The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 35

Chapter 35 Obesity Is Also A Genetic Problem

In Class 4 (4) of Ningcheng No. 1 Middle School, the head teacher, Lu Xiao, eloquently explained mathematics topics on the podium. Under the podium, all the students studied very seriously.

In a blink of an eye, it is already April, and there are only two months left before the college entrance examination. The college entrance examination is coming soon. For students in the third stage of senior high school, the time is quite tight, and they are almost racing against time to study and work hard. of improving.

Even if he is a master who has always been a coward and does not study hard, at this time, he must be serious.

Sitting in the farthest corner, Liu Yuan propped his chin with one hand, learning advanced technological knowledge from the seeds of inheritance in his mind.

Cancer has already been conquered, and the company’s flagship products in the future are already available, but it is definitely impossible for a company to conquer the world with only one product, so Liu Yuan has been researching weight loss drugs since this time.

Originally, Liu Yuan always felt that there was no market for weight loss products.

Looking at the classmates in my class, there are still a few obese people. Most of the classmates are very slender and not fat at all, but after some investigation, I found out that this is really a super big market.

According to the latest survey data, more than 2 billion people worldwide are obsessed with obesity, and it is still showing a trend of continuous expansion.

Among them, there are about 700 million people who are really obese and affect their life and work. About 100 million of them are children, and the obesity rate and the number of obese children are increasing.

China has a huge population base and also has the largest number of obese people in the world. There are more than 15 million obese children and nearly 60 million obese adults.

The problem of obesity not only affects life and work, but also brings a lot of load and pressure to the body. Obesity causes many complications, and many of them are even very likely to lead to death. Every year, more than 4 million people in the world are overweight because of Or die from obesity.

Such a large base means that there is an unimaginable market for weight loss products, especially with the increasing number of obese women.

According to the survey, worldwide, the number of obese adult women has exceeded 70 million, which is severely obese, and the number of ordinary obese people is unknown.

And women’s money is the best and the most beautiful. The amount spent on weight loss every year is astronomical.

Such a huge market is beyond imagination, and Liu Yuan never imagined it.

If we can develop a really effective and efficient weight loss product, it will definitely bring wealth. After all, obesity is not only a disease, but also affects a person’s image and appearance.

As the saying goes, a fat person ruins everything. When a person is fat, both their spirit and appearance will be out of shape. When a person is thin, they will look much better.

“Seeds, among advanced civilizations, will they be troubled by obesity?”

Liu Yuan chatted with the seeds in his mind.

“Let’s not talk about advanced civilizations, even river system-level civilizations no longer have the problem of obesity. As long as biotechnology technology, especially genetic technology, can develop to a certain level, there is no need to worry about obesity.”

“The problem of obesity is actually a problem that arises after people’s lives become richer with the development of technology and civilization.”

“If in a primitive society, one is hungry for one meal and one meal is not the next one, obesity will naturally not exist. In the final analysis, obesity will gradually become a social problem only after living standards improve. .”

“But this kind of problem will gradually disappear into the long river of history with the development of civilization and technology. When technology and civilization develop to a certain extent, we can rely on technology to control all this.”

“It’s like the richer people are, the more they will pay attention to their image and lose weight. The more advanced and civilized people are, the higher the requirements for their own citizens, such as life expectancy, physical fitness, IQ, etc., how? May be plagued by petty obesity.”

Seed replied quickly, and called out a lot of data and information to Liu Yuan to see.

“It can also be said in a simple and simple way. In ancient times, many people suffered from big neck disease, smallpox and pockmarks on their faces.”

“These diseases can make people look very ugly and extremely ugly. However, with the advancement and development of technology, these diseases are gradually overcome, and naturally it is difficult to see such people.”

“I checked the information, and in the past, I often saw all kinds of people with very strange looks, but now there are fewer and fewer people like this, and everyone’s appearance has generally become better.” “Among them It can also be regarded as a kind of progress, a manifestation of development, and it also shows that your country’s technology and technology are constantly improving.”

“You can overcome many diseases and thus improve the quality of citizens of the whole country.”

“The same is true for obesity. At a certain stage, it reflects the level of development of a country and a civilization. The richer the region and country, the more obese people can be.”

“But when civilization continues to develop, obesity will become a problem like smallpox and big neck disease, and it will become a problem that needs to be solved.”

After listening carefully to the description of the seeds, Liu Yuan immediately understood.

This obesity can even rise to the level of measuring the level of civilization development of a country or region.

“After studying obesity for more than a month, I found that there are many factors that cause obesity, such as inherited genes, diet, living habits, age, etc. It seems that there are many factors, and there are various.”

“Many people say that obesity is caused by eating too much and exercising less, but I now find that obesity is actually a genetic problem.”

Liu Yuan shared some of his learning and research experience.

To study medicines for weight loss, it is natural to find out the many factors that lead to obesity, and then conduct detailed research, but after some careful research, Liu Yuan slowly found that obesity is actually only related to one factor, that is related to genes.

“I found that among the many samples you collected, all obese people have fifteen genes related to human appetite and weight regulation, and these genes are all highlighted and play an extremely critical role in obesity. ”

“The formation of these fifteen genes has a great relationship with the evolutionary history of human beings.”

“In the early days of human evolution, food was not guaranteed, and people who were hungry and full, slowly evolved some related genes in order to survive better.”

“For example, this overeating gene evolved to a large extent in the primitive period in order to compete for food in order to eat as much food as possible in the shortest time. Some people eat very fast, very fast. Much of it has to do with this gene.”

“Another example is the gene that stores fat, which is also related to this aspect. In ancient times, when food was available, we should eat as much as possible, and then store this energy in the form of fat. When there is a shortage of food, this part of fat will be stored. It can be turned into energy and released, so as to better survive the stage of food shortage.”

“This part of the gene is especially obvious in the genes of polar bears. In the season of abundant food, polar bears can rapidly increase their weight and accumulate fat in their bodies, so that they can slowly consume fat to spend when hibernating in the cold winter. ”

“The reason why people are prone to obesity now is because everyone’s ancestors relied on these genes to better adapt to the environment and survive in ancient times.”

“Those who can’t grab food, or eat less food, and fat storage genes are not good, many have been eliminated.”

“You are right. Obesity is actually related to genes. There are countless civilization races in the universe. In the early days of almost every civilization race, obesity genes made it easier for individuals to survive, so that they could better themselves. genes are passed on.”

“This kind of gene is actually a gene that has gradually evolved and highlighted in order to adapt to nature and to better continue the race.”

Liu Yuan and Seed have been in constant communication about the origin of obesity genes.

Who would have thought that the fat person actually has more advantages than the thin person, and it is a manifestation of adapting to natural development and evolution.

In a tough environment, obesity genes can actually make people better.

It’s just that this kind of gene has troubled people’s life and work in a modern civilized society. The society is highly developed and food is fully guaranteed, and the obesity gene has become a burden.

“Some people are not obese no matter what, and they are not afraid of what they eat. The obesity genes in these people are not prominent, so they will not be fat. Some people have prominent obesity genes, and they will gain weight when they drink water. If you feel like you will eat more, you will gain weight all of a sudden.”

“In the final analysis, it’s all about genes. As long as the prominent obesity genes are adjusted, you can naturally become thinner, and you don’t have to worry about obesity.”

(Then the question is, is it also a genetic problem for men to be lecherous?)

PS: I drove back to my hometown today. I woke up at six in the morning and set off at nine. I drove the car for a day. I was really tired.

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