The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 424

Chapter 429 Quantum Communication Technology

Earth, Xinghai Science and Technology Research Institute.

Liu Yuan came to the Quantum Research Institute of Xinghai Science and Technology Research Institute to see the research situation of quantum communication technology.

This trip to Mars also made Liu Yuan feel that he must get quantum communication technology out as soon as possible.

The distance between Mars and the Earth is now only over 100 million kilometers. However, the information exchange between the two planets is extremely slow. Relying on electromagnetic communication technology, it takes several minutes for one-way information exchange. slow.

Moreover, the electromagnetic communication between the interstellar universes will also be weakened. There is not much feeling at short distances, but the electromagnetic signals will be weakened particularly severely and severely in the distance.

This is very inconvenient for the information exchange between Mars and Earth.

In the future, we will have to rely on warp spacecraft to fly to places outside the solar system, and the distance will be even farther. Traditional communication technologies simply cannot meet future communication needs.

Therefore, it is necessary to develop a technology that can communicate in real time over long distances.

This kind of technology and theory has been put forward by scientists a long time ago, and that is quantum communication technology.

Quantum communication is a new communication method that uses quantum superposition and entanglement effects to transmit information.

Based on the characteristics of quantum entanglement and superposition, quantum communication also has many characteristics. First of all, quantum communication is an absolutely safe and absolutely reliable communication technology. It is a communication that cannot be easily stolen like electromagnetic communication technology.

It cannot be stolen at all, so it is absolutely safe and reliable.

At the same time, it also has the characteristics of ultra-high communication efficiency and speed.

According to the power in quantum mechanics, quantum has an entangled state, which refers to a superposition state of a multi-particle system or multi-degree-of-freedom system that cannot be expressed as a direct product.

To put it simply, the so-called “quantum entanglement” refers to the phenomenon that no matter how far the two particles are, the change of one particle will affect the other particle, that is, no matter how far apart the two particles are, fundamentally they are still the same. correlational.

For example, a spin-free particle splits into two particles whose spins must be opposite, but until their spins are observed, they are random, and the observation of one particle instantaneously affects the other.

Scientists believe that this is a “magical power” that Einstein could not explain, dubbing it “distant ghostly behavior”, which can become the basis for quantum computers with supercomputing capabilities and “foolproof” quantum security systems. Base.

This is the principle of quantum communication technology and quantum computer.

To put it simply, it is to take advantage of the property of quantum influences on each other, and this influence is not limited by distance.

For example, two particles A and B, one on Earth and one on Mars, exert an influence on A, then B will also produce corresponding changes, and this change will not be affected by distance.

The change between the two happens at the same time, and has nothing to do with the spatial distance. It only has to do with the entangled state between the quantum itself.

This also means that if quantum communication technology is researched, this powerful communication technology can have the powerful ability of ultra-long-distance real-time communication.

No matter how far the two parties are together, they can communicate in real time through quantum communication technology.

The theory of quantum communication has been proposed for a long time, and scientists on earth have also carried out active research on it very early, and even researched quantum communication satellites, and the research on quantum technology has reached a certain level. .

Scientists have put forward two concepts and theories of quantum computer and quantum communication, and many countries and research institutions have conducted in-depth research on quantum technology, and achieved some good results.

For example, the team in our country has established a 3-node chain optical quantum telephone network, realizing quantum language communication for the first time on earth.

However, before it really moves from the laboratory to the practical field, it still faces several difficulties.

First, in order to perform teleportation of quantum states over long distances, the two places of communication must have the maximum quantum entanglement state at the same time. However, due to the influence of environmental noise, the quality of the quantum entangled state will become worse and worse as the transmission distance increases. Therefore, how to purify high-quality quantum entangled states is an important topic in quantum communication research.

The second is how to realize the relay and forwarding of quantum signals and achieve satisfactory long-distance communication effects. So far, the scientific community has not achieved complete success in terms of light sources, channel nodes and receivers. The required security requirements are not guaranteed and may be eavesdropped. How to conduct offensive and defensive tests and security upgrades for the actual quantum key distribution system is a Difficulties in operation and maintenance. The third is that there are loopholes in the key storage and forwarding of the relay node, which may become a security risk point for the entire system. How to solve the serious problems such as the entangled state being too sensitive to the channel length jitter and the bit error rate increasing too fast with the channel length is also a problem. Headache.

