The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 330

Chapter 336 We Protest

The center of Bali in Europe is only a few hundred meters away from the Bali Tower, and the virtual machine experience store begins here.

At this moment, there have been long queues for several miles outside the entire experience store. Although today is the weekend, according to the past habits, they have already gone on vacation.

Now with aircraft, it is easy to run around the world, and even if there is no aircraft, you can take a taxi through Didi Global. The price is cheap and affordable, and you can easily go where you want to go.

But now, they’re lining up here at the dawn of time, waiting to experience the magic of virtual worlds and virtual technology, while buying virtual machines.

The news about virtual technology and virtual world is now overwhelming and has become the hottest topic. Everyone who has experienced the virtual world cannot help but be amazed and deeply fascinated by it.

“Tom, let me tell you, this virtual technology is very magical. It does not require eyes to see anything at all. It can directly transmit all information to the brain, and it can also be controlled according to the instructions of the brain without manual manipulation. You can control everything in the virtual world and the Internet.”

“Very, very magical!”

“I’m going to buy this virtual machine today anyway!”

William kept telling his friends about the magic of the virtual world. He had an oriental friend who let William play for an hour, and he couldn’t help falling in love with the virtual world.

“Is it really that amazing?”

Tom said in disbelief.

“Of course~”

“Otherwise, why do you think everyone came here to line up early? It’s not just to buy a virtual machine and experience the magic of the virtual world as soon as possible.”

William said with certainty.

Looking at the long queue in front, I don’t know when it will be my turn.

With the passage of time, more and more people came to queue here, and the long queue has stretched for several miles. Because there were too many people gathered, jgcha also had to work overtime and began to come here to maintain order. .

Experience in-store.

“Oh my God, it’s incredible!”

“All the information is directly printed in my mind, even without my eyes, I can clearly know all the capabilities, including pictures, sounds, and even imitate heat and cold, fear and joy, etc. ”


“It’s incredible!”


A virtual machine specially used for promotion and giving people experience. Here, every one of the experiencers is exclaiming. The power of virtual technology is incredible, making people feel like they are in another world.

“I want two virtual machines!”

Here, the sales of virtual machines are very hot.

“Sorry sir, now a person can only buy one virtual machine, and you need to use your ID to buy it.”

When the waiter heard this, he quickly said apologetically.

Originally, there was no overtime work on weekends, but now the economic situation is very poor, it is extremely difficult to find a good job, not to mention that if you work overtime on weekends, you can earn double wages. Working overtime on weekends.

“Oh, God, if there is only one, I will definitely be scolded to death when I go back.”

“Forget it, just one piece, how much does it cost?”

When the other party heard it, he immediately covered his head and hurriedly asked about the price.

“A total of 20,000 euros!”

The waiter said quickly.

“Twenty thousand euros?”

“Oh god, that’s too expensive.”

“I remember that in the East, it seems that it is only 20,000 Oriental fruit coins. If you convert it into euros, you only need 10,000 euros. You actually sell 20,000 euros. It’s too dark, and the price is twice theirs!”

When Thomas heard this, he couldn’t help but scream.

These abominable agents are really vampires. It’s really abominable to buy things twice.

“Why is your price so much higher than the price announced by Xinghai Technology?”


“If you don’t give us an explanation today, we’ll smash your store!”

Obviously not only Thomas was angry, everyone was angry when they learned that the price here was as high as 20,000 euros.

Many people think that the price is 20,000 oriental currency, and if converted into euros, it is 10,000 euros.

The price of 10,000 euros is already very expensive for them.

You must know that their average salary is less than 3,000 euros a month. After paying various taxes, they may get around 2,000 euros.

In addition, the current economic situation is very bad, the unemployment rate is still high, and there are tens of millions of unemployed people in Germany next to them. The impact on them is very large, and the number of unemployed themselves is particularly large. It is already difficult for them to come up with 10,000 euros. Only people with high income and wealth can have the money to buy virtual machines.

Many people actually don’t have much money on hand, and they are all good.

