The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 295

Chapter 298 The Sharpening Aircraft Manufacturers 1

“Hurry up and start production before the end of the month. Now the economic situation is not good, and many people are unemployed, so they are counting on the aircraft manufacturing industry to solve the employment problem on a large scale as soon as possible.”

After visiting the entire production base, Liu Yuan knew what to do, so he warned Tang Peng and Sun Zilong.

Regardless of the rapid development and rapid growth of Xinghai Technology, but at the level of the entire Guojia, the economy is actually not good, because one has been impacted by the global financial and economic crisis.

Beautiful fruit lost its status as an international currency because of the green coin, and the economy collapsed, resulting in a huge economic crisis and a tsunami that hit the global economic and financial markets.

The entire global economy has directly regressed for more than ten years. Under the disaster, we have been hit very hard.

In addition, because of the emergence of aircraft, the real estate industry has completely collapsed. I don’t know how many real estate companies have closed down, their houses cannot be sold, and many related industries have also fallen into freezing point. In this industry alone, the number of unemployed people is very large.

The development of fruit currency internationalization has also seriously affected foreign trade. Many foreign trade industries that traditionally relied on cheap labor have been greatly impacted. A large number of traditional foreign trade industries have gone bankrupt, which has caused a huge wave of unemployment.

In many ways, the unemployment rate is very high, and many college graduates can’t find jobs at all, so the recruitment of Xinghai Technology has also made countless people sharpen their heads and want to come in.

In this era, it is very, very difficult to find a job with a high salary. Even if you go to Xinghai Technology’s factory to make screws, everyone is willing.

Although the major aircraft manufacturers are now recruiting a lot of people, they are also very clear that when the aircraft has not officially started production and sales, they will not raise too many idlers.

Only when large-scale production of aircraft begins, and their aircraft can be sold continuously, will they continue to expand their scale and production capacity and recruit more workers.

The number of people recruited now may be less than one-tenth of the expected number. Xinghai Technology also has to shoulder the task of producing anti-gravity engines because the aircraft is selling well. Therefore, the scale and number of people have expanded rapidly. In a short period of time In just over a year, millions of people were recruited.

“Don’t worry, boss, production will be completed before the end of the month.

Sun Zilong solemnly assured.

“Well, notify the major aircraft manufacturers of the progress and news.”

Liu Yuan nodded and said.


Tang Peng and Sun Zilong replied in unison again.

A production base of Biatie Aircraft Manufacturing Group Here, Pharaoh is inspecting his own production line and several aircraft developed by his company.

“Mr. Wang, this aircraft is the Pegasus aircraft developed by our company.”

Zhang Xiaoping, the technical director of Biyati Aircraft, pointed to a detailed introduction of a fully finalized aircraft.

“The power is a hybrid of the A001 anti-gravity engine produced by Xinghai Technology and the A001 small aero-engine produced by Xinghai Technology. The fastest speed can reach the speed of Mach 5, that is, the speed exceeds 6000 kilometers per hour!”

Lao Wang looked at the Pegasus aircraft in front of him. The 1ogo used by this aircraft is not the logo of Biaatti, but an independent brand that operates independently.

Obviously, Pharaoh and the others are also very clear that the brand of Biaatti doesn’t seem to match the high-end aircraft, so they simply re-create a brand-new brand separately, which is more conducive to the operation of the mid-end market. And development.

Before building cars, Biyati’s cars were always low-end brands, and they couldn’t enter the mid-end market. Now that they build aircraft, they naturally won’t dare to be the same as before, but they are just mixed in the low-end market. Squeeze the mid-to-high-end market.


Old Wang looked at the aircraft in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

The overall look is full of streamlines and curves, full of technology, and looks much more comfortable than the Freelander and Sunwalker aircraft of Xinghai Technology.

“Has it been tested?

After thinking about it, the old king asked.

“We have gone through all aspects of testing, and there is no problem in terms of energy consumption. It is similar to several aircrafts of Xinghai Technology, and there is no problem in terms of safety.”

“The positioning, navigation and communication system is also a system using Xinghai Technology. It can be said that apart from the differences in appearance and internal structure, it is actually similar to several Xinghai Technology’s flights in other aspects.”

Zhang Xiaoping replied quickly.

“Is it ready for production now?”

Pharaoh nodded with satisfaction. This is also a selling point. When the time comes, the advertisement will be like this. We are similar to the aircraft of Xinghai Technology, but the price is tens of thousands cheaper. It depends on your choice. “It can be put into production at any time. 80% of our components are also suppliers of Xinghai Technology components, and the front parts have been finalized.”

