The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 179

Chapter 179 The 3 Levels Of Bioinformatics

Therefore, genetic technology is the most vast and boundless technology, and human beings are only just a little bit of skin at the beginning of basic genetic technology.

“These three levels of information, the first and second levels, are basically available to animals, and the third level is only produced by intelligent life.”

Liu Yuan is a genius scientist. Everyone has already understood this point. He is an absolute authority in biogenic technology. It is extremely rare for him to give lectures. Everyone listens very carefully and seriously.

Seeing Liu Yuan coming over, Xu Yunpeng quickly replied with a smile.

“It’s okay, I’m used to it.”

However, the research project he first led the team was to research projects and technologies to overcome and treat congenital defects through biological gene technology. This research field has not made much progress and has a very general future.

Therefore, Xu Yunpeng also held his breath and wanted to fight a turnaround on this project and research the virtual reality technology as soon as possible, otherwise, he would not be able to meet people in this research institute in the future.

Everything in the human body is controlled by the brain. It obtains information from the outside world through the eyes, ears, nose, skin and other senses, and converts this information into nerve signals and transmits it to the brain.

The AR technology and VR technology that are currently popular on the earth are actually not real virtual reality technology, because they are ultimately assisted by the eyes and ears of the human body.

“The transmission of biological information relies on nerves, and the transmission of neural information also relies on electrochemical conduction, which is essentially no different from the transmission of electronic information.”

Liu Yuan looked at Xu Yunpeng and could feel that his mental state was not very good. This was a sign of long-term immersion in research and not taking a good rest.

In particular, there are frequent good news from various research institutes. For example, the bioenergy laboratory in charge of Zheng Yuan has made a major breakthrough. It has developed a super oil coconut and opened up a new world in the energy field. This makes Xu Yunpeng even more He secretly clenched his fist.

Liu Yuan came here to see how far the research on virtual reality technology has come. If he wants to initially develop virtual reality technology within this year, he will definitely have to open a plug-in.

The same is true of all life. The life in the universe is endless and various, but in the final analysis, life is determined by the deepest DNA, and all behaviors are determined by genes.

“We can roughly categorize relevant information into primary information, intermediate information, and advanced information, just as we have always divided human responses into three categories.”

Genes not only determine everything about an individual, but also everything about the population in which the individual is located. Of course, all genes are constantly evolving, and the ultimate goal is to continue to multiply and spread genes.

Many people are used to doing research in the laboratory every day, and the Luoxingshan community is close to the research institute, so many scientists who choose to celebrate the New Year here will go to the laboratory to do research even during the Chinese New Year. Research, just compared to the past, the time will not be so long.

The transmission and generation of this kind of neural signal is a very common thing for individuals, and it happens all the time, but if you want to use a machine to read the information in it, it becomes extremely difficult.

At the same time, it is also necessary to allocate funds for funds, and to allocate equipment for equipment, and large sums of funds are poured in, which is enough to show the importance of this project.

“Still pay attention to the combination of work and rest.”

Every time the research institute holds a meeting here, when everyone sits together, Xu Yunpeng sits in the far corner, because he feels that his face is dull.

“Like conditioned reflex, it is information that does not need to be processed by the brain. The response speed is the highest, only 20 milliseconds, which is the fastest response of the human body. The second is called the instinctive response, which only needs to be processed by the cerebral cortex, and the response speed is only It takes 50 milliseconds, and the third is called normal response, which requires brain processing, and the fastest is more than 100 milliseconds.”

At present, the research of virtual reality technology is still in the first stage, that is, how to read the pulse information in the nerves. This is a very important step, and it is also the most critical step to realize the virtual technology. Only by taking this step , and then you can go to the second and third steps smoothly.

Therefore, he did not go back for several years, but let his family come to Luoxingshan to celebrate the New Year. During the Chinese New Year, except for a day off on the first day of the new year, he spent almost every day in the laboratory, studying bioelectronics technology.

Then the brain will issue corresponding instructions through its own analysis. For example, if you feel cold, you should add clothes. If you are burned by fire, you should quickly leave the fire source, etc.

