The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 180

Chapter 180 Knowledge Can Be Imparted But Wisdom Cannot

Liu Yuan paused and looked at the time. This lecture was all morning.

“Then how to add an extra helix gene to double helix life?”

The person in charge of this project still doesn’t understand it, but the researcher under his command has an epiphany first. This taste is a bit envious.

The same is true of science. In fact, what it needs most is a scientist with understanding, because on the dark road, when you have nothing to learn, you need to use a scientific master to light up the way forward with his own wisdom. .

The discussion came and went, and the matter of the life of the triple helix gene was actually discussed.

As the saying goes, “knowledge can be imparted, but wisdom cannot”, in fact, this is the truth. Knowledge and wisdom are two completely different concepts.

“If triple-helix life really exists, is triple-helix life inherently stronger and more perfect than double-helix life?”

After more than ten minutes, Zhou Tong walked back with a smile on his face.

Discussion-style discussion and teaching methods are also a way to stimulate people’s imagination and divergent thinking, which is very common in universities in Europe.

“Now that computers have appeared ternary computers, are there also triple-helix life genes in life genes?”

“Yeah, it’s really enviable.”

Many times, in a classroom, there may not be many students led by a professor. Sometimes there are only a dozen or so students. Everyone sits together and discusses and argues with each other continuously about a problem, advocating questioning and opposition. , advocate free to use one’s own imagination, cultivate abstract thinking ability and divergent way of thinking.

“Current computers use 0 and 1 to complete all the deepest core operations, while life is controlled by double-helix genes. A life’s growth, survival, reproduction, and even the situation of the entire ethnic group are all determined by It is determined by the genes imprinted in the depths.”

The same is the smashed head, some people are just cursing and scratching their heads, but Newton has already thought about the great wisdom.

The imparting of knowledge is not the most important, the real important thing is to enlighten wisdom.

While talking about Zhou Tong, he also ran excitedly to vent the excitement in his heart.

Xu Yunpeng smiled and said, to be honest, his heart is sour.

“The essence of life is actually similar to that of a computer.”

The knowledge of the predecessors only allows you to stand on his shoulders and see further. As for how to improve your own height, after all, it depends on your own wisdom.

Xu Yunpeng also nodded, and then looked outside, Zhou Tong was still running around excitedly to vent the excitement in his heart, the secretion of a lot of dopamine in his body made him unable to calm down for a long time.


“But the triple-helix gene should theoretically lose the possibility of evolution and mutation, because its genes are too stable, while the double-helix gene has the possibility of infinite evolution.”

On the other hand, our education is mainly based on cramming education, only constantly pouring out all kinds of knowledge, and then filling it in, not focusing on students’ discussions with each other, and cultivating abstract thinking ability and Divergent way of thinking.

Knowledge can be written in books for people to learn, but wisdom cannot be written down and passed on to people. If you understand something, then you will understand it. Otherwise, no matter how much you say, you will never understand it.

Zhou Tong laughed awkwardly, and then said, “I’ll tell you something, everything in life is determined and controlled by genes…”

I believe that there are many, many people who have been hit in the head by things since ancient times. There must be more than Newton, but Newton can propose the law of universal gravitation, why can’t others.

In Xu Yunpeng’s laboratory, many scientists and researchers gathered around Liu Yuan. Everyone listened to Liu Yuan’s lectures and also had a series of discussions with Liu Yuan.

“Maybe he’s figured out something that’s been bothering him.”

“The reading and conversion of nerve impulse information can be so simple, and it can be so simple.”

In this way, guided by interests and hobbies, some talented scientists can continue to emerge in various fields.

“I understand, I understand!” When Liu Yuan was about to announce the dismissal of get out of class and prepare to eat, someone suddenly shouted excitedly, the whole person was mad with excitement, as if he had figured out something at once.

When Zhou Tong came back, seeing everyone looking at him in unison, he immediately touched his head shyly, and laughed awkwardly.

