The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 352

Chapter 357 The Importance Of Space Agriculture

“Boss, this is some of our ideas about space farmland, please take a look.”

After discussing the matter of seeds and gene technology, Ran Hao and Liu Zheng sent Liu Yuan a conception and design of space farmland through a virtual machine.

“Well, I’ll take a look first.”

Liu Yuan nodded.

The development of agriculture in space is a trend, because it can make full use of the light and space in space, and can also stay away from pests and diseases, which is the key research field of Xinghai Agriculture in the future.

Researching how to farm in space.

The virtual machine worn by Liu Yuan soon received a document. The virtual world was created by Xinghai Technology. Xinghai Technology has a special virtual world for work, which is convenient for communication, work and confidentiality.

Many important things do not even have files, and are directly passed between the virtual worlds to ensure a high degree of security and confidentiality.

The space farmland structure designed by Ran Hao and Liu Zheng appeared in Liu Yuan’s mind.

The entire space farmland is actually somewhat similar to a large space city. First, build a core hub, and then rely on the core hub to continuously expand and continue, and finally form a large-area, multi-level, fully automated, and intelligent space farmland.

According to this design, the scale of a space farmland may not be very large, only 100 acres in size, but because it is in space, many layers can be designed, and the light in space is 24 hours, through the automatic calculation and adjustment of the computer, even if the agricultural planting area is designed with many layers, it can fully guarantee its demand for light.

If it is calculated, it may be that a space farmland with a design area of only 100 acres can be comparable to thousands of acres on the earth, or even tens of thousands of acres of land.

Because if crops are grown on earth, season is also a factor to consider.

Like rice planting, the further south you go, the more rice is grown. In some places, it can only be grown once a year, but in some places it can be grown twice a year or even three times a year. In Southeast Asia, it can be grown for two years. Seven cooked.

This is mainly because it has a lot to do with light and heat. It is impossible to grow rice in places where the temperature is too low.

However, if it is placed in space, the light and heat are sufficient, and the planting time of rice can be fully guaranteed. There is no season, that is, it can be planted and grown throughout the year, plus 24 hours of sufficient light, and unlimited Space.

The efficiency of this space farmland will be very high, far beyond what the farmland on the ground can compare to.

This is the biggest advantage of space agriculture, light, heat and space!

“This space farm is well designed.”

Liu Yuan read it carefully and expressed his appreciation.

Let’s talk about the development of space agriculture. In the past, it was only theoretical, and it was not possible at all, but the emergence of anti-gravity technology is different. The emergence of anti-gravity technology has greatly reduced the cost of going to and from space.

Massive materials can be transported into space at a very low cost on a large scale, and the cost of building space farmland can also be greatly reduced, laying the foundation for the development of space agriculture.

Without anti-gravity technology, many industries related to space cannot develop.

Moon mining, space agriculture, space industry, etc., these all require cheap technology to and from space to be realized and developed.

“Boss, I haven’t seriously understood space agriculture in the past. I feel that this is just a conceptual thing that was proposed casually, and it doesn’t make much sense.”

“However, after careful study by all of us, we think that your vision, boss, is really powerful. This space agriculture is really promising.”

When Ran Hao, Liu Zheng and others heard it, they immediately laughed, and then they began to talk to Liu Yuan about the prospect of space agriculture.


When Liu Yuan heard this, he immediately laughed.

Nonsense, space agriculture is the direction of civilization development.

After the parent-star civilization develops to the star-level civilization, the population often increases sharply, and it is obviously more and more stressful to feed an increasingly large population with land on a planet.

Therefore, it is necessary to find land outside, and the space in space is infinite, and the light and heat are infinite. The development of agriculture in space is something that almost all stellar civilizations will choose.

On the one hand, it can protect the environment of the parent star, and on the other hand, it can obtain more food to feed more population.

Population is also an important indicator to measure the development level of a civilization.

Not just quantity, but also the most important quality. How many scientists can emerge from a civilization determines the level of scientific research and scientific research strength of that civilization.

The more scientists there are, the more geniuses there are. Naturally, the level of scientific research and scientific and technological strength will not be much worse.

