The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 351

Chapter 356 Tradition And Technology

“Although now, we haven’t found anything harmful to humans, but how long has it been?”

Liu Yuan smiled and nodded.

“Boss, our agricultural group is currently planning to start from two fields, one is the field of seeds, and the other is the field of space agriculture. As for the fields of fertilizers and pesticides, in our opinion, we do not need to enter them at all. ”

In short, the key things should still be in their own hands, and no one should choke their necks, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable.

“So we are going to collect and preserve them now, and we must also plant and expand these ancient varieties on a large scale. In the future, we will eat these oldest and original rice, wheat, corn, etc., so that safer.”

“The purpose of my establishment of Xinghai Agriculture must be clear to you. On the one hand, it is to study various advanced agricultural technology, especially biological gene technology.”


For example, life expectancy, such as using technical genes to improve people’s combat effectiveness or acquiring some special abilities, etc.

Of course, this type of civilization often develops towards a misunderstanding, that is, it involves transforming the genes of its own civilization.

Of course Liu Yuan hasn’t told them yet, this is to prepare for migration to other alien planets in the future.

“For our own safety, we can’t control anything else, but at least the food and vegetables eaten by all the employees of our group are as pure and natural as possible.”

“Rice, wheat, corn, soybeans, peanuts, etc., we use the ancient varieties that have been passed down since ancient times, and firmly hold this part of the property left by our ancestors in our own hands.”

“Another field is the field of hybrid seeds, such as hybrid rice, hybrid corn, etc. This field is mainly on our side, and our Guojia side has a very good foundation and strength.”

If you migrate to other alien planets in the future, if you don’t have your own seeds, this will definitely not work. Will you still have to import seeds from the earth?

Genetic technology must be researched, and no research will do.

When Ran Hao, Liu Zheng and others heard it, they all nodded. The reason is very simple and everyone understands it.

Because if your technology in this area is not good, it means that you have a shortcoming. In the cruel competition of the interstellar universe, once someone finds a shortcoming, it is very likely that you will take action from this aspect and easily kill you. .

It was nothing at first, but after a long time, the genes of your own race will be changed beyond recognition, and you will never be able to go back. Internal division. For example, some people’s genes are fused with bird genes, and they can grow wings to fly in the sky, while some people are fused with the genes of Meng beasts, becoming strong and bloodthirsty.

Liu Zheng also said very confidently that Xinghai Technology has already played quite well with genetic recombination technology, and genetic modification is really not difficult for them.

If the agricultural field wants to develop, the help of genetic technology must be indispensable. The scientific and technological development of modern agriculture is moving more and more towards the field of genetic technology.

Ningcheng Xinghai Science and Technology Research Institute, in Liu Yuan’s office, Ran Hao and Liu Zhengzheng, the heads of Xinghai Agricultural Science and Technology Group, brought the scientists of the Agricultural Science and Technology Group to Liu Yuan to report the development plan of the Agricultural Science and Technology Group.

The science and technology on earth is still only researching and using the foundation to improve agricultural output and quality, improve disease resistance, etc., and it is still a very primary genetic technology.

“Maybe it was because people at that time didn’t have much to eat, so it’s delicious to eat anything.”

Gene technology is developing into advanced fields, and what it explores is the ultimate meaning of life.

Wan Hanrui, the head of Xinghai Mining Group, was in the same group as Ran Hao and Liu Zheng, mainly in the fields of materials and metallurgy, so he also became the head of a large group company.

“The heart of harming others is indispensable, and the heart of preventing others is indispensable.”

As time goes by, they will inevitably drift away from each other, and then gradually split.

This is also an interesting tradition of Xinghai Technology, that is, the person in charge of a subsidiary group company is often engaged in scientific research.

“No one knows what the future will be like?”

“In the field of seeds, there are currently two major areas for the development of agricultural seeds around the world. One is the research in the field of transgenics, which is currently mainly concentrated on companies on the other side of the ocean, such as Mengshandu, which is the world’s largest producer of transgenic seeds. .”

Ran Hao is also very excited now. After a few years, he has finally become the head of a large subgroup. As a biotechnology researcher, Ran Hao is naturally quite outstanding in the field of biotechnology.

