The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

chapter 60 - Happy birthday. (18)

It was only then that Mi He discovered that the baby’s grandfather Doro was actually working hard in secret!

But when the baby is seven months old, his name is still missing, and his elders still feel that their names are not the most perfect.

From six months to seven months, the baby has grown a lot. Now he is 40 centimeters in size. The whole body has doubled in size, and he has become more lively. When Jialing Bird and Yangyin sang to him, he would kick his feet and stretch his arms in the amniotic fluid, twisting and twisting, looking like a lively baby.

Freddy also said to Mi He: “With such a lively character, it looks just like you.”

Mi He also asked Hannah, “Mom, when I was in the cultivating column, was this also the case?”

Hannah thought for a while and said, “You were quite quiet back then.” Doro next to him didn’t say anything.

Mi He felt that the baby was a boy and must be more lively.

Everyone is looking forward to the birth of the baby, and in about three months, the baby will come to this world.

Seeing that the baby is still so healthy at seven months, Mi He’s worries that were still hidden in her heart have also eased a lot, and she feels that the baby will be born smoothly, so her mood has also become very good.

After a few days, the cotton raised in her circulating flowerpot also matured and exploded the cotton buds. This is the second crop of cotton buds she has harvested. The cotton buds from the first crop are still very mutated. Compared with the cotton buds on the market, there is no change, and they are still as small as the head of a cotton swab.

When the second crop of cotton bloomed, it seemed to be a little bigger than the first crop. Mihe also picked a flower and took it out for record, and found that it was indeed a little bigger than the previous crop, but After the cotton buds exploded, Mi He found that he was still too naive, because the second crop of cotton buds was a circle larger than the first crop. This gap was like the difference between household cotton swabs and medicinal cotton swabs. Very poor.

Mi He carefully took off the cotton bud, tore one of the cotton buds, and observed the wire drawing, and found that the wire drawing seemed to be a little longer than the previous crop. , she can plant slowly, and eventually she will grow qualified cotton.

It’s just that she feels that the ability of this flower pot has gradually disappeared in the past two years. It seems that the fertility of the white lotus soil is not enough. Whether it is the wheat planted two years ago or the cotton planted now, their recovery state is not as good as when she planted peppers. , Hemp pepper, soybeans recovered well.

If only I could get another white lotus on Mount Everest, maybe I could restore the genes of more plants…

She thought about it, and suddenly thought of the five-colored rice she ate when she was a child. Between the lights and flints, she suddenly thought of one thing. She has a one in billion chance of having a baby, and the baby will develop healthily, is it because She has eaten a lot of food grown from white lotus soil?

Especially the five-color rice that she ate when she was a child. When she first planted it in a flowerpot, the seeds she used were obviously just rice seeds from Hannah’s restored genes, and Muchen, who planted rice at the same time as her, had his flowerpot. Only ordinary rice was grown in her, but five-color rice was grown in her flowerpot.

After the white lotus withered into the soil, the first plant she planted was rice, and she only planted five-color rice once! After that, the five-color rice never came out of the flowerpot.

Does that five-color rice have some kind of magical power? I remember when she was a child, after eating rice porridge cooked with five-color rice, she collapsed from diarrhea and went into the medical cabin.

But the next day she was fine, she was still alive and kicking, and she felt relaxed. In addition, after so many years, the plants planted in the flowerpot slowly returned to their original appearance. Did the five-color rice make her pregnant with a baby? Woolen cloth?

She was thinking about the white lotus and five-color rice when Freddy suddenly appeared beside her and said in her ear, “What are you thinking about?” At this time, Freddy also saw the cotton bud on Mi He’s hand. .

The seeds that Mihe planted these cottons were given to her by Freddy, so he recognized the cotton buds right away.

Freddy didn’t notice when the cotton was growing in the pot before, but when the cotton buds were picked and put in the box, he realized that the cotton buds in the box were a little bigger than those he had ever seen.

