The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 367

Chapter 372 Exploration Of Mars

“Why is the sun blue?”

Xiongzhou was speechless, the blue sun was nothing but a fuss.

“It doesn’t make much sense. We are not officially organized this time, so we don’t even have a TV broadcast.”

“The current position is 23.23 degrees south latitude and 48.23 degrees east longitude.”

On the aircraft, the astronauts and scientists looked at the relevant data monitored by the monitors and acted quickly.

There are also teams going to deep craters on Mars. Scientists suspect that these deep craters may have been lakes. It is very likely that traces of life can be found here, or that some deep craters were formed by extraterrestrial meteorite impacts.

Because of the thin atmosphere of Mars, if the meteorite hits, the friction between the meteorite and the atmosphere is small, and it will not burn too much mass. Through these meteorites, the origin and evolution of the solar system can be better studied, or the origin of life can be explored.

“Don’t make a fuss, it’s rare.”

“It’s impossible to say that lakes and rivers are formed by just the water at the north and south poles of Mars.”

“After this, I went to an alien planet. Don’t make a fuss. You will be surprised. Blue sun, red sun, purple sun, cyan sun, etc. are all possible.”

“It’s only possible. In fact, if you want to transform Mars, it’s almost impossible, because the atmosphere on Mars is thin, the water content is too low, and it has no magnetic field to protect life on Mars. It’s not suitable at all. our human existence.”

Some people started to walk on the surface of Mars by driving an engineering rover to investigate the mineral resources on Mars. Some people started to collect samples of soil, rocks, etc.; some people used drilling machines to start drilling deep soil, rocks, etc. The samples are continuously collected, and at the same time, they are also recorded in detail, which is convenient for the scientists on the Xingchen to conduct analysis and research.

Not surprisingly, the north and south poles of Mars were the first to discover water, and there are still a lot of reserves. If a Mars base is established on Mars, these water resources can definitely be used, and the amount is sufficient.

“The traces of these lakes and rivers on Mars are enough to show that Mars once contained a lot of water resources, but where does all this water go now?”

At the same time, Zheng Yuan also issued a strict order. If Mars really has life, or primitive life that is invisible to the naked eye, ancient life, once it comes into contact with humans, it may become a deadly thing, and it will be dealt with at that time. would be very troublesome.

After hearing this, many scientists responded solemnly, and at the same time, they became more cautious. The exploration teams on Mars also quickly received orders and became more cautious.

“Mars is much farther from the sun than the earth and the moon, and the atmosphere of Mars is thin, so the temperature is relatively low, the farther away from the sun, the lower the temperature, if Neptune, Saturn, etc., the temperature is even lower already.”

As soon as Xiong Zhou heard it, he also looked at the sun in space, and immediately said.

Lu Kun and Xiong Zhou came to the cabin door and said with a smile.

“The reason why the sun we see is blue is mainly because the Martian atmosphere contains a lot of carbon dioxide, which absorbs the red light band in the sun’s light. At the same time, the Martian atmosphere contains a lot of smiling dust particles. It makes the sun look eerily blue.”

“The atmosphere is thin, only 1% of Earth’s, and it’s all carbon dioxide.”

Tao Xiaoyin looked at the two of them and said quickly.

After the rover landed on Mars, the various probes carried on the rover began to transmit a large amount of data and information back to the anti-gravity vehicle, and also to the Xingchen at the same time.

Soon, as Tao Xiaoyin set foot on the land of Mars, he left an imprint on it. This was the first time in human history to land on Mars, but it was a pity that there was no camera or recorder to record all this.

“Water is not the key now. The key is that since there is water on Mars, it is very likely that there are traces of the existence of life. After the notice, everyone must strictly implement the biological operation rules.”

Zheng Yuan was extremely busy in the laboratory, and all kinds of samples and information continued to gather here.

In the plateau area of the southern hemisphere of Mars, an anti-gravity aircraft descended from the sky and slowly moored in an open area.

Teams of teams that landed on Mars arrived at some special places on Mars. Some teams went to the north and south poles of Mars to conduct exploration here, drill the thick layer of dry ice, and find out whether there is water below the layer of dry ice, and whether there is any water in the water. existence of life.

