The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

chapter 54 - Happy birthday. (12)

They, Colonel Ars, went to cut them off, and I went to attack them, while paying attention to their accomplices for reinforcements. ”

Then Freddy said: “Anitan, now take Xiaomi and the others back to the Weiyang bubble.”

After listening to this, Anitan hurriedly pushed the lever of the airship and flew up, but just as their airship flew, he heard a sharp cry from Xiao Hei who was going to find his companion, and everyone watched on the 270-degree screen of the airship. The cloud in front of Xiao Hei suddenly floated towards it quickly. The speed of the cloud didn’t look like a cloud at all. Xiao Hei hurriedly called twice, and immediately swam to the back, which was exactly in the direction of Mi He and the others. , Xiao Hei subconsciously wanted to hide from Mi He and the others.

Taozi shouted: “What should I do?”

At this time, a sharp question is in front of him, should he escape or help Xiao Hei?

Mi He hardly thought about it and said, “Let’s take Xiao Hei and run away.” Almost at the same time, everyone expressed their opinions to Anitan.

Anitan increased the speed of the airship and shouted loudly: “Everyone is seated, it’s about to fly!” Then the airship whizzed and made a sharp turn in the air, causing Mi He and the others to slam into the wall. .

Xiao Hei hurriedly flew towards Mi He and the others’ airship, but its speed was still not as fast as the clouds chasing behind him. At this time, because of the extremely fast flight, his true body had already been revealed. The poacher who wrapped the airship with the cloud disguise, the poachers shot a few arrows at Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei dodged two, but another one stuck on it, and the silver blood flowed. came out.

Xiao Hei lost his balance and fell down. The poachers also chased after him. The airship stretched out a big net to retrieve Xiao Hei’s body. At this time, the vulcanized **** that Xiao Hei had obtained from Mi He and the others fell out. He swung out to the airship behind him. During the extremely fast flight, the vulcanized **** exploded. Because there were too many, they exploded into a piece and blew the airship.

Mi He and the others hurried to save Xiao Hei, but Xiao Hei stabilized his body after throwing away the vulcanized balls, and also blocked the bleeding wound with a tentacle, and it fled forward with difficulty.

The clouds in the sky, which had been stirred up by the estrus of many adult jellyfish, were once again changed by the fierce exchange of fire. The scene that should have been extremely beautiful was stained with blood because of these poachers.

After the airship was attacked, it naturally refused to let Xiao Hei go, biting Xiao Hei firmly, and shooting arrows from behind, hunters generally wouldn’t shoot at jellyfish, because it was easy to hurt the eyes, but Xiao Hei was caught by the jellyfish. The hunters were quickly forced to flee to the edge of the still zone.

A huge hurricane vortex can be seen not far away, and the wind in the air has become violent. Even the arrows fired by the airship will be deflected by the wind and misaligned.

Compared with the still area where the wind is bright and the sun is shining, the polar vortex is a forbidden area that dares not be explored. There are hurricane whirlpools all the year round. No one knows what is in the whirlpool, just like no one knows where the jellyfish was born. There are many. Scientists have speculated that jellyfish are most likely born from a whirlpool, but this has never been confirmed, because the idea of ​​being born in a whirlpool is so crazy that it is almost impossible.

Xiao Hei also saw the whirlpool not far away, and it was also very frightened. The long “baabaa” kept shouting, Mi He and the others finally caught up with the poacher’s airship. The hunter opened fire, and the poacher was obviously prepared to fight back without hesitation.

When they opened fire, a spherical catcher that had been hidden for a long time suddenly appeared behind Xiao Hei. When it appeared behind Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei didn’t even notice it, if it wasn’t for the sharp and penetrating sound of the speaker After calling it desperately, it was about to have its eyes cut off immediately. But even so, it also had two tentacles cut off, and a lot of silver blood was sprinkled.

Yangyin’s voice was shattered by the strong wind, and Freddie’s voice came from their airship at this time. He said, “You are back in the Weiyang bubble, aren’t you?”

Anitan didn’t speak, but Taozi said directly: “We didn’t go back.”