He picked up one and tore it open and looked at it, and found that the wire drawing had indeed grown longer, so he asked Mi He, “This is the newly developed cotton that has been restored by Professor Doro and his mother-in-law?”

Mi He was stunned by the question, how should she answer Freddy’s brother?

“Can you tell it’s genetically restored cotton?” she said.

“The filaments are longer than I’ve seen before, and the buds are bigger, so it’s clearly in the early stages of refinement,” Freddy said.

He twisted the torn cotton buds with his fingers and said, “If the genes of cotton can really be repaired, then it will be a great thing for the people of the empire.”

Mi He listened and licked her lips. She looked up at Freddy and said, “This is not the cotton that Duoduo and mom developed to repair genes.”

She said: “This is from my recycle pot…”

She said, “Brother Freddy, can you imagine that the soil in this pot seems to have the power to repair the genes of mutant plants.”

Freddy was taken aback and looked at Mi He.

Mi He started talking when he was a child, from picking white lotus flowers by chance, to planting five-color rice, and later planting peppers, hemp peppers, peppercorns, soybeans, wheat, and now cotton buds, she gave him a gift. Once spoken. There were even planting notes from her childhood, which she transferred from the terminal to show him.

Freddy was dubious at first, but when he saw Mi He’s tender handwriting and tone when he was a child, he carefully recorded the growth record of soybeans, a little change every day, and the crops such as peppers, hemp peppers, and peppercorns. I have indeed seen it here at Mihe, and I can often eat the dishes she makes with them.

For him, who is not proficient in cooking, he has never considered that the seasonings used by Mihe for cooking are actually ancient earth crops that have recovered their genes! !

Mi He said: “I suspect that I can successfully conceive a child because I often eat the crops grown in this flowerpot, especially the five-color rice that I ate first.”

☆、Chapter 145

After hearing what Mi He said, Freddy couldn’t believe it, but this kind of soybeans with their genes repaired was placed in the palm of his hand. During the crop class, the soybeans I saw were different.

He said: “I have seen soybeans. The beans are the size of a palm, and they are oblate. The plants are also very tall and need to be top-dressed with protein-based fertilizers.”

Mi He felt that Freddy’s brother was really euphemistic, where did the mutant soybeans use protein fertilizers for topdressing, they are simply meat-eating? Mi He also found out the video of Colonel Yang feeding earthworms to mutant soybeans and showed him.

Freddy saw the young Colonel Yang standing on the edge of the flowerpot in the video, holding a plate with earthworm segments in his hand. From the video, he could see that the earthworm segments were not completely dead yet, and were still on the plate. moving in and out.

The result was that such an earthworm segment was sucked in by the huge pods in the flowerpot, and the drool of those pods flowed onto the soil of the flowerpot…

Freddy looked at the soybeans in the palm of his hand again, and felt that the palm of his hand was much more pleasing to the eye.

Mihe found out the photos and videos of soybeans being repaired a little bit later. Freddy saw that Mihe was sorted by time. The plants in the photo were getting smaller a little bit. When he saw the last one, It has been two years, and the plant in the photo has become much smaller, and the resulting soybeans are as small as the palm of your hand.

In the following photos, there are records of Miho extracting Aspergillus oryzae in the laboratory and fermenting soybeans with Aspergillus oryzae to make soy sauce.

After watching from the beginning to the end, Freddy felt that if it wasn’t for Mi He’s detailed records, he couldn’t believe that the gene repair of a plant could be slowly repaired in such an easy way. When I started working on gene repair in rice, it took nearly ten years for hundreds of experiments.

Mi He said: “It’s a pity those five-color rice, that year, there was a small bowl of five-color rice. I cooked a pot of porridge, and my father and I each had a bowl, but after eating that bowl, I entered the medical cabin, I was afraid If you hurt Dad, you dump the rest of the bowl.”

Mi He said, “If you eat that bowl of five-color rice, or the crops grown in this pot, will it get better?”

Freddy’s heart also thumped, but he was more rational than Mihe, saying, “The soil in your flowerpot can repair the genes of plants, but it may not be suitable for humans.”

