The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 The Inheritance Of God’S Civilization

Liu Yuan, who was concentrating on reading, didn’t notice the streamer flying towards him at all.

Almost instantly, Liu Guang disappeared into Liu Yuan’s mind, causing Liu Yuan, who was reading a book, to fall into a coma.


“Civilized creatures that meet the inheritance requirements have been detected.”

“Begin a comprehensive inspection of the inheritors, carbon-based life, genes have not evolved, and the development of the brain is extremely low…”

“Start to detect the civilization level, the low-level parent star civilization.”


Mechanical voices sounded in Liu Yuan’s mind, and his whole consciousness suddenly entered a brand new world.

This is a world similar to an illusory virtual world. Liu Yuan’s whole person seems to be in the vast interstellar sea. The starry sky is prosperous and endless. The stars are twinkling. It is an azure planet, exuding a halo of halo, extremely beautiful, like a pearl in this vast sea.

“This is where?”

Liu Yuan was full of doubts. He was clearly reading a book on the construction site. How could he suddenly appear in such an environment, as if he was still in space. However, looking at himself, he was not wearing a space suit. But not the slightest discomfort.

“This is in a virtual world~”

A voice sounded directly in Liu Yuan’s mind.

“Who are you?”

When Liu Yuan heard this, he immediately looked in all directions, but no one saw it.

“I am the intelligent program of the seed of the civilization of the gods.”

With the sound resounding in Liu Yuan’s mind, in the void in front of Liu Yuan, a figure appeared. The height and appearance were similar to those of the Earthlings, the eyes were purple, and there was a pair of seven or eight centimeters long on the top of the light’s head. tentacles.

“God’s civilization?”

“Inheritance seeds?”

“Smart program?”

Liu Yuan was full of doubts, what the hell.

“This is a long story, so let me briefly introduce it first.”

The other party was very confused when he saw Liu Yuan, and he seemed to have expected this, and immediately began to introduce the civilization of God to Liu Yuan.

“The universe we live in is vast, boundless, boundless~”

“In this vast and boundless universe, countless lives have been nurtured and born. Carbon-based life, silicon-based life, energy body life, digital life, metal life, etc., are countless and endless.”

“The countless lives that have been nurtured have evolved into civilizations. According to the level of civilization development, they can be roughly divided into parent star civilization, stellar civilization, river civilization, star civilization, star civilization and cosmic civilization.”

“Of course, this is only a rough division. If you want to make a detailed division, it can be subdivided into many levels, because even civilizations of the same level are far from each other.”

“As far as the earth you are on, the civilization level of the earth is very low, and it has not been able to leave the parent star, so it is still the lowest level of the parent star civilization.”

“All civilizations that cannot be separated from their parent planets are low-level parent planet civilizations, but the gap between them is huge, just like some countries on your earth have already landed on the moon and mastered nuclear energy, but some are still in the primitive tribal stage. .”

“If it is divided in detail, the parent star civilization alone can be divided into nine levels, but compared to the vast universe, even the most powerful country on earth is still insignificant.”

With the introduction of the other party, the virtual world in front of Liu Yuan’s eyes also changed rapidly.

“The mother star civilization is only the lowest level civilization in the vast universe, and it is also the civilization with the largest number. It is also the civilization at the bottom of the food chain. It is often enslaved and exploited by higher level civilizations.”

“Above the parent star civilization is the stellar civilization. The so-called stellar civilization refers to the civilization that has been able to leave the parent star and start activities in the planetary system where it is located.”

“For example, if you people on Earth enter a stellar civilization, you can mine, emigrate, etc. on the moon and Mars, instead of always being limited to the mother planet Earth.”

“The stellar civilization is similar to the parent star civilization. It is still a low-level civilization, and the number of such civilizations in the universe is still very large. It is also at the bottom of the food chain and is enslaved and exploited by higher-level civilizations.”

“However, it is not easy for a parent star civilization to develop into a stellar civilization. For every 10,000 parent star civilizations, it is possible that one civilization can develop to the stage of a stellar civilization, and on average, a civilization develops to a stellar civilization roughly. It will take about 10,000 years.”

