The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 369

Chapter 374 Magnetic Confinement Device

What is even more terrifying is the magnetic energy weapon. It is invisible and colorless, and it does not even have any fluctuations when it attacks. Only when it comes, you will find it powerful and terrifying, but it is too late. If the magnetic energy technology is developed to a higher level, the magnetic energy shield technology can also be developed, using the magnetic field to form a strong defense, and the magnetic energy attack and energy attack will not pose any threat to it at all. It is an extremely powerful technology. .

Even Liu Yuan has put the inheritance seeds under strict monitoring, and will take immediate and decisive measures if there are signs of leaks.

In order to achieve controllable nuclear fusion, scientists have also put forward many assumptions and ideas. There are two methods that are theoretically feasible. One is the laser confinement method, which uses a powerful laser to constrain the powerful energy generated during nuclear fusion. , but laser confinement has its own drawbacks, such as the inability of current technology to make lasers powerful enough to confine such enormous amounts of energy.

But nuclear fusion technology can not only be used to make weapons, its bigger role is to provide endless powerful energy.

There are many other technologies similar to this, and they are all technologies that can cause a huge shock to the entire human society. Liu Yuan has ordered a severe blockade. Very few people know about it, and they dare not leak the slightest rumor.

“The magnetic field is also. If we want to use the magnetic field to constrain the terrifying energy and high temperature generated by nuclear fusion, we must find a way to confine and concentrate the magnetic field. Only by constraining and concentrating it can it have a powerful effect. , enough to control the terrifying high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees.”

Liu Yuan looked at the hundreds of scientists and researchers sitting in the conference room in front of him, and also explained the technology and theories related to the inheritance of seeds.

“What’s the problem we’re having now?”

Therefore, the study of magnetic energy technology now is not only to study the controllable nuclear fusion technology, but also to prepare for the future.

Liu Yuan smiled and replied.

Liu Yuan looked at the busy people, and after thinking about it, he was going to go to the Laser Research Institute to see the ignition device.

The most critical point of this is that the terrifying high temperature generated by nuclear fusion can be as high as hundreds of millions of degrees. Under such terrifying high temperature, there is no material that can resist and control it, and everything will be directly turned into an ionic state.

Many times, in terms of scientific and technological research and breakthroughs, Liu Yuan did not directly bring out the technology, but pointed out the direction and put forward some theories, so that these scientists could study slowly by themselves.

And Xinghai Technology has been able to create a terrifying strong magnetic field of up to tens of thousands of Gauss, which shows how terrifying the technology of Xinghai Technology has developed in this regard.

ps: There is one more chapter~

In fact, it is not only the interstellar universe, but also on the earth. It has been the case since ancient times, and there has been no change from beginning to end.

Liu Yuan is explaining some theories and knowledge related to magnetic energy physics to many scientists and researchers.

Earth, in the Institute of Magnetic Energy Physics, Xinghai Science and Technology Research Institute.

But now, the situation is a bit special and the time is more urgent, so Liu Yuan has to come to the Institute of Magnetic Energy Physics often to give lectures and explanations to everyone, and do related research together with everyone.

, the rise of space technology

But even if it has reached the strength of tens of thousands of gauss, the magnetic field still cannot meet the requirements of scientists, and it cannot be used to control and constrain powerful energy.

“It’s not that the magnetic field we’ve created so far is too weak, it’s that the distribution of the magnetic field is too scattered, which limits its effect.”

“Boss, how to constrain the magnetic field?”

Now, the technologies announced and displayed by Xinghai Technology are only the tip of the iceberg. There are still a lot of technologies in Xinghai Technology that have not been displayed at all and have not been announced to the public.

“The problem we are encountering now is that the magnetic field is too dispersed. You can see that the entire magnetic field is distributed according to the strength of the magnetic field, the poles are the strongest, and the middle is the weakest.”

The most familiar application of nuclear fusion technology is the hydrogen bomb. The principle of the hydrogen bomb is the principle of nuclear fusion, which uses the powerful energy generated by nuclear fusion to achieve the effect of destroying local targets.

Someone thought about it and asked.

Because this also involves another level of technology, that is, constraining and concentrating the magnetic field, and only constraining and concentrating the magnetic field can produce magical changes.


When everyone heard it, they laughed in unison.

At present, the only technology that can provide powerful energy to the warp engine is the controllable nuclear fusion technology. Apart from that, no other technology can provide enough energy for the warp engine.

There are many difficulties and technologies that need to be overcome in order to develop warp engine technology, the most critical of which is controllable nuclear fusion technology.

To be honest, everyone has been with Liu Yuan for a long time, and naturally they will feel that Liu Yuan is omniscient and omnipotent.

