The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

chapter 61 - Happy birthday. (19)

Okay, don’t cry, I’ll have to accept the award in a while. “Mi He wiped his tears and nodded.

When the host announced that the winner was Mi He and asked her to come to the stage to accept the award, Mi He stood on the stage, bent over and took the medal made of Chiconite from Doro’s hand, and then held the medal to the other side. Everyone in the audience said: “My name is Mi He Yang, I’m just an ordinary human being, that kind of ordinary human being with a low IQ and not too pretty, but a human like me is not disliked by Professor Bida McCann. , he has been encouraging me, and he has been educating me that all races are equal, whether it is Alix or human, they are all sincere.”

“Professor Bida McCann has always been important to my parents. From childhood to adulthood, he was like my parents and grandpa. I never thought that one day I would leave him. I hope I can always By his side, even if he is old, even if his thinking is no longer quick, at that time I hope to honor him like his children.”

When Doro heard Mi He’s words on the stage, he was very moved. The human species is so complicated. He couldn’t understand it, but he was very sure that no matter what kind of species Mi was, she was just her, it was him. Hand-raised children.

Mi He’s words made the following Alix and humans applaud. She doesn’t care what these people think, whether they laugh at Doro or whatever, but she loves it a lot!

After Mi He stepped down from the stage, he said to Doluo, “Duoduo, we ignore those people!”

Doro wanted to say: He didn’t care at first, the person who really cared was whether she was okay…

But seeing Mi He’s nervous look, he said, “Okay.”

When Mi He came home in the evening, she told Freddy what happened during the day. Later, she said to Freddy, “Brother Freddy, I have something to discuss with you first.”

Freddy: “Huh?”

Mi He said: “I want the child’s name to be taken by Duoduo, and I want to give it the surname of Duoduo, is that okay?”

She said: “Duoduo is my most important relative. I don’t care if he is an Alys or a human, but I don’t like him being laughed at because of this incident.” She looked at him expectantly, “Okay. ?”

Freddy agreed to Mi He’s request, “Okay.”

Half a month later, the child was finally born amid the expectations of everyone.

When Mi He held the child in her arms, she put Doro’s hand on the baby’s hand, and she said to him, “I hope you can name my child, okay?”

Doro was stunned for a moment. He looked at Colonel Yang and Hannah who were smiling and looked at him. He said, “You two…”

Colonel Yang said, “We also think it’s better for your child’s name to be chosen by his grandfather Doro.”

Hannah nodded, “The teacher has also looked up the dictionary for a long time, and I have seen it all.”

Freddy said: “This is also my decision and Mihe.”

Doro listened, he looked at the child in Mi He’s arms, he was so beautiful, his blond hair was wet against his scalp, but his dark green eyes were innocent and innocent, as if carrying countless hopes. He called out the name that he had held on his lips for a long time, “Finn. His name is Finn, which means hope in the Alexa language.”

Mi He said: “The child’s full name is Finn Bieder Macken von Otto.”

☆、Chapter 147

After Finn was born, it changed in almost three days. After a few days, it seemed to grow, becoming white and tender, and the golden hair was soft and thin like the down of a young lion.

He looks very much like Freddie, but when he smiles, the two small dimples on his lips look very much like Mi He, especially the sweetness of his smile, which makes Colonel Yang even I want to hold him while sleeping, and I don’t want to let go all day.

In fact, the babysitter robots prepared for Finn didn’t even have much chance to intervene, because Finn’s elders liked him so much that they were almost rushing to take care of him, and Finn was a particularly easy to laugh at. When he smiled, his bald gums were exposed, two small dimples appeared on his lips, and when his big green eyes crooked when he smiled, the elders could not wait to give him their hearts.

Taozi also said: “Looking at his appearance, Xiaomi and Teacher Collins will definitely be troubled in the future because there are too many suitors for their children, and they are both female and male.”

“When I saw Finn, I thought it would be nice to have a baby,” Anitan said.

