The Ring That Defies The Heavens

Chapter 2966 - Come true

“Our fighters are elite among the elite, and this difficulty will not suffice them!” Said the officer.

“Good job!” Colonel Kono nodded with satisfaction, then he waved with a large command: “Then order the soldiers to attack, our goal today is to recapture another seven blocks!”

“Colonel, rest assured, we promise to complete the task!” The officer nodded, and then led the soldiers into action.

When the military and police started the offensive, the battle was as smooth as yesterday. The soldiers of the insurgent army still fled and did not fight the military and police at all. Soon, the task of recovering seven blocks was completed. It was just after noon.

“Keep attacking!” Kono answered in a mood.

“Colonel! No! No!” Just then, an officer sprinted over to report.

“What’s wrong?” Kono frowned.

“The central city fell and a large group of mobs appeared. They raided our camp!” Said the officer.

“Damn!” Colonel Kono punched a large tree next to him. These mobs were simply too cunning. Instead of confronting their own troops, they harassed the rear continuously because Colonel Kono concentrated his troops. Being on the front line led to the slackness of the camp guard in the city center, which was won by the insurgents in one fell swoop!

Although this victory did not kill many enemies, it destroyed a lot of logistics supplies for the military and police forces. The most important thing for the heavy industry was the power batteries of more than a dozen boxes of mechs and the ammunition of energy guns. The military supplies of the police and the police are even more tense.

These military and police officers under Colonel Bainuo were scarce in ammunition. They originally intended to continuously maintain their combat effectiveness by fighting and raising wars, but now they are not working. The insurgents have been avoiding the battle, causing Colonel Kono to The plan to support the war was completely defeated.

Although the military and police did not consume much ammunition, the mech must have consumed energy. As time passed, Colonel Kono’s men were able to operate fewer and fewer mechas, and there were only a few active machines. The armors are also protected. They cannot be used easily, because if you continue to do so, you will not need to fight, these mechas will be invalidated because of exhausted energy.

“Bastards! These cunning bastards!” Kono jumped and scolded the street, he was almost tortured mad. Although the military and police forces quickly recaptured the big camp, the materials inside were destroyed innumerable, which made him very headache.

As time passed, the sky gradually darkened, the military and police began to shrink, and eventually returned to the vicinity of the camp. At this time, the insurgent soldiers also made a comeback and reoccupied the sites that were taken away by the military and police during the day.

In just a few hours, the day-to-day efforts of the military and police were put to naught, because their numbers were not enough to disperse their presence. After returning to the camp, those originally occupied sites became undefensive, so It is normal to be reoccupied by others.

At night, the police and policemen were preparing to rest in the camp, but the harassment troops of the rebel army struck again. This time they did not toss from midnight, but started to make troubles from the dark of the night. The policemen couldn’t sleep all night.

On the next day, the dark circles and bags under the eyes of the military and policemen became darker. These guys were listless. This time, let alone the officers below, even Colonel Kono was afraid to let them continue to attack.

But do you want to rest? Colonel Kono obviously thought too much. The invasion of the insurgents did not stop at dawn. They launched waves of attacks. As soon as the military and police rushed out of the camp door, they would immediately retreat and let the military and police. Take it easy.

If the military and police ignore them and continue to rest in the camp, then the soldiers of the rebel army will dare to blast the energy cannon at the entrance of the barracks!

This uninterrupted assault lasted for three days. After three days, Colonel Kono and his men’s policemen almost collapsed. Each of these guys had red eyes, and the whole army had more than three. Two-thirds of them are a little nervous.

At this time, the rebel soldiers came to harass again, and the response speed of those military and police officers was several beats slower than before. At this time, even the most inexperienced people can see that the army and police of Colonel Kono are almost finished.

“Sir, can we attack? These guys have little fighting power.” Addos asked Jiang Fei.

“Don’t worry, wait!” Jiang Fei said with a smile. At this time, Colonel Kono’s army was not as good as one day. The more they dragged on, the weaker Jiang Fei became.

“Yes, sir, listen to you!” Of course, Addos and others have no opinion. They are now well fed and everyone can take shifts to rest. Each one is in excellent condition. Waiting a few more days is fundamental to them. It’s nothing.

Two days passed in a flash of time. Although the soldiers of the rebel army were still harassing, the response of the military police was getting smaller and smaller.

“It’s almost time!” Jiang Fei nodded secretly, and then he called Addos and others over.

“Get ready to attack!” Jiang Fei ordered.

“Yes!” The generals of the rebel army waited too long at this moment. After taking their orders, they took their troops and rushed directly to the military and police camp in the city center.

“Boom boom …” Listening to the sound of gunfire in the ears ~ ~ The military and police in the barracks have been taken seriously. They routinely sent some people to drive away, and the rest Gritted his teeth for a while in the sound of deafening gunfire.

At this moment, the military and police were extremely drowsy, and the long-term harassment of the insurgents also brought them a kind of inertia thinking. They did not feel that the insurgents dared to attack directly, but they felt that the flies were annoying.

In the hearts of these military and police, they still feel that they are still as brave as before, and they still feel that the rebels are a group of black people, but even now, the status of the two sides has already been completely different!

“Boom boom boom …” Those policemen who originally came out to drive the rebels were faced with a round of shelling. Although these guys are well trained, but because they haven’t slept for too long, these guys are a little stunned and naturally do n’t May be tactical evasion in time.

So just this round of artillery baptism wiped out most of the rushed military police. Until then, those military police did not know that these insurgents were really coming!

“Damn! Call everyone! The enemy is really attacking!” A military officer shouted loudly.

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