“The suppliers have also built corresponding production lines, and can provide us with the parts we need at any time. Our own production lines have also been debugged, and the workers have also been trained, waiting for Xinghai Technology’s anti-gravity engine and Large-scale supply of aircraft engines.

Zhang Xiaoping nodded and said.

“That’s good, Xinghai Technology is slow in doing things, and this is already burning the eyebrows. They are still implementing the eight-hour work system, and they also have weekends on weekends.”

After listening to it, Lao Wang knew it in his heart, and then he complained about the efficiency of Xinghai Technology. In this era of 996, Xinghai Technology is still playing the 865 working system, and the efficiency is very slow.

If it is placed in other companies, it is estimated that it has already begun to supply major aircraft manufacturers.

“No way, they are a technology company, they play high-tech things, and everything is very fancy, but I heard that their aircraft factory is already working overtime.”

Zhang Xiaoping said with a smile.

“Of course I will work overtime. Who can’t live with the money? As for the aircrafts of Xinghai Technology, Freelander and Sun Xingzhe are similar in length. One sells for hundreds of thousands, and the other sells for millions. I don’t know where they are. Confidence in coming, I feel that consumers are being fooled or something.”

“However, it is said that the sales of Freelander aircraft are still quite popular, and more than 200,000 vehicles were sold worldwide in the last month alone.”

While talking, Lao Wang shook his head. This is the case in the mid-to-high-end market. Sometimes consumers just buy expensive ones and don’t sell them right. Freelanders and Sun Xingzhe are similar in length, but rich people don’t care about the money, they just want to buy expensive ones. Yes, you can’t either.

Just like the previous niche cars, several cars are similar in length. The cheap ones are hundreds of thousands, and the expensive ones are millions. That is to say, the logos sell very well.

Now this hand has also been played by Xinghai Technology. Freelander and Sunwalker aircraft are not much different. They both have the same appearance as high-speed rail bullets, but the front face of Freelander is more streamlined and longer.

There is no difference in other aspects. The interior is a little more beautiful and high-end for you. The price of the Freelander is more than twice that of the Sunwalker, but it is still very popular.

You also have no choice.

“Now the market is eaten by Xinghai Technology and there is no competition. Naturally, they can sell whatever they want. Of course, this has always been the case in the mid-to-high-end consumer market. It is the same as those luxury goods. Sometimes they sell It’s the brand.

Zhang Xiaoping also sighed.

Then everyone came to a large vehicle that looked a bit like a high-speed rail train.

“Mr. Wang, this is the Shenlong brand anti-gravity city bus that we have developed. It is similar to a high-speed rail train, but only has a 30-meter-long carriage, which can take more than 100 people at one time. Build a bus system.

“It can also be used for rapid public transport between the city and the countryside, and I think it will definitely be a big sale.

Zhang Xiaoping pointed at the aircraft that looked like a high-speed train in front of him, and confidently introduced it to Lao Wang.

It is also the main line of Biaatti Group to make buses. Their electric buses are very popular all over the world, especially in Europe and the United States, where environmental protection, greenness and health are emphasized, electric buses are very popular. welcome.

Now that the aircraft has come out, they will naturally not forget their old business, and have developed this public aircraft that is like a high-speed train in front of them.

“How is it performance-wise?”

The old king nodded and asked.

“The A002 anti-gravity engine is used, which has a large carrying capacity, but is relatively slow, and can only reach a speed of Mach 3 at the fastest.”

“The speed of Mach 3 is enough. What I’m worried about now is the bus system between cities or the bus system within a large area and range. Is it worthwhile? Will anyone be willing to do this? If not If so, our aircraft will not sell well.

Pharaoh lacks confidence. The public transportation system is generally within a city. The exchanges and exchanges between cities now rely on high-speed rail and planes.

Whether this Shenlong brand aircraft can be a big sale, I don’t know.

Now is the golden age of aircraft development. A lot of manpower and material resources have been invested in this thing. If it can’t be sold, it will be a blood loss.

“It will definitely be a big sale, and in the future, the communication between a city and the surrounding rural areas can rely more on this Shenlong brand aircraft.

“The way of life in the future is to work in the city and live in the countryside, but it is not a flying machine that everyone sells, and there will inevitably be market demand for the public transportation system.”

Zhang Xiaoping is very confident, he seems to have seen the future development trend and trend.

PS: Wait for another chapter~

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