Normally, even if Liu Yuan has given Xu Yunpeng a lot of information and guidance, in terms of their research progress, it will take at least ten years before they can be researched, and the virtual reality may be possible. Only about 60% can only be regarded as primary virtual reality technology.

“The third level of impulse information, that is, the highest level of information, such as impulse information generated by abstract thinking, is where the fundamental difference between us humans and animals lies.”

“You are too serious. I heard that you have been doing research in the laboratory during the Chinese New Year.”

He is a scientist dug by Liu Yuan from Professor Kang Hai’s laboratory. He is one of the first scientists to join Xinghai Technology, and his research field is still in the field of biological gene technology, where Xinghai Technology started.

Although Liu Yuan soon handed over the always important task to Xu Yunpeng to take charge of the research on virtual reality technology that combines biotechnology and electronic technology.

“Actually, the first step in researching virtual reality technology is to understand the relevant information of neural electronic pulses. We can do it step by step. There is no need to interpret all the information at one time.”

“Both use electrical impulses to transmit information, but why is it so difficult to read the impulse information in the nerves?”

Here in the Bioelectronics Technology Laboratory, Xu Yunpeng started the new year’s research with his team early.

Xu Yunpeng replied with a smile.

“And all these levels of information, in the final analysis, are still determined and operated by genes, and animals do not have related genes that can generate third-level high-level information pulses…”

The salary offered by this boss is too good, if you can’t get the corresponding grades, you will feel embarrassed yourself.

As soon as the annual leave is over, Xinghai Technology will start construction one after another, and there are already many scientists and researchers working and doing research in the research institute.

In the laboratory, Xu Yunpeng was thinking carefully.

For the Xinghai Science and Technology Research Institute, this is the first time, the first time, and the only project that has been suspended so far.

Liu Yuan looked at everyone, and slowly explained some relevant theories and knowledge from the shallower to the deeper. These are the information in the inheritance seeds, and it is also the most correct way to point directly to the essence of life genes. Just follow this If you study slowly in the direction, you will eventually be able to shine in the life gene technology.

This requires a sufficient in-depth understanding and research of biotechnology. Through a detailed analysis of the genetic information of life, we can understand some of the most important genetic information in the living body, and clearly know the operation mode and operation mode of these genetic information. Only then can we slowly grasp the information contained in the biological pulse.

So it is often necessary to wear something like a helmet, and let your eyes and ears get the information by playing some of the content inside.

“We can roughly see that the nerve impulses of our body are divided into three levels. The first level can be called primary impulse information, such as when people feel cold, feel hot, feel tingling, burning, etc. This kind of very intuitive and obvious information separates the primary pulse information.”

“Thinking about the connection between biological pulses and electronic pulses.”

This is a big project that Liu Yuan attaches great importance to. For this reason, he has also conducted joint research with Professor Li Chun of the Institute of Electronic Science and Technology, and it seems that a large number of scientists and researchers have been recruited to join this project last year.

This was undoubtedly a huge blow to Xu Yunpeng, which once made him unable to lift his head in the research institute.

The virtual reality technology does not need these, and can directly read the information in the nerve through the machine attached to the human body, and then directly input the information into the brain and obtain the corresponding feedback information from the brain.

It was also the first project to be stopped by Liu Yuan.

“What are you thinking about?”

Xu Yunpeng took a deep breath.

This is like a complicated Internet network. It looks complicated and colorful on the outside, but its ultimate root is determined and operated by 0 and 1.

Liu Yuan moved a stool for himself, also sat down, and began to give some details. Soon, a large number of scientists and researchers gathered around, and they stood up carefully and carefully.

So I still have to open up plug-ins for them more, and give them a little bit in key places.

And some powerful cosmic civilizations in the universe are so powerful that they can transmit and read information directly to and from the brain through radio waves. This really requires very powerful technology. This first step doesn’t seem to be very difficult, but it ultimately involves biological genes and the most fundamental things.

I don’t know when Liu Yuan came to the laboratory. Seeing Xu Yunpeng who was in a daze, he also asked with a smile.

“Second-level pulse information, that is, higher-level information, such as happiness, anger, sadness, and the like.”

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