The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 419

Chapter 424 Lively Mars

Here in the Xinghai Aerospace Industrial Base on Earth, two huge spaceships stand quietly on the huge open space, and the huge hatches have been opened, revealing huge cabins.

I saw that large transport vehicles were constantly transporting materials to the spacecraft, and the robotic arms on the universe were also very busy, constantly cooperating with loading and unloading goods.

Although the development of spaceship technology has only just begun a few years, the technology has become more and more mature, gradually breaking away from the early immaturity, and the design is more beautiful and round, and it is also more and more practical.

One of the biggest features is the extensive use of robotic arms. Each spacecraft has a large number of robotic arms. All of these robotic arms can be connected using virtual machines, and controlled and operated through virtual machines.

The use of robotic arms has greatly increased the efficiency of work, especially in space. The role of robotic arms is very large, flexible and changeable, and the robotic arms that can be controlled in the spacecraft have gradually been excavated to undertake almost all tasks. space mission.

Of course, Xinghai Technology also has specially researched space robots. These robots are also controlled by virtual machines, equipped with anti-gravity engines, etc., and undertake a large number of space work tasks.

In the huge cabin, there are also mechanical arms that quickly organize these materials in an orderly manner, and soon the two spacecraft will set off for Mars.

Since Liu Yuan decided to place a series of space factories such as space factories, spacecraft factories, and asteroid smelting factories on Mars, the entire huge Xinghai technology has been running at high speed.

Spaceships are constantly sent to Mars with a large amount of materials and personnel. Almost every week, there will be a spacecraft going to Mars, and there will also be spacecraft returning from Mars.

Tens of thousands of scientists, engineers, astronauts, researchers, workers, etc. all went to Mars one after another, and began the mighty construction of Mars.

To build space factories, spacecraft factories, asteroid smelting factories, mine asteroids, build more Mars bases, etc. here on Mars.

With such a huge plan, now Xinghai Technology can afford it and has enough funds. The key is that Xinghai Technology has enough large and medium-sized spaceships that can be used to travel back and forth between Mars and Earth.

Only Xinghai Technology has so many scientists and engineers who can draw out such a huge project on Mars, and it can even be said that it has a taste of directly immigrating to Mars.

“Strive to build the warp spaceship in about a year and a half by the end of next year.”

Liu Yuan is seeing Zhou Yu and Sun Zilong off. There are thousands of people going to Mars this time, and the two huge spaceships are carrying a lot of materials, equipment, and instruments that are urgently needed on Mars.

“Yes, boss.”

As soon as the two heard it, they quickly replied in unison, and then they walked outside without looking back.

Soon, the hatches of the two huge spaceships began to slowly close, and then they began to fly upwards like a fluttering feather, and the speed became faster and faster.

It flew into space in just a few minutes, circled the earth’s orbit a few times, and flew straight towards Mars after gaining a good initial velocity.

Sun Zilong sat in a position by the window, lying on the space chair, feeling the back push brought by the acceleration of the spacecraft, but his eyes were looking at the earth.

In the vast starry universe, the blue earth is so beautiful, standing quietly in the void like a sapphire.

Now I have to leave the earth and go to Mars. According to the plan, I may have to stay on Mars for three months before I can have time to return to the earth to rest for a while.

After the rest, it is still necessary to go to Mars again until the task assigned by the boss is completed.

After the construction of the warp-speed spacecraft is completed, it may be necessary to take the warp-speed spacecraft to explore unexpected places in the solar system, and in the future, it will also take this spacecraft to leave the earth.

Thinking of this, a trace of hesitation flashed in Sun Zilong’s heart.

Isn’t it uncomfortable to live on earth?

Had to run out and mess around.

Following your own boss, can you really rise in the interstellar universe in the future?

Such thoughts just flashed by, and Sun Zilong quickly shook his head to firm up his choices and ideals in his heart.

