The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 294

Chapter 297 The Direction Of Technology And Civilization Development

Knowing the development direction and trend of technology and civilization from the seeds of inheritance, Liu Yuan naturally took Xinghai Technology on this road.

People need to rest, and they also need to deal with the relationship between the company and the employees. People still have holiday festivals, they will get sick and have things delayed, etc., but these machines are not needed. As long as the machine is not broken and has energy, it can work hard without complaining. Continue to create value for you.

“Hello everyone~Hello everyone!”

The salary of Xinghai Technology is good. Every year, the salary of these millions of people will be paid out hundreds of billions of dollars. This is a heavy burden, and the proportion of salary is too high.

Liu Yuan naturally has the highest authority in the company, and can enter any area, and all information can also be viewed and downloaded.

Just like the civilization in the Three-Body Problem, just a drop of water destroyed more than 2,000 powerful space battleships of human civilization.

At this point, Xinghai Technology has made settings in almost every place. According to the position and level, the company’s internal information, documents, and technical materials that can be browsed, and the company area that can be entered, etc. have been set.

However, it is highly valued by Liu Yuan. The entire Xinghai Security Group has more than 20,000 people, basically composed of elite veterans who are mainly responsible for all aspects of the company’s security work.

And the war between advanced cosmic civilizations may often be silent, or it may be a fast contest in a very short period of time, and the winner has been decided in a very short period of time, or there is often a crushing effect. , a one-sided war.

Liu Yuan greeted everyone with a smile on his face. The scale of the company is getting bigger and bigger, and most of the employees have never seen it. Those familiar faces in the past have now become the management of various subsidiaries and parts. , scattered in various subsidiaries and departments, the most familiar ones are those scientists in the research institute.

It means that there is no entry, no exit, the agents who entered it have disappeared, and there is no news, no one knows whether it was handed over to the above or eliminated.

In some powerful advanced civilizations, only a very small number of people are often required to complete extremely large manufacturing tasks, and large-scale production and manufacturing of huge fleets are made in a very short period of time.

In addition to these obvious confidentiality measures, Liu Yuan actually made many arrangements for the inheritance seeds, which ensured the technical and information security of Xinghai Technology, and there have been no problems so far.

And because there are a large number of secret agents who sneaked into Xinghai Technology and lost contact without a sound, it also gave Xinghai Technology the nickname of ‘black hole’.

The entire department is actually a subsidiary called Xinghai Security Group, but because it is engaged in security, it is not tied with the seven major sub-groups.

Scientists at the research institute are often only able to enter the areas of their own laboratories and project teams, and cannot enter other places. They need to apply and get approval before they can enter.

Only by developing high-tech industries, financial industries, service industries and other high value-added industries can the demand for high salaries be met. Or, like Germany, vigorously develop machinery manufacturing and use a large number of machinery and machines to provide production efficiency and reduce labor costs. demand, so that production and development can continue.

The development trend of science and technology itself is like this, freeing people from repetitive mechanical work and turning to innovative and creative work. That is to say, the proportion of the population engaged in the primary and secondary industries will continue to decline, while the proportion of the population engaged in the tertiary industry will continue to increase, and the corresponding output value will also undergo huge changes.

The reason for doing this is all for the confidentiality of technology and information, and to prevent the leakage of technology and information. Xinghai Technology is basically a unique business. If technology is leaked, it will definitely be a fatal blow to Xinghai Technology. .

Among the middle and low-level civilizations, automation, mechanization, intelligence, and unmannedization are a development trend and direction, and the mutual pecking between rookie-level civilizations is often the most exciting drama in the cosmic interstellar war.

This is the situation on Earth. In the interstellar universe, the higher the level of civilization, the more intelligent, automated, and unmanned the manufacturing industry will be.

The workers on the production line were busy, and when they saw Liu Yuan, Tang Peng and Sun Zilong coming together, they also stopped to say hello to the three of them.

Like Xinghai Aerospace Science and Technology Group, there are more than ten bases, large and small, with millions of employees, most of which are workers on the production line.

It cannot be compared with the financial, real estate, insurance, and Internet industries, and there is absolutely no comparability in the value created by the unit.

Ordinary managers do not have the right to enter the core research areas and production areas, let alone browse and download related scientific and technological materials, even if Lu Yong is the second person in the company, because he is only a manager, not a researcher, he is also no The right to download and browse any technology-related materials.

Therefore, wars between advanced cosmic civilizations are often difficult to distinguish, because even the confrontation between hundreds of millions of huge battleship groups may only be created in a very short period of time for them.

This is also the reason why in many developed countries, the manufacturing industry is becoming more and more empty. In the final analysis, labor is too expensive, and the manufactured products are not competitive at all.

The thing that can really decide the outcome of cosmic civilizations is already the human sea tactics or battleship sea tactics that everyone understands, but it involves the ultimate meaning of the development of cosmic science and technology.

Therefore, Liu Yuan attaches great importance to this. The entire group of Xinghai Technology Group has a security department, and the security department is a department directly responsible to Liu Yuan.

If Xinghai Aerospace Science and Technology’s various aircrafts are not enough to make money, they would not be able to play and hire such a large number of employees. Of course, this is also a common problem in the manufacturing industry. The number of employees in the manufacturing industry is very large, which can promote a large number of jobs and drive the development of many related industries and industries.

The scale of the entire production line is very large and the production line is very long. Part of the core area is a closed area, and you need to be authorized to enter it, or only people with high enough authority can enter it.

In terms of cost, the cost of using the machine is much lower than the labor cost, and that is why the mechanical things are cheaper. If industrial manufacturing wants to improve efficiency and profit, the use of mechanization is inevitable, especially when labor is becoming more and more expensive, mechanical manufacturing is particularly important.

“Hello, Mr. Tang, Mr. Sun!”

If it is placed in a higher-level cosmic civilization, in the wider cosmic interstellar sea, such a war is quietly going on all the time. In the ashes, it disappeared.

Entering the closed production area, there are also a large number of scientists and engineers debugging in the entire closed production area, one by one robotic arms, various probes, optical sensors, etc., all of which are full of sci-fi colors. .

“Hi boss”

Even in the war in the universe, they can’t even see each other, the winner and loser have been divided between the two sides, and a civilization has been perished in silence.

Just like the war that happened in the Middle East that year, in just seven days, it completely overwhelmed an army with hundreds of thousands of well-equipped equipment at the cost of almost zero casualties. This is just a war on earth. It is the mother star. Civilization War.

Of course, from the point of view of capitalists, machines are more reliable than humans, and they are also much less troublesome.

That is, all production is ultimately to move towards a fully automated, fully intelligent, fully unmanned production mode, freeing people from tedious repetitive work to engage in innovative work.

In short, this kind of invisible thing, even if there is a problem, no one will speak up. This is a rule of the game that everyone acquiesces in. Unless the two parties exchange privately with each other, it is possible to regain freedom, but The vast majority of these people basically disappear permanently.

There are millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of cosmic interstellar warships between each other, and the collisions and collisions between the huge cosmic warplanes counted in hundreds of millions create the most splendid fireworks.

Although it is an unmanned, intelligent and automated production for confidentiality, this is also a subject currently being researched by the Xinghai Science and Technology Engineering Machinery Research Institute.

The same is true for related scientific and technological materials. You can only browse the related materials within your own authority, and you cannot download the scientific and technological materials and information within the research institute. If you want to download related information and materials, you need permission.

This is also an order and research task issued by Liu Yuan.

It should be fortunate that the earth has never been in contact with powerful alien civilizations, otherwise, for the earth’s human beings, when disaster strikes, there may not even be time to react.

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