Yang Yin glanced at Anitan, smiled, approached her, and said, “Yeah, I like the little baby very much too.”

Of course, everyone knows that Yangyin likes babies. When Finn was still in the training column, he could sing to Finn every day, not to mention that after Finn was born, he also wrote a few songs for babies, and even It is also included in his new album. Although he claims to be listening to infants and young children in the whole universe, his fans are speculating whether he has children, otherwise how can he release songs such as lullabies and sleep songs. Woolen cloth?

Now Freddy can pick up Finn proficiently. In fact, before the baby was born, His Royal Highness, who had always been serious and reserved, also secretly learned to hold the child with the robot. Mi He also saw Freddy follow the robot to pick up the child seriously. She covered her mouth and smiled secretly as she practiced with a pillow, but she was also very happy because she also felt that Freddy was preparing for being a father.

So when the child was born, after Doro named the child, Mi He put the child in Freddy’s arms, and she said to him; “I saw you practice secretly, this is our child Well, Brother Freddy.”

Freddy carefully hugged Finn in his arms. He looked down at Finn. Finn’s dark green eyes that were exactly like him looked at him. Freddy felt that the pair of eyes he didn’t like before were growing. Finn’s face suddenly became the best in the world. When he saw his own reflection in Finn’s big pure eyes, his eyes were even wet.

This is his child, the crystallization of him and Xiaomi.

He wanted to put Mi He and the baby in his arms, but he was not skilled in holding the baby, so he had to hold the baby carefully, his posture was still a little stiff.

Although it was impossible to hold the two most important people in the world in his arms, Finn was in his arms and Mi He was by his side. At that moment, Freddy felt that the throne was not important. It’s his whole world.

At that moment, Freddy even felt that God of Truth arranged for him to have such a huge flaw, but it also gave him such happiness and compensation for him. If he didn’t have such a problem, he would always be the prince above and even the future emperor of the empire, which might make him and Xiaomi miss it, and there would be no Finn, and he wouldn’t experience this kind of strong feeling. emotion.

So now everything is the best.

Colonel Yang, who was waiting next to him, couldn’t wait. After Freddy hugged him for a while, he carefully held the baby in his arms. He was more skilled in holding the baby than everyone else. He also said: “Mr. I hugged her like this when He was a child.” But the way he hugged the child hasn’t changed in 20 years, still like a blind bear holding a corn, his arms still can’t bend, making everyone laugh.

Freddy turned around and hugged Mi He next to him. He whispered to her, “Thank you, meeting you is the greatest gift to me.”

When Mi He heard this, his eyes became moist. He buried himself in Freddy’s arms and said, “It is my greatest luck to meet you.”

The baby’s parents were so moved that they hugged each other, and the baby’s uncles, aunts, grandpas, and grandpas lined up beside him to hold him.

Mi He didn’t know that in the future, if she and Freddy wanted to hold the baby, they would have to line up…

Even their kaling bird likes Finn very much. Sometimes Colonel Yang puts him next to Finn and doesn’t let him touch Finn, but when Colonel Yang is not paying attention, it stretches out its wings and carefully picks up the soft tips of its wings. The feather touched Finn, and Finn laughed, presumably feeling itchy.

Kaling bird stood next to Finn, with a round body like a ball, it tilted its head, maybe thinking about what this little thing lying on the bed was, why did it laugh when it touched it? It made a suspicious “coocoocoo” sound.

Colonel Yang later told it righteously: “Jia Jia, this is your brother! Come on, shout to grandpa, brother!!”

Miho:  …

It left her speechless.

Although the Kaling bird can sing, it can’t speak. It actually has the intelligence of a two- or three-year-old child, so it knows that the white and tender little thing in front of him came out of that pillar. It turns out that he is always moving in the pillar. It came and went, and it even sang to him.

So the Kaling stood by Finn’s bed and began to sing to him.

When the Kaling bird sang, Finn’s big eyes turned and his little body began to move. He probably wanted to find the source of the sound, but he couldn’t see anything yet. After hearing the song, his whole body was in The bed was twisting, and the small arms were also moving in the air, and the calves were kicking around, looking very happy.

