The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Powerful Gene Optimization Solution


I don’t know how long it took, Liu Yuan slowly woke up from the coma, his whole body felt so comfortable that he couldn’t help stretching.


The bones in the whole body made a dense sound, and a sense of comfort spread throughout the body.


“It’s too comfortable.”

Liu Yuan stood up and moved slightly.

“It just started hurting to death, but I didn’t expect it to become more and more comfortable afterwards.”

“Of course, this is the top genetic optimization fluid in the entire universe. It is something that money can’t buy. Even in the civilization of God, it is a rare thing, and it takes a huge price to make it.”

The voice of the smart program resounded in his mind again, and Liu Yuan woke up instantly.

By the way, I seem to have obtained the inheritance seeds of the civilization of God.

Originally, I thought I was dreaming, but now the voice in my head sounded again, which made Liu Yuan once again confirmed that he really got the inheritance of the powerful civilization in the universe.

“My eyes seem to see better.”

Liu Yuan rubbed his eyes, looking a little unbelievable, because when he looked out the window just now, he could clearly see Zhi on the tree next to the road, and even the lines on Zhi’s wings. Clearly.


Liu Yuan continued to look around at will, even from far away, Liu Yuan could see very clearly, as if he had installed a telescope, without the slightest effort, even at a distance of several hundred meters, he even I can see the moles on the faces of passersby and the ants crawling on the road.

“It’s incredible!”

Liu Yuan couldn’t help but smile.

As a young man growing up in the new era, even though he has no money to buy mobile phones, iPads and other games for himself, Liu Yuan has been somewhat short-sighted by studying for many years.

However, in order to save money, Liu Yuan has not given himself glasses all the time, so during class, Liu Yuan, who is sitting in the back row, often cannot see clearly.

It’s good now, this short-sightedness will be healed all of a sudden, and I will see things clearly in the future, even small things. The whole world seems to have changed. colorful.

“Ah, it’s already four o’clock now.”

Soon, when Liu Yuan saw a clock hanging in a shop across the road, he immediately called out.

Then he quickly put away his books, picked up the sledgehammer next to him, and started to smash the wall.

“I’ve slept for too long now. I’m afraid there is no way to finish this house today.”

Liu Yuan seemed a little anxious. He smashed walls and shoveled white ashes here because of the workload. The more he worked, the more he could get. The reason why he worked so hard was to take this opportunity to make more money.

You must know that during the summer vacation, Liu Yuan could only pick up junk and sell it everywhere and earn very little. Now that he has the opportunity to make more money, he must cherish it.

“Why is this hammer so light?”

Liu Yuan waved the sledgehammer in his hand, and immediately found that the sledgehammer in his hand became light and fluttering, like a reed, without any weight, and could be swung easily.


Before Liu Yuan could think clearly, the hammer landed heavily on the concrete wall, making a loud noise, the entire wall cracked instantly, and then fell directly.


Liu Yuan looked at the effect of his hammer, and immediately showed an expression of disbelief, and then tossed the hammer in his hand, and after a slight feeling, it was still very light.

“My strength has become so terrifying. This hammer directly smashed an entire wall. If it was before, I would have to hammer this wall for at least ten minutes.”

“With such power, I can earn at least 800 yuan a day!”

A smile appeared on Liu Yuan’s face, and he couldn’t help but shout.


In his mind, the intelligent program that inherited the seeds suddenly let out a speechless sigh.

The inheritor of this dignified civilization is still thinking about making 800 yuan a day on such a backward planet, which is really speechless.

If the person who made this inheritance seed knew about it, he would probably vomit blood and die.

However, thinking about Liu Yuan’s experience from childhood to adulthood, he has nothing to say.

Really poor and miserable.

From a young age, Liu Yuan not only had to rely on himself to earn living expenses, but also to take care of his grandparents. Growing up in such an environment, for Liu Yuan, this seemed normal.

He didn’t realize what it meant to get the inheritance of God’s civilization at all, and he was still worried about the cost of studying in the future.


Liu Yuan came to a wall again, and the big hammer in his hand smashed it hard, with a loud noise, just one hammer, the wall had been smashed, and the remaining corners and corners were done with a few hammers.

“Haha, this feels so cool.”

Liu Yuan was as happy as a child, thinking about how to make more money next time. “It’s as simple as smashing the wall, and the next step is to transport these construction wastes out.”