Don’t think that there is no danger in the incomparable desolation on Mars. Maybe there is life on Mars that we can’t see, and these are often the most terrifying things.

“The moon’s daytime temperature is very high. I didn’t expect the temperature of this Mars to be so low.”

“I think it is very likely that after Mars lost its magnetic field, the atmosphere and water of Mars were all blown away by the solar wind over a long period of time.”

“Immediately notify the Mars landing team to go to the area of lakes and rivers for drilling. If you need to drill deeper, it is very likely that you can find the water hidden in the ground.”

The team quickly got busy.

“This possibility is not ruled out. If the earth is not protected by a magnetic field, the atmosphere and water on the earth will also be lost in a large amount, but there should still be a lot of water resources on Mars. Is this water hidden underground?”

“If the atmospheric density of Mars can reach the general density of Earth’s atmosphere, according to the current composition of the Martian atmosphere, the temperature of Mars can be increased by dozens of degrees, which is very suitable for the temperature of our human existence.”

The two chatted and quickly put on the space suit.

“I rely on~”

Scenes like this are constantly being staged on Mars.

If there was really a lot of life on Mars, it would definitely breed bacteria, viruses, etc. If it was buried deep in the ground and turned into ancient bacteria, viruses, etc., once it spreads, no one will know. What are the consequences.

Tao Xiaoyin shook his head slightly.

Xiong Zhou next to him said with a smile, he is a cosmic and astronomical scientist, and he has deep research in this area and knows more.

The discovery of water also makes scientists very excited. The presence of water means that there is a high possibility of life on Mars. Although this kind of life may be extremely primitive life, it is also life, and it is still a very happy thing. It is also a huge breakthrough and a major discovery.

“You mean that Mars can be transformed into a planet suitable for our human existence?”

A team went to Olympus, the highest mountain on Mars, to see if they could find some ancient things and traces here, and then analyze the history of Mars.

“In addition, not every planet’s sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The autobiography of some planets is opposite to that of our earth. The sun rises in the west and sets in the east, like Venus.”

“In fact, the temperature of this Mars is relatively moderate. Between minus 100 degrees and plus 10 degrees, most of the time the temperature difference is not large. This is also related to the high content of carbon dioxide in the Martian atmosphere.”

As the hatch slowly opened, an unmanned automated detection vehicle slowly drove out of it, and the probes on it turned around, looking at this strange world like a curious baby.

“Get ready to land on Mars!”

“I see, but I still think it’s weird. No matter how you look at the blue sun, it’s a little intimidating.” Lu Kun understood, but he still felt a little obedient.


A large number of samples are continuously collected, and various probes are also conducting a comprehensive exploration of Mars. All samples and information are quickly gathered here on the Xingchen, which makes the scientists on the Xingchen extremely busy. .


“Fruit mining of dry ice in the north and south poles of Mars meets the needs of establishing an agricultural production base on the side of Mars.”

Therefore, in this area, it must be controlled from the source. All samples must be strictly processed, and they cannot be randomly touched or exposed to the air of the Xingchen.

Tao Xiaoyin, the team leader here, has also finished dressing and is ready to land on Mars.

“The blue sun is nothing. If you go to the universe in the future, you may be able to see several suns on a planet. For example, the three-body star in the science fiction novel “Three-Body Problem” can be seen anywhere. Three suns.”

“The temperature is minus 20 degrees, and you need to wear warm equipment.”

Lu Kun also sighed while busy wearing a space suit. He is a scientist and has also received astronaut training. He has been to the moon and is now one of the first people to land on Mars.

There are also teams going to the depths of the deepest and longest Mariner canyon to see if they can find something special in the depths of this canyon. In places a few kilometers deep, the mud, rocks, etc. here are very likely to retain hundreds of millions. years, or even billions of years ago.

Soon, the hatch opened slowly, the light from the sun hit the face, and a red world appeared in everyone’s field of vision.

Looking at the blue sun hanging high in the sky, the whole person was stunned, as if something terrible had happened.

“Do you think we’ll be the first to land on Mars?”

“Okay, everyone get busy, collect samples, and arrange monitoring and detection equipment.”

When the team members heard it, they quickly replied.

Lu Kun looked at the sun and suddenly couldn’t help exclaiming.

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