As my boss said, people on earth are too greedy for enjoyment. Under the control of capital, consumerism and hedonism are prevalent. If people continue to follow the normal development process, people on earth may not be able to enter the space age for thousands of years.

However, Xinghai Technology is different.

His boss seems to be on the hook, always leading everyone to overcome one difficulty after another, constantly rising and making breakthroughs.

Sun Zilong firmly believes that in the future, only by following his boss can he truly fly in the vast starry universe and lead a great civilization to rise in the starry universe. “I don’t know what the civilization in the universe will be like?”

With such thoughts, Sun Zilong fell asleep.

The journey between Earth and Mars is long, and it took the two spacecraft to fly for several days before reaching the orbit of Mars.

This is also because the two spacecraft are the latest technology of Xinghai Technology. The power system used is the second-generation anti-gravity engine. Compared with the first-generation anti-gravity engine, the power is stronger and the speed is faster.

With the current distance between the Earth and the Moon, if it is to use the Xingchen to go back and forth, it may take more than 20 days to travel, and the distance between the Earth and Mars is now constantly expanding.

“Finally arrived at Mars!”

Arriving at the orbit of Mars, everyone on the spacecraft was slightly excited.

For most people, it is not the first time to go to space. The employees of Xinghai Technology almost have to receive some training and training from space astronauts, and at the same time need to learn some related knowledge. Every year I go to space to exercise.

But leaving the earth and going to another planet is the first time for most people, and it is very new.

Sun Zilong and Zhou Yu are no exception. Although the moon has been there, the moon is only a satellite of the earth, and Mars is a planet of the same level as the earth.

“Mars is at least a little more colorful than the moon.”

Looking at Mars floating in space outside the window, Zhou Yu said with a smile.

It’s really, really stuffy and desolate on the moon.

At least this Mars has atmosphere and color, and it is not too desolate.

“This Mars is quite lively now.”

Sun Zilong looked at the outer space of Mars, and saw some things being built in the outer space of Mars at a glance.

A huge space city, this space city is huge in scale, and has a gravity generation device. The structure looks more like a two-sided city, which is hugely different from a traditional space city.

It can be clearly seen that there are many green areas in this space city. This is an agricultural area, where a large number of crops are planted, showing a strong green color.

The dome of the space city is made of special tempered glass, which can filter out the rays and radiation from the universe, as well as the ultraviolet rays in the sunlight, so as to provide protection for the people and crops in the space city.

The space city in front of you is no longer comparable to the space city on the earth side. It is full of science fiction, just like the space city in science fiction movies.

It can be clearly seen that the space city is still busy, most of the areas have not been built, and now only a foundation and framework have been built, and it can be seen that a large number of engineers, scientists, and workers are busy, Continuously improve and expand this space city.

In addition to the space city, you can also see a huge space solar power station. Although it is not as large as the space solar power station on the earth, its huge area is still very eye-catching. Continuous power generation.

Then, through the latest wireless power transmission technology developed by Xinghai Technology, the energy is transmitted to the space city in space, and the space smelting factory and the space spacecraft factory that can only see one frame are being built here. Send energy to a base on Mars.

Small spaceships and private anti-gravity vehicles are flying around in space, appearing to be extremely busy. You can also see that there are a large number of mechanical arms on these huge space buildings that are constantly busy. in an orderly manner.

It can also be seen from space that there are small spaceships and anti-gravity vehicles constantly going back and forth between Mars and space. Following the direction they fly, the base on Mars can soon be found.

Seen from space, a little green can be seen in a red world.

Pick up the telescope and take a closer look, you will find that this is the Mars base. On this huge base, there is an agricultural area designed. The agricultural area is protected by a dome, and special tempered glass is used for protection. A large number of crops, and some areas have built football fields, basketball courts, and recreational areas.

“I really have to admire the power of technology!”

“On a desolate planet far away from the earth, it can become so lively.”

“I think we can even immigrate directly to Mars and continue on this Mars.”

Sun Zilong couldn’t help but sigh, the power of technology is really great, such a desolate planet can become lively.


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