The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 36

Chapter 36 Genetic W8 Loss

within the experimental space of the seeds.

“Haha, finally let me research it.”

Liu Yuan shouted excitedly. For more than a month, he studied the knowledge and technology in seeds during the day, and immersed himself in the study of genetic diet pills at night.

Finally, Liu Yuan was asked to study it.

“It feels more difficult than studying Keailing. Keailing only conducts specialized targeted research on the division and proliferation genes in cancer cells.”

“This research on diet pills involves 15 genes in the human body. If it weren’t for the guidance of many advanced technologies here, coupled with the help of these advanced scientific instruments, I still don’t know that this gene can be researched in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse. Weight loss pills.”

Looking at the genetic diet pills in the container, Liu Yuan was very excited.

This kind of feeling is like the feeling when you encounter an extremely difficult problem when doing a math problem, you think hard, think hard about the solution, and spend days and nights finally solving it.

The feeling of being comfortable and seeing the sun all over the body.

I can’t wait to shout excitedly, and immediately find someone to share my joy.

“Are you sure you can succeed this time?”

The sound of the seeds sounded, as if with a trace of suspicion.

“It will be a success this time~”

Liu Yuan looked extremely confident, and then said, “Come on, let’s see what my guinea pigs and monkeys look like.”

Soon, Liu Yuan came to the area dedicated to cultivating and detaining test samples. Inside the small transparent boxes, large, fat mice were sleeping lazily, and there were many beside them. All kinds of things they love to eat.

“It’s really fat~”

Liu Yuan took a look at these mice. Generally, the mice used are very small, the largest being one or two hundred grams. However, among the mice in front of them, one is huge and fat, and any one weighs several kilograms. Some mice even There are more than ten pounds, and it is not as cute as a guinea pig.

Coming to the monkey breeding area, in each room, the huge monkeys were eating their fill, feeling their stomachs where they were sleeping soundly.

These monkeys were also captured by robots sent by Seeds all over the world. Liu Yuan remembers that when they were just captured, they were all very thin and small. ear.

And originally these monkeys were very active and liked to run around and crawl around, but now, all of them are lazy, lying flat, their stomachs are bulging, but their mouths are still eating nonstop.

“Seed, did you give them any special medicine?”

“Otherwise, it’s only been a long time, being raised by you, and the fat ones are out of shape.”

Looking at these monkeys and rats, Liu Yuan also felt very strange, how fat they are, some fat people can’t see the monkey shadow, and even think it is a pig.

“Isn’t this to facilitate your experiments, so I added some drugs to their food that can strengthen and highlight the obesity gene, so they were cultivated like this without any effort.”

The seeds readily admitted their masterpiece.

“….All right.”

Liu Yuan was speechless all of a sudden. He worked hard to study diet pills and how to reduce the influence of obesity genes. It was better. He directly fed these mice and monkeys with drugs that enhanced and highlighted obesity genes. Fat.

“Seeds, from now on add the genetic diet pills I’ve developed to them.”

“It’s okay to gain weight, so I can just test my genetic weight loss products.”

A few days later.

“The effect seems to be very good~”

Liu Yuan carefully observed the mice and monkeys used in the experiment. It was found that the appetite of these mice and monkeys began to decrease greatly after taking the genetic weight-loss drug developed by myself. Originally, as long as the mice were fed, the mice began to eat desperately. As for those monkeys, it was one after another. snatch food.

However, now, after feeding the genetic weight-loss drug developed by myself, whether it is mice or monkeys, their appetite is greatly reduced. Even if they are fed their favorite food, it is difficult to lift their appetite and eat it every day. The amount is less than one-tenth of the original.

Except for not eating, the mice and monkeys used to be very comfortable. They basically slept when they were full, and ate when they woke up. However, now, they have become more active, and their exercise has begun to increase.

In addition, the metabolism of these mice and monkeys has also undergone tremendous changes. Originally, these mice and monkeys secreted too much insulin, which greatly promoted the synthesis of fat.

However, now, the insulin secreted by these mice and monkeys is greatly reduced, and fat is not easily synthesized. At the same time, thyroid function becomes active, fat metabolism becomes active, and fat decomposition is accelerated.

In just a few days, the mice and monkeys started to lose weight significantly.

“Generally speaking, it’s easier to fatten them.”


Hearing the seeds’ words, Liu Yuan was speechless.

As the saying goes, it is easy to lose weight by eating fat, but it is not easy to lose weight.

Even the use of genetic weight-loss drugs requires a step-by-step process, which Liu Yuan took into account when he was researching genetic weight-loss drugs.

Weight loss should be done gradually, slowly, and if you lose too much at once, it will easily hurt your body. Slowly lose weight. This is healthy weight loss.

It is still used on mice and monkeys. If it is used on humans, it needs to be more cautious.

Time passes day by day.

Liu Yuan comes to see these mice and monkeys every day.

After ten days.

“It’s alright now. I ate too much and got too fat at the beginning. Now I’ve lost weight all of a sudden. This stretched skin is ugly.”

Liu Yuan looked at a little monkey who had completely lost weight and couldn’t help but want to laugh.

In the past, this monkey was too fat to eat, but now it has lost weight all of a sudden. The skin on its body is like a Shar Pei, wrinkled together, and as it walks, it constantly dangles, which has a great impact. so that it tugs at these excess skins from time to time.

While ordering the machine to draw blood from experimental samples for testing, Liu Yuan also carefully observed the conditions of these mice and monkeys, as well as the many data from the test.

Compared to when they were obese, these slimmed down mice and monkeys were healthier one by one. Without the huge weight, they not only became more active, but also healthier.

Through the blood in the body and many substances secreted, it can be known that their physical condition is much better than before, and the effect of weight loss is gradually highlighted, but a lot of ugly skin is left.

“Have their genes been analyzed?”

Of course, because of genetic weight loss products, you can’t just look at these appearances. The key is to look at the genetic data of these experimental samples.

“It’s all out~”

“The genes for obesity are all suppressed, and as long as this continues, these samples will never get fat.”

Soon, the seeds passed a large amount of data directly into Liu Yuan’s mind, and Liu Yuan knew the genetic status of these experimental samples at once.

Genes are amazing things.

The genes of any species have been naturally evolved and sculpted over a long period of time, which has resulted in the creation of complex life systems in nature.

Gene is like a program in a computer. It determines what kind of work will be presented in the end. The modification and influence of the gene is equivalent to the modification of the computer program, and changes will occur naturally.

Of course, this kind of modification and influence needs to be very careful. Sometimes, you think that it is just a small modification, which is very likely to cause the collapse of the whole program, and the same is true for genes.

ps: Ask for collection. Ask for clicks, ask for tickets, all kinds of requests~

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