Mi He said, “Then let’s take the soil in the flowerpot for Duoduo and mother to analyze?”

Freddie nodded, “Yeah.”

Mi He took the flower pot to Doro’s laboratory, where he repeated what he had just said to Freddy, but it was easy to tell them about the past, because many things just happened. When it happened to them, they also remembered the research they were doing at the time.

You Qi saw the soybean and said, “I always thought it was Colonel Yang’s pet…” Even Hanna couldn’t help complaining when she saw the video of Colonel Yang humming and feeding mutant soybeans to eat meat. : “He is feeding the mutant soybean in the same way he raised rice grains since he was a child.”

At the end of the video, soybeans were repaired a little bit, and when they saw the small bag of soybeans that Mihe took out, Doro and Hannah were also stunned. They are all great scientists in the molecular biology field, but they are all shocked by this kind of thing.

Doro and Hannah looked at each other, then they grabbed a handful of these soybeans in their hands to observe, and Doro put a few beans in his mouth and bit them.

At this time, Colonel Yang, who came to see the baby in the training column every day, came. He happened to see the soybeans placed in the hands of several people and the video being played. In the video, he was feeding soybeans.

Colonel Yang also laughed and said: “Oh, I really miss the carnivorous flowers at that time,” and pointed to the small bag of soybeans, and said, “I didn’t expect that in the end those carnivorous flowers would mutate into these beans, and these Beans have also become a kind of food in the hands of millet.” He also praised Mihe: “I have been smart and well-behaved since I was a child!”

Mi He felt that his own father had to be very nervous to think that the soybeans that he finally produced were mutated?

At this time, Doro spoke, “I still remember that white lotus flower. I picked the one from Mount Everest with you, right? I remember that you kept it for a long time.”

Hannah said: “That kind of flower is the species that was found on Mount Everest after the fifth nuclear war. Because there is no name, I also named it ‘Stopping Flower’. If it is true that they can repair the function of genes, And then I’ve been brushed by such a huge scientific miracle.”

Doro said: “Earth, the origin planet of human beings, still has many mysterious species waiting for us to discover and study. This dormant flower is the only flower we have found that is not polluted by radiation, but we have not studied it ourselves. The reason for it is our negligence.”

Mi He said: “It’s not too late, the white lotus flower has withered in these soils. If we analyze these soils, we may find out why it has the function of repairing genes.”

Doro and Hannah looked at the soil in the flowerpot and the small box of cotton buds that Mi He brought over. Doro broke the cotton buds apart, twisted them apart, and looked at them carefully, saying, “Yes, these cotton buds are Lei has definitely changed.”

He said to Freddy, “Me and Hannah will now analyze the elements in the soil.”

Mi He and Freddy left the lab space to Doro and Hannah. After they came out, Freddy said to Mi He: “If Professor Doro and Professor Hannah confirm that those soybeans are genetically repaired If the crops can even be grown in ordinary soil, then that’s really good news for the Empire.”

Mi He’s mind is now full of expectations that Doro can find some subtle elements in the soil that can help Freddy repair his genes, but now she heard Freddy say this, and she felt in her heart: Although Freddy’s brother He didn’t say it, but he still put the empire first in his heart, and even his own affairs were put second by him.

She took his hand, he is such a person with a sense of responsibility, even at this time, the subconscious reaction is to consider what benefits the soybean repairing genes can bring to the empire, rather than the first consideration that can be obtained from soybeans get huge benefits.

Mi He’s heart suddenly felt sorry for him, how much pain did he feel when he stepped down from the crown prince? Suddenly, he thought of how sad he used to be sitting quietly in the deep sea. Maybe at that time, he had already considered that he would give up the crown prince in the future, so he was so sad, right?

Mi He took his hand, smiled happily at him, and said, “At that time, there will be many planets whose main source of income is to grow soybeans, and the people of the empire will be able to eat food made from soybeans!”

