The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

chapter 55 - Happy birthday. (13)

You bastard, I have hundreds of years of lifespan to scare you! ”

Mi He put his arms around him, rubbed his head, and began to tell him about the whole incident, especially the situation at the time, and how Xiao Hei saved them.

After listening to Doro, he said: “Most species still know how to repay their kindness. Of course, a species like yours is so complicated, and it is the only one.” Mi He heard Doro use several times. It was only after this complex species of human beings was eliminated by various languages ​​that his fire was completely extinguished.

Mi He slept at Doro’s house at night, she talked to Doro about a lot of things, and she also told him about Freddy being the prince of the Empire, “I was very surprised at the time, and even felt cheated. He lied to me for so long, we were both together, and he told me his true identity in an unexpected situation, and he turned out to be the prince of the empire! The prince under one person and over hundreds of millions of people!”

As a result, Doro rolled his eyes, “You humans like to engage in this kind of class product, it’s really boring.”

After listening to him, Mi He suddenly thought of a question: “So you didn’t know that he was a prince, did you?” He suddenly realized that maybe on Earth, when Doro transplanted Freddy’s kidney, he might have know his identity.

Doro said naturally: “Yes, his genetic code has not changed, of course I know him.”

Mi He said, “Then why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

Doro said: “In the eyes of us Alys, there is no difference between your human prince or ordinary people, so why should I emphasize his identity?”

However, Doro added: “But I also regret it, especially after you became a lover with him, I regret that I didn’t emphasize his class status among human beings, otherwise, with your prudence, you would not close to him.”

After listening to Mi He, he said, “It’s too late to say anything now. I already like him very much. Even if he is a high-ranking prince who is so far from me, I want to try my best to get close to him and be with him.”

Doro said: “In my opinion, he is short-lived and has no genetic ability, but he is not worthy of you. Of course, even if he does not have these shortcomings, he is not worthy of you.”

Because in my heart, Xiaomi is the best human being.

Mi He was immediately moved to tears, and hugged Doro, “I really feel the best in Dodo’s heart!”

Doro pouted and said, “Of course, if your academic performance is higher, you can be considered excellent.”

Mi He felt that grades were always her culprit, and she didn’t care anymore.

But just after the internship, they ushered in the final exam of this semester. Although she has been practicing outside this semester, in fact, the courses in this semester are all in the virtual hologram, especially the chemistry class. They are all formulas and data. I remember that she was dizzy, and she practiced outside, taking care of her every day. While watching the scenery in Campas and making fun of Xiao Hei, I neglected to learn everything.

Therefore, the arrival of the final exam has put a lot of pressure on everyone, and the scumbag group has started to study hard again.

However, at the end of this semester, the state is different. Yangyin is sitting next to Anitan, very close, and Anitan impatiently said Yangyin: “Why are you so close to me?” Yangyin He smiled and said, “I’m studying.” Then he said, “I’m not very good at a question. I want to ask you, can I?”

Anitan scratched her head, “…well, which way?”

Peaches looked at the pair and moved away from them depressed! The singles will have higher test scores than these nasty lovers, for sure! !

And Mi He decided to go to Brother Freddy for tutoring.

As a result, on the first day, Freddy was tutored on the bed.

When only Mi He was with him, he returned to his original appearance. The golden prince was sitting next to Mi He. He was wearing a simple white shirt and black home pants. The unbelievably handsome face made Mi He always distracted. He put one hand on the back of the chair behind Mi He, leaned forward slightly towards Mi He, and was so close, his slender fingers rested on the holographic book , a deep magnetic voice spoke to Mi He.

At that scene, Mi He felt that he was about to get drunk.

The prince of the empire is sitting next to her and giving her a lecture! So vanity and contentment, what should I do?

Seeing that he was wearing a white shirt with buttons on it, Mi He suddenly asked, “Brother Freddy, when you and I… did that thing, where was your transformation device?”

Freddy raised an eyebrow at her, then turned to look at her, “When you did that?”

