The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 365

Chapter 370 Journey To The Starry Sky

“Sure enough, space is not suitable for the growth of animals. It has been like this for only two days. Whether it can persist to Mars is a problem.”

The stars are brightly lit, and everyone on board is busy.

Jiang Peng replied quickly, and then began to float away again.

Yuan Wenping looked outside and looked back at the direction of the earth through the window.

The earth has become a brighter spot, and it is estimated that in a day or two, it will be difficult to see the earth with the naked eye.

Bringing various animals to space for observation is also one of the research tasks of this trip to Mars. Even after arriving on Mars, these animals will be sent to the Mars base to see how these animals behave under the Martian gravity environment. Adapt to the situation, etc.

Zheng Yuan is carefully observing the condition of the animals carried on the spacecraft.

After Zheng Yuan’s careful observation, he also shook his head slightly.

The scientists on the Xingchen are also paying close attention to the condition of each member of the ship. There will be regular physical examinations to check the physical condition. This is also a research topic to study the changes of the human body in the deep space environment.

“All attention~all attention~”

If nothing else, it is not easy to go to the toilet on the spaceship, let alone other things.

“The universe is very big. At present, we know and know too little and too little. Maybe there is the existence of space life in the universe, but we haven’t encountered it yet.”

“Can we get some green plants or something, so that maybe they can be calmer?”

“Life in space?”

Although it was only 2 days, but because there is no gravity on the spacecraft, the mice, experimental monkeys, dogs, cats, pigs and other animals carried on the ship have been extremely restless and irritable.

Inside the biological laboratory on the spacecraft.

“Only when we reach the new continent will we discover the new world.”

Zheng Yuan thought about it and nodded.

“The speed of the spacecraft is almost reaching the predetermined speed. Are we shutting down the engine and entering inertial flight mode as planned?”

But after all, it is still very close to the earth. After it is really far away from the earth, the situation will be different.

If it is too fast, the fuel on the ship will be used up in advance, and it will be troublesome when it comes back. If the speed does not reach the predetermined speed, it is very likely that it will not be able to catch up with the earth.

If it weren’t for the spaceship shaking because of the heavy rocket engine and anti-gravity engine, you would all think that the engine was not turned on, why there was no movement at all.

Relying on inertia, the spacecraft is still moving towards Mars at a terrifying speed. As it gets farther and farther from the earth, Mars also begins to slowly appear in everyone’s field of vision.

“What’s the matter?”

“We are just frogs at the bottom of a well watching the sky, the starry sky and the universe that we can see are still very small, very small, and even this, we have only seen the situation of the earth. For the solar system, we know everything It’s not enough.” Zheng Yuan thought about it and shook his head, then looked at the vast starry universe outside and said, “Now the speed of the spacecraft has accelerated to more than 400,000 kilometers per hour, a terrifying speed of more than 100 kilometers per second.”

In the vast starry universe, a huge spaceship is advancing rapidly.

Jiang Peng solemnly asked for instructions, this matter is a very serious matter, because it is related to the safety of more than 1,000 people on the ship, so everything must be carried out in strict accordance with the formulated plan.

Zheng Yuan nodded after pondering for a while.

“I obviously feel that the state of the whole person seems to be a lot worse.”

In the absence of gravity, the communication on the Xingchen relies on floating, floating around. Fortunately, many designs on the spacecraft have also fully considered this, and there are handrails, ropes, etc. that can be leveraged everywhere for convenience. Everyone was floating around.

“You can try it.”

“But if you look at everything outside, you will feel that our spaceship seems to be stationary in the void universe, as if it is still standing still, without any change.”

If you want to conquer the starry sky and enter the interstellar universe, human beings must study these things. Only by studying them clearly can they better travel in the interstellar universe.

Zheng Yuan ordered without thinking.

So when you return to the earth, you have to catch up with the earth. If you use too much fuel now, you will not have enough fuel when you return, and if the speed cannot reach the predetermined speed, you may not be able to catch up with the earth. It will be very embarrassing.

“Not to mention these animals, even we humans are extremely uncomfortable in such an environment, and people tend to become irritable and restless.”