Freddy was also delighted, saying, “Yeah.”

The two of them quietly waited for Doro and Hannah to analyze the data. It was not until two days later that Doro and Hannah walked out of the room for the first time. Both of them looked haggard.

Doro first said: “After analysis, these soybeans are indeed genetically repaired, and there is absolutely no problem for humans to eat them directly. You can try to sow them in ordinary soil. As for the problem of large-scale planting, you don’t need to. I’ll think about it.” After speaking, he handed Freddy the remaining half bag of soybeans, “This should be what you need to think about.”

Then Hannah said: “After analyzing the soil in the flowerpot, we found that there are indeed some trace elements in these soils that ordinary soil does not have, and we also found that the content of some microbial extracellular enzymes is higher. Now Professor Doro and I have not yet been able to confirm which of the thousands of microbial species is good for your gene repair, and we can only draw conclusions through experiments.”

“But we both agree that maybe there is something in these soils that can help you, but both of our colleagues also think you shouldn’t get your hopes up, because even if there are some kind of microbes that can help you, they can You can’t be treated quickly, because you know that it will take more than two years for soybeans to be repaired, not to mention complex genes like humans.”

Freddy nodded and said, “It’s better to have hope than to just count the days and wait to die.”

“We’ll try our best,” Hannah said.

After that day, Hannah and Doro started to get busy again. Every time Mi He entered the laboratory, they saw these two people looking at the experimental equipment. The blue data on the projector on their terminal was always on. Flashing, Mi He saw a bunch of formulas flashing quickly in front of him, and he couldn’t see what it was.

Compared with Mi He’s anxious waiting for soil analysis, Freddy devoted his attention to the planting and promotion of soybeans. He has already handed over half a bag of soybeans to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Empire. Newsletter, the holograms of those people she had seen on the Star Network, and she usually saw very serious people in the news, and when she treated Freddy, she was very respectful.

But seeing these big figures in the news was not as shocking as Mi He saw the projection of His Majesty the Emperor in Freddy’s terminal. This was the first time Mi He saw Freddy communicate directly with the emperor.

His Majesty the Emperor looked a little older than what he saw on the Star Network, but he was still imposing. The first sentence he communicated with Freddy was: “What’s up with those soybeans? Where did you find it?”

At this time, Freddy pulled Mi He into the holographic range, and he pulled Mi He and said to the emperor, “Father, this is Mi He Yang, the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with, and she discovered these things. Soybean wants to contribute to the empire.”

Mi He was suddenly watched by His Majesty the Emperor of the Empire, and even felt that even in the hologram, he could still feel His Majesty’s powerful coercion, and his gaze even seemed to put pressure on Mi He.

She recalled some of the etiquette she had learned before, and bowed to the emperor, “Hello, Your Majesty.”

She could almost feel His Majesty’s scrutiny. After a few seconds, the emperor said to her, “Hello, Mi He Yang.”

Freddy said, “You can call her Miho.”

Mi He also raised his head, but saw His Majesty the Emperor in the hologram was holding a holographic projector in his hand. I saw his finger swipe on it a few times, and after a few glances, he again He handed the projection screen to the person beside him, and said, “So you’ve always lived on Earth?”

It was only then that Mi He realized that in such a short time after she reported her name, her biographical information had been presented to the emperor.

But she didn’t have time to think about other things. She felt that although she was an ordinary human being, she didn’t feel ashamed, so she nodded calmly and said, “My father is a garrison soldier on Earth, so I have been living with him on Earth. at the base.”

The emperor also commented: “Officers like Colonel Yang are representatives of the empire’s outstanding ordinary human officers.”

Mi He also said, “Father would be moved to tears if he heard your compliment to him.”

The emperor listened, and smiled. He probably thought that an ordinary person like Mi He was very calm. At this critical moment, Mi He was still generous. She knew her identity, and at the same time, she had her own measure, so she could be neither humble nor arrogant. standing before the emperor.

The emperor said again: “So those soybeans were found on earth?”