Now they even tell them that the price is twice that of the East side. The East side only sells 10,000 euros, but it will cost 20,000 euros here. Of course, they can’t stand such a thing.

For a while, the news spread quickly, and the entire long queue began to become restless. The angry crowd stopped lining up at all, and started rushing in directly.

But fortunately, jgcha is maintaining order, which prevents the scene from becoming a place for Lingyuan to buy, but the crowd is already angry, why is the price difference so big?

“Gentlemen and Ladies~”

“It’s normal for prices to vary, just like our red wines are generally several times more expensive in the East than they are here.”

“In addition, in order to obtain the proxy rights of this virtual machine, our company also spent more than 2 billion euros to compete for the proxy rights of this virtual machine, which is also one of our costs.”

“Our price is higher than the east side because of this. In itself, we don’t make much money.”

The manager of the experience store immediately came out to explain.

However, now, everyone is not willing to listen to his explanation at all. The price difference is two times, which is absolutely unacceptable. As for the reason, everyone does not care or care.

“Protest ~ protest!”

“Protest unfair sales! Protest price discrimination!”

The Balinese people have fine traditions. Almost in a very short period of time, everyone began to protest angrily. People shouted slogans to express their dissatisfaction.

This virtual machine itself is already very expensive. The price of 10,000 euros is already a high price for them. You must know that many people are moonlight and have no habit of saving money at all. Where are you going? To get this 10,000 euros out?

Now it has doubled, and it costs 20,000 euros. Doesn’t this cost everyone’s life?

People are very dissatisfied, and at the same time, coupled with the current bad economic situation and employment situation, a large number of people are unemployed, their income has dropped sharply, many companies have closed down, and people have lost their jobs.

This is like a fuse, igniting the dissatisfied Balinese.

Soon, a huge procession began to march.

Temporary signs with various slogans written on them.

I need a job, I am a financial analyst and have been unemployed this year.

We need bread, the benefits are getting less and less, and there is simply not enough to buy food.

Price discrimination, why is the price on our side twice as high as in the East?

Incompetent xxxx must go down immediately.

As more and more people gather, many of them form a huge team.

It was not until this time that everyone discovered that there were actually too many here in Bali. Too many people were staying at home, and they did not go out to travel or play, but chose more economical activities.

All kinds of dissatisfied emotions are constantly spreading, and angry people are flooding the streets and alleys, constantly expressing their inner dissatisfaction.

I don’t know when it started, they slowly found that their days were getting more and more difficult.

It’s hard to find a job, and once you lose your job, it’s hard to find a job again.

Unemployment also seems to have become a common thing. People around you are unemployed one by one, and more and more people are receiving benefits, while the amount they can receive is getting less and less.

Everyone is always concerned about how much the next relief fund can be received, hoping to buy enough food.

This winter seems to be much colder than before, because there are too many, too many people have no money to buy heating, so they can only choose to rely on their righteousness to carry this winter hard.

The Christmas that just passed seems to be the most shabby Christmas in everyone’s memory. Many people don’t even have the money to prepare a decent present for their children.

The size of the team is constantly expanding. People find that everyone is at home, and there are not many people going out to play. It is really difficult now.

In the virtual machine experience store, sales are still hot. Some people think that the price is too expensive to buy, but there are still many rich people, and some people still buy virtual machines without blinking an eye.

But soon, these people also roared in anger.


“Why do you only have a quota of 2,000 units here, and this virtual machine is not enough at all, and you are telling me that it is sold out now?”

“I don’t care what method you use, even if you sell me the virtual machine in your exhibition hall for experience, you must sell me the virtual machine immediately, otherwise I will smash your store now.”


“It’s sold out?”

“Only a quota of 2,000 units?”

“But I heard that Xinghai Technology sold tens of millions of units a day?”

“Why did you only have 2,000 copies when it came to you?”

When the people in the back heard it, they immediately became furious. They worked hard to line up and endured twice the high price. Now they are out of stock, and everyone was completely angry!

ps: It seems that we have always been more expensive to buy things~

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