Colonel Yang saw that this person and bird interacted so well, so he regretfully said to Mi He; “It would be great if Jia Jia was a human, so that Finn really has a brother, or you can give Finn more A younger brother or a younger sister?” After having one child, he began to urge the second child, so whether it was 500 years ago or now, parents have the same characteristics, right…

However, after Yang Yin knew about Colonel Yang’s regret, he actually composed a song for Jialing Bird, called “The Song of the Younger Brother”, because there are many repeated “younger brother” in this song, and the lyrics are particularly straightforward. Bai, mainly to teach Kaling bird to call “little brother” in the form of singing.

As a result, the Jialing bird actually learned it. When Finn was about a month old, the Jialing bird stood beside Finn’s bed and sang: “The younger brother is white and white, the younger brother is Xiangxiangxiangxiang, and the younger brother is like a little boy. Bugs…” Such bizarre lyrics made Mi He really speechless to the baby’s uncle Yangyin. Later, when he found out that Anitan wrote the lyrics, Mi He remembered Anitan’s “Real Man”. She can also understand why the lyrics of this “Brother’s Song” are so strange.

However, the repeated “younger brother” actually made Finn respond to the Kaling bird.

When the Kaling bird stretched its wings to touch Finn again, it was caught by Finn’s feathers, and then the Kaling bird stared at Finn at a loss. Mi He and Colonel Yang, round black eyes flattened, to the effect: “It’s over, I was caught, what should I do?”

Mi He and Colonel Yang looked at the two of them, and they laughed so hard. Later, the Jialing bird made a move that surprised everyone. It bent down and gently rubbed Finn’s face with its red beak. , and then sang the song of the younger brother, Finn giggled.

Later, the Kaling bird often used its wings and beak to touch Finn. It was very measured, and Colonel Yang specially put a cover on its claws to prevent its claws from accidentally hurting Finn. But in fact, the Kaling bird treats Finn very carefully. It likes him very much. It likes Finn as much as he liked his beautiful boxes. Later, even when sleeping, it would spread its wings to protect Finn under the wings. like guarding its treasure.

Whenever Mi He saw Finn and Jialing bird sleeping together, Mi He felt that maybe there were angels in the world.

The Kaling bird gradually got used to Finn and became Finn’s best friend. Even if Finn’s saliva made its beautiful feathers stick to a mess, it could still endure Finn’s ravages.

Even Freddy couldn’t help pinching Kaling Bird’s face sometimes and said, “Sometimes I feel like I have two children.”

Ever since Xiaolu found out that Finn was born, he couldn’t take it anymore, and when he hologramed Freddy, he said, “If you don’t transfer me back, I won’t do this broken lieutenant colonel! I’m going to put this The stalls are all thrown down, and people are leaving!!”

Later, Freddy also learned about the situation of Canpas Planet and found that due to the advancement of anti-poaching technology, the number of poached Papanilla jellyfish had dropped a lot, so Freddy agreed to Xiaolu’s request, Turned him back to the southwest front. Between the turns, Xiaolu could rest for a while, and he just carried his luggage and watched Finn come.

Since Finn was born, Doro’s house has become more lively, which makes Alix, who likes quietness by nature, very depressed, but thinking that if Xiaomi and Finn go to live in Freddy’s house, he will He was very unhappy, and later he simply closed the laboratory and his room. Except for experiments and sleeping, he liked to see Xiaomi and the soft Finn.

To this Finn who inherited his surname, Doro’s heart is soft. In fact, at his age, he no longer cares about children’s filial piety, but he is still moved by Mi He’s thought, whether it is Humans are still Alix people, and the feelings of being remembered in their hearts are the same, as are the warmth and emotion.

When Doro sometimes touches Finn, Finn will grab Doro’s little banana hand, and will touch Doro’s fingers one by one, he will be puzzled to find that the hand in his hand is different from others. If it is different, Finn will repeatedly touch Doro’s hand. With a very serious appearance, Colonel Yang said in surprise: “Is he counting?”