At present, a lot of research results have been achieved, and now a magnetic field with a strength of tens of thousands of gauss has been produced, and a strong magnetic field of tens of thousands of gauss may not be known to many people.

Because whether it is in the field of magnetic energy physics or optics, or in many fields such as biology, chemistry, materials science, etc., there is no Liu Yuan who does not understand, no.

Now Xinghai Technology is on the cusp of the storm, but nothing can happen. Liu Yuan just wants to quickly research the warp engine, so that he can migrate to other planets as soon as possible, so that he is the best The sky is high and the bird is flying, and there is no need to be restrained any more.

The people at the Institute of Magnetic Energy Physics began to get busy again. With the direction pointed out by Liu Yuan, the speed of the research was fast and the progress was rapid, which made Liu Yuan very satisfied.

For example, in the field of biotechnology, the scientists of Xinghai Technology are currently researching technologies and drugs that can prolong human life, and have achieved good scientific and technological achievements.

The occurrence of nuclear fusion requires certain conditions. It needs a very high temperature to start the nuclear fusion reaction. The hydrogen bomb can explode because the hydrogen bomb is detonated with an atomic bomb, and the terrifying high temperature generated by the atomic bomb is used to ignite the raw materials for nuclear fusion. Eventually the hydrogen bomb exploded.

But controllable nuclear fusion obviously cannot be operated in this way, it needs to use an ignition device.

Earth’s magnetic field strength is only 0.3-0.8 Gauss, and the terrifying Jupiter’s magnetic field is only a few dozen Gauss.

“Then we need everyone to study together. I’m not a god, so I know everything.”

This is the same as sunlight. When thousands of sunlight are concentrated, the temperature that can be generated is very terrifying. It can easily reach hundreds of degrees, thousands of degrees, and even as long as there are enough concentrated beams, the temperature can reach the Everything is easy.

The second method is the method of magnetic confinement, which uses a strong magnetic field to constrain the power generated by nuclear fusion. This method is also the only feasible method at present, and it is also the method currently being researched and conquered by the Institute of Magnetic Energy Physics.

Magnetic energy weapons are extremely terrifying. Wherever they pass, everything containing iron and nickel will be completely destroyed by the powerful magnetic energy, and even trace iron elements in living organisms will be stripped cleanly.

Research on magnetic energy technology is now used to control nuclear fusion. In the future, it can also be used to develop magnetic energy weapons and magnetic energy defense technology. Coupled with energy technology, at least in the future, you can walk sideways in the Milky Way.

The nuclear fusion reaction process is difficult to control with current technology.

“It’s time to go to the Laser Research Institute to see the research on the ignition device.”

“It’s like the sun’s light. When the countless lights are scattered, it doesn’t seem to be anything special, but when we use a mirror to focus a large number of light beams to one point, it will produce a terrifying high temperature and instantly ignite everything.”

In the interstellar universe, wars between civilizations are very frequent. If you do not master powerful technological weapons, you will often be bullied badly, or even directly destroyed by others.

The energy generated by nuclear fusion is very powerful and terrifying. The sun is a super-large nuclear fusion planet. It is no longer carrying out terrifying nuclear fusion all the time, releasing an infinite amount of energy.

The same principle applies to the magnetic field. The scattered magnetic field is nothing, and even people can’t detect it, but when the magnetic field is bound together, it is different.

The so-called ignition device refers to the device that ignites nuclear fusion.

If the magnetic confinement device is manufactured, the controllable nuclear fusion technology is just around the corner, the core and key problems are solved, and other problems are nothing to Xinghai Science and Technology Research Institute.

In the interstellar universe, some civilizations specialize in the study of magnetic energy. When the technology develops to a certain level, they can create terrifying magnetic energy weapons.

This is a very scary technology. Once it leaks the slightest bit of wind, Xinghai Technology will really be finished. The rich and powerful people in the world will not let Xinghai Technology go, because everyone wants to have more A long lifespan, instead of watching yourself grow old slowly, can only be buried in the soil in the end.

According to the data obtained in the laboratory, the current researched drugs can extend the human lifespan to 300 years, which is almost four times the average human lifespan today.

This is the real interstellar universe written by countless cosmic civilizations with their own bloody history, the interstellar universe, it is not a warm treat for dinner, making friends, but a cruel predator, and the truth is only within the range of cannons.

He seems to have stood at the forefront of all disciplines. He is an incompetent and omniscient genius. He can always come up with things and theories that everyone can’t think of, and guide the technology of Xinghai Science and Technology Research Institute to develop rapidly at an unimaginable speed.

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