“There are poachers chasing Xiao Hei, and we are helping him,” Mi He said.

But Freddy apparently heard the sound of the exchange of fire, he said: “You guys hurry back.” At this time, someone in Freddy’s airship was heard shouting: “They are fleeing in the direction of the whirlpool!!”

Freddy gave an order in a calm voice: “Go after him.” Then he said to Mi He, “Be obedient, go back quickly.” After that, he didn’t have time to distract and watch Mi He.

Mi He’s courage has always been very small, she still decided to rescue Xiao Hei quickly, everyone leave here quickly, don’t become a drag on Freddy and Xiaolu.

Yang Yin also summoned Xiao Hei vigorously. Xiao Hei obviously moved when he heard his voice. He was obviously scared when he was injured. Despite Yang Yin’s familiar voice, he still wanted to escape from all human spaceships.

Later, Yangyin began to sing again. In the smoke of gunfire and gunpowder, his voice sounded in the loudspeaker of the airship. It was a song of yearning for peace. After his singing came out, Mi He even felt that the other party’s The artillery fire wasn’t so intense anymore.

Remember when I was a kid and I heard that Maxi had mermaid genes, so his singing was confusing, maybe it was true?

Xiao Hei heard Yangyin’s singing and began to fly towards Mi He’s airship. At this time, Anitan also slammed the fire and blasted the burner of the airship in front of him, and the airship immediately fell down.

Mi He and the others quickly pulled Xiao Hei into the airship, Yang Yin hugged him, and everyone hurriedly sprayed him with hemostatic spray.

However, no one thought that the falling thief airship would eventually detonate several vulcanized traps scattered in the air. The explosion of the vulcanized traps was not powerful enough to threaten Mihe and their airship, but in that field , I don’t know when the thief’s airship released a lot of sulfide gas and condensation balls. After a few traps blasted the airship, a large piece of sulfide condensation **** also exploded, and the whole sky was ignited. Like, a big fire started.

Immediately afterwards, vulcanized **** in the air caused a series of explosions.

Mi He’s airship was blown up and the whole airship was on fire.

Their airship was blasted to the edge of the still zone and the hurricane vortex amid the screams of the crowd, but the violent hurricane still swept the struggling airship into the polar vortex.

The last image of Mi He was that the whole world was turned upside down, the sound of the airship was slapped by the huge wind and sand, and Xiao Hei’s “baabaa” sound was so faint.

At the moment of the fall, Mi He also heard Brother Freddy’s voice from the airship’s contactor: “Mi He!!”

However, Mi He felt that if he really died like this, he would have no regrets…

This was her last consciousness.

Then she fell into darkness.

She kept walking into the deep darkness, it was cold and dark, she kept shouting, but she found herself unable to make a sound, it was as cold as an ice cellar of minus forty degrees, no matter how she ran, it was still cold It was as if the blood would stop flowing.

She missed her brother Freddy, her parents, and her friends. In the end, she didn’t even have the strength to miss everyone.

She seemed to be huddled in a dark corner, she was too cold and too tired. I don’t have the strength to get out of this darkness, I just want to hold myself quietly.

After an unknown amount of time, she suddenly felt that the wall she was leaning against seemed to have a little temperature, she unconsciously pressed against it, and then felt that it seemed to be getting hotter and hotter…

In the end she lost consciousness completely.

When she was conscious again, she was able to raise her eyelids. Although her head and her eyelids were so painful, she still opened her eyes.

She found that the top of her head seemed to be a cave. There was something embedded in the stone of the cave, and there was light. Jumping and jumping, she raised her hand to touch her head with difficulty, and found a liquid hemostatic bandage on her hand.

Then she found that she seemed to be beside an underground lake, the lake water turned out to be colorful, and there were also luminous beads scattered around the lake, like night pearls.

where is this place? She was obviously caught in the hurricane vortex in the airship.

She doesn’t know what happened yet.

Immediately afterwards, she found a person lying beside her.

a man. A naked man.

His blond hair is like the favor of the sun god, so brilliant, and his appearance is so handsome that the hearts of all the women in the empire are swayed.