Doro felt Finn’s soft little hands, felt his tender life, looked at his innocent big eyes, thought of their surname, Pytha McCann…

Since the last name is Bida McCann, what’s wrong with being so smart? He’s no different than any other Alix kid!

After a period of time, Mi He found that Doro began to leave early and return late, and he often used holographic communication with people. Sometimes Mi He could hear Doro’s irritable voice through the door of the room, as if he was arguing with someone.

Then one day, Doro went out with two pieces of Chi-Jin ore, and when he came back at night, he announced to everyone: “Finn’s ‘baptism ceremony’ will be held in two days, and you are ready to prepare.”

☆、Chapter 148

The ‘baptism ceremony’ of the Alix people is a very sacred ceremony that every new-born Alix child will accept. During this ceremony, several elders of the clan will give the children a pattern of chi-concentrate. The unique pattern on the top represents the blessing of the God of Truth. This ritual is very important in the eyes of the Alys.

However, this ceremony is a traditional custom of the Alix people, and I have never heard of any human beings participating.

Others don’t understand it, but Mi He heard it from Doro, so she asked, “Finn is a human, can he participate?”

Doro said, “Finn’s surname is Bida McCann, and he is half Alix. Since he is an Alys, he has to be baptized.” I’ll get a tattoo on Finn from time to time, it won’t hurt, and I won’t worry about it.”

When Mi He heard Doro say this, she didn’t think much about it, and asked, “Then do we need to prepare some more Chiconite?”

Doro said: “Well, a lot of chiconite powder is needed for baptism, and it needs to be prepared in advance.”

Freddy said: “I will prepare.” He said to Doro again: “For the past two weeks, you are fighting with the elders of the Alix people for this matter?”

Doro said: “You humans are the best at exchange, and we Alys have obviously learned the rules of the game from you humans.” He didn’t say more. Just say to Freddy, “Don’t worry about it, Finn’s baptism is only good for Finn, not bad.”

“I know, it’s a ceremony that only the Alys can do,” Freddy said.

In other words, participating in this ceremony will be recognized by the Alix people.

Finn would be the first human to be recognized by the Alys.

This means that all the Alix people will accept him, which means that in the future, he will be treated the same way that the Alix people treat their fellows in any high-level scientific field. The question of not giving everything.

Apparently Hannah also reacted to what this baptism meant to Finn, she murmured: “The human child blessed by the Alys, my God, this means that with Finn’s IQ as high as 180, in the future he When he grows up, in any field of science, as long as he wants, he can get the help of the Alix people and become the top talent!”

Hearing Hannah say this, Colonel Yang and Linda knew what a precious birth gift Doro gave to Finn.

Mi He hugged Finn, who was looking around with his wide eyes and small neck stretched, and put his kiss on his forehead, and said softly, “Your grandpa Doro gave you a big gift.”

The ignorant Finn didn’t know how special his birth was. Not long after he was in Mi He’s warm arms, he fell asleep.

Xiaolu quickly came to the Alexa Planet with a simple luggage. He was so busy that he consciously went to the flushing bathroom to disinfect first, changed himself into a soft home clothes, and then went to see Finn. .

Finn was playing with the Kaling bird, and his saliva stuck to the Kaling bird’s feathers again, but the Kaling bird still resisted letting him play, and liked to touch his little face with the feathers on the top of his wings, Made Finn giggle.

As soon as Xiaolu entered the room, he heard Finn’s laughter. He said, “His cheerful personality is quite like Sister Xiaomi.” Then he said to Freddy, “You didn’t like to laugh when you were young.”

Freddy said of him: “You’re younger than me and it’s impossible to remember my childhood.”

Xiaolu hummed twice, and all his attention was attracted by Finn. He felt that he saw the cutest little angel in the universe, with thin and soft blond hair, green eyes full of life, and he also had a pair of sweet The small dimples, the way he smiles makes his heart soften to water.

