The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 366

Chapter 371 Arrive At Mars

In outer space on Mars, the Star is slowing down.

Zheng Yuan lay on his position, feeling the pressure brought by the deceleration of the spacecraft, but his eyes were looking at Mars outside the window.

Mars, the fourth-closest planet to the sun, is a terrestrial planet.

In ancient Europe, it was called Mars, the god of war in ancient Roman mythology, and it was also called the red planet. In our ancient times, because of its constant changes in position and brightness, we called it Yinghuo.

Confusion often means bad things. Whenever the ancient star officials saw Mars, they would think that something bad was going to happen.

In fact this is something without any scientific basis.

With the advancement of science and technology, people’s understanding of Mars is getting deeper and deeper, knowing that it is just an ordinary planet in the solar system, and there is not much special about it.

At this moment, it is very close to Mars, and everything on Mars can be clearly seen with the naked eye.

The atmosphere of Mars is much thinner than that of Earth, only 1% of the density of Earth’s atmosphere. It is very dry, with low temperature and large temperature difference.

Without the occlusion of the atmosphere, everything on Mars has been revealed to everyone’s eyes.

The red earth, the incomparably tall mountain, protruding extremely, as if to pierce directly into space, that is Mount Olympus, which is more than 20,000 meters high, nearly three times as high as Mount Everest.

There is also the longest and largest canyon in the solar system, with a length of 4,000 kilometers and a deepest 7 kilometers. This is the Mariner canyon on Mars.

There is also the vast and huge plain area in the northern part of Mars, which is extremely vast. Here, even the naked eye can see terrifying hurricanes raging. The hurricanes here can reach a terrifying level of more than 20, covering the sky and the sun. Here, everything was swept clean.

The southern part of Mars is an ancient plateau area, with undulating and uneven terrain, mountains, canyons, and huge craters and pits everywhere.

“Please note that Xingchen is about to be captured by the gravity of Mars, please prepare for it.”

The broadcast on the Xingchen pulled Zheng Yuan’s eyes back. With the sound of the broadcast, everyone on the ship was slightly nervous. Whether the Xingchen could be captured by the gravity of Mars is a very critical step.

With the huge mass of Xingchen, if it is not captured by the gravity of Mars, it will be troublesome, and it will take a lot of time and fuel to turn around in the starry sky.

But this kind of worry is obviously superfluous, because the speed of Xingchen has been reduced enough to be captured by the gravity of Mars. As Xingchen gets closer and closer to Mars, a gravitational pull pulls over and immediately captures Xingchen. , Under the action of the huge gravitational force, the Xingchen began to revolve around Mars and officially entered the orbit of Mars.

“Successfully entered Mars orbit!”

Soon, the broadcast sounded again, and everyone on the boat was secretly relieved.

“Unfortunately, Xinghai Technology is not allowed to study nuclear power. If the Xingchen is equipped with nuclear power, then there is no need to worry about the energy problem.”

Zheng Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and sighed secretly in his heart.

But soon he returned his energy to the Mars in front of him.

“Launch the satellite chain to build a Mars communication and positioning system!”

Jiang Peng kept his eyes calm and strictly followed the steps set out by the scientists.

Following his order, a hatch above the spacecraft opened, and satellites were quickly launched from the hatch like dumplings.

These satellites formed a long chain, and then began to rapidly change orbits in space, quickly covering the entire space of Mars, and a large amount of information began to be quickly transmitted to Xingchen.

The virtual machine that Zheng Yuan wears is connected to the network on the Xingchen in real time. With the spread and distribution of a large number of satellites, a space monitoring map of Mars is also quickly formed and played in Zheng Yuan’s mind.

Launching satellites was naturally a more troublesome thing in the past, and rockets were needed to send satellites into space.

But now launching satellites has become extremely simple. Under the anti-gravity technology, going to and from space has become very easy, and the launch of satellites has become extremely simple.

At the same time, the cost of launching, construction cost, etc. are also greatly reduced.

Xinghai Technology has its own global positioning and navigation communication system on this side of the earth, which not only provides accurate positioning and navigation communication for the people of its own company, but also provides services for many of the company’s products. For example, the positioning and navigation communication used by the global anti-gravity aircraft is provided by Xinghai Technology, and the positioning and communication of virtual machines are also provided by Xinghai Technology. M..

It is not difficult at all to develop such a global positioning and navigation system, and there is not much technical content. Satellites are now a bit of a one-time consumable.