Although he didn’t open his eyes, Mi He had seen him countless times in the hologram.

The prince of the empire, the former crown prince, the most handsome prince of the empire in 300 years.

Friedrich von Otto.

☆、Chapter 129

When Mi He saw Friedrich, his first reaction was: Could it be my biological robot?

Then she thought again that her robot was placed in the school dormitory.

Immediately, I thought, is this the physiological robot of Daniel Wu of the star calendar? Because Brother Xiaolu said that there are many biological robots in his room.

But all these speculations were shattered by the heartbeat of the people around him.

With such a steady and powerful heartbeat, her biological robot did not have the function of simulating a heartbeat.

So, is this true?

Someone must be disguised, right?

Just like Yang Yin, he wore some kind of black technology device, and then because he liked the prince, he turned into the appearance of the prince.

Ordinary people should be able to disguise themselves as princes, right?

She thought so, and wanted to raise her head to touch the people around her, but she still didn’t raise her hand. Not only because of the pain all over her body, but also because she didn’t dare.

Their clothes are spread out on the ground and over their bodies, and they are so close.

Also so familiar.

Mi He stared blankly at Friedrich’s face, his eyes so meticulous.

Finally she closed her eyes slightly.

When she opened her eyes again, she began to look at the cave again.

There is a hole more than two meters wide on the top of the colorful lake. The weak light shoots in from this big hole, and the lake surface is shimmering, very dreamy.

There were some sparkling stones scattered around the lake. She looked carefully and found that those times were Papanilla gems. They were scattered around the lake, and no one was here to **** them.

On the top of the head, especially near the entrance of the lake, there are layer after layer of large blisters. Some of those blisters emit faint flashes, but those flashes still move…

Where is this place?

At this time, the people around him suddenly moved.

He woke up.

Mi He wanted to close his eyes, but it was too late.

He said, “Are you awake?” There was surprise in his voice.

His voice was so familiar, just like the breath in his arms.

Mi He said, “You…” Before he said it, Friedrich touched his face and realized his current state. He sighed slightly, as if there was a sense of relaxation that the secret was finally exposed, but he looked towards When Mi He was there, she was a little nervous, because she could still understand the emotions in those green eyes.

“What you see is the truth,” he said. “I’m not Freddie Collins, I’m Friedrich von Otto, the former Crown Prince, now the Duke of Lapla, and the Prince of the Empire.”

Mi He looked at him with good eyes, and then smiled slightly, “I have to get to know him again.”

She added, “What shall I call you? Brother Freddy, or His Royal Highness?”

With his familiar voice to Mi He, Friedrich said, “I would still like to be your brother Freddy, but you are alone.” He said, and he put Mi He in his arms.

Mi He didn’t speak. In fact, just now, from the familiar chest and breath, she had already vaguely guessed it, but she didn’t dare to face it, really didn’t dare to think about it.

This feeling is really unbelievable. This is more exciting than when you slept with a neighbor brother and woke up to find that it was Wu Yanzu, because this neighbor brother has become a more unattainable character. He is one of the empires. Your Majesty, the prince above hundreds of millions of people.

He is a real prince, not a self-proclaimed prince of a small country with hundreds of thousands of people. Nor is he the prince you see everywhere in fairy tales, he is a real prince.

Can you imagine that when you woke up from sleep and were brushing your teeth and washing your face in a mess, the British prince knocked on your door and wooed you seriously, that kind of scene?

You will be happy, vain, and wonderful, because women all over the world want to marry princes.

But do you really dare to accept it?

You are not Princess Kate, you have not worked hard to become a princess in every way since you were a child, you are just an ordinary person, a unkempt, ordinary commoner.

So Mi He couldn’t say anything.

Because she is so messy.

The brother Freddy that she liked so much, the brother Freddy who would gently touch her head, hold her tightly, and stick to her heart and flesh at night, turned out to be an illusion.

Seeing that Mi He didn’t speak, Freddy knew that she might be shocked by the sudden truth, and she needed time to accept it.