He carefully reached out to touch Finn’s small hand, Finn was used to adults touching him often, so he grabbed Xiaolu’s hand.

However, for Xiaolu, just being caught by Finn’s hand, he was extremely excited. He looked at Mi He and Freddy, and asked softly, “Can I hug him?”

Freddy nodded and came forward to instruct Xiaolu how to hold the child.

When Finn’s fragrant and soft body leaned against Xiaolu’s arms, Xiaolu’s eyes were wet, and he said, “He is really a smart and healthy Otto…”

When Xiaolu knew that Finn had an excellent directional human gene with an IQ of 180, Xiaolu said to Mi He: “Sister Xiaomi, your son has a higher IQ than you since the embryo, how do you feel?”

Mi He said, “This is my son. His IQ is higher than mine, and I’m happy too.”

Xiaolu laughed, maybe his laughter shook Finn, Finn took his little hand and patted Xiaolu’s face, and then Xiaolu supported his small body and let him lie in his arms, and his face appeared in Finn’s vision.

When Finn saw his face, he liked to reach for his face with his small hand, and his face was drooling with laughter, Xiaolu touched his face and said to him: “This kid still likes to look good. !”

Later, Xiaolu hugged Finn for a long time, until the babysitter robot came up to feed Finn, he reluctantly let go of his hand, but his eyes did not leave Finn.

After Finn was fed, he fell asleep again.

Xiaolu looked at Finn who was sleeping and stood by his bed. He said softly, “My little prince, when we meet for the first time, I’m Luji Collins.”

Freddy patted him behind him and said, “He’s not going to be Otto’s prince, he’s just an ordinary orientee, have you forgotten?”

Xiaolu said, “Do you really think you can hide it?”

Freddy said: “My father would have chosen like me.”

Xiaolu said; “Before His Majesty the Emperor did not see Finn, he would choose like you, and even respect your choice because it was your last wish, but after he saw such a smart and healthy Finn, he Can you let him go out?”

Freddy said: “I will protect them. I have another five or six years to live now, which is long enough for me to deploy everything for them both.”

Xiaolu said: “And me, I will protect them too.”

Freddy said to him, “Thank you.”

Xiaolu said: “Don’t say thank you, from the day I swore my allegiance to you, you will always be the object of my follow.”

Freddy said, “Follow me and make you feel wronged, if you had chosen Dick…”

Xiaolu said, “Don’t say such things to me.”

Freddy patted Xiaolu on the shoulder again, who kept looking at Finn.

In the evening, Xiaolu got up after a rest and learned from Freddy that he was going to participate in Finn’s baptism as an Alexis in a week. He was very surprised. He had received an elite education with Freddy since he was a child, and of course he knew about Alex. What does it mean for people to be baptized, he said in surprise: “My God, baptized human beings…”

He said to Freddy again, “You must hide them…”

For the royal family, a little prince who has been blessed by the Alys and should be the second heir, what does this mean? It means that before he becomes king, he already has the support of the most intelligent race in the universe, the Alys!

As for the peace-loving and mild-mannered race of the Alix people, even if they have no reactionary tendencies, they are the top talents in various high-precision fields. Finn is born with the support of the Alix people in various fields!

He murmured again: “I really want to know, if those old guys in Mars knew the news, how would they look?”

Since Doro announced that he would take Finn to be baptized, he began to leave early and return late. Mi He asked him worriedly: “Is it too embarrassing for those great elders to let Finn be baptized? If so, Finn would not It’s okay to be baptized, don’t be embarrassed.”

The reason why Mi He felt that this was embarrassing for the elders was because the Alix people were somewhat xenophobic. They were very united towards the same clan and cherished every Alix. Because of this, Doro would encounter a lot of resistance when he wanted to take Finn, who is a human, to participate in the baptism of the Alys.

She said, “You wouldn’t agree to some power deal or something?”

Doro rolled her eyes: “What do you think? We Alysians are not as cunning as you humans!”

