The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 420

Chapter 425 The Power Of Technology

Mars 1 base.

“Haha, finally waiting for you!”

Looking at the grandsons Long and Zhou Yu who had just arrived, Wang Wei opened his arms happily.

“Go, go~”

“Did you take a shower on Mars?”

Sun Zilong simply pushed Wang Wei away and said with a look of disgust.

“Haha, yes, yes.”

Zhou Yu immediately laughed happily.

“Just kidding, if we can’t solve small problems like taking a bath, we still think about the sea of stars?”

Wang Wei was speechless when he heard it, and said, “Come on, brother, I will show you and visit our Mars No. 1 base, which is also the most complete base at present.”

“It’s not really that different from living here and on Earth.”

Speaking of which, Wang Wei took Zhou Yu and Sun Zilong to visit the Mars 1 base.

From now on, the three of them will be in charge of Mars, and will be in charge of all matters on Mars. Zhou Yu will be responsible for the construction of the warp engine, Sun Zilong will be responsible for the construction and operation of the spacecraft factory and the smelting factory, and Wang Wei will be responsible for all things. To be responsible, but also to be responsible for the construction of the controllable nuclear fusion reactor to provide powerful power for the warp spacecraft.

So Wang Wei wanted to show the two of them around, and at the same time there were a lot of things that needed to be explained.

“All the water resources on our side of Mars are mined from the north and south poles of Mars. Fortunately, there is a lot of water resources on the side of Mars, so we can arbitrarily build such a huge base on the side of Mars. , Come out of the space city.”

“If there is no water on Mars and it needs to be transported from the earth, this water resource alone will be a huge headache. Hydropower is essential for industry.”

Wang Wei took the two to the control center of the Mars 1 base, which is the core hub of the Mars 1 base and can control all areas in the entire base.

The virtual machine was connected to the central computer of Base No. 1. With the movement of Wang Wei’s thoughts, a picture was immediately played on the huge monitor.

This is a huge shallow cistern buried in the ground.

“This is the reservoir of our No. 1 base, which can also be said to be a water supply factory. It was excavated directly on a flat ground in this mountain.”

“Every day we have a special water-carrying spacecraft to go to the south pole of Mars to extract the dry ice layer of the south pole of Mars.

“The water here on Mars cannot be used directly, because it also contains a large number of Martian microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, etc., so the first thing we need to do is to use the sun’s ultraviolet rays for a long time to irradiate it to destroy most of it. of microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, etc.”

“Then enter the distillation and filtration environment, obtain clean pure water through distillation and filtration, and after our inspection, eliminate some of the gas contained in it, and repeat several times of distillation and filtration, we can get Completely assured pure water.”

Wang Wei introduced the whole process in detail, and then said very proudly: “The water resources of our No. 1 base are absolutely sufficient. It saves a lot of water resources.”

“Here, we also have a swimming pool. You can try swimming on Mars, which is quite good.”

“And a swimming pool?”

“When I came, I was prepared to work hard. I was prepared to not take a bath for ten days and a half months. I didn’t expect to have such a luxurious swimming pool.”

When Zhou Yu heard this, he immediately laughed happily.

When I was at the moon base, it was a bad day. Almost all of them were hiding in the dark underground base. After a long time, it was impossible to distinguish between day and night.

More importantly, the water resources on the lunar base are very scarce. Because the moon has no water, all the water resources need to be transported from the earth, which greatly occupies the transportation volume of the spacecraft between the earth and the moon.

Even Xinghai Technology, which has always been extravagant, has to use water resources carefully at the lunar base. As for the lunar mining bases of other companies, water is incomparably saved.

Save as much as you can. People who work in these bases often don’t take a bath for ten days and a half months, so that there is a special smell in these bases, and they have to use a lot of perfume. .

No way, water resources are really scarce and very expensive. To transport water from the earth to the moon, the cost of a bottle of mineral water is dozens of dollars. Other companies are not as extravagant as Xinghai Technology. Taking care of the employees here, the expenses that can be saved are saved as much as possible.

“If there is no water on Mars, I estimate that it may take us ten days and a half to take a bath.”

Wang Wei laughed. He had also been to Mars Base, and it was very depressing to stay in that kind of place for a long time.

“This is the agricultural area and the open air area inside our base.”

“We erected this huge dome directly between a grand canyon, and thanks to the presence of anti-gravity aircraft, we were able to do this easily.”

As soon as Wang Wei’s thoughts moved, the picture on the monitor in front of him changed again, and a picture of a long, huge canyon appeared.

This grand canyon is several kilometers long and several hundred meters wide, but it is not deep, with an average depth of only more than 30 meters.

I saw that the top of this canyon was covered with special tempered glass, which isolated the canyon from the outside time, and there was a desolate Mars outside.

The canyon is full of vitality and lively scene.

There are a lot of crops planted in it, and even a variety of fruit trees and green plants can be seen, forming a world full of vitality.

You can also see a large number of employees strolling, relaxing and exercising leisurely in it. Obviously, this is everyone’s favorite area.

“How about the vegetables and fruits grown on Mars?”

Sun Zilong looked at the vegetables and fruits in the picture, thought about it and asked.

“It’s not much different from the earth, you can taste it slowly in the future.”

Wang Wei said with a smile.

“This is the industrial area of Base No. 1. At present, it is possible to smelt and process steel, but the output is still unsatisfactory. The main reason is that it is not convenient to mine iron ore on Mars. There are often super large ones on Mars. Hurricanes are a huge threat.”

“So next, the first thing we have to do is to go to asteroids to mine asteroids. Now many projects are lacking in steel. If we expect to ship from the earth, the cost is too high, and now the company’s spacecraft is very expensive. tight.”

The screen switches again and switches to the industrial area of Base 1. The industrial area is set up in the area outside the mountain, and spaceships are constantly transporting iron ore mined on Mars to smelt steel.

Steel is the main building material on this side of Mars.

Whether it is a space city in space, a space factory or a base on Mars, steel is used in large quantities to build, mainly because steel is the easiest material to smelt and build, and various processing technologies are also very advanced. Mature.

On Mars, iron ore for smelting steel can also be easily found.

However, relying on traditional steel smelting technology, the output is very limited, which cannot meet the needs of Mars, and still needs to be transported from Earth in large quantities.

“It’s unbelievable. In such a short period of time, we have built such a huge base on Mars, as well as a space city, a space factory, etc. in space.”

Zhou Yu looked at it carefully, and couldn’t help but sigh; “Thinking back to when I was still in school a few years ago, I couldn’t even dream that I could come to Mars one day, and be able to have such a thing on Mars. Huge base.”

“This is the power of technology!”

“From the moment we mastered anti-gravity technology, we have had the foundation and capabilities to enter the interstellar space age.”

“Efficient, safe, and anti-gravity transportation of food prices can allow us to travel to and from every region in the solar system, and can directly transport a large amount of materials.”

“Either our base or the space city in space, in fact, it is basically designed and built on the earth side, and then all the parts and components are transported by spacecraft and directly on Mars. Just assemble it.”

“So this is why we can quickly build a large base on Mars and build a space city. The main reason is that we have powerful spaceships that can transport massive amounts of materials. , a lot of things are shipped to Mars, and they can be assembled directly.”

“If you really have to start everything from scratch and slowly produce and develop yourself, this Mars base can’t be built until you know the year of the monkey and the horse.”

Wang Wei smiled and nodded, human beings have truly entered the interstellar space age, but now everyone is still habitually dependent on the earth.

PS: Ask for a ticket. various requests~


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