“It is only possible for 10,000 parent star civilizations to have a stellar civilization?”

“Another ten thousand years?”

Liu Yuan was deeply attracted by what the other party said, and when he heard this, he couldn’t help but slightly widened his eyes.

“Do you think it’s a little weird?”

“You people on Earth haven’t found any footprints of alien civilizations until now, and even Yelang arrogantly thinks that there is only life on Earth in the entire universe. What a ridiculous remark, it’s just sitting on the well and watching the sky.”

The other party seemed to know the thoughts in Liu Yuan’s mind at once, with a hint of ridicule.

“Well, it seems so.”

Liu Yuan didn’t know how to answer, so he could only smile awkwardly.

“Above the stellar civilization is the river system civilization. The so-called river system civilization refers to the civilization that can traverse the river system where it is located. The so-called river system, in the terms of your earthlings, is the star system, which is the Milky Way.”

“If you people on Earth can traverse the entire galaxy, then it can be regarded as a river civilization, but normally, it is absolutely impossible for you to have such a day.”

“Because of normal development of civilization, generally speaking, only one civilization can develop to the stage of river system civilization among millions of stellar civilizations.”

“There are about hundreds of billions of stars in your entire galaxy, and hundreds of millions of civilizations may be born, but at most hundreds of civilizations can develop to the stage of river civilization, and it may take a civilization to develop to river civilization normally. Millions, even tens of millions of years, hundreds of millions of years.” “Compared to the entire vast universe, the river system civilization is still a trivial low-level civilization, but it has got rid of the status at the bottom of the food chain and can be enslaved. Lower-level stellar civilization and parent star civilization.”

With the explanation of the other party, the picture in front of Liu Yuan’s eyes turned into the entire galaxy, with countless rays of light flashing in it, each of which represented a civilization, and there were hundreds of the most shining rays of light, which represented that the entire galaxy could be viewed vertically and horizontally. The river civilization of the Milky Way.

“What about the astral civilization and the astral civilization?”

Liu Yuan couldn’t wait to know the content of higher-level civilization, and asked quickly.

“Astral civilization and astral civilization, that is a civilization of a higher level, far beyond the imagination of your earthlings, and the ruled territory is even more vast, not only has countless river systems, countless life planets , enslaves a huge low-level civilization that is calculated in billions, and holds unimaginable technological power.”

“If you can lead your civilization to the peak of the river civilization, I will tell you about the star civilization and the astral civilization.”

When the other party saw Liu Yuan’s eager look, he immediately laughed.

“Technological power beyond imagination?”

“What about the civilization of the universe, and the civilization of the gods you said?”

Liu Yuan took a deep breath. The reality in front of him was beyond his own understanding and imagination. For a teenager who was still worried about the living expenses for the next semester, it seemed too much to rise to the height of civilization all of a sudden. Too suddenly.

But curiosity still drove Liu Yuan to ask about the contents of cosmic civilization and the civilization of gods.

“Cosmic civilization is naturally the top civilization in the universe. The power they have is beyond imagination. As for the civilization of God, it is the civilization at the peak of the billions of civilizations in the universe, and it is the civilization that dominates the entire universe.”

When the other party said this, his words became pious, as if he didn’t dare to be disrespectful at all.

“You are a lucky person, a lucky person who has really achieved great luck. You are fortunate to obtain the inheritance of the civilization of God. Perhaps from another aspect, you are also a person with strong luck.”

Then the other party looked at Liu Yuan and said very seriously.

“Lucky one?”

Liu Yuan was immediately puzzled. He lost his father when he was young, his mother left, and his grandparents were sick. What kind of luck would such a start be?

“Don’t doubt this, you will understand in the future that the inheritance you have obtained today can not only change your own destiny, but also the destiny of your nation, your country, and your entire civilization.”

The other party seemed to know Liu Yuan’s life experience at once.