“I’m afraid I have to ask God, I don’t know.”

“I see that you almost ran naked just now. You look so excited. If you ran naked, it would be big news.”

“And these powerful abilities may be far beyond our imagination. For example, their lifespan may be calculated in 10,000 years, for example, their learning ability can reach an extremely terrifying level, or they are born like Superman in the movie. It’s like having superpowers.”

Liu Yuan still likes this kind of discussion, because science itself is like this. On the existing basis, through abstract thinking, he constantly summarizes and discusses, and deduces various natural science laws.

“This kind of feeling is really enviable. Once I had an epiphany, I was suddenly enlightened, and I suddenly became enlightened. From then on, I would no longer be confused and hesitant to see many things.”

“In the final analysis, the information transmission of living organisms that we are studying now depends on the operation of life genes. There are more than 100,000 genes in our human beings. Among them, some genes must be specially used for the transmission of information, and the a gene is responsible for the transmission of information. To convey pain, the b gene is responsible for conveying hunger, and when the ab genes are combined, it is pain and hunger.”

“He is very obsessed with biology, and believes that life is the most magical and colorful thing in the universe, and the most indulgent is the study of genes.”

At this moment, for Zhou Tong, he thought that he had been troubled by an extremely difficult math problem for a long time, a long time, and once he had an epiphany, he solved it at once. The feeling of high dopamine is absolutely maddening.

When Liu Yuan himself is studying inheritance seeds, he does not simply learn the knowledge in inheritance seeds, and the teaching of inheritance seeds is more of the same.

“I didn’t expect him to understand, and I don’t know what he understood.”

“To study neural information pulses, we must start from the perspective of genes, so that we can directly point to the essence. If we only study from the appearance, it is like looking at flowers in the fog. .”

“Come here quickly and tell the big guys.”

Zhou Tong laughed excitedly, and all at once everyone looked at him.

Liu Yuan gestured with a smile.

“Zhou Tong, what do you understand?”

“Yes, yes, let’s talk about it. From what you just looked like, you must have realized some great magical powers that penetrate the sky and the earth.”

PS: Do you agree with this sentence?

“Haha, I understand, I understand!”

“Because according to mathematical theory, the structure of triple-helix genes is more stable and perfect, and at the same time, according to computer theory, ternary is more efficient than binary. Is it possible to think that triple-helix genes are more efficient than double-helix genes? More perfect and stronger?”

“Yes, my name is Zhou Tong. He graduated from an ordinary engineering school, but he is extremely talented in science. He passed the company’s exams and tests and entered the research institute.”

“Sorry, I just made everyone laugh.”

“We are all wrong, we are all wrong, genes determine everything, genes determine everything!”

Liu Yuan looked at Zhou Tong who was so excited that he even started to run outside, smiled and said to Xu Yunpeng.

A familiar person said jokingly.

Liu Yuan thought for a while and said.

“Theoretically, of course, it needs to be more perfect and powerful. Maybe the end point of our double-helix gene life evolution may be to have a triple-helix base.”

“This is entirely possible in theory, because triple-helix genes are more stable and more abundantly expressed than double-helix genes, because there are more combinations than double-helix genes.”

“Actually, I just figured out something, a problem that has been bothering me for a long time, so people are very excited.”

“Is his name Zhou Tong?”

“Hahaha, I understand, I understand~”


Naturally, when Liu Yuan gave lectures at his own research institute, he also adopted this method more. Everyone could sit together easily. There was no distinction between bosses and employees, and there was no distinction between academic masters and novices. They can revolve around a problem easily and happily with each other, constantly discuss, and constantly use their imagination and divergent thinking to think boldly and discuss boldly.

Everyone immediately laughed.

“Because of the triple helix, the triple helix gene should theoretically have all the capabilities of the double helix gene, but also have more powerful capabilities that the triple helix gene has.”

If they just keep moving out the technology and knowledge from the seeds of inheritance, and they are constantly instilled with this knowledge, they will never become true scientific masters.

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