Mi He thought about this, but she felt a terrible headache. She wanted to stretch out her hand to hold her head, but found that she didn’t have much strength, so she told herself, anyway, now is not the time to think about these things, she weakly asked As for Nitan and the others, since she survived, they all survived, right?

She looked at Frederick, who had become so handsome, with anticipation, and suddenly became so handsome that it even made her feel extremely unfamiliar, but when he gave a positive answer, Mi He was still very happy, “Then This is great……”

She still felt very cold, and unconsciously approached him, his body seemed to be familiar to her. Friedrich hurriedly hugged her tightly, giving her more warmth.

As far as Mi He could see, she saw a lot of large blisters that looked like eggs at the mouth of the cave on the top of the lake. She also asked, “That’s… what…” She also wanted to ask how they were. Survived and where is this place? But she couldn’t ask any more, because she fell into the endless darkness again.

She walked in the darkness for a long time, as if she had been in a lifetime, so long that she thought of the very early embryonic period in this memory, she seemed to have had similar memories, and it was very dark and dark at that time, When I remember my previous life, there seemed to be some news that the human subconscious would remember everything from the embryonic time.

So is it in her subconscious now?

But then she began to gradually hear the voice of the voice, which was a bit noisy, but made her look forward to it, until she looked for the voice, a ray of light shone into the dark space, and finally opened her heavy eyelids.

She finally woke up.

At first glance, I saw Brother Freddy.

Seeing this familiar brother Freddy, Mi He felt that what happened before was like a grotesque dream of hers, and she called him: “Brother Freddy…”

Freddie was so happy when he saw her waking up. She had never seen him so emotionally exposed before, and he hugged her in the medical cabin.

Brother Freddy’s embrace is so warm and reassuring, so everything like a prince before was her dream, right?

Xiaolu outside the ward rushed in immediately, and when he saw Mi He woke up, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, “You finally woke up, thank the God of truth in the universe.”

However, Anitan, Taozi and the others did not appear. Mi He hurriedly asked them and learned that they were all recuperating in the medical cabin. She asked, “They can all be cured, right?”

Freddy nodded, “They will all wake up soon, you don’t have to worry, even Xiao Hei, we are repairing its broken tentacles through the medical cabin.”

Mi He was completely relieved, and began to ask them what happened at the time, “I remember that everyone and I fell down. What happened later, how did you find me?”

Just as Freddy was about to speak, Xiaolu was already saying: “He went crazy when he saw you falling, and then drove an airship into the whirlpool, but you are lucky, there is a jellyfish in the whirlpool. He saved you, and his airship was remodeled, and he had been to the jellyfish’s life source hole before, so he saved his life, otherwise how could he find you?”

Xiaolu couldn’t help but say again: “You two are really rambunctious, especially you!” He pointed at Freddy, “Do you know that your identity represents…” Before finishing speaking, Freddy He said, “Don’t talk about it, I’ll do it again next time.”

Xiaolu looked at the two of them, snorted, and said, “Okay, the two of you are acting in this affectionate scene, but we outsiders are nosy.”

Mi He wanted to persuade Brother Xiaolu a few words, but she saw Brother Xiaolu’s red eyes. It was the first time she saw Brother Xiaolu like this. I think they were all in danger. Brother Xiaolu must be worried and looked for them like crazy. Bar?

Thinking like this, Mi He felt very guilty. She didn’t want to be a drag on everyone, but it turned out to be a drag. She whispered, “I’m sorry, it’s all my fault.”

Brother Xiaolu sighed and said, “It’s my fault. I didn’t think through it carefully. I didn’t expect you to meet the poacher’s spaceship. I miscalculated the situation.”

Mi He hurriedly said, “It’s all my fault. If I stayed in the Weiyang bubble, this would not have happened.”

Having said this, Xiaolu added: “The Weiyang bubble is no longer safe, and the bubble in our northern hemisphere has also been destroyed by poachers.”

Mi He: “Where are we now?”

Freddy said, “In the Weiyang bubble in the southern hemisphere.” Just as he was talking, Colonel Ars appeared, he saw Mi He woke up and said, “The lucky little girl finally woke up, if you don’t wake up again, Collins Both brothers will be worried to death.”