“Let me introduce this inheritance seed~”

“Inheritance seeds are high-level civilizations in the universe, that is, things that can only be produced by top-level civilizations that have developed to the level of universe civilization and divine civilization. It integrates the most mysterious time and space technology in the universe.”

“It’s in the back of your mind at this very moment. It looks like an extremely insignificant point, but it contains a huge amount of space.”

The picture in front of Liu Yuan changed again, and he was in a huge space. This huge space was like an incomparably huge library, which was filled with a huge number of books.

“This is the space for the inheritance of science and technology. There is a complete inheritance of science and technology from the lowest level to the cosmos level civilization. You can study in it in the future, and learn more advanced technology and civilization knowledge.”

“This is the experimental inheritance space. There are all kinds of experimental equipment from low-level to high-level and a certain amount of experimental materials. You can conduct various experiments. The development of science and technology is not only about theory, but more importantly, practice. .”

Then the picture changed, and Liu Yuan was immediately placed in a huge laboratory, which contained countless experimental equipment and various materials, ranging from low-level to high-level, seemed to be well prepared.

“This is the storage space, which stores important technological equipment required by various civilization stages, as well as spaceships of various civilization levels and reserves some material resources, which are convenient to use at any time for various experiments.”

The screen turned again and appeared in a huge space. You could see all kinds of strange equipment and instruments placed in it, and you could also see spaceships ranging from simple to advanced.

Looking at all this, Liu Yuan’s eyes were straight, especially the spaceships of advanced civilizations, full of sci-fi colors, dreamlike, and fascinated by them.

“I will probably introduce it here first, and I can learn it slowly in the future.”

“Now I need to inject genetic evolution fluid into you. The genetic evolution of your earthlings is really too low. The average lifespan is only less than a hundred years. What a short lifespan, if you want to break through to stellar civilization, it is estimated that It’s hard, hard.”

Soon, the picture changed, Liu Yuan’s eyes slowly opened, and he returned to reality again, back to the dusty room on the construction site.

Liu Yuan couldn’t help touching his hand, always feeling a little illusory and unreal, as if he had just had a dream.

However, the voice of the intelligent program sounded in his mind.

“What is genetic evolution fluid?”

Hearing this voice, Liu Yuan also asked.

“The so-called genetic evolution fluid refers to items that can greatly improve genes and improve the level of genetic evolution. Generally speaking, when civilization technology develops to a certain level, it will begin to involve the level of genes, and then gradually explore to prolong life, improve physical fitness, Technology and technology to make up for genetic defects.”

“Gene evolution fluid was born from this, by making gene evolution fluid to improve genes, increase lifespan, make up for genetic defects, etc.”

The voice of the intelligent program resounded in my mind again.

“Oh, so it is~”

Liu Yuan understood immediately.

“In fact, the most important thing about genetic optimization fluid is to prolong the lifespan of life. Lifespan is an important criterion for measuring the development level of a civilization. Even when you measure the human development index of a country or region on your planet, you will use the average lifespan, the average lifespan. The longer it is, the higher the development index is, and it is similar in the universe.”

“In addition, the higher the development of science and technology, the more difficult it will be. If the lifespan is too short, the knowledge of the predecessors may have been exhausted for a lifetime. How can we continue to develop and explore more advanced technology?”

“Yes, now that knowledge has exploded, it takes a long time to learn.”

After listening to the other party’s words, Liu Yuan also nodded.

“Okay, I’ll give you an injection of genetic evolution fluid first, it’s a little painful, please bear with it.”

After the other party finished speaking, before Liu Yuan could react, a piercing pain suddenly started to spread from his mind, causing Liu Yuan’s whole body to convulse in pain, bowing like a prawn, and then very quickly. The whole person almost fell into a coma. On Liu Yuan’s body, a black greasy substance could be seen constantly pouring out, exuding a foul smell.

PS: This time, the civilization level setting refers to the scope of activities. The stronger the civilization, the larger the scope of activities. The same is true in the universe, such as parent star civilization, star civilization, river civilization, star civilization, Astral civilization~

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