Mi He nodded, thinking that since Brother Freddy said so, she would just follow suit.

Freddy said at this time: “After the soybeans were analyzed by Professor Doro and Professor Lin Lai, they agreed that they can be sown on a large scale in ordinary soil.”

His Majesty’s thin fingers tapped on the armrest of the chair leaning against him, as if in deep thought, before saying, “I see.”

After that, His Majesty the Emperor did not mention this matter. Instead, he asked how Mi He met Freddy. Mi He felt that the Emperor might have already known about these things through investigation just now, but she still explained it patiently. She and Freddie met, telling how they first met while watching Uncle Collins and Hannah go on a blind date.

After hearing this, the emperor said, “Well, Collins…” and praised Hannah as “a very promising young molecular biology scientist. She had a lot of ideas when she was a Ph.D. I was very impressed with her. .”

Mi He felt that although His Majesty the Emperor looked very serious, he still treated the common people kindly. It was different from the ancient emperors who beheaded people at every turn. Even if they were both emperors, the emperors with the 300-year-old star calendar were even more so. Respecting life, Mi He thinks this may be the huge change brought about by technological and social progress on people’s hearts.

Later, the emperor also asked about Mi He’s life on earth. When it came to life on earth, Mi He was very good at it. He slowly opened up a conversation with the emperor, and took the initiative to talk about the scenery and interesting things on earth. The mutant animals and plants, etc., were told vividly and vividly, and the emperor listened with great interest.

In fact, how did Mi He know that the emperor didn’t care much about what she said. He was observing Mi He’s demeanor and her words and deeds. When Mi He smiled and talked about the wonderful scenery of the earth, the smile on his face The appearance of being chased away allowed the emperor to roughly judge her character.

So in the end, he said to Mi He slightly softly: “So… it seems that the earth is still a very promising place, after all, it is our birthplace.” He added: “It seems that I have to send more Many scientific research groups go to Earth to conduct genetic research.”

He said to Mi He, “What reward do you want for giving these soybeans to the empire?”

Mi He said, “I don’t want any reward.” After thinking about it, he said, “But I want to ask for a reward for Brother Freddy.”

The emperor said; “Oh? What do you want?”

Mi He said, “Next time, when you see brother Freddy, please give him a hug?”

Hearing this, the emperor smiled slightly. Although this smile was very light, but from the heart, he glanced at Freddy and said, “You chose an interesting little girl.” Then he said to Mi He; “This is Is that your only request?”

Mi He nodded, “Is that okay?”

The emperor said, “Yes.”

Mi He also said thank you.

The emperor said, “Aren’t you asking for something from yourself?”

Mi He shook his head: “I don’t think I lack anything, my family, friends and brother Freddy are all by my side. My biggest worry is that my academic performance is not very good, but my biggest hope now is to hope that Freddy Brother can be cured.”

When the emperor heard Mi He’s words, he was probably teasing her, more of a temptation, “If he heals his body, will he still stay by your side?”

Mi He said: “I have considered this issue. I used to be afraid that the gap between our identities would be too great and he would leave me, but now I feel that rather than losing him, I hope he can live in this healthy life. In the world, even if he’s not with me.”

Seeing her serious appearance, the emperor was once again amused by her, and said to Freddy, “It’s an interesting little girl.”

And said to Freddy, “When will you come back to Mars?”

Freddy said: “I want to walk around the universe with her, see the wonderful scenery of the Empire, and at the end of my life, I hope to be happy and enjoy.”

The emperor listened and was silent for a while before saying, “I didn’t expect that at my age, I would hear words like ‘the end of life’ from my eldest son.”

He said, “Okay, as you wish.” And just like that, the hologram ended.

☆、Chapter 146

Mi He didn’t ask Brother Freddy why he didn’t mention the child in the hologram, because she didn’t mention it very tacitly.

Freddie didn’t ask her why she asked for a hug for him.