Mi He shyly replied: “Well…”

Freddy posted, “What, I don’t understand.”

Mi He said, “Stop pretending, you know!”

Freddy said, “This matter needs to be revisited, and you will know.” After speaking, he hugged Mi He and began to revisit that incident.

They haven’t been together for more than half a month, because Mi He has been recovering from her injury, and Freddy has not touched her. Now that she has recovered, she is also extremely intense.

But it was the first time Mi He had done this kind of thing with his original appearance, so her heartbeat was fast, because it felt like she was with another person, with a subtle sense of shame…

Seeing his handsome face approaching, she closed her eyes shyly. But when I closed my eyes to experience him, I felt the familiarity between them, and also felt that he was still the same brother Freddie.

Freddy said to her, “Open your eyes.”

Mi He opened his eyes, but saw him with black hair and green eyes, “Brother Freddy?”

Now that his clothes have been taken off, how did he change back to this appearance?

Freddy obviously knew what Mi He meant, he raised the terminal on his wrist to her, “The transformation device can also be reduced and attached to the terminal.” After that, he swiped again and changed back to the prince’s appearance.

However, Mi He soon had no time to think about the transformation device, because she had become a soft ball and could only be at the mercy of Freddy.

Freddy’s low voice was in her ear: “It’s me who is with you now, Friedrich von Otto, not anyone else.”

Later, she seemed to hear Freddy say, “You can only be mine…”

Freddy looked at Mi He and thought she was so nice. He was already jealous of the man who appeared beside her after his death. What should I do?

Therefore, her whole body will be branded with his traces, his breath, and even thinking about him alone in her mind, so that she can no longer accept other men.

He is so selfish…

Mi He hardly got out of the big bed all day, but when she woke up, she still took into account the two days of exams, struggling to say: “Review…”

Freddy picked up the black technology ‘Gentle You’ from the bedside and said, “I can still think of those things, it’s my lack of effort.”

Later, Mi He couldn’t remember the exam at all. When everything was over, she felt that his traces and breath were branded inside and out.

Mi He slept for a long time, and when she woke up again, she found that her body was not sore, but the black technology made her feel refreshed. But when she saw that there were only two days left for the exam, she was so frightened that she quickly got out of bed to get dressed and continued to study hard.

But after reading the book for a while, Freddy couldn’t help but get her into the wrong way. Later, he accompanied her to review while slowly punishing her, “Look at this question, your formula uses Wrong, I have to punish you.”

Then the punishment went to bed.

But since it’s called punishment, it’s a little more annoying than usual, especially when Mi He couldn’t stand it and was on the verge of collapse, but Freddy always asked her to beg him. Mi He’s big wet eyes looked at the pitiful In a way, Freddy couldn’t help holding her and kissing her.

Mi He was tortured and said angrily: “I don’t want brother Freddy anymore, I still have a biological robot…”

When Freddy heard this, his eyes darkened, and he said, “Robot…”

“Looks like I’m still not working hard enough to remind you of robots.”

Then Mi He failed the exam in this subject.

Mi He was so angry that he went back to the dormitory and decided to ignore Brother Freddy during the exam, but she saw clearly that even if he regained the handsome appearance of the prince, he still had the core of the old gray wolf.

When she thought of how he taught her to do the question in that way, and what kind of punishment…

She blushes when she thinks of the intensity at that time.

So I decided that before the exam, I can no longer indulge in male sex! !

Although I thought so, when I returned to the bedroom, I saw the prince robot, who had been neglected for a long time, playing with the Kaling bird in the room.

Said to play, in fact, the robot played the game of moving the slobber with the Jialing bird according to the instructions. One bird and one robot moved the poor slobber around, making its four transparent claws tremble, but the Jialing bird. It was in high spirits, and it couldn’t tell that the person in front of it wasn’t a real person. It just treated it as someone playing with it. Sometimes when it got tired, it would fly to the robot’s shoulder and stand on it. Later, the robot was still under Mi He’s order. , to hug the Kaling bird tenderly, so the Kaling bird likes it more.