Xingchen carries a large number of satellites. It will not only build a positioning, navigation and communication system covering the entire Mars here on Mars, but will also launch a large number of satellites to areas such as the asteroid belt and Jupiter.

Through the exploration of these satellites, Xinghai Technology can obtain a lot of first-hand information, and have an understanding of the asteroid belt, Jupiter, etc.

In fact, scientists from the Xinghai Institute of Science and Technology, as well as scientists from the National Academy of Sciences, are launching a large number of probes, satellites, and the like to various regions of the solar system.

The craziest among them is the Xinghai Science and Technology Research Institute, because Liu Yuan, the boss, is willing to have money and enough funds, so the Institute of Astronomical and Astronomical Sciences of the Xinghai Science Research Institute sends a large amount of money into the starry sky every year. probes and satellites.

In fact, these probes and satellites do not need much money to manufacture, and they are simple and easy to launch. In general, they cost a lot less than before, and they can be built desperately.

In addition, several large space telescopes have been built in the space, which are many times stronger than the previous Hubble. They are specially used to observe the situation in the interstellar universe, and to look for black holes and traces of alien civilizations.

Although the time is very short, with the support of these conditions, the Institute of Astronomical Sciences has also achieved a lot of breakthroughs and achievements, and has successively released a large number of shocking photos and information of the starry sky.

This time I came to Mars for the scientific expedition. Naturally, I was fully prepared. I brought a large number of satellites, probes, unmanned probes, anti-gravity probes, automatic robots, etc. with them.

At this moment, the Starlink satellites continue to spread in the outer space of Mars, and soon cover the entire Mars.

At the same time, the antigravity unmanned probes have also begun to be continuously launched to Mars, and began to enter Mars in advance to prepare for the next landing on Mars.

The probe continued to detect Mars, and all kinds of information quickly gathered to the Xingchen, which was also passed to the virtual machines of the scientists.

While looking at Mars, the scientists quickly analyzed the relevant data transmitted by the virtual machine in their minds, preparing for the next Mars scientific expedition.

On the Xingchen, scientists and engineers all started to get busy.

In the warehouse where the anti-gravity aircraft is placed, there are already astronauts and scientists preparing for it. They are waiting for Zheng Yuan’s order, and they can immediately fly the anti-gravity aircraft to Mars.


A large amount of information kept pouring into my mind, such as the mass, size, surface area of Mars, the mass of the two satellites, autobiography, revolution, temperature and topography of the Martian surface, etc. A large amount of information quickly gathered.

Scientific detection methods are not only accurate, but also very fast.

In a very short period of time, a lot of information about Mars was gathered here, and it was also launched back to Earth.

Here on Earth, scientists are also anxiously waiting, waiting for the news of Xingchen, and at the same time participating in the scientific expedition of Mars in real time.

As long as there are any major discoveries on the Mars side, scientists on the Earth side can also quickly analyze the relevant situation and give some corresponding judgments and suggestions.

“Mars’ atmosphere is too dense, only 1% of the density of our Earth’s atmosphere, and it’s all carbon dioxide, but huge areas of dry ice have been found in the north and south poles of Mars, and the bottom layer of these dry ice areas may very likely contain water. The presence.”

“The moons Phobos and Deimos of Mars are very small in mass, and they are still irregular in shape. Compared with the moon, they are far different. Immediately launch probes to explore Phobos and Deimos in detail in the past. Maybe these two There are still many precious resources on the planet.”

“The Olympus Mountain on Mars is really high, more than 20,000 meters. If it were placed on the earth, Mount Everest would be the younger brother of the younger brothers, which means that Mars itself has insufficient quality and insufficient gravity, so Such high mountains are formed, and also because there is no water on Mars, if it is covered by water like the earth, this height is not too high in terms of sea level.”

“These traces on Mars are similar to lakes and rivers. Maybe Mars was really full of water hundreds of millions of years ago, and there may be a lot of life.”

Scientists harvest a wealth of information and analyze it quickly.

At the same time, the hatch above the Xingchen slowly opened, and antigravity aircraft flew out of it continuously, flying straight towards Mars.

In these anti-gravity vehicles, there are teams of astronauts, scientists, and engineers who landed on Mars. They are going to land on Mars and go to Mars for exploration in person.

“Oh, Mars here we come.”

Inside the anti-gravity aircraft, the team members are very excited. They will be the first people to land on Mars. As for who is the first to land on Mars, it depends on who moves faster. some more.

PS: Studies have shown that Mars was a planet of life like Earth more than a billion years ago~

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