The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 364

Chapter 369 Target Mars

Mars is the closest planet to the earth, and although the conditions on Mars are much worse than those of the earth, it is not suitable for the survival and continuation of life.

Jiang Peng is an astronaut and spaceship captain trained by Xinghai Technology. He used to be responsible for driving the Houyi for manned moon landing activities. This time, he was again appointed as the captain of Xingchen, responsible for the daily driving and operation of Xingchen. Work is an important member of this exploration of Mars.

“All systems are OK…”

Once out of the orbit of the earth, Jiang Peng calmly issued orders one by one.

So this time we need to bring as much supplies as possible to Mars.

This time, I took the initiative to invite Ying to go to Mars, mainly to explore extraterrestrial life.

Zheng Yuan nodded and ordered.

“Communication is normal~”

Being able to participate in the exploration of Mars and become a pioneer to the starry universe is definitely the lifelong pursuit of countless people, and now they are fortunate enough to be one of them.

Here in the control command room, the driving and control teams of the Xingchen are very busy. Items of data are continuously gathered here, appearing on a huge display, and the green lights are constantly on. Everyone is slightly nervous and excited. Because it means they are about to take off from Earth and head to Mars.

“The earth is the cradle of our human beings, but just like a child, after all, it has to grow up, to go outside, to face the wind and rain alone, we humans also have to leave the cradle of the earth and go to the vast universe of stars. roaming.”

The distance between Mars and the Earth is really too far, even the closest time is 55 million kilometers, and the farthest time is 400 million kilometers away.

“Although the distance between Mars and the Earth is only an insignificant distance compared to the vast universe, it can even be said to be standing still.”

“The hatch is closed~”

“Fuel refill is complete~”

“Set off!”


Jiang Peng, the captain of the Xingchen, came over and asked for instructions.

Taking firm steps, Zheng Yuan boarded the Xingchen and came to the control and command room. The entire control and command room was full of sci-fi colors. It was a huge hall with various instruments and displays, shining with light.

“Target, Mars!”

Zheng Yuan wanted to solve this mystery and to see if there was really life on Mars, so he took the initiative to ask Ying to go to Mars.

Following Liu Yuan’s order, Zheng Yuan, headed by him, walked out of the venue first and walked towards the Xingchen.

Zheng Yuan is a leader in the field of biological science research of Xinghai Science and Technology Research Institute, an authority and top scientist in the field of biotechnology, and is also a senior management of Xinghai Science and Technology Research Institute. The super coconut oil was developed by the team led by Zheng Yuan.

This time, I took the initiative to invite Ying to go to Mars, mainly to explore extraterrestrial life.

“Today, we will take this historic step, and your name will eventually be written into history. You are the pioneers of mankind’s exploration of the starry universe, the leaders, the pioneers, and the ordinary and great people. !”

Especially for a behemoth like Xingchen, it takes a very large amount of energy to increase its speed. This energy can be calculated according to Einstein’s mass-energy company e=c^2. Xingchen itself weighs more than 30. 10,000 tons, plus the full load of materials, its total weight exceeds 1 million tons.

A few years ago, benzene scientists announced the discovery of more than 20 amino acids on asteroids from the asteroid probe, proving the existence of extraterrestrial life.

Jiang Peng sat on his seat and ordered.

If this inference is true, then there will definitely be some traces left on Mars. As long as these traces can be found, it can prove the existence of extraterrestrial life, and it can also prove that Mars may have been a long time ago. A thriving planet.

“The engine is normal~”

Under the sunlight, the huge body cast a large shadow, but soon the shadow continued to shrink. Gradually, the figure of the star became smaller and smaller, and gradually turned into a small black spot. disappeared from sight.

Being able to participate in the exploration of Mars and become a pioneer to the starry universe is definitely the lifelong pursuit of countless people, and now they are fortunate enough to be one of them.

The flight crew responded in unison.

“Although the distance between Mars and the Earth is only an insignificant distance compared to the vast universe, it can even be said to be standing still.”

“Set off!”

A few years ago, benzene scientists announced the discovery of more than 20 amino acids on asteroids from the asteroid probe, proving the existence of extraterrestrial life.