At this moment, Mi He saw the robot’s face that was exactly the same as Freddy’s, and his face turned red involuntarily. The robot looked at her, but it was actually scanning her body temperature and other physical manifestations on the body surface. Physiological robots will judge whether the owner has needs based on factors such as a person’s body temperature and breathing.

He said to Mi He, “Is there a need?”

Hearing what he said, Mi He waved his hands in fright, “No, no!”

But the robot also came over and said that it would carry her schoolbag and help her undress, and the service was very considerate.

The main idea of ​​this kind of physiological robot design is that it can be used as much as possible in bed, and can be used as a boyfriend after getting out of bed. In short, the concept of the design is that in the house, the owner can enjoy all kinds of care.

Mi He was still a little uncomfortable. The robot came to her side. After looking at it carefully, she felt that the robot was exactly the same as the real person.

This made Mi He uncontrollably think, is it the same there?

Mi He took a few glances. She felt that she shouldn’t do this, and she should concentrate on studying, so she ran away before the robot could respond to the scan again.

But after she came back from study at night, when she was about to go to bed, the robot asked her again: “Do you need me?”

Mi He looked at him and felt that she was the only human being in the room anyway. He was a biological robot, and he would not lose a piece of meat after a glance, so he said to him, “Can you take off your clothes?”

Hearing the command to undress, the robot started **** without saying a word.

Mi He blushed a little, and when he was about to approach, she quickly said, “No, don’t approach, just stand by and let me take a look.”

She just saw what was different.

Because the mechanic at the time said that the size there was inferred by him based on the hologram.

The naked robot stood beside her, and let her watch it generously. After she looked at it, she felt that the mechanic of the Soros planet must have a pair of fiery eyes.

Even the size there is the same.

☆、Chapter 132

Although she was the only one in the room, Mi He still felt quite ashamed, because this robot was too similar and too real, even the same size there.

She hurriedly asked the robot to put her clothes on, and instead of looking at him, she went to wash up. When she was ready to sleep in the dormant cabin, the robot appeared beside her again and asked her, “Are you going to sleep?”


The robot said again: “Need sex?”

Mi He quickly shook his head: “No, no.”

The robot’s voice was very calm, and he spoke to her in the kind of voice that Freddy usually sounds without emotional ups and downs. “According to statistics, more than 95% of the humans who buy physiological robots will choose to let the robot provide **** services.”

Mi He said, “Thank you for your concern, but I don’t need it.” Then the robot nodded slightly to her, and stood by the wall again.

At this time, Mi He can especially understand why Mars’s painful robot rights protection association restricts robots to have imitation appearance, because the imitation robot is too similar, it feels too real, and it feels that humans will be replaced at any time.

She thought about it in this direction for a while, and then slowly fell asleep.

In the past few days, because she had to study for the exam, she didn’t go to Freddy’s house to find him, but at noon the two got together to eat a hallucinogen, and then Mi He and Anitan went to study.

For a few days, Freddy protested. After taking the hallucinogen at noon one day, he took Mihe to a corner of a bush, hugged her and kissed her. Because he hadn’t touched her for several days, he kissed her. It took a bit of effort. Mi He actually missed him a lot, but fortunately, she was still sensible, and when things were out of control, she braked in time.

But when she came out of the bushes, Taozi was very ambiguous when she saw her, and said, “Yo, has Mr. Freddy come?” The thin-skinned Mi He said and blushed.

Anitan heard it, and muttered beside her: “That pervasive Teacher Collins is really annoying.”

Mi He was scolded by Doro once for failing a chemistry class, so he took the rest of the exam very seriously, and didn’t dare to go to Freddy’s house, for fear that when she was with him in private, she couldn’t help it. indulgence.

After a week or so, Mi He and the others finished the astronomical maths exam. After they finished the exam, almost five minutes after they walked out of the exam room, their scores were distributed to the terminal. Mi He was very nervous. Clicking on the results, I found that I actually passed the low altitude! Excited beyond words, and later found that everyone in the scumbag group passed this class, Anitan waved his hand and said, “I haven’t eaten barbecue for a long time, I’ll go catch a few Lulus, let’s celebrate at night!”

