The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 331

Chapter 337 Crazy Virtual Machine

There was a long queue, but they couldn’t buy their beloved virtual machine, which made everyone’s emotions completely out of control.

The scene suddenly became extremely chaotic. The angry crowd smashed everything. At the same time, someone took the opportunity to directly snatch the virtual machine used for the experience in the store. Even if it was tied with the strongest rope, it was useless.

“We’ve been queuing so hard for hours, and you’re joking when you say there’s no stock available?”

“Why are we here more than twice as expensive as Dongfang?”

“You vampires, you make money with black hearts, don’t you know that many people can’t even buy bread now?”

“Virtual machine, give us a virtual machine!”

People angrily smashed the experience store to pieces, and they kept roaring.

Young people are the most obsessed with technological trends, and young people are also the most impulsive. At this moment, they don’t care so much. Anyway, the streets outside are very chaotic.

The parade is getting bigger and bigger.

People’s emotions started to get out of control.

They are utterly disappointed with their current life.

Jobs are very hard to find, and salaries are getting lower and lower. The key is that if you lose your job, you will no longer be able to receive the generous unemployment benefits as before.

Because there are too many unemployed people, paying less and less tax, there is no money to give them any relief, not to mention the current economic situation is really bad, where is there any money to give them what? Unemployment benefits.

Even Germany, which has always been famous for its industrial economy, is now plunged into a boundless abyss and hell because of the collapse of the automobile industry.

More than half of the population is unemployed, and the benefits are long gone. For those who have lost their jobs, and there is no benefit, they can’t even buy bread.

Not to mention them, their economy has always been inferior to that of their next-door neighbors, and they have always been in debt, and they have been seriously unable to make ends meet in the past.

In the past elections, only those who promised more benefits to the people could win elections, but everyone knows that this money will not come out in vain, but only if the common people participate in labor and create value can the money come out to provide benefits for everyone.

However, in a society with high welfare, there are lazy people. There are more and more lazy people in the society, not to mention a large number of immigrants. These immigrants basically do not work. They only have children and eat state welfare.

In such an environment, let alone the absence of an economic crisis, even under normal circumstances, it is destined to be unsustainable for a long time.

Now it’s just making the situation even more serious.

The angry crowd began to lose control, smashing, looting and burning all the shops and supermarkets that could be seen along the way, sweeping everything inside.

Shouting slogans demanding relief funds, increasing welfare, and lowering prices, the entire city was soon paralyzed, with black smoke billowing, and those who didn’t know it thought it was an invasion by a foreign enemy.

As for the local government, they are still powerless about everything in front of them. If they want money but have no money, where will they have the money to continue to maintain high welfare?

You must know that according to the previous standard, there is almost no gap between the unemployment benefits and the wages you get from work. That is to say, the money you get from working hard for a month is the same as the money you get when you work hard for a month and someone else comfortably travels at home for a month. The money is about the same.

Even if there are more children in other people’s homes, they may get more money than you.

You said that in such a situation, will everyone go to work actively?

Obviously not. If you can be lazy, you can be lazy. Unemployment is the best. Anyway, it doesn’t matter. Lying at home comfortably, or going on a trip, isn’t it delicious?

But no one works, no one pays taxes, and no one creates value. Where does the money come from?

The common people will not care about this issue, nor will they care about it, all they can see is the money and interests in their hands.

Now there is no money to send, what do you ask them to do?

Just because of a virtual machine, the whole city fell into chaos again. Everyone has not remembered clearly. This is the nth time of chaos this year.

The streets of Tokyo, Japan, are here.

Outside the virtual machine experience store, there was a long queue early, and thousands of people were anxiously waiting to buy virtual machines.

Because of the proximity and the popularity of aircraft, they are also able to have more access to the new thing of virtual machines.

Many people’s friends, classmates, and the like have even purchased a virtual machine. Anyone who has experienced a virtual machine will be crazy about it and fascinated by it. Naturally, they can’t wait to have this virtual machine immediately.

People patted the team anxiously, waiting to experience the magic of virtual machines.

“I don’t know how much quota we have here, I hope it will be more.”

“There are just too many people coming to buy virtual machines.”