The distance between Mars and the Earth is really too far, even the closest time is 55 million kilometers, and the farthest time is 400 million kilometers away.

Extraterrestrial life is something that scientists have been tirelessly exploring, because it is very likely to be related to the origin of life on Earth, and it is also related to the existence of other civilizations and intelligent creatures in the universe.

It caused a huge sensation at the time, because the existence of amino acids is related to life, and the discovery of amino acids means the discovery of life.

Such a long distance, even at the speed of the Xingchen, it will take a long time to complete a supply and round trip, so it is necessary to allow Mars to make full use of the resources of Mars itself.

“This time to Mars, this is the first time in our human history that we have truly left the earth and gone to the interstellar universe.”

“But for us humans, it is a great step, a historic step, and a crucial step for us to go to the sea of stars.”

Jiang Peng is an astronaut and spaceship captain trained by Xinghai Technology. He used to be responsible for driving the Houyi for manned moon landing activities. This time, he was again appointed as the captain of Xingchen, responsible for the daily driving and operation of Xingchen. Work is an important member of this exploration of Mars.

Soon, with the vibration of the Xingchen, the four anti-gravity engines on the spaceship started, and driven by the powerful power, the huge Xingchen, like a weightless feather, began to lift off slowly.

Using planetary gravity for acceleration is a very useful method.

“Full speed ahead!”

With such a huge mass and volume, it would not have been possible to send it into space without anti-gravity technology. It is precisely with anti-gravity technology that human beings can be considered free from the shackles of the earth’s gravity and can be free. Entering space is the beginning of the stage of stellar civilization.

Perhaps the origin of life on earth may be the result of the gradual development and reproduction of asteroids on the earth after carrying life into the earth.

“Today, we will take this historic step, and your name will eventually be written into history. You are the pioneers of mankind’s exploration of the starry universe, the leaders, the pioneers, and the ordinary and great people. !”

“Food, water, living supplies, etc. are replenished~”

Zheng Yuan nodded and ordered.

Especially for a behemoth like Xingchen, it takes a very large amount of energy to increase its speed. This energy can be calculated according to Einstein’s mass-energy company e=c^2. Xingchen itself weighs more than 30. 10,000 tons, plus the full load of materials, its total weight exceeds 1 million tons.

Extraterrestrial life is something that scientists have been tirelessly exploring, because it is very likely to be related to the origin of life on Earth, and it is also related to the existence of other civilizations and intelligent creatures in the universe.

“But for us humans, it is a great step, a historic step, and a crucial step for us to go to the sea of stars.”

“All systems are OK…”

The Xingchen is constantly flying around the earth, and the speed is getting faster and faster. The orbit is constantly adjusted and transformed. When the speed reaches a certain level, it will decisively break away from the earth’s gravity and fly towards Mars.

“Start the heavy rocket engine!”

Using planetary gravity for acceleration is a very useful method.

This trip to Mars is expected to take about half a year. While we will comprehensively investigate Mars, we will try to build a permanent Martian base on Mars, and we will also establish a simple industrial system on Mars to be able to Use Mars’ own resources to expand and develop the Mars base.

Starship’s application was quickly approved.

Here in the control command room, the driving and control teams of the Xingchen are very busy. Items of data are continuously gathered here, appearing on a huge display, and the green lights are constantly on. Everyone is slightly nervous and excited. Because it means they are about to take off from Earth and head to Mars.

Once out of the orbit of the earth, Jiang Peng calmly issued orders one by one.

“Well, let’s take off.”

Following Liu Yuan’s order, Zheng Yuan, headed by him, walked out of the venue first and walked towards the Xingchen.

“Command center, command center, the Xingchen applies for takeoff!”

Jiang Peng saluted and replied, and immediately gave the order to take off.

Working in Xinghai Technology, there is definitely no need to worry about life. The company’s salary is good enough, and there are house points. Everyone’s life can be said to be carefree, so the rest is to pursue the value of your life.

For example, an agricultural area can be established in the Mars base, and food, vegetables and fruits can be grown on Mars, and water can also be found on Mars, so that there is no need to transport water from the earth, and so on.