Everyone responded positively, and Mi He hadn’t had a barbecue with everyone for a long time. Since she fell in love, she really didn’t have that much time with her friends. Even when she was an intern in Campas, it was because of Freddie followed, so there wasn’t a lot of personal contact with everyone.

She was very happy to have such a chance to eat and drink with everyone.

That night, Peaches brought a lot of hallucinogens and said, “We are all adults, and hallucinogens are adults.”

Yang Yin said: “Let me taste the hallucinogen of love.”

Anitan glanced at him, Yang Yin took a sip and handed it to her, and asked her with a smile, “Would you like to try it?” of.”

Yang Yin said, “I think it’s just right, it’s like being in love.” He quietly pulled up the other hand that Anni put underneath, and seeing that Anitan didn’t shake him off, he held it happily.

Taozi took a sip of the hallucinogen of the taste of life, and looked at the sweet couple and snorted a few times: “Humph! Life, life!!”

Mi He took a pink bottle of hallucinogen, and she didn’t pay much attention to the words on it. Anyway, hallucinogens are generally common flavors, such as love, laughter, life, lovelorn and so on, but she finished drinking. After that, Taozi said: “That is the latest hallucinogen.”

Mi He only took a look at this time, and found that the name of the hallucinogen was: “Instant Breast Enlargement.” The small print description said that it can make a female human breast enlarge by a cup in a short period of time, but it will shrink after a week. go back.

Isn’t that the recipe she sells?

Taozi added: “I found this very interesting, so I bought a few bottles, and this hallucinogen is more expensive than others.”

Because it was the formula she sold, Mi He didn’t take it seriously. At most, her **** were only a week bigger, but when she ate barbecued meat, she felt that her **** seemed to swell a bit. Fortunately, she was wearing high-tech clothes. Even if the bust increases, the clothes will change with the body shape, and there will be no squeeze.

But after drinking the hallucinogen, she felt that the dizziness was heavier than other hallucinogens, and it seemed as if stars were always shining in front of her eyes. Realizing that this hallucinogen also has an element of joy added, it is a combination of two hallucinogens, no wonder it is more expensive than the other.

Because the two effects are superimposed, the feeling of dizziness is also heavier. After the barbecue was over and everyone was leaving, Mi He already felt that the sky and the feet were spinning, countless stars were surrounding him, and his thoughts were inexplicably high. This was the sequelae of hallucinogens. Hi and excited, seeing everything with a silly smile.

Later, Anitan picked her up, because Mi He heard the crunching sound of her mechanical legs all the way back to the dormitory. Later, she was put back into her dormant pod by Anitan.

Mi He vaguely heard Anitan’s voice talking to someone: “Take care of her.”

Then she heard Freddy’s brother’s voice: “Okay.”

Later, her whole body became hot, especially after drinking the Fengyuexiong hallucinogen, the place became uncomfortably swollen, and she pulled her clothes, trying to open it to cool down.

Then she felt someone help her, she felt someone quickly unbutton her clothes, and then a voice said, “Need it?”

Mi He opened her eyes in the haze, she saw brother Freddy beside her, watching her all the time, and she hadn’t been with him for a few days, in fact, she missed him very much, the exam is over today The most difficult subject, you can relax a little, then you should be able to be together, right?

Mi He said, “Okay.”

Then a warm body hugged her from behind.

They were just sticking together, and the familiar feeling made her sigh slightly, as if her body was also longing for him, she shouted: “Brother Freddy…” He hugged her from the front No, Mi He also hugged him eagerly, and not long after, she was caught in waves of dizziness.

They were so close, tightly entangled, as if the heart and the heart were sticking together, but later she felt, as if, he didn’t have a heartbeat… But she thought it was an illusion, because he let him so She was familiar and so hot.