Just a few hammers smashed the wall that was about to be smashed. Liu Yuan happily pulled the small bucket truck to load the construction waste into it. Because the strength has increased a lot, it used to be very difficult to load the truck, but now it is Very easy.

Liu Yuan easily loaded the large and large cement blocks into it, filling a full cart in a few moments, and then he easily pulled the cart and walked outside.

“Liu Yuan, you are all black, and you don’t wash it. If it weren’t for your clothes, I would have thought you were black.”

Pulling a car full of construction waste, Liu Yuan soon met Uncle Li Ming, an acquaintance who also smashed the wall here, and is also from his own village.

“It’s too dusty to wash it.”

Liu Yuan replied with a smile, he didn’t even notice that his whole body was now pitch black and covered with a layer of dark greasy substance.

“Go wash quickly, you still smell bad, I don’t know if you fell into the ditch.”

Li Ming looked at Liu Yuan and said that he could smell a pungent odor from a distance.


“Does it stink that much?”

Liu Yuan patted his head, then looked at himself again, only then did he notice the black and greasy stuff on his hands, and when he smelled it again, he couldn’t help but feel sick.

“It smells so bad~”

Liu Yuan hurriedly pulled the trolley to dump the construction waste inside, then came to the tap water and started to wash it.

As soon as the cold tap water was flushed, the black greasy substance on his hands was washed away at once, revealing his fair skin as jade.

“When did my skin get better?”

Liu Yuan touched his hand, a little dumbfounded.

My own situation is naturally the most clear. I work on the construction site every day, not to mention the charcoal, this skin is absolutely impossible to be as white as jade.

“It’s rare and strange, it’s all about the role of genetic optimization fluid.”

In my mind, the voice of the intelligent program sounded.

“It turns out that it has a whitening function. If it is developed into a skin care product, it is estimated that it must be very profitable.”

Liu Yuan suddenly realized that he thought about it and replied to the intelligent program.

“…Can you not mention the money, this is the top genetic optimization solution in the universe. When you talk about money and whitening and skin care, isn’t it a bit insulting?”

The intelligent program is speechless again, why does it always fall into the eyes of money?

“But it’s really white, and this feeling is really good.”

While washing, Liu Yuan couldn’t help but touch his skin. It was as fair as jade, but the key was that it was as tender as a baby.

“Why is the whole body covered with these dark and greasy things, it’s so dirty.”

Liu Yuan took off his short sleeves, revealing his strong muscles and sturdy body. As soon as the tap water was flushed, the black greasy substance was washed away at once, and the skin became fair and smooth, and even some small scars left in the past disappeared. ‘s clean.

“These are all harmful substances accumulated in your body in the past. Although these things do not pose any harm to your body temporarily, they will affect your health and even your lifespan after a long time.”

The intelligent program explained.



After washing one side with tap water from beginning to end, once the greasy substances on his body were removed, Liu Yuan only felt that his whole body was comfortable, the pores on his body seemed to open, and he was greedily breathing fresh air.

“Liu Yuan, why are you so white like a woman?”

“I’ve never seen you so white before.”

After Liu Yuan finished washing, Li Ming, whom he had just met, was also pulling a cart to take out the construction waste. Seeing that Li Ming was shirtless and as white as jade, he immediately laughed and joked.

Looking at Liu Yuan again, he couldn’t help but exclaim in admiration: “You’re a good boy, he’s more handsome than the stars on TV, it’s a pity to come here to smash the wall, if you go to make a movie, you can be fascinated by keeping it safe. Thousands of girls.”

“Uncle Li, you will joke with me.”

When Liu Yuan heard this, he immediately smiled and replied.

Although he is not ugly, he absolutely cannot compare with the stars on TV, let alone fascinate thousands of girls. Uncle Li must be joking with himself.

“I’m not kidding you, I haven’t found out before.”

“It’s better to be young, at the same age as flowers, handsome men and beautiful women.”

Li Ming smiled and sighed. The more he looked at Liu Yuan, the more he felt that this boy was really handsome. Breath, full of infinite vitality.

After speaking, he shook his head slightly and continued to push his car to work. For these migrant workers, the work in their hands was the most important thing, and they would not pay too much attention to other things.

“Uncle Li really knows how to joke.”

Seeing Li Ming who was still busy, Liu Yuan smiled and continued to push his own car to carry construction waste.

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