The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 368

Chapter 373 Where Does Life Come From?

“The second reason is that because the core of Mars has cooled and lost its magnetic field, Mars has no protection of the magnetic field, and the solar wind erodes Mars extremely severely, taking away a large amount of atmosphere and water, making the atmosphere on Mars thin and water. fading away.”

There are remnants of rivers, lakes, and oceans left on Mars, which shows that there was once a large amount of liquid water on Mars, and it is also possible to find signs of water erosion from the surface of Mars. ..

“There are dozens of amino acids found in the remains of Martian lakes.”

“Of course, the cooling of the core of Mars is also very likely due to the impact of a huge asteroid. Under the huge impact, the energy of the core was released prematurely, allowing it to cool down prematurely.”

Soon, not surprisingly, a large number of amino acids were also found in the river ruins, which is enough to show that there used to be a lot of life on Mars.

“Could it be that all civilizations are similar to our Earth civilization, with limited technological level and unable to cross the starry sky universe, so even if there are a large number of civilizations in the universe, they are unable to contact and know each other.”

“It’s just that if life exists widely in the interstellar universe, where does life come from?”


Humans still know too little and too little about the history of the solar system.

Because in such an environment, it is very likely that life exists in liquid water.

Some people may ask, is history so important?

It’s just that no ancient fossils of life have been found on Mars. Of course, this may be because of the long time, and because Mars has cooled down, there is no plate movement, no earthquakes, etc., and it is difficult for ancient fossils to form and be formed. Save it.

Or, as everyone has always believed, the earth is the only living planet in the universe?

“It is also the reason why Mars has no plate motion, and there is a huge 20,000-meter-high Mount Olympus on Mars, which also makes Mars lose its own magnetic field.”

Why is the earth alone alive?

Zheng Yuan thought about it, and soon thought of a possibility, that is, the interstellar universe is too vast, and the technology has not developed to a certain level, and it is impossible to carry out interstellar routes at all.

“Not only is there a large amount of liquid water on Mars, but the density and thickness of the atmosphere on Mars are much higher than now, and the temperature on the surface of Mars should be tens of degrees higher than it is now. In such an environment, Mars is very likely It’s a living planet like Earth.”

“So Mars’s own core cools much faster than Earth’s, and the core isn’t under enough pressure, and it cools gradually after a period of time.”

What human beings know so far is still too little, too little.

“Examine the sample immediately.”

Some people sigh the magic and greatness of life.

How did it continue and multiply in such a harsh environment as Mars?

Or is it because our earth’s technology is too low-level, it is impossible to discover alien civilizations with advanced technology?

“This is enough to show that life should exist widely in the interstellar universe, the earth should never be the only life in the universe, and human civilization is definitely not the only intelligent life and civilization in the universe.”


There are not only simulated graphs, but also detailed analysis reports.

At the same time, it can also be shown that there used to be a large amount of liquid water on Mars. It is the existence of this liquid water that allowed a period of life to flourish on Mars. Maybe a long time ago, Mars was still the same as Earth. It is difficult to say that a planet with prosperous life has even evolved advanced species.

Zheng Yuan looked at the microorganisms he saw in the microscope. Just by looking at their appearance, he knew that these microorganisms were not the simplest single-celled organisms, but had evolved and developed to a certain degree of life.

At the same time, the existence of life was found in the north and south poles of Mars, and a large amount of amino acids were found all over Mars, which shows that Mars once had a lot of life and was a planet of life.

Gotta figure this out?

“The cooling of the inner core caused a large amount of water on the original surface to seep into the entire planet, which should be the main reason for the disappearance of Martian water.”


This is a map synthesized by computer. According to this map, it can be clearly seen that before the long years, Mars was a blue planet similar to the earth, and the northern hemisphere of Mars was covered by oceans. There are many rivers and lakes in the southern hemisphere, and it is a planet full of life.

“Unbelievable, there really is life in such a place.”

PS: Do you think there are alien civilizations in the universe?

Now not only have Martian life been discovered under the ice layers of the north and south poles, but even a large number of traces of life have been found in the remains of lakes. What does this mean?

This shows that life existed widely on Mars a long time ago.

“Amino acids were also found in river ruins.”