However, this thought was quickly overwhelmed again, and she was soon thrown into the flow of the crowd again, and could only be at his mercy.

They arrived late that day, and he didn’t seem to know he was tired.

When Mi He woke up in the morning, her throat felt a little hoarse. When she opened her eyes, she saw a naked robot standing beside her…

Mi He: ! ! ! ! !

All of a sudden he was stunned.

The robot also said to her, “Good morning, Mi He.”

Mi He covered his head and said angrily, “It’s not good at all…”

This kind of hallucinogen that delays things, she even had **** with a robot after drinking! !

She actually had a feeling of betraying Freddy’s brother, how could she break it?

The robot was already dressed and stood by, watching her, as if waiting for her instructions.

Mi He has collapsed so badly, how can he become a problem with the robot…

But she comforted herself that physiological robots in this year are similar in nature to massage sticks five hundred years ago, and they are all must-have entertainment products at home.

People with a three-hundred-year ephemeris don’t think it’s a big deal to do with a biological robot, and they feel that this behavior is like a pastime. It’s like using more fast-food **** like two-way holography, ready to use a biological robot for a change. Go for some french dinner-style sex.

Mi He was constantly comforting himself, thinking that he had used a massage stick once, and that he had used a massage stick that looked like Freddy’s brother. Since it looked the same, then it was just him, it was all right.

Girls, they all have their own little secrets. Mi He so comforted himself.

But when she saw Freddy, she couldn’t help feeling guilty, so she took the initiative to stay at his house, but Freddy didn’t move her, but just put her arms around her and simply slept.

Freddy said: “I was too anxious before. You worked so hard, you should have a good rest.” They enjoyed pure intimacy at night.

If there is no such thing as a robot, Mi He is quite moved, but when this incident occurs, Mi He feels very guilty, thinking that brother Freddy is so good, why did she still use a robot? Obviously there is a luxurious genuine version, what pirated version is used?

For a few days, Mi He stayed at Freddy’s house at night, but Freddy didn’t start with Mi He again, and gave her serious tutoring. In fact, she also liked the feeling of closeness. And forget about the robot thing.

Even 500 years ago, who used a massage stick once and still remembered it?

After studying for another half a month, I finally ushered in the final exam. After finishing the exam in the morning, Mi He had a make-up exam in the afternoon, which was a little later than the rest of the rest.

When she finally finished all the subjects and went back to the dormitory, everyone decided to have a barbecue again in the evening to relax, and then go home by airship tomorrow.

As a result, that night, as soon as the sliced ​​Lulu meat was roasted, it tasted fragrant, and Mi He felt nauseated when he smelled it.

Anitan still cared about her, thinking she was ill, and asked her to go to the medical cabin for treatment.

As a result, Taozi came over, smelled her, and dropped a bomb, “Xiaomi He, you seem to be pregnant.”

Mi He: ! ! ! ! !


Did she hear it right?

“What did you say?”

Taozi said: “I said you are pregnant. Your breath is not the same as usual.”

Mi He said, “Maybe it’s because I’m too tired from studying recently, and I don’t take a bath seriously.”

Everyone squinted at her, waiting for her to make up.

Taozi said: “It’s not a shameful thing to be pregnant, it’s a good thing.”

Anitan said angrily, “Damn Mr. Collins, you start so fast.”

Instead, Yang Yin said, “Congratulations.”

Mi He was completely stunned. At that time, he only had one thought: How is it possible?

Brother Freddy is doomed to have no genetic ability from his chromosomes! ! And because of the transplant of the black blood monster’s kidney, there is no way for her to get pregnant, otherwise they are together so often, how can they have no protection at all?

In this case, how could she possibly be pregnant?

It must be Peaches who got it wrong, for sure.

Then she went to the medical cabin uneasy. As a result, the medical cabin scanned her, and the result displayed was very clear and clear: your actual pregnancy time is fifteen days, and the fetus is still very small at this time, pay attention to protection.

Seeing this result, Mi He was really dumbfounded.

How can this be?