This trip to Mars is expected to take about half a year. While we will comprehensively investigate Mars, we will try to build a permanent Martian base on Mars, and we will also establish a simple industrial system on Mars to be able to Use Mars’ own resources to expand and develop the Mars base.

Liu Yuan’s voice was clearly transmitted to every corner of the venue, which made everyone who heard this voice couldn’t help but get excited, and their blood boiled.

“Mr. Zheng, it’s take-off time, you can take off.”


Because this can greatly save the fuel of the spacecraft.

Taking firm steps, Zheng Yuan boarded the Xingchen and came to the control and command room. The entire control and command room was full of sci-fi colors. It was a huge hall with various instruments and displays, shining with light.

Its mass is too large. If it relies on its own energy to promote acceleration, it needs to consume a lot of energy, so if it can save fuel, it is natural to save as much as possible.

With Zheng Yuan’s boarding, the relevant staff, astronauts, scientists, and engineers also quickly came to their respective positions, quietly waiting for the take-off of the Xingchen.

Liu Yuan’s voice was clearly transmitted to every corner of the venue, which made everyone who heard this voice couldn’t help but get excited, and their blood boiled.

“Well, let’s take off.”

Jiang Peng sat on his seat and ordered.

“Communication is normal~”

It is necessary to use the gravitational force of the earth to accelerate.

With Zheng Yuan’s boarding, the relevant staff, astronauts, scientists, and engineers also quickly came to their respective positions, quietly waiting for the take-off of the Xingchen.

Because this can greatly save the fuel of the spacecraft.

In just a few minutes, the Xingchen flew directly into space and began to fly around the earth, using the earth’s huge gravity to accelerate it.

At first, the speed was relatively slow, but gradually, it became faster and faster and flew higher and higher.

Soon, with the vibration of the Xingchen, the four anti-gravity engines on the spaceship started, and driven by the powerful power, the huge Xingchen, like a weightless feather, began to lift off slowly.

“Allow to take off, good wind!”

“take off!”

“Everyone is in place~”

Next to a huge conference room, Liu Yuan, Tang Peng, Li Chun, Wang Zichen and other senior management of Xinghai Technology and Xinghai Science Research Institute are holding a mobilization meeting, astronauts and so on.

“Full speed ahead!”

Zheng Yuan is a leader in the field of biological science research of Xinghai Science and Technology Research Institute, an authority and top scientist in the field of biotechnology, and is also a senior management of Xinghai Science and Technology Research Institute. The super coconut oil was developed by the team led by Zheng Yuan.

Mars is the closest planet to the earth, and although the conditions on Mars are much worse than those of the earth, it is not suitable for the survival and continuation of life.

Zheng Yuan’s identity and status naturally became the person in charge of the Xingchen this time, and he was solely responsible for this Mars expedition.

“Everyone is in place~”

However, some scientists once believed that after scientific speculation, Mars was very likely to be completely different many millions of years ago, and it was a planet with life like Earth.

“take off!”

Its mass is too large. If it relies on its own energy to promote acceleration, it needs to consume a lot of energy, so if it can save fuel, it is natural to save as much as possible.

Starship’s application was quickly approved.

Here in the Xinghai Aerospace Industrial Base, the huge spaceship Xingchen is parked on the huge open space. The huge hatches have all been opened, and cars are constantly transporting materials into the spaceship.

At first, the speed was relatively slow, but gradually, it became faster and faster and flew higher and higher.

The emergence of extraterrestrial life means that the earth is not the only planet in the universe where life exists, and it also means that the origin of life on earth may very likely be related to extraterrestrial life.

With the issuance of the order, the heavy-duty rocket engine installed on the Xingchen began to start, spraying out hot flames, the flames continuously elongated in the starry sky, and then formed beautiful tail flames, propelling the huge stars. The number continued to accelerate, faster and faster, towards Mars.

“Mr. Zheng, it’s take-off time, you can take off.”

“The engine is normal~”

It is necessary to use the gravitational force of the earth to accelerate.

Working in Xinghai Technology, there is definitely no need to worry about life. The company’s salary is good enough, and there are house points. Everyone’s life can be said to be carefree, so the rest is to pursue the value of your life.