Later, Doro and Hannah also submitted a report on the genes of these soybeans to the Empire, and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Empire began to start trial planting of these soybeans, but these things are not what Mihe cares about.

After waiting for more than a month, Doro and Hannah’s further analysis report on the white lotus soil came out, bringing good news and bad news, Doro said: “The good news is that there is a kind of DNA photolysis in the soil. Enzymes can promote the repair of the gene chain, which plays a role in repairing genes, which is really helpful for Freddy.”

“But the bad news is that the repair process of this enzyme in humans is very slow, and it probably only gives Freddy a year or two longer than Freddy has three or four years left to live. It’s just time.”

Mi He was disappointed when he heard it, but he didn’t want to show it, and wanted to keep a smile on his face. Freddy has already put her in his arms and said, “We can spend another year or two together again, and we can spend more time with you and the children.”

When Mi He heard this, he couldn’t help secretly weeping in Freddy’s arms, and his voice still happily said “um”.

After another month, the child is nine months old and will be born soon.

All data show that this is a very healthy baby, and he is very smart, in Anitan’s words: “He began to learn from the womb, and after he was born, he would know at least ten languages, five martial arts, dozens of With a song and more than 100 papers, he has been on the starting line since his mother’s womb, which is really unusual.”

But Mi He thinks that what really works for the baby is probably the singing of Yangyin and Kaling bird, because Doro said that their singing can have a benign stimulating effect on the baby’s brain. When the two songs sounded, the baby’s brain was in a state of excitement, and his various reaction speeds were much higher than other babies.

Although Mi He was very happy to hear these data and so on, she only really cared about one thing in her heart, and that was to hope that the baby would be healthy. This was her biggest prayer.

Just half a month before the baby was born, Mi He suddenly received a special nomination for her from the Alex Science Award. She was very surprised. The award she was nominated for was: Non-Scientific Discovery Award, in recognition of her discovery of soybeans. And donated the rewards to the empire for free, and the person who gave her the award turned out to be Doro.

If the presenter was not Doro, Mi He would even consider rejecting the award, but since it was Doro, and it was still an award held on Planet Alix, there was no need for her to reject it. She and Doro could set off in the morning and be able to do it in the evening. return.

Mi He went to the culture column to play with the baby for a while before leaving that morning. The nine-month-old baby is already very big. Even the lanugo seems to be more plump when he is well nourished, and his dark green eyes are completely open. , Sometimes when he opened his eyes and looked over, even though he knew that he couldn’t actually see her outside the transparent culture column, she couldn’t help but call his name.

At this moment, the baby would come to the source of the sound, and sometimes he would blink his eyes in confusion, as if thinking about who the voice belonged to. Once Mi He sang to him, that time the baby turned out He laughed in the amniotic fluid, and that happy smile made Mi He and the others’ hearts melt.

“It might really be a blood connection,” Hannah said.

Mi He also asked her, “Is it like this when I was a kid?”

Hannah said, “You didn’t do this when you were young. You were not as smart as your son in your mother’s womb. At that time, you often slept and seldom dealt with external stimuli.” Mi He felt that it was fortunate that the object of comparison was his own son. stupid…

After routinely teasing his son in the morning, seeing the growing baby, Mi He is looking forward to his birth more and more.

Mi He feels that her life is getting better and better. There is a one in billion chance that she will get pregnant, and the healthy and smart baby is about to be born. At the same time, brother Freddy will also be extended by one or two. years of life. It’s not perfect, but it’s getting better, isn’t it?

The Alex Science Prize was not open to other races hundreds of years ago. Later, after the planet of Alex was occupied by humans, the humans of Alex slowly merged with humans. It was not until a hundred years ago that some awards were awarded to the outside world. Open to other races.

Although it is said to be open to other races, this is like the Imperial Science Award ceremony that Mi He attended with Doro in Mars when he was a child. This kind of high-level science award, most of the people who came to participate and received the award. They are all Alix people, because they are the top talents in various fields.

But there were still a lot more humans at the scene, and many of them followed their teacher Alix to the scene, so Mi He and Doro were not too conspicuous.