“This may be related to some substances secreted by the body. These secreted substances drive us to return to the original, familiar and adapted environment as soon as possible.”


But even so, there are still many, many inconveniences. There are too many, too many inconveniences in life, experiments, work, and so on. .

The rapid speed is obviously very fast, the fastest speed in human history. However, in the vast starry universe, it gives the impression that it seems to be standing still, and it always seems to be at one point. stay above.

Yuan Wenping looked at these experimental animals and said with a smile.

Next to Zheng Yuan, is also a genius scientist in the field of biology, Yuan Wenping, a top scientist at the Institute of Biological Sciences of Xinghai Science and Technology Research Institute, thought about it and suggested.

Both the earth and Mars revolve around the sun. The earth will not always stop in one place and wait for you to return. It is still advancing according to its own trajectory in the universe.

It has been 2 days since I set off, and it has left the earth for a full 25 million kilometers. This is the farthest distance from the earth that human beings have reached so far.

Soon, the engines on the spaceship stopped one after another, the heavy rocket engines that spewed flames were turned off, and the antigravity engines were also turned off.

“Mr. Zheng~”

“At this moment, we are like Columbus in the era of great voyages, navigating the boundless sea with difficulty. No matter what direction you look at, all you can see is the boundless sea.”

It’s only been two days since we set out, and the animals used in these experiments are already very restless and irritable. If this continues, maybe they will burp before they reach Mars, and then they will study a hammer.

“At the same time, other systems in our body are constantly changing to adapt to the new environment. For example, the changes in metabolism are very large, and the loss of bone calcium is related to this situation.”

Zheng Yuan’s eyes are full of anticipation, looking forward to one day to set foot on the starry sky, to see alien planets, alien civilizations, and to feel the prosperity and excitement of the starry sky.

“The spaceship is about to enter the deceleration stage, please stay in your place and fasten your seat belts!”

Of course, this situation was considered in advance, and the spacecraft carried enough fuel and spare energy.

“Yeah, the starry sky is really vast and boundless, and I don’t know what kind of world the other part of the starry sky will be like. It’s really exciting, looking forward to our ability to research the warp engine one day earlier. In this case, we will You can go to the interstellar universe.”

Human research in space is currently in its infancy, although there are many astronauts, scientists and the like conducting research in space stations and space cities on Earth.

Just as the two sighed again and again, Jiang Peng, the captain of the Xingchen, floated over.

“Everything went according to plan!”

“I don’t know if there is life in this interstellar universe that grew and evolved in the environment of space.”

Yuan Wenping also sighed.

It is very likely that the Xingchen will never return to the earth, and will continue to wander in the interstellar universe.

The speed of the spaceship is strictly set, it can’t be fast, and it can’t be slow.

“The universe is too big and too vast!”

Human beings have never survived and continued alone. The survival and development of human beings require a relatively complete ecosystem, and various animals and plants are indispensable.

At first, it was just a small red dot, and then gradually became bigger and clearer. By the seventh day, Mars could be seen very clearly, and the situation on Mars could be clearly seen.

Zheng Yuan looked at Jiang Peng and asked.

“This should be an instinct of living beings. This kind of situation occurs when a living organism enters an unfamiliar and unsuitable environment from a familiar adaptive environment.”

In the weightless environment, these animals are extremely uncomfortable, extremely irritable, restless, have irregular diet, chaotic work and rest, fight with each other, tear their own hair and so on.

In general, there are too many, too many discomforts, which make many people regret signing up for Mars, especially when they think that they may have to live and work in such an environment for the next six months. The emotions of the few people are a bit difficult to control, especially some women on the boat, they have more discomfort.

These do not seem to be very rare things, but they are of very important scientific significance.

The powerful heavy-duty rocket engine spewed out a long tail flame, which looked like a firefly against the dim starry sky, and continued to advance in the void like a comet with a long tail.

“From a genetic point of view, our genes themselves are not adapted to the environment in space. We are genes that have evolved in the environment of the earth and are genes that are adapted to the ecological environment of the earth.”

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