Both Taozi and Yangyin congratulated her.

Anitan looked at her dumbfounded, and said to her, “Don’t be afraid, if Teacher Collins is unwilling to admit it, I will admit it!! I will marry you and still have children!!”

Yang Yin glanced at her, and Anitan changed her mind and said, “We are three adults with a child, no problem!” Yang Yin was amused.

But Mi He was really in a mess at this time. She hadn’t been in contact with Brother Freddy for more than half a month, so could this child be a robot?

☆、Chapter 133

However, Mi He also knew that robots cannot make people pregnant. Although the robot did seem to come out that night, she remembered that Soros’s mechanic once proudly said that the physiological robot he designed sprayed during orgasm. The liquid that comes out is a kind of lubricant that can add to the fun.

So there’s no way lube can make you pregnant, right?

The biggest explanation is that Freddy’s brother’s things survived in her body for a long time, until her eggs matured, and they combined, and only this explanation can explain why she was pregnant.

Mi He’s heart was in a mess. The pregnancy itself had a big impact on her. Taozi saw her with a tangled expression next to her, and said, “It’s not that Teacher Collins doesn’t want to recognize this child, right?” Mi He’s face became even more depressed.

Anitan immediately said: “He doesn’t recognize it, I recognize it!” This is actually unrealistic in itself. Anitan doesn’t even have one right now, but she is a wonderful woman with a good heart.

And after she said this, no one felt anything wrong, Yang Yin also said: “We can raise this child together, and then we can all be together, how wonderful.”

Taozi said from the side: “I think it’s pretty good. According to the survey, the most stable marriage relationship in the 300th year of the star calendar is a marriage that combines friendship, and this relationship is very open and inclusive, which is very good. One of the ways of marriage.”

Mi He listened to the more and more outrageous his good friends said, but he was comforted by everyone. Although this messy marriage method or something, it didn’t sound reliable.

And she was really confused. Brother Freddy was infertile, and she was pregnant. After she told him, would he suspect that the child was not his?

If she is really suspected, what should she do?

And since Freddie’s brother was judged by Doro to be infertile, how could she get pregnant? Could it be Doro’s misjudgment? But the embryos of Freddy’s brother, she had seen them die one by one, and the matter of changing the kidney of the black blood monster was clearly written in the paper written by Doro at that time. The blood monster gene’s kidney will make him incapable of impregnating female humans. Both of these things are true, so the conclusion that Freddie is infertile should not be wrong.

But she also thought of the time in her previous life, when TV or many infertile couples around her were judged to be childless by the hospital, but her mind relaxed and she even conceived a child, which could not explain the reason. Can only say that the human body is a miracle?

Mi He’s mind was in a mess, and he couldn’t think of a clue.

Seeing her like this, Anitan pulled her and said to her, “I think you haven’t figured it out yet, why don’t you go to Soros with me for a few days?” This proposal was unanimously agreed by everyone.

Mi He was in a mess, she wanted to be quiet, because the sudden pregnancy had a huge impact on her, not only the pregnancy itself, but also the changes in her future relationship with Freddy after pregnancy also required her Think about it well.

But in fact, she was very scared and didn’t know what to do.

Then, half-assisted, she followed them to Anitan’s ‘Real Man No. 2′, leading to the planet Soros.

When she got on the spaceship, she remembered that she hadn’t told Freddy and Doro about leaving, so she sent Doro a holographic application. In the holographic, she pretended to be going to classmates. After playing at home for a few days, Doro knew a few of her friends and didn’t ask any more questions.

Doro also instructed her: “Remember to tell Lieutenant Colonel Yang as well.” Mi He nodded obediently, and said to him: “Duoduo, if brother Freddy asks you about my whereabouts, I hope you don’t tell him, okay? ?”

Doro nodded without thinking about it, and didn’t even ask the reason, because human beings fall in love, and there are too many twists and turns. The book “Humanity Research of the Human Species” has already said that human beings are in love. When you do something, don’t ask why, because this is beyond the comprehension of a wise Alexis.