Hearing this, Mi He felt both guilty and warm in his heart. Just as he was about to speak again, Colonel Ars suddenly stopped the path and said, “Okay, if you have something to say later, leave it here for the two of you? ”

Brother Xiaolu listened, hesitated for a while before retreating, and said something uneasy: “I’m just outside, call me if you have something.”

Finally, only Mi He and Freddy were left in the room.

She looked at him and had a lot to say, but she didn’t know what to say. She liked to deceive herself since she was a child. She practiced this skill very well, and lived timidly and softly with a turtle shell on her back for so many years.

She woke up just now and wanted to lie to herself that she was dreaming, how could her boyfriend suddenly become a prince?

But in fact, she knew that this was just her wanting to be a tortoise again.

Mi He just looked at Freddy, and felt that this ordinary appearance was pleasing to the eye, and he was used to it. This was the kind of brother Freddy that she liked to accompany her gently.

At this time, Freddy held Mi He in his arms again. He put his head on her neck and whispered, “You’re fine, great…”

Mi He listened and gave a soft “um”.

Then, she said, “Brother Freddy, can you tell me about your relationship with the prince?”

☆、Chapter 130

Freddie sat beside Mi He and started talking about the past.

“The reason why I pretend to be a normal-looking directional person is because my original appearance is too conspicuous, and I can’t experience many things. As a future heir of an empire, I think I should experience the life of ordinary people in order to understand How my decisions affect them.”

“Although this idea is a false proposition, I also enjoy the freedom of being an ordinary oriented person outside. I have my study experience and my classmates. No one will treat me in any way, and no women will deliberately post. Come here, and no one wants to get some benefits through me.”

“To be honest, I actually enjoy being an ordinary orientee, and this kind of life is even easy, no throne, no empire, no heavy pressure.”

“I even met you.” Having said that, he looked at Mi He, “The first time I met you, you were a little girl, only twelve years old.”

“I didn’t expect that you would occupy such an important position in my life, I would be so irrational…” He hugged Mi He, but he didn’t dare to hug her too tightly, for fear of hurting her ‘s wound.

He said: “My life has always been rational. The education I received since I was a child was to consider the consequences at all times, and not to be emotionally oriented, because any decision I made would affect the lives and even the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the empire.”

“But when I jumped down with you, I didn’t think about anything, I just thought, in the last moments of my life, I am happy to be with you, even if I die.”

After hearing this, Mi He had already burst into tears. It doesn’t matter what prince, what ordinary people, what fears, what gaps, even if he cheated on her, it doesn’t matter, he is still the Fry who loves her. Brother Di, will hold her and call her little turtle, and will try to accompany her with his life in times of crisis.

What’s the point of everything else.

She also hugged Freddy, “Brother Freddy…”

Freddy lowered his head and kissed her. He was afraid of hurting her, so he didn’t dare to get too excited, but their intimate entanglement, between their lips and their tongues, was so tender.

Freddy also said: “You also know about me through Professor Doro. So apart from I still have a little time to be by your side, I can’t leave you a descendant.”

Mi He listened and said, “I don’t care, as long as it’s you, I don’t care about anything.”

She said: “I’m still what I said to you. If I didn’t have a happy time with you, I’d regret it for the rest of my life, so I don’t think about it so much. Besides, I’m still young and I don’t want children. .”

Freddy touched her, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, no matter how bad or stubborn, she could only be his.

After the two had this intimate conversation, Mi He also opened her heart and began to accept that the object of her love suddenly changed from the big brother next door to a glittering prince.

Although he was still a little uncomfortable, he was gradually accepting it. When no one was there, Mi He said, “Brother Freddy, let me see if you return to your original appearance, okay?”

Freddy touched his wrist and instantly turned into the handsome prince.

Although Mi He had seen Yangyin change, when she saw Freddy become the prince of the empire, the prince who appeared in the hologram above the hundreds of millions of people, she was once again stunned until Freddy became the prince of the empire. Derich came up to her and took her in his arms.