The huge Xingchen is like a huge house. When the hatches are opened, huge warehouses are exposed, and cars transporting goods are as small in front of it, as if an ant is carrying things. It’s like entering a huge ant nest.

“Target, Mars!”

Jiang Peng saluted and replied, and immediately gave the order to take off.

“The earth is the cradle of our human beings, but just like a child, after all, it has to grow up, to go outside, to face the wind and rain alone, we humans also have to leave the cradle of the earth and go to the vast universe of stars. roaming.”

The flight crew responded in unison.

On this day, the wind was sunny and the sky was clear.

Under the sunlight, the huge body cast a large shadow, but soon the shadow continued to shrink. Gradually, the figure of the star became smaller and smaller, and gradually turned into a small black spot. disappeared from sight.

However, some scientists once believed that after scientific speculation, Mars was very likely to be completely different many millions of years ago, and it was a planet with life like Earth.

Perhaps the origin of life on earth may be the result of the gradual development and reproduction of asteroids on the earth after carrying life into the earth.

For example, an agricultural area can be established in the Mars base, and food, vegetables and fruits can be grown on Mars, and water can also be found on Mars, so that there is no need to transport water from the earth, and so on.

With such a huge mass and volume, it would not have been possible to send it into space without anti-gravity technology. It is precisely with anti-gravity technology that human beings can be considered free from the shackles of the earth’s gravity and can be free. Entering space is the beginning of the stage of stellar civilization.

With the issuance of the order, the heavy-duty rocket engine installed on the Xingchen began to start, spraying out hot flames, the flames continuously elongated in the starry sky, and then formed beautiful tail flames, propelling the huge stars. The number continued to accelerate, faster and faster, towards Mars. On this day, the wind was sunny and the sky was clear. Here in the Xinghai Aerospace Industrial Base, the huge spaceship Xingchen is parked on the huge open space. The huge hatches have all been opened, and cars are constantly transporting materials into the spaceship.

“Command center, command center, the Xingchen applies for takeoff!”

Such a long distance, even at the speed of the Xingchen, it will take a long time to complete a supply and round trip, so it is necessary to allow Mars to make full use of the resources of Mars itself.

In just a few minutes, the Xingchen flew directly into space and began to fly around the earth, using the earth’s huge gravity to accelerate it.


Zheng Yuan wanted to solve this mystery and to see if there was really life on Mars, so he took the initiative to ask Ying to go to Mars.

Zheng Yuan’s identity and status naturally became the person in charge of the Xingchen this time, and he was solely responsible for this Mars expedition.

Next to a huge conference room, Liu Yuan, Tang Peng, Li Chun, Wang Zichen and other senior management of Xinghai Technology and Xinghai Science Research Institute are holding a mobilization meeting, astronauts and so on.

It caused a huge sensation at the time, because the existence of amino acids is related to life, and the discovery of amino acids means the discovery of life.

“The hatch is closed~”

“Food, water, living supplies, etc. are replenished~”

The huge Xingchen is like a huge house. When the hatches are opened, huge warehouses are exposed, and cars transporting goods are as small in front of it, as if an ant is carrying things. It’s like entering a huge ant nest.

The Xingchen is constantly flying around the earth, and the speed is getting faster and faster. The orbit is constantly adjusted and transformed. When the speed reaches a certain level, it will decisively break away from the earth’s gravity and fly towards Mars.

“This time to Mars, this is the first time in our human history that we have truly left the earth and gone to the interstellar universe.”

“Allow to take off, good wind!”

“Fuel refill is complete~”

If this inference is true, then there will definitely be some traces left on Mars. As long as these traces can be found, it can prove the existence of extraterrestrial life, and it can also prove that Mars may have been a long time ago. A thriving planet.

Jiang Peng, the captain of the Xingchen, came over and asked for instructions.

“Start the heavy rocket engine!”

So this time we need to bring as much supplies as possible to Mars.

The emergence of extraterrestrial life means that the earth is not the only planet in the universe where life exists, and it also means that the origin of life on earth may very likely be related to extraterrestrial life.

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