, his attitude was very clear.

Mi He didn’t want the two brothers to be so stiff and wanted to ease the atmosphere, but Freddy said, “You are a soldier, and you must obey your duty as a soldier. Now I am ordering you as a regiment commander to return to the battlefield immediately and obey your orders. Responsibilities and obligations!”

Xiaolu raised his voice and said, “Your status as the head of the regiment has also been replaced! Airy from the Goering family is in charge of us now!”

Freddy paused for a moment, then said: “That’s also the need of the war. With my current physical condition, I don’t have the conditions to apply the light armor. After the mechanical internal organs are put on the light armor, it will react during the transition. Any The slightest reaction will be multiplied when operating the light armor, you know, this is not Airy Goering’s problem, but my own problem.”

Xiaolu said, “If he hadn’t left you to attract the enemy’s artillery fire, how could you have been injured so badly! This bastard!” The joints of his whole body rattled, and he was very angry.

Freddy said: “That’s what I agreed with. The situation was so urgent that it was the best option for me to stay there. It had nothing to do with him.”

Xiaolu pointed at him, “You!!”

Freddy said, “Luke Collins, now I ask you to do your duty and go back to the field!”

Xiaolu was too angry to speak.

But in the end, he moved.

With one arm across his chest, he lowered his head to Freddy and said, “If that’s your request, I’ll go.”

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, Mi He glanced at Freddy, and quickly followed Xiaolu, but Xiaolu said to Mi He: “I’m fine, you help me take care of him, brother thank you, if he doesn’t If it’s good, I won’t feel at ease on the battlefield.”

Mi He solemnly said to Xiaolu, “Brother Xiaolu, don’t worry, I know what to do.”

Xiaolu touched Mihe’s head and said, “Our sister Xiaomi has grown up too.” He sighed again, looked at the deep blue sea at the end of the base corridor, and said, “He is such a person. Ah…he is the one I have always looked up to…”

He said to Mi He, “I’m fine, you can go back.” Then he took a big stride, got on the bubble submarine, and left the base.

Mi He returned to the medical room and saw Freddy sitting in the cabin, Mi He said, “Brother Xiaolu is gone.”

Freddy nodded, and Mi He added, “Brother Xiaolu is very worried about you. During the few days you were sleeping, he stayed awake, even relying only on nutritional supplements to watch over you.”

Freddy listened, didn’t respond, just closed his eyes.

After a long time, he said: “At this time, he should not leave the battlefield, I am not the most important, he should distinguish the priority.”

Mi He said: “But he is very worried about you…”

Freddy said softly: “Tell him, let him be on the battlefield and do my best.”

Mi He smiled, answered crisply, and then sent a message to Xiaolu. After listening to Xiaolu, even his voice became a lot more energetic, and said: “It’s still right to choose to go to the earth to recover, sister Xiaomi, brothers. I accept your favor.”

Mi He scolded him: “What are you talking about inhumane to me? I even called you and Freddy brother!”

Xiaolu smiled and said, “Yes, yes, our little sister is the best, my brothers didn’t hurt you in vain.” He added, “Oh, I’ve been worrying about him these past two days, and I didn’t even eat anything delicious. It’s a shame to have to go back in a hurry.”

“But if you take good care of him, I’ll be happier than eating something delicious.”

Mi He suddenly felt: Is Brother Xiaolu to Brother Freddy… uh…

Same-sex love is not forbidden in love and marriage in the 300th year of the star calendar! If the two brothers are together, will she call Brother Xiaolu her sister-in-law or her brother? This is really a problem…

Freddy in the medical cabin didn’t know that in just a short while, he was slandered by Mi He. When Mi He came back, he brought the prepared gruel and side dishes. With a layer of porridge and oil, it looks very appetizing. There are few options for side dishes. Mi He does not dare to eat mutated food for Freddy. Prepare a bowl of steamed egg custard.

Mi He felt that Freddy had just recovered, and he couldn’t eat too greasy food, so he didn’t prepare much, but Freddy hadn’t eaten normal food for several days. Seeing these delicate dishes prepared by Mi He, he was very appetizing. , but at this time his body was still very weak, Mi He supported him against the medical cabin and sat next to him to feed him.

This made Freddy very embarrassed, and suggested: “Why don’t you let the babysitter robot take care of me…” Growing up, he was only served so close to him when he was a child, and now he is still being served by a little girl like Xiaomi, who has seen her since childhood. wait.

Mi He said righteously: “Please ask me to take good care of you when Brother Xiaolu is leaving, I have to take good care of you, Brother Freddy, don’t be embarrassed!”

Seeing Mi He’s serious appearance, Freddy had a kind of firmness that could not be negotiated. He warmed his heart and said, “Okay.”

Then Mi He started an active plan to feed Fat Freddy. From the congee and egg custard for the first three days to the fourth day, Freddy suddenly felt that life seemed to open another window to him.

A bowl of hot chicken shredded noodles, the noodles are cut very finely, the knife work is even, and the chicken shreds are also carefully torn apart, just smelling the smell, it is very fragrant, after eating a bite, I immediately feel satisfied His stomach was healed, and then the whole person seemed to be soaked in hot chicken soup, and the fragrant and smooth noodles made him feel as if his taste buds were activated.

Freddy felt that he was not only taken care of, but also made Mi He laboriously prepare such a sumptuous meal. It was a little too troublesome for the little girl, and suggested: “Or just give me the nutritional supplements, don’t be so laborious.”

Mi He said, “No, what’s the point of taking nutritional supplements? It doesn’t taste good, and I’m not happy at all.”

“Eating isn’t very directly related to happiness,” Freddy said.

Mi He said: “Eating delicious food will make people feel a warm sense of happiness, as if all the troubles disappear with the delicious taste, brother Freddy, just eat that bowl of noodles. After entering, do you feel very relaxed and satisfied now?”

“That’s a hormonal response in humans, it’s a peculiar human response to digesting food after eating…

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