In general, this is a powerful technology that scientists believe is absolutely safe, absolutely fast, and at the same time has a powerful technology that ignores the existence of communication technology and is suitable for communication in the future interstellar universe.

But at present, it only exists in the laboratories of scientists, and has not really been used in real life.

Of course, judging from the current development of the earth, it is completely useless to use such advanced technology as quantum technology.

For communication on the earth, electromagnetic communication technology is enough, and there is no problem with optical fiber communication, and the entire earth can be turned into a whole.

As for the application of quantum technology to the computer field, at present, it seems that it does not have much significance and effect. The current computer technology on the earth can already meet the needs of people, and only the scientific research field needs more powerful computers.

But for Xinghai Technology, it is no longer enough.

Communication between Mars and Earth has become a problem, and now we rely on the construction of large-scale electromagnetic communication transmitting and receiving base stations in the outer space of Earth and Mars to solve this problem and meet the communication needs between Earth and Mars.

However, when going to the earth outside the solar system in the future, when the distance between the two parties is calculated by light, the traditional communication technology can no longer meet the demand.

You must know that even the speed of light is a long distance calculated in years. Once this is gone, the communication with the earth is basically completely cut off.

There is no doubt that this is clearly not possible.

In the future, I will take a large number of people to other planets, but I don’t mean to completely cut off the relationship with the earth. Everyone has relatives and friends, and it is impossible for them to all go, and they often have to communicate with each other. ..

In addition, at the beginning, it must still be necessary to transport a large amount of materials from the earth, and it is also necessary to absorb a certain population from the earth. Only when the population reaches a certain foundation can we talk about establishing a civilization. Otherwise, The problem of population growth alone is a very troublesome problem.

Liu Yuan estimates that for a long time, it is impossible to break away from the connection with the earth side, and it needs to use a lot of resources on the earth side to support its own development.

Of course, the most important thing is to use the population.

Liu Yuan knew from the seeds of inheritance that any of the powerful civilizations in the interstellar universe possessed an extremely vast starry sky territory, a large number of life planets, and an incomparably huge population.

The population of the earth is still calculated in billions, and the population of civilizations in the interstellar universe is casually calculated in trillions and Beijing. One trillion is equal to 1 trillion, and 1 Beijing is equal to 10,000 trillion.

You can imagine what a huge population this is, and how many talents can be born in it. Only with an extremely large population can enough scientists be born, and technology can continue to develop to a higher level.

Similarly, only with a large population can it have a strong power.

With a population of billions on the earth, it may take several years or ten years to build a powerful space fleet, but for the powerful civilizations in the interstellar universe, they can build a branch in minutes. A powerful fleet comes out, coupled with a huge population.

The strength of the entire civilization is extremely powerful, and it can be more durable and powerful in competition and war with other civilizations, thereby laying the foundation for its own civilization.

The reason is very simple. Just like World War II, when small European countries faced the army of the Communist Party, they announced their surrender almost every minute. Only the polar bear has a vast territory, a large population and rich resources. Killed millions of troops.

They can also quickly form an army of millions or tens of millions. They have enough willfulness, so they can continue to fight until the opponent is exhausted and it is time for them to counterattack. .

Just like us, with a vast land, abundant resources, and a large population, we can persist in the war of resistance for eight years. Even if half of the country is occupied, there is still half of the country that can continue to fight, until the two sides have fallen into a stalemate, and have been fought until the subsequent victory.

This is the advantage of a big country, as well as the advantage of population and vast territory.

The civilizations in the interstellar universe are deeply aware of this, so they all attach importance to fertility and education. The population and territory of each civilization are extremely large, and their strength is extremely powerful, and naturally they can stand firm.

Once the population of a civilization begins to decrease, and people are reluctant to have children, then the civilization begins to lose its vitality, lose its future and hope, and wait for it to slowly weaken and gradually decline.

And this is happening in many parts of the world.

PS: Ask for tickets, all kinds of requests~

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