Mi He even blushed. She said: “It seems that someone other than Freddie’s brother was hugged…”

It made Fred laugh, and he looked even more handsome when he laughed. His blond hair seemed to blend in with the sun, and his dark green eyes were so full of life, with a smile in his eyes, as if The spring breeze was blowing, and the whole person was so handsome that Mi He was suffocating.

Mi He held his forehead and said, “No way, my boyfriend has suddenly become so handsome, I’m so uncomfortable.”

Fred said, “Then I’ll give you a hug and let you get used to it.”

“It feels like a dream,” Mi He said.

Fred: “What?”

Mi He said: “When I was a child, whenever the founding day of the People’s Republic of China, I would sit in front of the holographic TV and wait to see the picture you appeared. At that time, I thought about how such a handsome and excellent little brother can compare himself to himself. I became a scum. But I didn’t expect that the excellent and handsome little brother of that year would become my boyfriend.”

“It felt like a million-dollar lottery hit my head, and I was still dazed.”

Fred said, “I am real, and it’s only yours.” He took Mi He’s hand and reached into his clothes, and Mi He felt as if it was hot, “What are you doing?” During the day, why did you start to unbutton your clothes while talking?

Fred took it for granted: “Let you feel my presence.” He let Mi He put his hand on his chest, and there was a strong heartbeat. Mi He listened carefully, but he took Mi He’s hand and touched it down again, and said in a low and ambiguous tone, “You need to feel its existence there too.”

Mi He’s face turned even redder, and she felt that it was unreal to be said by His Royal Highness, who used to be considered superior, but it made her feel familiar, because brother Freddy always did this…

Fred leaned against Mi He’s ear and bit her ear, “I won’t let you go when you’re hurt.”

Mi He snorted twice, “Brother Freddy is an old gray wolf!”

Said him again: “Even if you change into the appearance of a prince, the inside will not change!”

Fred held her face and kissed her gently: “Fool, I’ve always been like this. When you’re by your side, I’ve always been the most real.”

Mi He’s heart is sweet, and he feels a lot more at ease.

She also asked him: “Yangyin’s transformation device is ear studs, what is your transformation device?” She touched his wrist, and he just touched his wrist before he changed back to his original appearance.

Fred pointed to the button on the clothes and took it off with a gentle tug, and then the button could stick to any place on the clothes, and it was inconspicuous, just like the most common button, “It’s this button. .”

Mi He said: “So when you were on Planet Soros, even if you were wearing a tobacco leaf skirt, you also put this button on your body?”

Fred said, “Yeah, I’ve got it around my waist.”

Mi He said: “It’s so cunning, you lied to me for so long.”

Fred said, “If I had told you earlier, what would have happened to you?”

Mi He thought for a while: “If we weren’t together, even if I liked you very much, I would have run away. But when we are together, we can’t leave. Although I will be awkward for a while, I will eventually I still can’t let you go.”

Fred patted her head and said to her: “Fool.”

Anitan and Taozi also regained consciousness and gradually improved. When they were able to move, they gathered together. Everyone looked at each other’s bodies covered with liquid tape. Anitan pointed at Taozi and laughed. Because the peach was also sprayed with liquid tape in the pleats, the whole person swelled in a circle.

Taozi said with a sad face; “I feel like I have been looked down upon by others, and as a result, no one is responsible for me.”

Anitan’s mechanical legs can’t be used from the calf down, she has to walk around with a lame leg, always saying that this kind of affects her image.

Yang Yin was the least injured among the three of them. According to Taozi, “Some people still pretend to not care, but at the critical moment, she is the one who hugs them the most.”

At this moment, Yang Yin whispered, “Ani hugged you too…”

Taozi said: “Okay, for the sake of her lack of friends.”

Peaches then called Anitan seriously: “Anitan Soren?”

Anitan looked at Taozi, and Taozi said, “Did I seriously say thank you?”

Anitan said carelessly: “Does this sentence count now?”

Peaches said, “Thank you.”