Conversely, if there are only a few scientists, how can the level of scientific research and scientific and technological strength be stronger?

The birth of scientists has a lot to do with education. Where the education level is high, the birth rate of scientists is naturally higher. For example, in regions where education is valued globally, more scientists and engineers are born.

The number of Jews is not large, but they attach great importance to education. There are so many scientists born. I don’t know how many Nobel Prize winners there are. This is a good example.

Conversely, in places where education is not valued, such as in Africa, where education is not valued and backward, there are very few scientists born, and the number is pitifully small.

Of course, with the development of civilization, education is generally valued. You value education, and I also value education, even when both sides are similar.

It is the population that determines the development speed and technological strength of a civilization.

In a country with a population of more than one billion, as long as education is emphasized, all kinds of talents will naturally emerge. Scientists, engineers, etc. will emerge like carps crossing the river.

But in a country with a population of only a few million, no matter how much you attach importance to education and how high the quality of education is, the number of scientists that can be born is limited.

Why are we able to develop so fast?

It’s not because we have a huge population and we also attach great importance to education. Every year we have tens of millions of college students going out of the society. Even if they all seem to be working for elementary school students, if it weren’t for them, many of our industries would not have developed at all.

Our industrial system is very complete, and almost all products can be produced by ourselves. This is our huge advantage, which other countries simply do not have. The basis of all this is our population and education. A large number of Talent can meet the needs of all walks of life.

So population is a very important thing.

Many times people only see that the population is increasing, the resources seem to be less, and the competition is increasing, and they complain that there are too many people, and that if there are only a few hundred million people in our country, what might happen, what will happen.

This is a typical thought that there are too many people when eating and too few people when working.

Did not see the importance and huge role of people.

Civilizations in the interstellar universe often have a population of trillions, occupying a large number of life planets. How many scientists do you think can be born in such a civilization with a huge population?

Maybe the total number of scientists born in one period is more than the number of people on your entire earth. The speed of this technology development is naturally far beyond your imagination.

Of course, a huge population means huge demand. If nothing else, at least people should be able to eat enough.

Therefore, space agriculture was born, making full use of the space and light and heat in space to increase agricultural production to meet the needs of an increasingly large population, and to get rid of the influence and restrictions of the parent planet on the development of civilization. Such a civilization It can be regarded as a civilization that has broken away from the parent star and has entered the stage of a stellar civilization.

Space agriculture plays an extremely important role in it, providing enough food to support the huge population.

With a huge population, coupled with a reasonable education system, a large number of scientists will inevitably be born, and some talented scientists will continue to emerge.

In this way, this civilization can continue to develop to a higher level under the leadership of talented scientists and the reasonable promotion of a large group of scientists, from a stellar civilization to a higher civilization.

This is a process that almost all powerful civilizations in the interstellar universe will experience in the development process.

Liu Yuan is well aware of this, and one reason why technology on Earth is now developing more and more slowly.

That’s why population growth is slowing down.

Of course, this population growth refers to the population growth of developed countries and regions. The population growth of the third world is still very fast, but although the population of the third world is growing, education cannot keep up.

Education in developed regions is very good, but population growth cannot keep up.

Whether it is in Europe and the United States or several countries in the East, the fertility rate of the population is basically very low, and the population growth is caught in a huge problem.

Life is getting better and better than before, but people are becoming more and more unwilling to have children. The consequences are very serious, that is, the population growth is slow, the number of talents will be less and less, and education will be more and more complicated, many The so-called emphasis on education at that time is actually to encourage the growth of the seedlings, rather than to truly follow a process of development and growth.

If it goes on like this for a long time, coupled with people’s pursuit of enjoyment, naturally, fewer scientists will be born. Often, the development of science and technology is a process of continuous accumulation. Continuous accumulation and continuous breakthrough.

To know the era of the explosion of knowledge, it is not easy to just learn and inherit the knowledge content of predecessors, let alone continue to move forward. Without enough talents, it is impossible to continue to make breakthroughs.

ps: What do you think?

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