Not enough for this award, Doro met many old acquaintances again, and Mi He didn’t know these Alix people, because in her eyes, except for Doro, other Alix people looked the same.

Those Doro’s friends all looked at Mi He behind him without exception, and someone said, “I heard that you have been mixing with humans all these years, but I didn’t expect it to be true.”

Later, there appeared an Alish man with a two-way moustache. Mi He was very impressed by him, because she remembered his two-way mustache, and there was a missing piece of the hematite pattern on the top of his head, like He was injured when he was a child, so Mi He remembered him according to his characteristics.

This moustache is quite annoying. Back then, he mocked Doro as being depraved when he was with humans. Now he appears in front of Doro again and even starts to show off that he has a son! Because he pushed his son in front of Doro, and said with condescension, “Yo, Pytha McCann, I haven’t introduced you yet? This is my son, and he’s going to take my mantle.”

Mi He doesn’t think the legendary Alix people are the first intelligent race in the universe? Why are you still showing off whether you have a son…

But Mihe also understands that the Alix people like to show off their offspring, because the Alix people are famous for their low birth rate. In their long 200 years of life, they are fertile for almost a hundred years. However, Even so, it’s good for an Alix to have a child, and there are quite a few Alix who don’t have children.

The Alish guy said hello to Doro. Doro has always been friendly towards young people. The mustache also pretended to have a good relationship with Doro in front of his son, waiting for his son to go to other young Aleks. After getting together, the mustache smiled and began to mock Doro: “When you broke the pattern on my head when you were a child, did you ever think that one day you would die alone, and no one would inherit your ideas and your academics? Papers, even if you die in your room, are there chances that the housework robot will mistake it for garbage and dispose of it?”

Mi He was very angry when he heard this, and wanted to go forward to reason with him, but Doro understood Mi He’s temper and had already pulled her back. He said to the mustache, “We Alix people have always had a very low birth rate. I didn’t really care about having kids for a long time.”

Moustache sneered, “Every Elysian still hopes to have a child in his heart, not those human students, Bida McCann, you won’t still be naive enough to think that those humans who call you teachers will truly respect you Are you?”

When Mi He heard this, he couldn’t bear it any longer, and said, “I not only truly respect Doro, but I also regard him as my relative. Whether he wants it or not, I will honor him. I hope I can always live by his side, be there for him when he needs me, make him happy when he is sad, and treat him in time when he is weak.”

After hearing her say these words, Doro looked up at Mi He, his black eyes were a little wet, and the mustache was moved for a moment when he saw Mi He said these words excitedly, but then said: ” Humans are unbelievable, have you forgotten? Pytha McCann, how did we get deceived by humans, and how did Elder Kenda die of depression? Why do we Alysians still not eat humans for hundreds of years? Food? Do you still believe what humans say?”

Doro sighed slightly when he heard Moustache’s words, and said, “Elder Kenda, because he signed an armistice agreement with Mars the Great, accepts human activities on the planet Alix, and he thinks he is an Alix. The sinner, but we should know that even if it is not Elder Kenda, someone else will sign it. After all, we Alix people cannot stop the pace of human beings. It is better to take a step back and achieve peace than to shed blood. is wrong.”

“The affairs of our Alix people have nothing to do with Mihe. How many humans and Alix people live together in the current first oasis? The boundary between the inner city and the outer city is not so clear. How many Alix people live together? Would people like to live in the outer city with human beings?”

He said to the mustache again: “Mi He is the child I raised with my own hands. No matter whether she is still by my side in the future, for me, I just like her and hope she is happy, that’s enough.”

When Mi He heard this, tears had already flowed out, and he squatted on the ground and hugged Doro. His heart was moved beyond words.

Moustache watched as a huge human like Mi He was crying with Doro in his arms. He sighed and said, “You are still bewitched by human rhetoric…” Then he shook his head and walked away. .

Doro patted Mi He’s head and said to her: “

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