Anitan put his hand on Peach’s head, and took the opportunity to tug at his folds full of liquid tape, and said to him, “So the Dutch people are still too pretentious, what is there to thank for this trivial matter?”

Taozi waved her hand in anger, and said to her: “Rude Soros people!!”

Seeing how they were having fun together, Mi He felt warm in his heart, it’s so nice, it’s so nice that everyone can still get together!

I asked about Xiao Hei again, and learned that Xiao Hei was also being treated in the medical cabin. He was seriously injured, and half of his tentacles were broken. Now the tentacles have grown a little bud, and they can’t come out.

Mi He was also held by Fred to look at it. Its medical cabin was still large, but it was a little small when it lay down, and its big head was almost rubbing against the glass cover of the medical cabin. Its new tentacles really look like Like the granulation, it is still short and small now, and its eyes have been opened, but they are still so bright, it makes a soft cry when it sees Mi He.

Later, everyone opened the medical cabin, and everyone hugged it. Xiao Hei made a soft “baabaa” sound and blinked several times with big eyes. Maybe it didn’t understand what a human hug means, but its The tentacles still stretched out to touch everyone, looking very happy.

It was the first time that Mi He used himself to get close to Xiao Hei’s skin, and it was really smooth and soft, a bit like touching jelly, but after touching it, the silver glitter in one hand even hugged the body after hugging it. All stained with silver glitter.

Taozi said, “Do you feel that Xiao Hei’s body stinks?”

“It stinks because it eats vulcanized balls,” Anitan said.

Mi He said, “Well, our stinky savior, Xiao Hei.”

Everyone laughed again.

Soon, everyone got better one after another, and their internships ended. Xiao Hei’s injury also got better. After eating the vulcanized **** fed by everyone every day, it became silvery and shiny. At first glance, it looked like a nutritious Papanilla jellyfish.

However, they have to separate.

Yang Yin said reluctantly, “Can’t you really take it away?”

Anitan said: “It still likes to stay with its kind. You can see how happy it is with its companions when it enters the clouds. We can’t decipher the language it speaks, and even its actions. If With us, it will be very lonely, right?”

Hearing these words, Yang Yin suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Anitan. His wonderful voice was filled with admiration, and he said, “Ani is really a gentle person.”

Anitan said of him: “I’m not the kind of person who can use the word gentle.”

Yang Yin smiled slightly, he liked Anni’s duplicity.

He said, “Ani?”

Anitan: “Huh?”

Yang Yin said, “Why did you hold me in your arms when we both fell that day?”

Anitan said casually, “If you want to do it, just do it.”

Yang Yin said: “So, I also want to be with you all the time. I want to do this, and it has nothing to do with you.”

Anitan put her head down and said, “I can’t restrict your movements.”

Yang Yin smiled and stepped forward to hold her, “Let’s go.”

Everyone ended their internship and returned to the Alexa planet.

☆、Chapter 131

When Mi He was returning to the spaceship of the Alexa planet, he was named by Doro. He directly said to her: “Come to me when you get off the spaceship.” Then he ended the communication.

So that when Mi He entered Doro’s house, he was like a child who did something wrong, tiptoeing, waiting for Doro’s criticism.

When Doro saw Mi He, his first reaction was to look at her whole body from top to bottom, and then let her enter the medical cabin and say, “Lie down, I’ll check your physical data.”

Mi He obediently got into the medical cabin, watching Doro frowning and looking at her body data one by one, until later, he saw that Doro loosened his brows and said to her: “The **** of truth still blesses you. Yes, there is nothing wrong with your body.”

Mi He knew that Doro was caring about her, so he dared to rub over and hugged him, “You know that Doro is the best for me!”

Doro began to scold her, how could he just go for an internship, and he could suffer such a serious injury, this time the lecture was very long, and he was also anxious, and finally he said: “If you have any accident, How should I explain to Lieutenant Colonel Yang?” What he didn’t say, Mi He also knew: If you have any accident, how sad I should be.

Mi He felt very guilty and moved, and swore pointedly: “I will never let myself be in danger again, I know I was wrong.” Only then did Doro loosen up a little.

Doro sighed and said to her: “You

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