Why haven’t we discovered alien civilizations until now?

The answer is yes, history is of course important, and the origin and development of human beings are also very important. If you figure out all this, you will naturally know the origin and origin of human beings.

This is not necessarily the case. There are too many, too many things buried in the long river of history. It is difficult for future generations to know everything that happened in history, not to mention the origin of mankind. The text has no age, you know it must be like this?

“Mr. Zheng, this is a map of ancient Mars that I constructed based on the simulation of the rivers, lakes, and ocean relics found on Mars.”

“Continue to study and analyze these microorganisms and do a good job in protection.”

Judging from the current signs, life should exist widely in the universe. In this case, the existence of aliens and alien civilizations must be an inevitable result.

From current science, it must be a scientist’s, because genetics don’t lie. But is it the truth?

Some scientists shouted excitedly on the spot, and looked at these microorganisms carefully. There are still a lot of them, and the types are quite complete.

Zheng Yuan read it carefully, and the whole person was thinking.

This has to make people think carefully, where did this life on Mars come from?

As soon as Zheng Yuan heard this, he immediately became energized.

Does this speak science?

If there are amino acids, it means that there was once a large amount of life in this lake. Only life can produce amino acids, and nature cannot produce amino acids.

“Amino acids found in lake ruins?”

Liquid water was also found at the bottom of the dry ice layer at the north and south poles of Mars, because the dry ice layer is thick enough, and then there is a thick layer of ice, which has a good thermal insulation effect, and there is still liquid water at the bottom. the presence of water.

Of course, let alone the history of the earth and the solar system, even the history of mankind has not been thoroughly studied. According to genetics and the analysis of ancient human skeletons obtained from all over the world, it can be concluded that human beings originated in Africa?

This is not a random guess, but an inference based on the results of scientific research on Mars.

“There really is life!”

Soon, as the researcher placed the sample under the microscope, a large number of microorganisms appeared in everyone’s field of vision.

Such life should be on a planet like Earth, not on a planet like Mars, but now it has appeared on Mars, and it seems that they seem to be reproducing very well.

A scientist sent a message to Zheng Yuan.

No other planet?

Numerous scientists and researchers hurriedly replied in unison, and each continued to be busy again.

It stands to reason that in an environment like Mars, it is impossible for it to exist at all. However, there is not only life here on Mars, but it also seems to reproduce very well. The population and quantity of these microorganisms are quite good.

What scientists study is not only the origin of human beings, but also the origin of species on earth and the origin of life on earth.

“After we collected and analyzed data from various aspects, we think that many billion years ago, when the core of Mars hadn’t cooled yet.”

“Mr. Zheng, these samples are just obtained from the water layer under the dry ice layer in the Antarctic of Mars.”

This got scientists excited.

Zheng Yuan couldn’t think of a result, and after thinking about it, he also ordered.

It can even be said that little is known about the history of the earth, very little, and only some ancient fossils can be used to study the previous history of the earth.

Zheng Yuan was full of expectations.

With the scientific research on Mars, the understanding of Mars is getting deeper and deeper.

“Where did the life on Mars come from? How did it reproduce?”

“According to our analysis, the water on Mars is mainly due to two reasons, the first reason is the reason of Mars itself, because the diameter of Mars is only less than 7000 kilometers, the volume is only 15% of the earth, and the mass is only About 10% of the dead Earth.”

Is it because of the barrier of the vast starry sky, we are far apart from each other, so we cannot know each other’s existence?

“Just why haven’t we encountered any alien civilization until now?”

Research is continuing, and soon, new major discoveries have been made. A large number of amino acids have been found in the remains of suspected ancient lakes on Mars.

Therefore, Zheng Yuan also ordered it himself, and he had to find a way to get some samples.

“Mars is only the closest planet to the earth in the solar system. Life has been discovered in Dalian on this planet. In ancient times, it was still a planet of life.”

Zheng Yuan’s thoughts opened immediately, and a large amount of information poured into his mind.

This may have been a long time, a long time ago, so far back that it was calculated in billions of years, hundreds of millions of years ago, billions of years ago, or even billions of years ago.

There are too many, too many mysteries waiting to be revealed and discovered.

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