The Ring That Defies The Heavens

Chapter 2965 - Infinite Attack

As Jiang Fei’s order was passed on, the rebels’ soldiers began to retreat. They no longer contacted Colonel Kono’s troops. Once Colonel Kono’s troops took an offensive posture, they immediately retreated.

“What’s the matter? Why are these mobs so irritated?” Colonel Kono was also wondering.

“My lord, these mobs are like this. It’s okay to fight the wind. Once we are desperate, they will immediately soften!” Said an officer below.

“Also, a group of mobs have nothing to analyze, and they don’t understand any strategy or tactics. They must have been frightened by us.” Colonel Kono nodded, their traditional nobles, who had not seen the uprisings since the beginning Army, even when they were forced into desperation, they still did not pay attention to those insurgents.

Now Colonel Kono and his army seem to have the upper hand again, and they have regained some lost ground, which makes them not even look at the insurgents, and even think that it won’t be long before those insurgents can be destroyed.

As time passed, the sky gradually darkened. During this time, Kono led his army invincible, no matter where they went, the insurgents fled.

At the beginning, the soldiers under Kono were still very excited, but as time passed, they felt boring and even had a little interest.

Gradually, the morale of Colonel Kono’s army began to change from prosperity to prosperity. Although victory generally stimulates morale, this kind of victory with no combat at all will make people feel bored.

When victory comes too easily, it doesn’t seem so precious.


“Isn’t those mobs fierce? How is it different from rumors!”

“Yeah, they used to be able to fight, why are they fleeing now?”

“Cut! A mob is a mob! Scared?”

This idea began to spread in Colonel Kono’s army. The arrogance filled the entire army, and everyone’s original nervousness gradually relaxed.

Soon, darkness enveloped the gamma space, and midnight came!

“Convene all officers above the captain’s level for a meeting!” Jiang Fei said to a guard next to him after dinner.

“Yes! Lord Ralph!” The guard nodded, and immediately sent his order.

About half an hour later, all officers in the rebel army who were above the Captain’s rank were concentrated in this temporary headquarters.

“You guys, how are you resting today?” Jiang Fei asked with a smile, at this moment nearly two hundred people stood in front of him.

“All rested! You can fight at any time!” These officers shouted in unison, and they have been resting today in accordance with Jiang Fei’s order.

Not only these officers, with the exception of a small number of sentries who monitor Colonel Kono’s army, most of the insurgent soldiers rested for a day.

“That’s good! We have a small event tonight!” Jiang Fei said with a smile.

“Sir, just tell me,” the officers shouted.

“Okay!” Jiang Fei nodded, then he divided the officers into three groups and dispatched one group every day.

“Everyone must remember your group. Starting at three o’clock tonight, the first group will be dispatched. You must harass Colonel Kono’s troops in batches, directions, and without interruption!” Jiang Fei ordered.

“Yes!” The officer in the first group nodded.

“But one thing everyone should remember is that you don’t need to fight each other, just harass them constantly, the only purpose is not to let the other party sleep!” Jiang Fei said with a smile.

“Yes!” The officers replied in unison.

Soon, the officers who received the order returned to their troops, then most of the insurgents withdrew to the periphery of the city, and then began to rest, while the insurgents who were classified into the first group were quietly ambushing into the central area Among the various buildings.

Minutes and seconds passed, Colonel Kono’s army was very disciplined, and they deployed several layers of checkpoints to prevent surprises. At midnight, the soldiers under Colonel Kono returned to camp to rest.

“Do you?”

“Don’t worry! It’s not time yet!”

“Why have to be three?”

“How do I know? Ask Ralph to go …”

“Hey! I know, just before leaving, I happened to meet Brother Ralph and ask for advice, so I heard it too!”

“Then you don’t sell it, let’s talk!”

“Well! I heard Lord Ralph say that three o’clock is a very special moment. Those who stay up late have just slept, and those who go to bed early sleep the heaviest. Once awakened, they are the most uncomfortable moment!

“real or fake?”

“Unclear, Lord Ralph said so.”

“It seems to make sense, if I wake up at three in the middle of the night, I will be very unhappy …”

The insurgent generals lurking near the Kono barracks muttered quietly, they were waiting for the attack time to come.

“Fire!” When it arrived at three o’clock, with an order, the sound of guns near Colonel Kono’s barracks was loud.

“Boom!” An energy bomb hit a sentry card, killing the military and police inside.

“Toot …”

“Enemy attack! Enemy attack!”

A harsh alarm sounded inside the barracks.

At this time, the soldiers under Colonel Kono demonstrated their amazing military qualities. These soldiers quickly rushed out of the barracks, quickly assembled fully armed, and quickly established fortifications. After holding their positions, they immediately turned to the uprising. The army launched a charge.

“Withdraw!” Seeing that the military and police were ready to attack, even the mechs were out of the camp door, the first wave of insurgent soldiers attacked quickly retreated. When the military and police rushed up, they saw only one place. Abandoned energy magazine.

“Damn! These cowards run so fast!” The policemen cursed, and returned to the barracks.

The military and policemen who have just returned to the camp must not go back to rest immediately. ~ They were vigilant for a while, but were not attacked again, so they had to disband and go back to rest.

But when these soldiers and soldiers just lay down, the sound of artillery outside the camp door rang again!


“Urgent assembly!”

The uprising of the insurgent army lasted all night, the military and police were almost tossed crazy, and they didn’t sleep all night, which made them very tired, including Colonel Kono who held military meetings with dark circles.

“Colonel, do we have to take the initiative today?” An officer asked.

“Take a break …” Colonel Kono said.

“Colonel, if we stop attacking, the morale of the soldiers may gradually decline …” said an officer.

“That’s what it says, but the question is now that the soldiers haven’t slept all night, can they persist if they forcibly attack?” Colonel Kono asked.

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