After finishing the communication with Doro, she sent a hologram to Lieutenant Colonel Yang. Lieutenant Colonel Yang was wearing an apron at home and was learning how to make dumplings with Aunt Linda and the robot. He held up the strangely shaped dumplings and said to Mi He: “Honey Tang, Dad is learning how to make dumplings, I’ll give you something to eat when you come back!”

When Mi He heard this, tears almost fell. She had a lot of things she wanted to tell her father, but she held it back. Later, she explained with a smile that she was going to play at her classmates’ house for a few days. Lieutenant Colonel Yang also said: “Then you and Have fun, classmates, when you are coming back, Dad will pick you up at the space station.”

Mi He nodded and ended the communication.

And Freddy, who was still on the Planet of Alex, didn’t know about her sudden departure until Mi He arrived on Planet Soros, because he sent her several holographic applications without getting a reply.

Freddy clicked on the virtual screen projected on his wrist, watched the positioning device belonging to Mi He kept moving, and said to himself, “Where can you go…”

Since it is the person I identified, how can I let you leave me?

You can only be mine…

Mi He came to Soros Planet with Anitan and the others. When they came this time, Soros had no festivals. The tobacco leaves in the fields were green and looking good. Some locals with dark and yellow skin were on the ground. busy.

The brothers and sisters from the neighbors they had met before were still the ones who came to pick them up. The two of them showed warm smiles to them, and they obviously welcomed their coming again. The little girl Huanhuan came to hold Mi He’s hand.

At this time, Anitan pulled Huanhuan and said a few words in the local language. Mi He could vaguely hear an ancient Latin dialect they spoke. She’s pregnant, so take good care of her.” Something like that.

Huanhuan really never touched Mi He again, but she was always around her and looked very cautious.

Even when riding the flying motorcycle, Mi He was sitting on Anitan’s motorcycle, and they drove very slowly and smoothly.

Mi He looked at the endless tobacco fields in front of him. The green fields were like the sky, which made people feel better. The air didn’t have the sweet smell of the last Tobacco Baking Festival, but it was very fresh. the taste of.

That night, Mi He was placed in Anitan’s house. Anitan also spent an afternoon tidying up the room. In fact, the main purpose was to deal with the huge mouse hole. She went into the hole. Throw in a few grains like peanuts, and then fill the hole with soil.

Why does Mi He feel that it does not look strong? Wouldn’t the mice rush out in the middle of the night again?

Anitan explained: “What I threw down just now is a muscle paralyzing agent, which I specially researched. The mice that eat the paralyzing agent will appear suspended in a state of suspended animation, and they will also emit a smell of food. attracted its living companions to eat it.”

Anitan smiled cruelly and was very proud: “Then the other mice who ate the rat meat containing the paralyzing agent will also be eaten by other companions in the same way.”

“Although this method can’t cure the root cause, it can at least make the mice in this hole die. The doses I threw are the doses that can paralyze 100 people.”

In the end, Anitan said, “This is the result of my research for several months last semester.” The implication is, hurry up and praise me as a scholar!

Taozi rolled her eyes, “So humans are the most cruel species, nasty Soros people.”

Anitan was so angry that he pulled at the folds of the peach, and the two of them tugged at each other for a long time.

Mi He thinks that Anitan is actually quite powerful, and he can actually make such a formula by himself.

That night, Anitan also brought Mi He a soft quilt from next door. Even dinner was made of gruel specially made for her. Eating rice on Soros Planet is a very luxurious thing.

But Mi He still lost his appetite, so he reluctantly ate the gruel and slept wrapped in a quilt. I slept in a daze for a while, woke up again in the middle of the night, and couldn’t sleep after waking up.

Her hand touched her stomach, which was still very flat, and she still had an unbelievable feeling.

There is already a little life being conceived there. This feeling is a bit unreal, but Mi He suddenly felt that it would be good to have a baby. Thinking of the soft and cute appearance of the Jialing bird, her Are children so cute? Is it like her still

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