Mi He said, “Then I see that you carry Chi-Concentrate with you every day when you go out, so I thought you were going to give gifts?”

“It was for Finn’s baptism,” Doro said. “I can’t carry that much at once, so I bring two dollars a day.”

Doro told her again: “Two days later, we will be baptized in the first oasis, you all prepare, then Finn’s parents can watch the ceremony.”

Mi He was very surprised, because this meant that, as humans, they could enter the inner city of the first oasis, which is said to be the inner city that only the Alix people can enter.

The baptism day was coming soon, and the whole family was ready early. Colonel Yang even wore red clothes, which he bought urgently after he heard that he was going to enter the inner city of the Alixites. His words were: “I wear red clothes. If I do, the Alys might be a little more pleasing to the eye.”

Taozi and the others even thought that he had a very reasonable idea, and bought a red dress together, so Mi He followed in shame, and even Freddy and Hannah were forced to wear red shirts and red skirts .

When Doro came out and saw that this group of people were all wearing red clothes, they were also speechless. However, he saw that the lovely Sun Finn was also wearing a little red dress, which looked even more snow-white and cute. He also teased him with his little banana hand and said, “Finn is so cute, and he deserves the highest praise from the Alix people. Blessed.” He added, “We, the members of the Pytha McCann family, will be baptized in all generations.”

When the group arrived at the first oasis, they were still very eye-catching, especially when they were standing at the gate of the inner city. The gate of the inner city was guarded by two robot security guards. They would stop them when they saw humans, but Doro He took out a note and handed it to the robot. After the robot scanned it, it even allowed them to pass.

This surprised those who followed them that a group of humans were allowed to enter the inner city! !

The inner city is similar to what Mi He once thought. There are all the small houses of the Alix people, one by one, and they are upside down like big steamed buns, and they are not too high. Humans want to visit the Alix people’s house, I am afraid only Squeeze your body to enter the small door. There are red plants around the house, and the small houses of the Alix people are surrounded by pieces. The whole inner city looks like a fairy tale world.

Colonel Yang and Anitan also came to the inner city for the first time. They stood among a group of low Alix buildings, as if they had entered the dwarf country by mistake. Everything was very fresh, but they also They resisted and didn’t look around, because they didn’t want to let the Alix people say that human beings have no quality because of their performance. At this time, their performance can easily be represented by all mankind.

For their arrival, the Alix people also pointed at them, and some people even recognized Doro and called him: “Bida McCann, what are you doing? You even brought humans into the inner city!!”

And the mustache who mocked Doro’s childless a few days ago, he said in surprise: “How did I hear that you asked the elders to baptize a human baby? This is fake news, right?”

Doro pointed to Finn in Mihe’s arms and said, “It’s true, I’m going to baptize this human baby today.”

The mustache said; “You are crazy! That’s human!!”

Doro said, “I’m not crazy, and the elder also agreed to baptize him.”

Moustache couldn’t believe it: “My God!!”

“I haven’t officially introduced it yet,” Doro said. “This is my grandson Finn, who will be a member of my Bidda McCann family from now on.”

This made the mustache angry, and he called Doro directly: “Nonsense!! My brain is confused!!”

Although all the Alicans couldn’t believe it, the news of a human baby being baptized quickly spread in the inner city, and many Alicans followed them, wanting to join in the fun in the auditorium.

The hall where the Alixites were baptized was called the Hall of the Sages. It was not only the place where babies were baptized, but also the place where the sages of the Alixites of all dynasties were buried. Their ashes were sealed in statues and placed in the Hall of Sages for future generations to pay their respects.

The appearance of the Hall of the Sages is very unique. It is not semi-circular like the ordinary houses of Alex. It seems to be connected by the cross-section of books, as if it represents the endless sea of ​​books and knowledge. The building is very tall. , its roof can even be seen in the outer city.

Therefore, Mi He and the others can directly enter the Hall of the Sages without bending over. The interior of the auditorium is also very simple. When they enter the door, they can see a few large characters written in Alex language on the wall in front of the auditorium: “Be loyal to science.”