“Genetic technology is our strength. Mengshandu’s technology is just like a child’s technology in front of us.”

It can be said that one of the characteristics of Xinghai Technology is to put people engaged in scientific research in the management position, and the purpose is naturally to let the experts lead the experts.

When it comes to the research on seeds, he also spent a lot of time and energy in it, doing detailed research and striving to make some achievements and achievements in this regard.

In the past, I heard my grandfather talk about this matter, saying that in the past, rice seeds were kept by themselves, and the seeds were kept year after year, and there was no need to buy seeds at all.

For example, Tang Peng, Wang Chen, and Sun Zilong of the Aerospace Group, all of which were developed through scientific research.

But you must not take the wrong path. Once you take the wrong path, it will be over, and the entire civilization may be destroyed.

This time, Liu Yuan also promoted them again and put them in charge of the Agricultural Technology Group.

Liu Yuan looked at them and then talked about his plans again.

When Liu Zheng heard this, he thought about it and said quickly.

It is necessary to collect these basic seeds by yourself now, whether it is used to be more at ease, safer and healthier, or to prepare for the future.

“In addition to studying biological gene technology, the most important thing is of course to maintain some of our existing natural varieties. Natural things are relatively safer and healthier things.”

“We have mastered these technologies ourselves, so that we can be prepared and play an important role when necessary.”

Genetic technology must continue to be researched, especially in the field of agriculture. There is no good or bad technology. The key is to see how to use it.

This aspect has always been regarded as a taboo field. It is not allowed to experiment and study these genetic technologies on the human body, and even the study of human cloning is taboo and condemned.

“Yes, boss~”

“The rice we eat now is hybrid rice, the corn is genetically modified corn, and even the oil is genetically modified soybean and peanut oil.”

Ran Hao and Liu Zheng are also very young. They are only in their 20s. They are also the first researchers to enter Xinghai Technology. They became first-level scientists early, and now they have reached the level of third-level scientists. They are considered national treasures.

However, the yield of rice seeds kept by oneself is low, and the maximum amount of one mu of land is 500 catties, while the hybrid rice can be up to 1000 catties, so everyone gradually stopped keeping seeds by themselves.

In addition, after genetic modification and genetic recombination continue to become popular and popular in a civilization, the original genes will be lost, and eventually the genes of the entire civilization will be changed beyond recognition, and it is very likely that the most important things will be lost, such as The function of reproduction, and eventually the entire civilization gradually collapsed.

This type of civilization is actually quite terrifying, because many extremely powerful combat creatures can often be created, and some are even comparable to space battleships.

“Some effects may also be invisible and subtle.”

Each subsidiary group company has its own professional research institutes and research institutions. These are also the most important scientific research forces of Xinghai Technology, and they are not even worse than the Xinghai Research Institute under the direct leadership of Liu Yuan. There are also a lot of talents, and a large number of scientific research results can emerge every year.

But in the interstellar, there are many civilizations that mainly develop biotechnology and use biological gene technology to create powerful fighting creatures.

Not to mention Li Chun and Jiang Wannian of Xinghai Electronics, Xu Yunpeng and Zhou Tong of Virtual Technology Group are also scientists with a background in playing technology.

“I also heard my grandparents say this. They said that the rice at that time was more delicious and fragrant than the rice now. This hybrid rice tastes not as good as before, and the yield is much higher.”

“We get it.”

“Transgenic technology is completely free of difficulties and problems for us.”

Inheriting the seeds can also know that genetic technology is also a broad road, how can we do without researching genetic technology?

“The application of genetic technology to agriculture is naturally a direction and trend of future development, but whether genetic technology is really safe and whether it will mutagenize our human genes is also a topic worthy of exploration and research.”

Liu Yuan looked at the many managements of Xinghai Agricultural Group and said after thinking about it.

“This is also possible, but in the past, there were various kinds of rice with various flavors and tastes, but now they tend to be monotonous and unified.”

Genetic technology needs to be studied, but ancient grains, vegetable seeds and the like must also be preserved. These things are the foundation, the most primitive, the most natural, and the safest.

“It’s not easy to find these things now. Everyone basically buys seeds for farming, and no one keeps their own seeds. It is estimated that only those seed companies still retain the ancient original varieties, which can be continued from generation to generation. species.”

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