“Yeah, the virtual machine is really amazing, just like a real virtual world.” “Is it really that amazing?”

“Of course, you can really feel the magic of the virtual machine only by experiencing it in person. It is exactly the same as what is said in the propaganda, and all the information can be perfectly reflected in your mind, whether it is sound, image, text, etc. , and even heat and cold, fear and the like can make you feel it.”

“Very amazing!”

“Yesterday, my college classmate Wang Sang invited me to hang out with me. I was fortunate enough to experience a virtual machine once. What I want to say is that it was definitely an unforgettable experience.”

“After using a virtual machine, you will never think about using a mobile phone or a computer again. That is too low.”

“I heard that the price of this virtual machine is very expensive. It costs 20,000 Dongfang fruit coins. I don’t know what the price is here.”

“No matter how much you have to buy one, believe me, if you have such a virtual machine, you can stay at home in the future, and you can completely experience the virtual world at home, even if I use a virtual machine to see flowers With Mr. Ze’s film, you may be able to truly experience a completely different experience.”

“Wow, wow~ Why didn’t I think of it, if this is really possible, it is really a very exciting experience.”

The friends next to them couldn’t help but get excited when they heard it, and it was exciting to think about it.

While everyone was waiting anxiously, the experience store finally opened, and the anxiously waiting people rushed in.

“How much should I buy a virtual machine?”

“3 million doors~”

“3 million? Is that too expensive?”

Hearing this price, someone couldn’t help but exclaimed.

In itself, the fruit currency is constantly appreciating, and their Japanese currency is depreciating. It has reached the level of 1 fruit currency exchanged for 100 Japanese currency. Now the price is even more expensive, which makes them unable to resist. stand up.

“I’m very sorry, because we also paid a lot for the agency, so the price will be higher, but in the future, our price may drop.”

“To shock you, we are terribly sorry, really terribly sorry.”

“But at present, although the price is relatively expensive, please confirm whether to buy it as soon as possible, because our quantity is very small, we only have a quota of less than 20,000 in the entire Japanese country, and we sell one less than one. .”

“Only a quota of 20,000?”

“Buy me one~”

When I heard this number, I bought it as soon as I gritted my teeth.

In these countries in East Asia, ordinary people love to save money. As long as it is possible and their income is still, they can save a lot of money.

The same is true in the Japanese side. The common people generally like to save money. Although the price of 3 million is high, it is still affordable for them with good income.

The speed of sales is very fast. Here in the experience area, one after another people continue to experience the magic of the virtual machine. After the experience, they can’t help but be amazed.

Sighing at the power and magic of the virtual machine, and the wonder of the virtual world, and then when they went to buy the virtual machine, they found out that the virtual machine had been sold out early.

“Buy a virtual machine!”

“I’m willing to pay 5 million doors!”

Someone shouted at the person who had already bought the virtual machine.

“I want to buy a virtual machine, I am also willing to pay 5 million to buy a virtual machine!”

“I’m paying 6 million for a virtual machine!”

There are still many rich people, many of them took out a large stack of banknotes, waved them, and shouted loudly.

In just a short time, someone was willing to pay a high price of 6 million to buy a virtual machine. You must know that this figure is already their income for a year of work.

However, even if someone paid a high price of 7 million or 8 million, no one was willing to sell the virtual machine that they finally got.

These people who have purchased virtual machines can’t wait to put on virtual machines and start to swim in the virtual world.

Whether listening to songs, watching movies, reading novels, or playing games, the virtual world gives people an unprecedented sense of experience.

Even if it is used to connect to the Internet, it is still powerful and can give people a completely different experience, making it addicting to it.

As for the virtual game Xianxia World produced by Xinghai Technology, it conquered countless people in the first time, and almost everyone who entered the Xianxia world was deeply fascinated by it.

Xianxia world is like a real virtual world, whether it is picture quality, picture or other aspects, it is impeccable, coupled with the playability of the game and many settings, etc., people quickly Addicted to it.

Those who bought a virtual machine are experiencing the magic of the virtual world, while those who have not bought a virtual machine are starting to become crazy. Some people sell blood and donate bullets to raise money, and some people shoot long dragons in order to buy a virtual machine. Refusing to leave, some people even acted as petty thefts…

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