Around the auditorium are statues of the Allies, and below each statue is an introduction to the life of this man, especially his great contribution to science.

Mi He saw that there was a statue placed at the entrance: “Simon Doro” Mi He knew this person, he was the great elder of the Alix people, and they were placed in the auditorium of the Star Alliance Congress. The statue of Mars the Great and the Alys signing the peace agreement. The Alys who signed the peace agreement was the elder Kenda. However, Mi He heard that after signing the agreement, the elder Kanda became depressed. end.

In this circle of Alix people who have made great contributions to science, the achievements written under the statues of each person are astounding. They are all masters of various disciplines. Many people’s names still appear in Mi He’s textbooks. There are even books in many disciplines that use their theories, and everyone has to memorize the laws and formulas they summarize.

This made everyone unconsciously solemn here. Doro even led everyone to introduce the meaning of each statue one by one. Even the little Finn was infected by the atmosphere. He watched with wide eyes. Everything in front of him, his vision is not very clear, but he is also very quiet.

Doro touched his head and said to him, “You are born so smart.” Mi He felt that Doro’s next sentence was likely to be: “As expected of the child of our Pytha McCann family.” This problem is similar to Colonel Yang. In the same way, elders have a problem. However, Grandpa Doro is a master of disciplines after all, and he is not as explicit as Colonel Yang.

The last of the group of statues is also a scientist surnamed Kenda. He is also a big figure in molecular biological sciences. He has written a lot of introductions under his seat, especially in terms of genetic modification. Obviously, some of his papers will still be used by Quote, Freddy looked at the statue, but remained silent.

Doro also said: “This Professor Kenda has always been called Little Kenda by us because he is the son of the elder Kenda. Both father and son are so excellent.”

Doro also said to Finn: “Our Finn will also have the opportunity to enter here in the future.”

Finn still didn’t understand what Grandpa Doro said, but he blinked his eyes obediently. The small appearance made people’s hearts melt. Doro couldn’t help but say to him: “It makes people feel softer than when Xiaomi was a child.”

Behind the statue of Professor Kenda Jr., there was an empty stone on which a new statue was supposed to be placed, but someone took it away. However, there is no writing on the stone, so no one knows whose statue it is.

After everyone had finished admiring it, a few old-looking Alix people came out from the back of the auditorium.

☆、Chapter 149

After the elders of the Alixites came out, Mi He and the others did not dare to visit the statue of the sages, and quickly placed Finn on the baptismal table according to the instructions of the elders.

After Finn was put on, he opened the small quilt that wrapped him, revealing him naked inside, probably suddenly left Mi He and arrived in a strange environment, he was a little nervous, his big eyes were rolling, his small arms The calf kept moving.

Doro stepped forward and touched Finn’s small body. Finn felt that it was the familiar Grandpa Doro, and the small body arched in the direction of Doro, and made a sound of “oh oh”, which made Doro His eyes were very soft.

The elder of Alex spoke: “Bida McCann, have you really decided, let’s baptize this human baby?”

Doro said, “Think about it.”

The first elder said again, “Even if you have children in the future, can you no longer be baptized?”

Doro sneered: “How can I still have children at my age? Fifty years ago, I lost the ability to have children.”

The first elder sighed and said, “But, this child is a human after all.”

Doro said: “I have explained it to you before on this topic, and I don’t think I need to repeat it at this moment.”

The first elder looked at the fat and white Finn, this child is so cute, as the first human being baptized, this special makes this child’s future so extraordinary.

The elder’s hand was placed on Finn’s head, his palm was a little cold, and Finn avoided a little, but fortunately, Doro next to him comforted Finn, and he obediently let the elder touch him.

After the first elder’s hand left Finn, he said to the other four elders, “Let’s start.”

Mi He saw the five elders standing in five corners, surrounded by Finn, and Doro also withdrew, leaving only Finn in that small circle.

At this time, the five elders began to sing softly. What they sang was an ancient poem in the Alix language, similar to a sacrificial word.

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